Weekly newsletter 11/2017

The municipal election hullabaloo has started this week – remember to show your support, vote and influence! #AYYvotes

Remember also to donate blood and compete with other associations! #Luovutusaalto

The association information can be found in the association newsletter. Read it at /en/associations/association-newsletter


  1. Apply for AYY’s Central Election Committee 2017!
  2. The second application round of the TTE-fund in 2017 is open!
  3. Competition for associations – the most internationalised will be rewarded!
  4. Welcome to discuss and share ideas in AYY’s workhop about internationalizing education!
  5. Sports tutors wanted!
  6. Group activities at FSHS
  7. Allwell? student wellbeing questionnaire’s open info sessions for students
  8. Survey for higher education students and alumni with disabilities
  9. Energy revolution seminar
  10. Applications open for Aalto Garden’s plots and board
  11. LAN-Party at Tieto HQ
  12. Join the Tyttösitsi committee!
  13. Vuorimieskilta’s Vujukuntoon project
  14. Catch! Come play Finnish baseball with us
  15. Skiing day
  16. American football home games are coming up
  17. Join the AIESEC:n Global Volunteer -programme
  18. Kavitaatio’17!
  19. Sharpen your language skills at Café Lingua
  20. MPIDEA-competition continues
  21. Aino Magazine now avaliable on campus


Week 11

13.3. Ristin kilta: Peter Payne: “The Strong Promises of Prayer” /blog/events/ristin-kilta-peter-payne-the-strong-promises-of-prayer/ /blog/events/ristin-kilta-peter-payne-the-strong-promises-of-prayer/

14.3. Teekkarispeksi 2017: Viimeinen sinfonia (”The Last Symphony”) PREMIERE /blog/events/teekkarispeksi-2017-viimeinen-sinfonia-ensi-ilta/

15.3. Ristin kilta: Spring cleaning /blog/events/ristin-kilta-kevatsiivous/

18.3. League of Legends Tournament Series – Kick off! /blog/events/league-of-legends-tournament-series-kick-off/


Week 12

20.3. Teekkarispeksi 2017: Viimeinen sinfonia (”The Last Symphony”) /blog/events/teekkarispeksi-2017-viimeinen-sinfonia/

21.3. Teekkarispeksi 2017: Viimeinen sinfonia (”The Last Symphony”) /blog/events/teekkarispeksi-2017-viimeinen-sinfonia/

22.3 Ristin kilta: “Guild members speak” night /blog/events/ristin-kilta-kiltalaiset-puhuvat-ilta/


1. Apply for AYY’s Central Election Committee 2017!

Are you interested in making AYY’s next Representative Council elections the best so far?

The call for applications for the Central Election Committee of AYY is now open. The Central Election Committee is at the heart of the elections and decides on polling and advance polling stations, establishes the election committees, checks the candidacy notifications and agreements on electoral alliances and coalitions, performs the vote count audit and supervises the general order in the elections, among other things. Members of the Central Election Committee may not run as candidates in the Representative Council elections in 2017.

Applications for the Central Election Committee are submitted via the electronic form at: https://lomake.ayy.fi/hallinto/kvl/https://lomake.ayy.fi/hallinto/kvl/. The deadline for applications is at 12:00 noon on Monday, the 27th March 2017.

Additional information: Administrative and HR Manager Johanna PietilÀinen (johanna.pietilainen (a) ayy.fi), +358 50 520 9434


2. The second application round of the TTE-fund in 2017 is open!

The second application round of the TTE-Fund in 2017 is open! The fund may grant financial aid for all AYY members and the associations within it. The TTE-Fund supports visible activities that reach for the stars and make other people excited.

You can apply for grants from TTE-Fund in two ways: through the application rounds arranged approximately three times a year and through the continuous application period which is open during the academic terms. During the continuous application period, you can apply for grants up to 2000€, whereas the amount of project grants during the actual application rounds is not limited.

The second application round of 2017 will end on Sunday, the 19th of March 2017, at 11.59pm. Instructions for the application and its attachments are available on the website of the fund at http://tter.ayy.fi/.http://tter.ayy.fi/The grant can be applied for with an online form, which is available at https://lomake.ayy.fi/tter/hakulomake/.  https://lomake.ayy.fi/tter/hakulomake/

Deadlines for the application rounds of spring 2017 and other additional information is available on TTE-Fund’s website at http://tter.ayy.fi/.http://tter.ayy.fi/ Also check out the Facebook site at www.facebook.com/tterahasto. www.facebook.com/tterahasto


3. Competition for associations – the most internationalised will be rewarded!

How to make your association more international? AYY is organizing a competition for associations, rewarding the association that has made the most developments in internationalisation during 2017. The means for internationalisation and opening new participation opportunities for international students can be freely chosen by the associations, but inspiration can be sought from the ABC-guide, made to help with the process.

More information and how to sign up: /blog/2017/03/03/kilpailu-yhdistyksille-eniten-kansainvalistynyt-yhdistys-palkitaan/ /en/blog/2017/03/05/competition-for-associations-the-most-internationalized-association-will-be-rewarded/


4. Welcome to discuss and share ideas in AYY’s workhop about internationalizing education!

AYY and Aalto are working together on an initiative to bring global competences (e.g. intercultural communication skills, global development questions, international phenomena of the field) into curricula, learning goals and outcomes, and we need your help and perspective! Multicultural is the word of the day – in most Aalto master level courses the teaching is in English and the classrooms international, in work life intercultural communication skills are needed in all professions, the Finnish society gets more diverse by the day. How are Aalto graduates prepared for this? What kind of skills does a global game changer need? Come share your experiences and ideas for development in the workshop on 23.3.2017 from 5pm to 8pm in Design Factory (Studio)! More information and enrollment: https://www.facebook.com/events/436867179986855/


5. Sports tutors wanted!

Brisk people interested in sports and organizing sports events are wanted for sports tutoring. The job of a sports tutor is to guide new students into sports. A sports tutor does not need to be an ISO/tutor: anyone can apply, regardless of their study year!

2-6 sports tutors will be chosen for every special status association, depending on the number of new students. Now it’s your chance to join our amazing team! You don’t need to be a top athlete to be a sports tutor; the main point is that you’re interested and enthusiastic about sports and want to do fun stuff with new students. In event creation, the sky is the limit: rock climbing, hiking, dodgeball at Alvar or even a student floorball tournament are all options!

Sports tutors aren’t left alone. Unisport supports tutors by providing free services for the tutors. Other sports tutors are also there to support and help you. Everything is more fun with friends! As a sports tutor, you will also make new friends in the cross-disciplinary tutor group.

As a sports tutor, YOU will get:

  • The chance to organize fun sports events for freshmen and support in organizing events
  • A sports tutor overall badge
  • Free Unisport membership for 4 months
    • Some sort of plan for the next semester and attendance in the sports tutors training are required
  • Free Unisport membership for another 4 months if you’re active
    • The evaluation for activity will be determined later
    • This means that you have the chance to get Unisport membership for free for 8 months!
  • Cross-disciplinary tutor group and cool events together with the other tutors

Application form: https://lomake.ayy.fi/aava/liikuntatutorhakemus-2017-sports-tutor-application-2017/ https://lomake.ayy.fi/aava/liikuntatutorhakemus-2017-sports-tutor-application-2017/

Apply by the 19th of March!


6. Group activities at FSHS

Are you interested in GROUP ACTIVITIES? FSHS’s Life Skills course will be held online from the 18th of April until the 9th of June 2017. Are you wondering how you could cope better with your studies and everyday life? How to find time to relax? How to identify your own resources? Or how do you want your everyday life to look like? Nyyti ry, FSHS and the Finnish Association for Mental Health are cooperating to organize an online Life Skills course. The course consists of a guided discussion forum and guided group chats. In order to participate in the course, you need to be willing to commit yourself to the group and have the resources to take part in the discussion every week on the forum and the chat group. By taking part in the discussion, you will get the most out of the group yourself and also provide peer support for other group members. Apply for the Life Skills course at https://www.nyyti.fi/opiskelijoille/ryhmat/elamantaitokurssi-verkossa-2/https://www.nyyti.fi/opiskelijoille/ryhmat/elamantaitokurssi-verkossa-2/.

Also join the Lower Back course at FSHS’s unit in Töölö from the 20th of March until the 10th of April 2017, on Mondays from 14:15 to 15:30 (tot. 4×45 min). The course will teach you exercises that strengthen your abdominal muscles and support the control of your lower back. The goal of the course is to learn a home program. The Lower Back course is suitable as a preventive measure and also good for people with mild symptoms. The course is free for students and will be held in Finnish. For binding registrations, contact a FSHS physiotherapist over the phone. You can book a telephone appointment by calling the number 046 710 1027. The physiotherapist will interview everyone applying for the course


7. Allwell? student wellbeing questionnaire’s open info sessions for students

The results of the recently conducted AllWell? wellbeing survey are now being processed, both together and school-specifically. Themes discussed at the info session include the elements that affect student wellbeing and how to develop your study skills. You will also hear about the results achieved at the Aalto University. If you cannot make it to the session held at your own school, you can also attend one held at another school. Welcome!

You can see the sessions held at your own school and the university’s shared sessions from the link below. The website also includes information on courses and workshops that support wellbeing.


https://into.aalto.fi/display/enopintopsykologi/Current+Affairs https://into.aalto.fi/display/fiopintopsykologi/Ajankohtaista


8. Survey for higher education students and alumni with disabilities

The “Tarinoista voimaa” project is conducting a survey, the results of which will be used to develop an online service supporting the employment of higher education students with disabilities. The online service is open to everyone, but its particular focus will be students and guidance counsellors. The aim is to promote the social participation of people with disabilities by using the knowledge and skills that they develop in higher education institutions all over Finland.

We hope that all students with a disability could take part in the survey. We will hand out 4 gift vouchers (value 20€) among all participants who have submitted their contact information.

The survey aimed towards people with disabilities who have graduated from a higher education institution is used to collect motivational stories from working life: https://www.webropolsurveys.com/S/3B64DB48CB0F7CD3.par https://www.webropolsurveys.com/S/3B64DB48CB0F7CD3.par

The survey aimed towards students with disabilities  looks into experiences, views and needs for information and support related to the employment of higher education students with disabilities: https://www.webropolsurveys.com/S/74EC99BC4560CEC8.par https://www.webropolsurveys.com/S/74EC99BC4560CEC8.par


9. Energy revolution seminar

Aalto University and Energiajohtajat ry will organize a mini seminar on energy revolution on the 23rd of March 2017, from 10:00 to 12:00 at Otakaari 3. Students are very welcome to attend the seminar – it is free of charge and you do not need to sign up beforehand. The seminar will be held in Finnish.

Energy production and the energy market are in the middle of a revolution. People talk about bio-energy, solar electricity, wind power, storing energy in accumulator batteries and hydrogen containers, using the batteries of electric cars as energy reserves, the sufficiency and insufficiency of electrical energy, the transmission of electricity from one country to another, pricing in the EU and many other burning issues.

We have four Finnish top experts talking to us about these issues: Walter Ahlström Professor Matti Lehtonen from ELEC, Professor Jouni Partanen from LUT, Professor Sanna Syri from ENG and Leading Expert Risto Lindroos from Fingrid. A panel discussion on the subject will be held at the end of the seminar.

Come and learn something new and ask the experts questions during the panel discussion. If you’re even the least bit interested in energy issues, you don’t want to miss this seminar!


10. Applications open for Aalto Garden’s plots and board

Join the Otaniemi Urban Gardening Society and apply for a gardening plot in Ossinlampi by the 31st of March!

We are looking for board members for the Otaniemi Urban Gardening Society. As a member of the board, you can organize gardening and gardening-related events, and it gives you priority when applying for plots. Welcome to our additional annual meeting on Wednesday, the 22nd of March at 17:00, in the Johanna meeting room, on the first floor of the Learning Centre!

The application for plots has started at https://tinyurl.com/garden17https://tinyurl.com/garden17. Apply for a plot either by yourself or with a group of friends or with an association! The application period lasts from the 9th of March until the 31st of March.

For more information on plot applications and the board’s tasks, please contact Saana Rossi (ssaana.rossi@aalto.fi)saana.rossi@aalto.fi. Follow the Society also on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/OtaniemiUrbanGarden. https://www.facebook.com/OtaniemiUrbanGarden


11. LAN-Party at Tieto HQ

We would like to invite you to our monthly LAN-party in the new Tieto HQ in Keilalahti, Espoo! The event will be held Friday 24.3 from 17:00 – 04:00.

Which Games do we play?
Counter-Strike Global Offensive, Civilization V / VI, Heartstone, Gang Beasts, Rocket League, Jack in the Box, NHL 17 and so on

What do you need?
If you want to play multiplayer games with us, it’s advisable to take your own laptop + mouse/mousepad + headset
In case you want to just hang out and game casually, you can just bring yourself and enjoy the refreshments with some casual games.

The event only fits 40 people, so please be quick and also free your seat if you are not able to join us.

Sign up here! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc_dlhbRjcABYNNgo-a7up_CmF44_4yYmRaVVnsWbVIha7Y3w/viewform?c=0&w=1


12. Join the Tyttösitsi committee!

Are you interested in organizing events with a fun gang? Join the Tyttösitsi committee! We need active and energetic helpers in organizing the Tyttösitsit (“All-girl sitsit”) in the autumn. Tyttösitsit are the largest sitsit organized for women, and they are traditionally held around October or November.

By joining the committee, you will get valuable experience in organizing large events and can participate in the committee’s own events.

If you are interested, sign up by the 31st of March by emailing us at johtokunta@teekkaritytot.fijohtokunta@teekkaritytot.fi!


13. Vuorimieskilta’s Vujukuntoon project

Can’t fit into your anniversary party dress? Suit feeling a bit too tight?

No problem! You can forget those worries at the Vuorimieskilta’s 70th anniversary party, held this November. To celebrate the jubilee year, we’re helping the Aalto people to get into shape with our Vujukuntoon 2017 program, consisting of monthly try-outs for new sports. We also try to organize collective training sessions every week, in the form of jogging or Unisport group exercise classes, for example. The monthly inspirational message will keep everyone in check and remind them of upcoming sports events and things such as seasonal harvest products.

Events in the near future include:

18.3. Karate try-out, 15:30-17:00 @ Pohjoinen hesperiankatu 25
27.3. REllun HIIT, 16:45-17:45 @ Otahallin Aava -sali
15.4. Fencing try-out, 14-16:00 @ Pasilan puistotie 5

If you want to stay up-to-date, join the Vuorimieskilta’s Vujukuntoon 2017 Facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/162457134228262/


14. Catch! Come play Finnish baseball with us

Hello everyone interested in Finnish baseball!

OtaKoppi is the Aalto University’s Finnish baseball (pesĂ€pallo) association. OtaKoppi has teams for men and women, open practices and summer baseball during the summer. We also hold practices during the winter! On Sunday, the 19th of March from 14:30 to 16:00, we are once again holding our super popular introductory practices at the Otahalli multipurpose centre! Find out more on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/170479960120652/ https://www.facebook.com/events/170479960120652/

The teams in the men’s provincial division, women’s regional division and men’s keep-fit baseball are starting to look for new members after the long winter. Would you like to play with Otakoppi next summer? Don’t be afraid to contact the teams!

Men’s provincial division (maakuntasarja): OtaKoppi’s highest­-ranking team. New players need to have some background with Finnish baseball, but we are happy to welcome new players! If you’re interested, contact Valtteri (valtteri.marttila@aalto.fi).

Women’s regional division (aluesarja): OtaKoppi’s women’s team plays in the lowest division. We need new players, and you can join even if you don’t have any background with Finnish baseball! If you’re interested, send a message to the women’s mailing list (otakoppi-naiset@list.ayy.fi)!

Men’s keep-fit baseball: OtaKoppi’s men also have a Finnish baseball team just for keeping fit, and it’s open for players of all skill levels. If you’re interested or want to know more, email the board (otakoppi-hallitus@list.ayy.fi), and we will forward your mail to Eero, the contact person for the keep-fit team.

You can also come to one of our practices (for more information, visit https://otakoppi.fi/index.php/home/kalenteri) and talk to use there! 🙂


15. Skiing day

The Skiing day for all university students is close! Get ready for the 16th of March, when 10 academic skiing associations from Helsinki, Tampere and Tallinn head to Vihti Ski!

Here’s a taster of some of the people who are going to take over Vihti! Ensure your place in the group by signing up now – the ticket sales will close soon!

For more information, check out the Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1824054204515003/permalink/1842462616007495/ https://www.facebook.com/events/1824054204515003/permalink/1842462616007495/


16. American football home games are coming up

Aalto University’s American football team’s home games are coming up!

Predators will be hosting the Academic League Southern Division game against Xamk Hawks on Saturday, the 18th of March 2017. The match will be played at Otahalli (Otaranta 6, 02150 Espoo), and the kickoff is at 17:30. https://www.facebook.com/events/265487297221214/

The reigning 2016 Student Bowl champions will meet UTU Beaver Hunters, the previous Student Bowl champions, on Saturday, the 25th of March 2017. The match will be played at Otahalli (Otaranta 6, 02150 Espoo), and the kickoff is at 17:30. https://www.facebook.com/events/1834886560103815/


17. Join the AIESEC:n Global Volunteer -programme

If you are eager to gain new practical insights, meet new people in order to train your thoughts, and view the world from different perspectives, then sign up for the AIESEC Global Volunteer Program!

We are currently looking for business students, who have right skill set to help in voluntary projects abroad. We have business related volunteer internships ranging from 6 – 12 weeks to work on the Sustainable Development Goals. You can contribute yourself to the world by applying your business knowledge even within a short period! Take a look at these great opportunities:

NGO for Change in Greece – Social Media Development: http://opportunities.aiesec.org/opportunity/799003

Wiyasa Taruna Socpreneurship in Indonesia: http://opportunities.aiesec.org/opportunity/812422

Many students have already challenged themselves and gone on an internship through us. Take the first step to kickstart your career and contact us in ha2.nguyen@aiesec.net or find out more on our website www.aiesec.fi and FB page www.facebook.com/aiesecinfinland.


18. Kavitaatio’17!


As March marches ahead, the pressure decreases and Smökki becomes boiling hot as Prosessiteekkarit throws the greatest freshman party of the year! Challenge your friends (or frenemies) in a game of beer pong or test your luck in the infamous shot roulette. A house party atmosphere is guaranteed by three sets of DJs, and of course PT’s very own dance group CanCan’16 will be performing.

WHAT: Kavitaatio ’17: Project PT – Prosessiteekkarit’s freshman party

WHERE: Smökki (JÀmerÀntaival 4)

WHEN: March 21st , 8pm

TICKETS: 5€ / 6€ at the door (badge 2€)

WHY: because this is the party you’ve only dreamed about

DC: come as you are

Tickets are sold at Kandikeskus from the 6th of March until the 20th of March, Mon–Thu, at 11–13

FB event: https://www.facebook.com/events/244048566043599/


19. Sharpen your language skills at Café Lingua

Are your language skills a little rusty? Would you like to learn to speak like a native or just chat with the international group of friends? If you answered yes to any of these questions, Cafe Lingua is just for you! Once a month, one of the places in Otaniemi turns at casual language cafe, Café Lingua.

CafĂ© Lingua is a free-form language learning opportunity, where people interested in a particular language gather around the same table to talk and to learn the language in a fun way. The idea is to practice languages in small groups, meeting people, learning about different cultures and at the same time enjoy a cup of coffee and snacks. On arrival at the scene, you can either join one table with the language you are interested in or set up you’re a table for a new language!

WHAT: CafĂ© Lingua –
WHEN: Thursday 16th of March, 5 – 8 pm
WHERE: Otarannan kehotila
What does it cost: None!
WHY: Meet other (marine) mammals and learn languages!


20. MPIDEA-competition continues

The Industry’s great idea competition continues until 18.4.2017! Participate with any idea, product, or service, which creates jobs to Finland. The winner gets access to the growth accelerator ReNew Growth of the most respected consultancy McKinsey & Company. Read more: www.mpdays.com.


21. Aino Magazine now avaliable on campus

Aalto University’s student magazine Aino 1/2017 is available at campus – go get yours! In the year’s first issue you can read an English essay on the freedom of speech by Ali Sedaghi, a master’s degree student in economics, who came to Finland as a political refugee in 2008. Online at ainolehti.fi you can read two English translations of the magazines long feature articles: “Fear of commitment” asks if Aalto can really raise change makers when it refuses to get into politics and leaves out societal impact from its courses. “Women’s Fault” tells the story of Heinola – one of the many towns in Finland in which there lives significantly more young men than women.” You can also take part in a reader survey online and both affect Aino’s future and win movie tickets!

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