Weekly newsletter 12/2017

The municipal elections are upon us soon! Remember that you can make a difference, so choose your candidate!

The association information can be found in the association newsletter. Read it at /en/associations/association-newsletter


  1. International student – participate in AYY’s survey and help develop health care services and health insurances!
  2. Municipal election candidate – reveal yourself!
  3. Students moved under the general housing allowance in August
  4. Apply for AYY’s Central Election Committee 2017!
  5. Applications open for Aalto Garden’s plots and board
  6. Welcome to discuss and share ideas in AYY’s workshop about internationalizing education!
  7. Tilapioneerit project course from March 29th to May 6th – sign up!
  8. Application period for Information Technology Program ends on 24th March
  9. Want to create or join a startup? Apply to Kiuas Team Up!
  10. ClimateLaunchPad is now open for applications
  11. DADA presents: Soft Robotics Exhibition
  12. Teekkaripurjehtijoiden purjehtija- ja saaristopÀÀllikkökurssit
  13. RetuperÀ WBK at the Finlandia Hall on the 31st of March
  14. Metal Club MökÀ March Sauna
  15. Dry suit diving course starts


Week 12

20.3. Teekkarispeksi 2017: Viimeinen sinfonia

21.3. Teekkarispeksi 2017: Viimeinen sinfonia

22.3 Ristin kilta: “Guild members speak” night

24.3. EBEC Helsinki 2017

25.3. Aalto Predators vs UTU Beaver Hunters


Week 13

28.3. PSK Kupla dry suit diving course 2017

29.3. Ristin kilta: Kwun Chuen Chan – on working


1. International student – participate in AYY’s survey and help develop health care services and health insurances!

AYY is conducting a survey for the international students of Aalto University and the University of Helsinki on the use of healthcare services and health insurances in Finland. Your input is extremely important for the success of the survey. The results will be used both domestically and on the municipal level to influence different service providers to better take into account the needs of international students and to improve communication channels for international students. The health insurance recommended by Finnish authorities for non-EU/EEA students will be competitively re-tendered by a national agency this year, and it is important that the students’ experiences on the insurances are considered in the competitive tendering process.

Filling out the survey takes about 15 minutes and many prices (e.g. gift cards) will be drawn between the participants. The survey is open until 7.4.2017. All information is handled confidentially and the results will be reported anonymously. The study is conducted by the Research foundation for studies and education, Otus.

More information and the link to the survey: /blog/2017/03/15/international-student-participate-in-the-survey-and-help-develop-health-care-services-and-health-insurances/


2. Municipal election candidate – reveal yourself!

Member of AYY, are you a candidate in the municipal elections? AYY will collect candidates from its members on kuntaehdokkaat.ayy.fi. You can now submit your info with this form:


Follow the page and find your favourite candidate!

The elections are approaching fast! Advance voting in Otaniemi can be done at Harald Herlin learning center on the following dates:

29.03. – 30.03. from 09:00 to 20:00

03.04. – 04.04. from 09:00 to 20:00

3. Students moved under the general housing allowance in August

Kela reminds that the payments for the housing supplement for students will end and the students living in rental apartments in Finland will be moved under the general housing allowance starting from August 1st, 2017. Kela will discontinue the housing supplement for students automatically, but students need to apply for the general housing allowance. Apply for the general housing allowance via the Kela web service or with the form AT 1 from the end of May, if you already know your income, housing expenses and living conditions for the fall.

Read the information package provided by Kela well in advance. More info can be found in the Kela newsletter and Kela webpages.


4. Apply for AYY’s Central Election Committee 2017!

Are you interested in making AYY’s next Representative Council elections the best so far?

The call for applications for the Central Election Committee of AYY is now open. The Central Election Committee is at the heart of the elections and decides on polling and advance polling stations, establishes the election committees, checks the candidacy notifications and agreements on electoral alliances and coalitions, performs the vote count audit and supervises the general order in the elections, among other things. Members of the Central Election Committee may not run as candidates in the Representative Council elections in 2017.

Applications for the Central Election Committee are submitted via the electronic form at: https://lomake.ayy.fi/hallinto/kvl/https://lomake.ayy.fi/hallinto/kvl/. The deadline for applications is at 12:00 noon on Monday, the 27th March 2017.

Additional information: Administrative and HR Manager Johanna PietilÀinen (johanna.pietilainen (a) ayy.fi), +358 50 520 9434


5. Applications open for Aalto Garden’s plots and board

Join the Otaniemi Urban Gardening Society and apply for a gardening plot in Ossinlampi by the 31st of March!

We are looking for board members for the Otaniemi Urban Gardening Society. As a member of the board, you can organize gardening and gardening-related events, and it gives you priority when applying for plots. Welcome to our additional annual meeting on Wednesday, the 22nd of March at 17:00, in the Johanna meeting room, on the first floor of the Learning Centre!

The application for plots has started at https://tinyurl.com/garden17https://tinyurl.com/garden17. Apply for a plot either by yourself or with a group of friends or with an association! The application period lasts from the 9th of March until the 31st of March.

For more information on plot applications and the board’s tasks, please contact Saana Rossi (ssaana.rossi@aalto.fi)saana.rossi@aalto.fi. Follow the Society also on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/OtaniemiUrbanGarden. https://www.facebook.com/OtaniemiUrbanGarden


6. Welcome to discuss and share ideas in AYY’s workshop about internationalizing education!

AYY and Aalto are working together on an initiative to bring global competences (e.g. intercultural communication skills, global development questions, international phenomena of the field) into curricula, learning goals and outcomes, and we need your help and perspective! Multiculturalism is the word of the day – in most Aalto master level courses the teaching is in English and the classrooms are international, intercultural communication skills are needed in working life in all professions, the Finnish society gets more diverse by the day. How are Aalto graduates prepared for this? What kind of skills does a global game changer need?

Come share your experiences and ideas for development in the workshop on 23rd March 2017 from 5pm to 8pm in Design Factory (Studio)!

More information and enrollment: https://www.facebook.com/events/436867179986855/


7. Tilapioneerit project course from March 29th to May 6th – sign up!

The fate of the kingdom is in peril. The Tilapioneerit group answers the call! We are participating as an example case in the Kokeilun Paikka service launch.

A few spots are still open at the course organized by Tilapioneerit from March 29th to May 6th. Apply and sign up!
Check out the signup instructions and check out more info here: http://tilapioneerit.fi/


8. Application period for Information Technology Program ends on 24th March

Get the skills and confidence to lead in the digital world! Aalto University Information Technology Program (ITP) is an academic summer program. For over 20 years ITP has been bringing together technology, design and business talent and fostering successful project teams.

The purpose of ITP is to provide students with a strong applied understanding of IT, design and the digital world. The program provides concepts and approaches that enable students with diverse backgrounds to operate effectively in the global business environment now and in the future. Students gain valuable real life project experience through project work. The dates for ITP are 29th May – 1st September 2017.

Learn more and apply by Friday 24th March 16:00 at http://itp.aalto.fi


9. Want to create or join a startup? Apply to Kiuas Team Up!

Find a dream team and build your idea! http://teamup.kiuas.us/

Kiuas Team Up is a free program for anyone interested in startup entrepreneurship – whether it’s joining or creating a startup team. We aim to connect like-minded people from various educational backgrounds and provide you with the means to develop your idea into an actual business. With the assistance of professional coaching and diverse workshops from our partners, you can assemble your dream team and become the next big thing.

The Kiuas Team Up program is a follow-up to last year’s TeamUp Bootcamp, which brought 250 talented individuals to Startup Sauna and established the birth of multiple thriving startups, including Platonics, FactoryFinder and Duara Travels, all of which have experienced considerable success since last year’s TeamUp and Summer of Startups. This year we’re kicking it up a notch by bringing twice the number of participants to Startup Sauna!

Kiuas Team Up will take place on the second weekend of April (7.-9.4), after which the winning teams will advance to Aaltoes’ brand new Kiuas Incubator program. You can participate as a team or an individual.

There are only a few days left to apply and start the journey to finding your dream team! Come feel the heat of the Kiuas and apply now through this link: https://aaltoes17.typeform.com/to/CR8K9Q

The Facebook event can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1786613791665679/


10. ClimateLaunchPad is now open for applications

The world’s largest green business idea competition is open for applications. Everyone with a green business idea and dreaming of becoming an entrepreneur can enter the competition. Your idea can be an innovation in renewable energy, a sustainable transition in the food chain, a mind shift in urban mobility or any other way to tackle climate change.

ClimateLaunchPad kicks off in May with an intensive Boot Camp and follow-up Coaching Sessions. In June, the teams compete in the National Final in front of an expert jury. On top of this, the top-3 teams will be sent to Cyprus in October to pitch their ideas in the Grand Final.

Be sure to apply by 20 April. For more info, see http://impactiglu.org/climatelaunchpad/


11. DADA presents: Soft Robotics Exhibition

Soft Robotics is a new and rapidly growing approach to robotics that aims to harmonize with the living environment by using “soft” materials such as silicone, rubber and gelatin that actuate on air, instead of hard mechanical parts that run on motors. Now The Media lab student association DADA is hosting an exhibition showing off the results of our soft robotics workshop.

The exhibition will be held in the learning centre on the 23rd of March at 17:00-20:00. Check out our event at: https://www.facebook.com/events/1825903027632021/


11. Teekkaripurjehtijoiden purjehtija- ja saaristopÀÀllikkökurssit

Dear sailors and you who desire to become such,

Registration for sailing crew and inshore skipper course this spring is now open at https://trip.ayy.fi/wordpress/?page_id=231. Most of the courses will be provided in Finnish; however, we will have couple of groups also in English.


11. RetuperÀ WBK at the Finlandia Hall on the 31st of March

RETUPERÄN WBK, The RetuperĂ€ Voluntary Fire Brigade Band, the world’s best technology student orchestra from Aalto University that plays newer French horn music  – “l’art nouveau francais” – will be seen at the Töölönlahti fire brigade house, “Finlandia Hall”, in a grand concert on the 31st of March. The concert is led by Torturo Canini. Baritone horn player Matts Remell and grand piano artist Emil Holmström will act as dazzling supporting soloists. During the evening, some of the finest, shining (or at least glittery) examples of classical music pieces minced and mangled by the national arranger Simeon Suihkutsalo will be heard, along with amazing feats of strength by the prospective members.

Ticket sales at https://liput.rwbk.fi

Ticket prices: DeLuxe – 60e / First class – 40e / Second class – 30e / Student – 15e

Along with the ticket reservation, you can sign up for the afterparty, organized in the Kilta hall at Lapinrinne 1. Afterparty tickets, including food and drinks, 60€.

RetuperÀ WBK at the Finlandia Hall on the 31st of March at 19:33
Conductor: Torturo Canini
Baritone horn: Matts Remell
Grand piano: Emil Holmström
Incredible feats of strength: Prospective members

FB event: www.facebook.com/events/329529610777888/

12. Metal Club MökÀ March Sauna

Bada-boom! March has arrived and as everyone knows, it is the time for sauna at MökĂ€! On March 24th, we will organize the March Sauna – come to Gorsu and rock!



13. Dry suit diving course starts

Have you completed your diving certification abroad and want to dive in Finland?

This year’s dry suit diving course begins on March 28th at 18:00 with our first lecture, where we talk about how to get a dry suit to be used on the course. The lecture takes place at Kammio, our club room in Otaniemi, behind JĂ€merĂ€ntaival 1. After the first lecture, there will be a 1-month course break, during which the members will procure (buy or borrow) a dry suit to use on the course.

The price for the course is 35€ for people taking the CMAS */P1 basic course (/blog/events/psk-kuplan-laitesukelluksen-peruskurssi-intro-2017/) and 60€ for others. All members of Kupla are welcome on the course. The final timetable will be set by the beginning of the course, because the number of participants affects the organizing of the pool exercises. The preliminary timetable is a part of the LSPK timetable.

The instructor in charge of the course is Tommi Toivonen <tptoivon(at)gmail.com>.

Sign up for the course by sending an email to Tommi and mention your current diving certification and experience.

Find more information on our diving activity and the course at www.kupla.org

Welcome to the course! Let’s dive cold and stay warm!

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