Weekly newsletter 10/2017

Help by donating blood this week! The #LuovutusAalto campaign is under way, register your association now! /en/blog/2017/03/02/luovutusaalto-blood-donation-challenge-for-ayys-associations/


The association information can be found in the association newsletter. Read it at /en/associations/association-newsletter


  1. Happening this week and next week
  2. #LuovutusAalto – Blood donation challenge for AYY’s associations!
  3. AYY is searching for a housing secretary
  4. Train as a Security Officer, AYY pays for the costs!
  5. Apply for the AYY Acknowledgement Working Group
  6. Join the Wappuareena organized by Jäynä!
  7. Suggest program for Otaniemi Free Space
  8. Apply to Aalto Strategy Case Competition by March 12th!
  9. Tenured professors’ installation lectures
  10. Piste Anniversary Ball is looking for committee members
  11. Become a founding member of Rotaract Espoo
  12. Sign up for the EBEC Engineering Competition
  13. Chamber choir ”Dissonanssi” searching for new members!
  14. Silent Music: UMO & KYN
  15. Music to support the Common Responsibility Campaign
  16. TEDxTurku is looking for inspirational speakers
  17. BEST summer courses 2017
  18. Volunteer abroad and challenge yourself with AIESEC


1. Happening this week and next week

Week 10

7.3. Taiji beginners course /blog/events/taiji-alkeiskurssi-7/

7.3. Jäynäsauna

8.3. Ristin kilta: Benjamin Sandell – how to lead like Jesus /blog/events/ristin-kilta-benjamin-sandell-kuinka-johtaa-kuten-jeesus/

10.3. BEST Military Cantus /blog/events/best-military-cantus/

12.3. Cheerleading course starts https://goo.gl/forms/DHTXneJNgeeOOlln2


Week 11

13.03. Ristin kilta: Peter Payne: “The Strong Promises of Prayer” /blog/events/ristin-kilta-peter-payne-the-strong-promises-of-prayer/

14.03. Teekkarispeksi 2017: Viimeinen sinfonia (”The Last Symphony”) PREMIERE /blog/events/teekkarispeksi-2017-viimeinen-sinfonia-ensi-ilta/

15.03. Ristin kilta: Spring cleaning /blog/events/ristin-kilta-kevatsiivous/


2. #LuovutusAalto – Blood donation challenge for AYY’s associations!

Help by donating blood! AYY challenges all its associations to participate! Nearly a thousand voluntary blood donors are needed in Finland every weekday to make sure that about 50,000 seriously ill patients receive the treatment they need every year. Put your blood into circulation and donate now!

During the campaign, from the 1st of March to the 30th of April 2017, the associations that have donated the most blood, both quantitatively and in percentage terms in relation to their number of members, are awarded the use of one of AYY’s sauna facilities of their own choosing for one night.

Instructions on how to participate and more information can be found at /en/blog/2017/03/02/luovutusaalto-blood-donation-challenge-for-ayys-associations and on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/1937651676466068/. You can and should test whether you are suitable as a donor at www.sovinkoluovuttajaksi.fi.

#LuovutusAalto #VeriRyhmä


3. AYY is searching for a housing secretary

The AYY member and housing services team is looking for a housing secretary. The secretary helps customers in a variety of issues related to housing and handles tasks related to rental and customer service. If necessary, the secretary will also participate in the production and development of other AYY member services and related communications. Free-form applications with résumés must be submitted no later than Monday, the 20th of March 2017 at 12:00 to rekrytointi (at) ayy.fi.

Read more about the job and the application process at AYY’s website: /ylioppilaskunta/avoimet-tyopaikat/ayy-hakee-asuntosihteeria/


4. Train as a Security Officer, AYY pays for the costs!

AYY is organizing a Security Officer course as intensive training from the 24th to the 28th of March 2017. The course is free if you commit to working as a Security Officer in four (4) AYY events by the end of 2018.

The course has 20 slots and it’s organized at AYY premises in Otaniemi and Vaasankatu. The signup opens on the 27th of February at 12:00 and closes on the 12th of March at 23:59 or when the course is full. The course will be held in Finnish.

More info and signup: https://lomake.ayy.fi/vapaaehtoiset/kouluttaudu-jarjestyksenvalvojaksi/


5. Apply for the AYY Acknowledgement Working Group

Do you want to have a say on who should be awarded a Student Union badge of merit? The Acknowledgement Working Group is tasked with calling for applications for recipients of the Student Union badges of merit, processing the applications and drawing up a proposal of the recipients of the badges of merit for the Board.

The Acknowledgement Working Group is chaired by Petteri Heliste, and the Secretary General acts as the secretary of the working group. If the Secretary General is unable to attend, the Administrative Manager will act as the secretary of the working group.

The Acknowledgement Working Group selected now decides on the recipients of the badges of merit in 2017.

The Acknowledgement Working Group is looking for motivated members with different backgrounds. The members of the working group must be members of AYY.

The search is open until Monday, the 13th of March 2017, until 12:00.


6. Join the Wappuareena organized by Jäynä!

Jäynäkilpailu is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year, and we want to celebrate it by boosting the Wappu spirit! We want to provide a fantastic place at the heart of the campus for all the magnificent events organized by the Aalto community to celebrate Wappu. That is why we are building the Wappu Arena at the Alvarin aukio square this Wappu!

The Wappu Arena will act as the hottest meeting point in Otaniemi and the most desired platform for events during the week before Wappu, from the 21st until the 30th of April. We at Jäynäkilpailu will provide associations with amazing surroundings that they can use to take their Wappu celebrations to the next level!

Interested? Read more about the project and the reservation system at wappuareena.jayna.fi.

Don’t forget the Jäynäsauna on the 7th of March! https://www.facebook.com/events/982588838507755/


7. Suggest program for Otaniemi Free Space

The Otaniemi Free space is a student-driven, communal, cultural and experimental platform in Otaniemi at the former ADD LAB space during April and May. The idea is to create a place to meet people, co-operate, get excited, experiment and do events, workshops, projects, art shows and performance art.

Otaniemi Free Space welcomes all Aalto students, student associations, Otaniemi-folk and other people interested in cultural activities to come together and plan and suggest program!

Check it out: https://www.facebook.com/ofreespace/


8. Apply to Aalto Strategy Case Competition by March 12th!

The Fifth Aalto Strategy Case Competition (ASCC) will be held on April 20th & 21st this year at the Aalto Design Factory. The competition is an excellent opportunity to challenge your case-solving skills and to network with the ASCC corporate partners! The winning team will receive a unique prize: an opportunity to meet and network with top consultants from BCG at a private dinner offered by them!

When: April 20th & 21st 2017

Where: Aalto Design Factory

How to apply: Form a team of four and fill out the application form on https://ascc.fi

Application deadline: March 12th, 2017

Please note that the application process is highly competitive. There will be a preliminary assignment sent to all applicants after the deadline, March 12th. Teams need to return their solutions within five days and only the top 16 teams will be selected for the competition. The admission decisions will be announced by the 26th of March.

Check out https://ascc.fi for more information and like the ASCC Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/AaltoSCC to stay tuned! If you have any questions, please send an email to ascc@aalto.fi


9. Tenured professors’ installation lectures

Aalto University celebrates its tenured professors with popular lectures by the new tenure track professors of Associate or Full level.

You are welcome to come and listen to the lectures on Wednesday, the 15th or March 2017 at 14:00, at Otakaari 1 M (halls U4, U5 and U6).

All lectures will be held in English and are open for everyone: professors, students, faculty, staff, and the public.

The multidisciplinary lectures will be followed by a reception hosted by Tuula Teeri, the President of Aalto University. Welcome!

More information: https://into.aalto.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=24326806


10. Piste Anniversary Ball is looking for committee members

This year Piste is celebrating its 10th anniversary. We are commemorating this milestone by organising the Piste 10th Anniversary Ball. In order to make sure that this event is remembered for the next 10 years, we are looking for motivated and responsible people to form the Piste 10th Anniversary Ball Committee.

This is a great opportunity to enrich your CV with extracurricular activities, get even management experience and expand you network.

Interested? Then use the link below and apply before March 13th.

Get more information and apply: https://docs.google.com/a/kyweb.fi/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCOyOb4IMiqnjRJxrQ5FdpM0a8TG6b_iu1pQms6bmEdVPHdw/viewform


11. Become a founding member of Rotaract Espoo

Do you want to be part of an international community? Rotaract is an organization for young adults who are willing to give their time and expertise for the community. Rotaract aims to promote the internationalisation of its members and to develop them as professionals in their own fields and as future leaders.

Rotaract is expanding its operations to the Helsinki metropolitan area with the establishment of a club in Espoo, and we would love to see you join us as a founding member. Find out more at: https://www.rotary.org/en/get-involved/rotaract-clubs

Sign up by the 31st of March 2017 to Maria Sipilä, Past President, Kanta-Espoo Rotary Club ma_sipila@yahoo.com


12. Sign up for the EBEC Engineering Competition

European BEST Engineering Competition EBEC is Europe’s biggest engineering competition. It consists of three levels: local, regional and Europe-wide finals. The competition, which is for Aalto University students, will be held on Friday, the 24th of March at Design Factory, and the winner will join the Nordic regional competition held in Lund. This year, the main sponsor of the event is YIT, which is the biggest constructor of housing in Finland and also one of the largest builders of infrastructure and business premises.

The winning team will be awarded magnificently, and they will also receive a free trip to Lund for the Nordic EBEC competition. The event is completely free, all participants are offered a hot meal and an afterparty will be held after the competition. The contest format will be published at the start of the competition.

Registration is now open at: https://besthelsinki.fi/ebec17/

More information also on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/384699571888493/


13. Chamber choir ”Dissonanssi” searching for new members!

Are you an enthusiastic singer? Would you like to sing in a choir? The chamber choir ”Dissonanssi” is looking for new members, especially male singers!

Our small mixed choir is easily approachable and there are no strict auditions to fear. We are happy with even a small amount of experience about choir singing or a generally good singing voice. We practice on Tuesdays at the machine technology club room from 18 to 20, and you are free to participate the training session to observe as well.

If you are interested, fill up the form: https://bit.ly/dissonanssi and we’ll contact you within a week.


14. Silent Music: UMO & KYN

UMO will once again organize music for the silent week. The orchestra has performed on Good Friday for almost 20 years with a special Silent Music theme. This year, the series of concerts gets a new twist when the 16-man UMO is joined at the Mikael Agricola church by KYN, one of the leading female choirs in Finland. KYN has been a pioneer in combining choir and jazz elements and various instruments.

The concert will be held on the 14th of April 2017 at 18:00, at the Mikael Agricola church (Tehtaankatu 23, Helsinki). The duration of the concert is approximately 75 minutes, and the doors are opened at 17:15.

Tickets from members of the choir: Regular price 20.00€ / Pensioners 15.00€ / Students, children, unemployed, conscripts 10.00€

From Ticketmaster and at the door: Regular price 22.50€ / Pensioners 17.50€ / Students, children, unemployed, conscripts 11.00€

Read more: https://www.facebook.com/events/336103996783281/


15. Music to support the Common Responsibility Campaign

The ”Musiikki tekee hyvää”  mini festival at the Otaniemi campus is held once again in support of the Common Responsibility Campaign. The concert is organized by the Espoo Parishes’ student work. The concert will be held at the atmospheric Otaniemi Chapel (Jämeräntaival 8, 02150 Espoo) and is free of charge. The handout fee is voluntary and the proceeds from it are donated to the Common Responsibility Campaign.

Saturday, the 11th of March at 18:00: “Laulun hurmiossa” concert with male soloists from the Polytech Choir: http://www.polyteknikkojenkuoro.fi/
Sunday, the 12th of March at 17:00: “Kamarimusiikin helmiä” concert with chamber music ensembles from the Polytech Orchestra: https://www.polyteknikkojenorkesteri.fi/konsertit/
More information at the Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1324126967653536/


16. TEDxTurku is looking for inspirational speakers

TEDxTurku is now seeking for inspirational speakers. The event will take place on the 17th of November 2017.

Call is open for speakers with mind-blowing messages or thought-provoking ideas! TEDx Talk is a showcase for speakers presenting great, well-formed ideas in under 18 minutes. Our theme this year is “Not Stereotypes”.

We are seeking speakers from various fields and disciplines: thought leaders, visionaries, scientists, artists, inventors. TEDx event is not a platform solely for professional speakers, such as motivational speakers or professional life coaches. Our purpose is to give a platform to those who don’t often have one. We are looking ideas that will excite, inspire and embolden us.

Read more and send us an application by 10th of March, via this link: http://tedxturku.com/call-for-speakers


17. BEST summer courses 2017

Nuclear power in Sweden? Architecture of music festivals in Romania? VR game design in Ukraine?

The applications for BEST international summer courses have been opened: 53 courses await you all around Europe. The courses cost MAX. 45€, including accommodation, meals and refreshments. Apply by the 19th of March!

Check out the list of courses at https://best.eu.org/courses/list.jsp  and APPLY! You can also contact us via Telegram chat: https://t.me/BESTHelsinki


18. Volunteer abroad and challenge yourself with AIESEC

Want to spend your summer exploring new cultures, developing your leadership skills or just doing something outside your comfort zone? This summer, you could promote environmental awareness in Peru, encourage youth entrepreneurship in Indonesia or participate in any projects that are related to one or more of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals!

Join AIESEC Global Volunteer and explore thousands of 6 to 12 week volunteering projects. Our volunteering experiences empower you to develop yourself while making a positive impact in the world.

More info and signup link: http://opportunities.aiesec.org/.

For any queries, contact ha2.nguyen@aiesec.net

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