Weekly newsletter 13/2017

May Day is still five weeks away, but the first signs of spring are starting to appear. The sun shines at least sometimes, you may come across a prank or two in Otaniemi, and we now have the best opening party for the Wappu celebrations – Aalto Open Air!

In the coming weeks, you can also do things such as attend a LAN party, listen to brand-related things and tell your friends studying in other universities about AYY’s apartments in East Helsinki that are open to all students.

The association information can be found in the association newsletter. Read it at /en/associations/association-newsletter


  1. International student – participate in AYY’s survey and help develop health care services and health insurances!
  2. Apply for scholarships from AYY
  3. AYY apartments in East Helsinki open to all students
  4. New AYY student housing tenement in JÀtkÀsaari completed in September
  5. Answer the AYY Brand Survey by April the 9th
  6. AYY Branding presents: Crash Course to Branding on April the 10th
  7. Spring’s grand opening: Aalto Open Air!
  8. LAN-Party at Tieto HQ
  9. Municipal election candidate – reveal yourself!
  10. Apply for AYY’s Central Election Committee 2017!
  11. Volunteers for Aalto Open Air and the Open Air afterparty!
  12. Who should receive the prize for the International Deed of the Year?
  13. Temporary culture space opens in Otaniemi!
  14. Entropy’s free technology training
  15. Sustainable Entrepreneurship Day 2017
  16. Opening of the ÄPY magazine’s sales season on 29th March
  17. Technology students’ sailing club Teekkaripurjehtijat is organizing practical sailing courses
  18. RetuperÀn WBK at the Finlandia Hall on the 31st of March
  19. Dry suit diving course starts
  20. Find a dream team and build your idea


Week 13

28.3. PSK Kupla dry suit diving course 2017

29.3. Ristin kilta: Kwun Chuen Chan – on working

31.3. League of Legends Biweekly Tournament 2

1.4. Entropy’s audio technology training


Week 14

3.4. Teekkarispeksi 2017: Viimeinen sinfonia

4.4. Teekkarispeksi 2017: Viimeinen sinfonia

5.4. Ristin kilta: Game night

6.4. Entropy’s DJ training

6.4. Entropy’s VJ training

8.4. Entropy’s lighting technology training

9.4. Teekkarispeksi 2017: Viimeinen sinfonia ALUMNI SHOWING


1. International student – participate in AYY’s survey and help develop health care services and health insurances!

AYY is conducting a survey for the international students of Aalto University and the University of Helsinki on the use of healthcare services and health insurances in Finland. Your input is extremely important for the success of the survey. The results will be used both domestically and on the municipal level to influence different service providers to better take into account the needs of international students and to improve communication channels for international students. The health insurance recommended by Finnish authorities for non-EU/EEA students will be competitively re-tendered by a national agency this year, and it is important that the students’ experiences on the insurances are considered in the competitive tendering process.

Filling out the survey takes about 15 minutes and many prices (e.g. gift cards) will be drawn between the participants. The survey is open until 7.4.2017. All information is handled confidentially and the results will be reported anonymously. The study is conducted by the Research foundation for studies and education, Otus.

More information and the link to the survey: /blog/2017/03/15/international-student-participate-in-the-survey-and-help-develop-health-care-services-and-health-insurances/


2. Apply for scholarships from AYY

AYY is distributing exchange, community and study scholarships this spring to support the internationalisation of students, support community activities and encourage for successful combination of studies and the student life.

The spring application period for the scholarships is Wednesday 29.3., 12:00, – Wednesday 19.4., 23:59.

More information: /en/students/services/scholarships/


3. AYY apartments in East Helsinki open to all students

Since the teaching at Aalto University is focusing more and more on the Otaniemi campus, there are not enough AYY members with a right of residence applying for our apartments in East Helsinki. That is why AYY is now making some of its apartment groups in East Helsinki open to all students, regardless of their place of study.

There are a limited number of apartments, so act fast and tell your friends about them. More information can be found in this announcement: /en/blog/2017/03/23/ayy-apartments-open-to-all-students/


4. New AYY student housing tenement in JÀtkÀsaari completed in September

The new student housing tenement of the Aalto University Student Union (AYY) in JÀtkÀsaari by the seaside will be completed in September. The Atlantinkatu 7 building will have 122 apartments, most of which are one-room apartments. The building also has a communal sauna and some commercial spaces, to which suitable tenant businesses are still being sought.

The application process for the Atlantinkatu apartments opens to AYY members in April 2017. More info on the building and applications will be published at the start of April!


5. Answer the AYY Brand Survey by April the 9th

AYY is undertaking systematic branding work now for the first time. Branding work isn’t just about logos and the visual outlook and their renewal; it is, if expressed in marketing jargon, an analytical and strategic process, where the core values of a brand are derived from a large quantity of data and creating a vision based on them: an identity and strategy. From this, concrete means of action are derived, and finally the brand is brought into use and its relevance and success are measured. Sounds hard to grasp? In practice, it means that instead of pondering on nice visuals, planning hoodie prints and coming up with snazzy slogans, it is about a lot more in-depth work.

Currently, we are in the process of creating a full and objective view on what the general state of AYY is. Branding does not mean merely a visual and communicational ‘sprucing up’, but pondering on the whole existence of AYY and considering the role of AYY in the student community, society and actually pretty much everything, in addition to communications and the visual outlook. This covers living, services, organization, visual outlook, identity, activities, culture, communications and pretty much every situation where AYY meets different parties or people.

The aim of this survey is to gain a large and comprehensive picture on what AYY agents, meaning YOU, think of AYY, its current state and what AYY should be like in the future. Based on the answers, we can create a picture on how AYY and its brand should be developed and how the points brought up by you can be made a reality. So, take care in answering, because your opinions will have a significant impact on the future of AYY!

Answer the survey here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeiSZPVlRQqTYAFbT35bAwry85URNAj1tvVsp4wbNxMoBAGNA/viewform

For those interested in following our brand work also in the future, we will publish regular blog posts about what is going on with the branding. In the first blog post, we will talk about the brand work in general and tell the latest news from the chairperson seminar. You can find the post here /blogi/2017/03/23/ayy-branding-1-0/?lang=en


6. AYY Branding presents: Crash Course to Branding on April the 10th

What on earth is this branding that everyone is talking about? How on earth does a brand affect the community’s operations and what does a brand actually contain? And, above all, how on earth are brands created, renewed and managed?

AYY, along with Futurice and Aalto Marketing Society, the student organization for marketing students, will answer all these questions during the big branding day held on April the 10th. Has your association lost sight of its purpose? Does your association look a bit scruffy? Is a new brand an all-encompassing solution to all of your problems? Are you interested in branding in general?

We will go through various interesting brand cases during the day and give you advice on how YOU can improve your association’s/company’s/your own brand. You will also learn how AYY’s brand is going to change this year and can influence the building of AYY‘s brand!

More information will follow soon, save the date!


7. Spring’s grand opening: Aalto Open Air!

This year the spring starts bigger than ever as Aalto Open Air takes over the campus area! Take all your friends with you and make your way to the Alvari Square on April 19th!

At Alvari Square you’ll find two stages where bands keeps the atmosphere up. Performers include: Don Johnson Big Band, Boston Promenade and Toot Toot. The main artist will be announced soon – stay tuned ;). In addition you can enjoy different festival events, food trucks and pop-up -events offered by Aalto Festival.

So give wappu a head start and come and enjoy the spring!

To make sure that the party won’t stop, there will be an afterparty at TĂ€ffĂ€ starting at 10pm!

The event will be organised by AYY, Aalto-university, Aava and April Jazz.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/722121711301800/


8. LAN-Party at Tieto HQ

We would like to invite you to our monthly LAN-party in the new Tieto HQ in Keilalahti, Espoo! The event will be held Friday 24.3 from 17:00 – 04:00.

Which Games do we play?
Counter-Strike Global Offensive, Civilization V / VI, Hearthstone, Gang Beasts, Rocket League, Jack in the Box, NHL 17 and so on

What do you need?
If you want to play multiplayer games with us, it’s advisable to take your own laptop + mouse/mousepad + headset
In case you want to just hang out and game casually, you can just bring yourself and enjoy the refreshments with some casual games.

The event only fits 40 people, so please be quick and also free your seat if you are not able to join us.

Sign up here! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc_dlhbRjcABYNNgo-a7up_CmF44_4yYmRaVVnsWbVIha7Y3w/viewform?c=0&w=1


8. Municipal election candidate – reveal yourself!

Member of AYY, are you a candidate in the municipal elections? AYY will collect candidates from its members at kuntaehdokkaat.ayy.fi. You can now submit your info with this form:


Follow the page and find your favourite candidate!

The elections are approaching fast! Advance voting in Otaniemi can be done at the Harald Herlin learning centre on the following dates:

29.03. – 30.03. from 09:00 to 20:00

03.04. – 04.04. from 09:00 to 20:00


9. Apply for AYY’s Central Election Committee 2017!

Are you interested in making AYY’s next Representative Council elections the best so far?

The call for applications for the Central Election Committee of AYY is now open. The Central Election Committee is at the heart of the elections and decides on polling and advance polling stations, establishes the election committees, checks the candidacy notifications and agreements on electoral alliances and coalitions, performs the vote count audit and supervises the general order in the elections, among other things. Members of the Central Election Committee may not run as candidates in the Representative Council elections in 2017.

Applications for the Central Election Committee are submitted via the electronic form at: https://lomake.ayy.fi/hallinto/kvl/https://lomake.ayy.fi/hallinto/kvl/. The deadline for applications is at 12:00 noon on Monday, the 27th March 2017.

Additional information: Administrative and HR Manager Johanna PietilÀinen (johanna.pietilainen (a) ayy.fi), +358 50 520 9434


10. Volunteers for Aalto Open Air and the Open Air afterparty!

The event kicking off the Wappu celebrations is approaching, and to ensure a fantastic spectacle, we need security officers for the actual event and for the afterparty. We also need a few volunteers to work in the cloakroom and to sell drinks at the afterparty.

Join us and help us make this event bigger and better than ever!

The deadline for the applications is April 11th.



11. Who should receive the prize for the International Deed of the Year?

The time has come to award the prize for the Learning Promotion Deed of the Year and the International Deed of the Year. Has a professor of yours, a student association or someone else done something special to promote learning or internationalization at Aalto during the academic year 16–17? Does a party or person you know deserve recognition for their excellent idea or deed used to promote learning or internationalization? If the answer is yes, propose their deed as a recipient of the award! The prize can be awarded to any person, group or association within Aalto.

Send your proposal using these forms by April the 2nd 2017:

Learning Promotion Deed of the Year: https://lomake.ayy.fi/koulutuspolitiikka/659-2/ International Deed of the Year: https://lomake.ayy.fi/kv/192-2/. Please include a description of the deed and reasons for why this deed should win the award. The prize will be awarded at the annual ball of the Aalto University Student Union, held on May 20th 2017.


12. Temporary culture space opens in Otaniemi!

Otaniemi Free Space is a student-oriented communal culture space and experimentation platform, located in the former ADD LAB premises (SÀhkömiehentie 4 G). It is open from April the 7th until May the 27th 2017.

The aim is to create a playground run by volunteers where students, student organizations, groups and other interested parties can come together to get busy, try out their projects, event ideas and meet others outside their own social circle.

We invite you or your community to join the action and produce content for the culture space. There are countless activities that you can organize – anything from art installations to lectures, bike repair shops and concerts. However, the main focus should be on keeping the activities open to everyone, working together, learning from others and interacting between various parties in Otaniemi and among the Aalto University students. You can also become a volunteer for the project.

Sign up as an event organizer by filling in this form: https://goo.gl/forms/QGARWoPZBkwyuyjW2
Contact us via email: otaniemi.free.space@gmail.com
Check out https://www.facebook.com/ofreespace/ or http://ofree.space/


13. Entropy’s free technology training

Entropy will organize four free training sessions in April. They will be held in Finnish, at the Otaniemi Free Space (SÀhkömiehentie 4 G).


Getting to know Entropy‘s audio system: installing speakers, connections, processor settings, etc. No pre-registration required. For more details, visit https://entropy.fi/2017/03/aanitekniikkakoulutus/

DJ TRAINING 6.–27.4.

Basics of DJing for beginners on Thursdays at 18:00. Pre-registration by March the 24th. For more details, visit https://entropy.fi/2017/03/dj-koulutus/

VJ TRAINING 6.–27.4.

Basics of VJing: creating visuals and presenting them at events. On Thursdays at 18:00.  Pre-registration by March the 24th. For more details, visit https://entropy.fi/2017/03/vj-koulutus/


Installing and controlling event lights with the Ecue software. No pre-registration required. For more details, visit https://entropy.fi/2017/03/valotekniikkakoulutus/


14. Sustainable Entrepreneurship Day 2017

Is it time to celebrate 100 years of progress and development?
What is the future vision for a more sustainable Helsinki?
How do the political parties differ in their views and programs for the forthcoming election?

A special focus on:  How is the social integration of refugees working so far?

Aalto Design Factory 31st March at 10-19



15. Opening of the ÄPY magazine’s sales season on 29th March

Greetings from Äpy’s editors! The publication of the Wappu magazine is about a month away, and now you have an excellent chance to spread the humour with your friends in the capital region by becoming an Äpy salesperson.

You can become an Äpy salesperson on Wednesday, 29th March, in the Undergraduate Centre main lobby at 10:00-15:00, or afterwards through the Äpy deal machine at diilikone.apy.fi

The Wappu Magazine Äpy is published in odd-numbered years and always in a new format, with a new concept. Selling Äpy with a nice group of people is not only great fun, but also profitable. In addition to getting some Wappu money, the salespeople receive amazing seller benefits and seller products. Visit Äpy’s sales season’s opening to learn more! Good vibes and ice cream for everyone!

If you have any questions, feel free to email us at toimitus@apy.fi.


16. Technology students’ sailing club Teekkaripurjehtijat is organizing practical sailing courses

Greetings all sailors and wannabe sailors!

The registration for this spring’s practical sailing courses is now open at https://trip.ayy.fi/wordpress/?page_id=231. The courses are held mainly in Finnish, but depending on the people who have signed up, some of them can also be held in English.


17. RetuperÀn WBK at the Finlandia Hall on the 31st of March

RETUPERÄN WBK, The RetuperĂ€ Voluntary Fire Brigade Band, the world’s best technology student orchestra from Aalto University that plays newer French horn music  – “l’art nouveau francais” – will be seen at the Töölönlahti fire brigade house, “Finlandia Hall”, in a grand concert on the 31st of March. The concert is led by Torturo Canini. Baritone horn player Matts Remell and grand piano artist Emil Holmström will act as dazzling supporting soloists. During the evening, some of the finest, shining (or at least glittery) examples of classical music pieces minced and mangled by the national arranger Simeon Suihkutsalo will be heard, along with amazing feats of strength by the prospective members.

Ticket sales at https://liput.rwbk.fi

Ticket prices: DeLuxe – 60e / First class – 40e / Second class – 30e / Student – 15e

Along with the ticket reservation, you can sign up for the afterparty, organized in the Kilta hall at Lapinrinne 1. Afterparty tickets, including food and drinks, 60€.

RetuperÀ WBK at the Finlandia Hall on the 31st of March at 19:33
Conductor: Torturo Canini
Baritone horn: Matts Remell
Grand piano: Emil Holmström
Incredible feats of strength: Prospective members

FB event: www.facebook.com/events/329529610777888/

18. Dry suit diving course starts

Have you completed your diving certification abroad and want to dive in Finland?

This year’s dry suit diving course begins on March 28th at 18:00 with our first lecture, where we talk about how to get a dry suit to be used on the course. The lecture takes place at Kammio, our club room in Otaniemi, behind JĂ€merĂ€ntaival 1. After the first lecture, there will be a 1-month course break, during which the members will procure (buy or borrow) a dry suit to use on the course.

The price for the course is 35€ for people taking the CMAS */P1 basic course (/blog/events/psk-kuplan-laitesukelluksen-peruskurssi-intro-2017/) and 60€ for others. All members of Kupla are welcome on the course. The final timetable will be set by the beginning of the course, because the number of participants affects the organizing of the pool exercises. The preliminary timetable is a part of the LSPK timetable.

The instructor in charge of the course is Tommi Toivonen <tptoivon(at)gmail.com>.

Sign up for the course by sending an email to Tommi and mention your current diving certification and experience.

Find more information on our diving activity and the course at www.kupla.org

Welcome to the course! Let’s dive cold and stay warm!


19. Find a dream team and build your idea

Have an inspiring idea but no team around you? Or got the talent and looking for a start up to join?

In Kiuas Team Up you will have the chance to mingle with entrepreneurship-minded peers and find your own dream team. The mission is to come up with an innovative idea and develop it into a business. The weekend includes teaming up, coaching, workshops and for the best teams, a great opportunity to get to continue your path as a business towards Kiuas Accelerator. The best teams also win 1000 euros for future development!

Come by yourself or bring your pals and join the adventure to finding your dream team! The application period ends 31th of March so this is your last change to APPLY!



Announcements to be published should be sent to tiedotteet@ayy.fi always by 10:00 on the previous week’s Thursday.




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