Weekly newsletter 21/2017

This is the AYY weekly newsletter 21/2017

The academic year is coming to an end, and so are the student events of the spring. But you can still visit a flea market, see some art and play games both digitally and analogically. There’s also time to apply for AYY’s apartments in Jätkäsaari and find yourself a job for the autumn!


NB! Due to Ascension Day, the deadline for the weekly newsletter coming out on the 29th of May is on Wednesday, the 24th of May, at 10:00! Please send your announcements to tiedotteet@ayy.fi

The association information can be found in the association newsletter. Read it at /yhdistystiedote


  1. AYY is searching for distributors of year tags (2 positions)
  2. AYY is searching for an emergency accommodation coordinator
  3. AYY’s new apartments in Jätkäsaari – apply by the 31st of May!
  4. Don’t let your exam slip by! Exam guidelines will change from the beginning of August
  5. Have an influence on Aalto’s Code of Conduct
  6. Quiet room opens in the Undergraduate Centre
  7. Otaniemi Flea Market Day on the 24th of May 2017 @Smökki
  8. Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Tournament – Murskaveljekset III
  9. Beach volley tournament in Otaniemi!
  10. The young designers of Aalto University presented in Otaniemi
  11. Otaniemi Art Week
  12. Aalto 10K on the 17th of September 2017, are you ready? Registration is now open!
  13. Concert: Jos minä puhuisin sinulle


Week 21

23.5. KYN, Manuel Dunkel, Ville Herrala & Mikko Hassinen @ G Livelab


24.5. Ristin kilta: Game night


26.5. Aalto Gamers League of Legends Tournament (Final)


28.5. Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Tournament – Murskaveljekset III



1. AYY is searching for distributors of year tags (2 positions)


AYY is searching for two distributors of year tags for part-time employment for four weeks. One of the distributors will work in Otaniemi, and the other in Töölö. The distributors are tasked with handing out year tags at year tag distribution points in Otaniemi and Töölö for AYY members who have paid the membership fee. The distributors will check the identity and membership fee status of the person collecting the year tag, attach the tags to student cards and mark the tag as distributed.

The work will be done in one shift between 12:00 and 18:00. The duration of the employment relationship is four weeks, from the 21st of August until the 15th September 2017. The distributors will be paid according to the Student Union Collective Agreement, on a pay grade of I (basic salary in full-time employment is 1409.04 € per month, and the calculated salary for this task is approximately 1127 €). Please send us your free-form applications and CVs by the 9th of June 2017, 12:00.

Read the full recruitment announcement here: /ylioppilaskunta/avoimet-tyopaikat/ayy-hakee-lukuvuositarrojen-jakajaa-2-paikkaa/


2. AYY is searching for an emergency accommodation coordinator


AYY is searching for an emergency accommodation coordinator approximately from the 7th of August 2017, or as agreed. The emergency accommodation coordinator is responsible for organizing temporary accommodation for students that are left without an apartment in the autumn and communicating about the situation. The coordinator’s tasks include providing guidance and counselling for students, especially international students, arranging the practicalities related to emergency accommodation (such as monitoring the use of the emergency accommodation and key control), and emergency accommodation planning in the long term


Please send your free-form applications and CVs to rekrytointi@ayy.fi by Monday, the 5th of June, 12:00.

Read the full recruitment announcement here: /blog/2017/05/15/ayy-hakee-hatamajoituskoordinaattoria-2/


3. AYY’s new apartments in Jätkäsaari – apply by the 31st of May!


The new Atlantinkatu student apartment building houses 122 apartments, and they will be ready for moving in on the 1st of September 2017. Due to its location, it is a totally new type of building for AYY. Because of this, the application process for the apartments has been revised. The queue spots will be drawn by lot between applications sent before the 31st of May 2017. Otherwise, the date of submission of the application does not affect the application process. According to a decision made by AYY’s Board, all AYY members will be given an equal opportunity to apply for the Jätkäsaari apartments, and because of this, all applicants will receive a point for location regardless of their study campus. The lots will be drawn between point groups. After May, the application for the apartments will continue according to the normal queue system.

All residential applications for the Jätkäsaari apartments will be processed by the 15th of June 2017, and the lottery will also take place at that time. Shortly thereafter, the applicants who had luck with the lottery will receive an apartment offer to the email address they have entered in their application. The offer must be accepted within four days, so remember to check your email also in June! The apartment offer also acts as a rental agreement, which the applicant accepts or rejects in the Domo system.

Read more about the point system for the Jätkäsaari apartment applications from this link:

See the apartments and apply on Domo NOW! https://domo.ayy.fi


4. Don’t let your exam slip by! Exam guidelines will change from the beginning of August


The new exam guidelines apply to the entire Aalto University. They provide instructions on exam arrangements, registration and evaluation. The exam guidelines will replace the schools’ own guidelines starting from the 1st of August 2017.

Remember these!
1. Only registered students can attend an exam.
2. Registering for a course automatically registers you for the course exam.
3. You must register for other exams, like retakes and independent exams, 7 days prior to the exam.
4. You cannot enter an exam after 30 minutes have passed from the start of the exam.
5. At the end of the exam, return all the answer sheets, including blank ones, and also the question sheets if asked to.
Check out the new guidelines from Into (schools will post more information and reminders in August):



5. Have an influence on Aalto’s Code of Conduct


The Aalto University is putting together an Ethical Code of Conduct that pertains to the whole community. Aalto invites everyone to take a look and comment on the draft.

The Ethical Code of Conduct, “Aalto’s way to act”, is based on the Aalto University’s values, and they are designed to promote honest and ethical practices for the benefit of the whole community. “Aalto’s way to act” sums up our community’s fair play rules.

Comment and give feedback on the new draft at:



6. Quiet room opens in the Undergraduate Centre


Do you want to spend a quiet moment in the midst of your studies or work? A quiet room (M135) has been opened in the Undergraduate Centre, which can be used by the whole university community for quieting down, meditation or prayer. More information:



7. Otaniemi Flea Market Day on the 24th of May 2017 @Smökki


It’s time for a spring cleaning! Do you have skeletons or other unnecessary stuff in your closet that might delight others? Are you tired of Facebook’s sale groups and table fees at flea markets?

Servin Mökki (Smökki) turns into a treasure house of bargains on the 24th of May. Everyone is welcome to sell their own things and make amazing discoveries!
Reserve your free sales table by the 23rd of May 2017 at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSehFYmbB4GORQBxT69nBQRTwZEO_cupNdn9uAsh4FywEIbI5A/viewform?c=0&w=1
More information on the Campus Section’s Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/288317928285916/


8. Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Tournament – Murskaveljekset III


The traditional Smash tournament Murskaveljekset will be held for the third time on Sunday, the 28th of May, at the Energy Garage (Sähkömiehentie 4). Participation in the tournament is free, and all Aalto Smash players (both casual and hardcore) are welcome.

There is no online registration. Participating players have to be present at the venue on the day of the tournament by 13:00 AT THE LATEST.
More information on the tournament and tournament rules can be found on the FB event page.



9. Beach volley tournament in Otaniemi!


PUS-volley is organizing an epic, traditional beach volley tournament for the second time at the Otaniemi courts on the 10th of June 2017! Gather yourself a team and join this sunny and laid-back sports event!

The tournament will be held at the Smökki and Miinusmaa courts, and played as laid-back 4vs4 group games. PUS-volley members will referee the tournament. The maximum number of participating teams is 10, but it’s also possible to get in the game from the reserve list. Price: 40 €/team.

There will also be food and drink stalls present at the tournament, so it’s guaranteed to be a blast!

Sign up here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSduSwNov0TvG4p1MrlAdZJ833Rqi232mAy4cKtas0VwJZOkHQ/viewform?c=0&w=1

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/453793904964502/


10. The young designers of Aalto University presented in Otaniemi

BoA’17 exhibition brings together the works of 23 graduating bachelor students in the Harald Herlin Learning Centre in Otaniemi 1.6.-21.6.2017. Every sector of Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture’s Design major is represented in the exhibition: an interior textile collection, a collection of chat stickers and a study of the possibilities of 3D printing in ceramics are presented under the same roof. The exhibition is open according to the opening hours of the Harald Herlin Learning Centre. The exhibition opening is on Wed 31.5.2017 17-19. Kyrö Distillery Company is sponsoring the event.


11. Otaniemi Art Week

Otaniemi Art Week is an experimental event that brings together different kind of artistic activities and people. Installation, movies, site-specific art, music, workshops, stand-up comedy, art dinner and much more.

Take part and organize your own art intervention, workshop or anything you feel passionate about! This week is also celebrating Otaniemi Free Space -project and its participants to showcase their ideas before the summer starts.


12. Aalto 10K on the 17th of September 2017, are you ready? Registration is now open!


The traditional Aalto 10K and Aalto 5K sports day will be held for the eighth time on Sunday, the 17th of September 2017, at 12:00. You can run, jog, walk, or Nordic walk the distance of your choice. The Aalto 10K and Aalto 5K events are free of charge for all Aalto members.

Aalto 10K/5k is part of the Espoon Rantamaraton marathon event. The marathon and half-marathon will be run on Saturday, the 16th September 2017. Aalto members can sign up for the marathon at a discounted price, 40 €/person.

Date: Aalto 10K/Aalto 5K on Sunday, the 17th of September 2016, 12:00:19:00; Espoo Rantamaraton on Saturday, the 16th September 2017
Location: Starts from Otaniemenranta in Otaniemi, Espoo, on the shore of Laajalahti.

More information on the event at Into: https://into.aalto.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=24324410
Registration ends on Sunday, the 10th of September 2017, at 23:59.

Registration only through the Rantamaraton website:


13. Concert: Jos minä puhuisin sinulle


KYN, the female choir that has made a splash also outside of Finland, shook the world of music by showing what a female choir can do with their critically acclaimed album Jos minä puhuisin sinulle, released in October. The ethnic jazz tailored for KYN by Mikko Hassinen challenges the choir to become a part of an ensemble consisting of Manuel Dunkel, Ville Herrala and Mikko Hassinen and to take on the roles of jazz instruments in the a cappella arrangements. The result is a real fireworks display, a fantastic combination of choir and jazz music!


Tuesday, the 23rd of May 2017, 19:00-21:00

G Livelab (Yrjönkatu 3, Helsinki)

Tickets frm G Livelab and choir members 20 € (incl. cloakroom fee 3 €)

More information: www.kyn.fi, www.facebook.com/KYNchoir

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