Weekly newsletter 22/2017

The association information can be found in the association newsletter. Read it at /yhdistystiedote


  1. Check if you have received too much student financial aid
  2. AYY’s new apartments in Jätkäsaari – apply by the 31st of May!
  3. AYY is searching for an emergency accommodation coordinator
  4. AYY is searching for distributors of year tags (2 positions)
  5. Don’t let your exam slip by! Exam guidelines will change from the beginning of August
  6. President’s Anniversary Seminar 20th of June – Tuula Teeri 60 years
  7. Otaniemi GayDay on the 2nd of July 2017
  8. Welcome to Graffathon
  9. Become a Mentee and make the most of it!


1. Check if you have received too much student financial aid

Remember to check if you have received too much student financial aid! If you have, be sure to pay back the excess financial aid by the end of May. Check the number of months of student financial aid you have received, your annual income limit and your preliminary annual income information from Kela’s online service. The annual income check and the income limits for the whole year also apply to people who have just started their studies or graduated.

It may sound difficult, but as the saying goes, it’s better to be safe than sorry!



2. AYY’s new apartments in Jätkäsaari – apply by the 31st of May!

The new Atlantinkatu student apartment building houses 122 apartments, and they will be ready for moving in on the 1st of September 2017. Due to its location, it is a totally new type of building for AYY. Because of this, the application process for the apartments has been revised. The queue spots will be drawn by lot between applications sent before the 31st of May 2017. Otherwise, the date of submission of the application does not affect the application process. According to a decision made by AYY’s Board, all AYY members will be given an equal opportunity to apply for the Jätkäsaari apartments, and because of this, all applicants will receive a point for location regardless of their study campus. The lots will be drawn between point groups. After May, the application for the apartments will continue according to the normal queue system.

All residential applications for the Jätkäsaari apartments will be processed by the 15th of June 2017, and the lottery will also take place at that time. Shortly thereafter, the applicants who had luck with the lottery will receive an apartment offer to the email address they have entered in their application. The offer must be accepted within four days, so remember to check your email also in June! The apartment offer also acts as a rental agreement, which the applicant accepts or rejects in the Domo system.

Read more about the point system for the Jätkäsaari apartment applications from this link:

See the apartments and apply on Domo NOW! https://domo.ayy.fi


3. AYY is searching for an emergency accommodation coordinator

AYY is searching for an emergency accommodation coordinator approximately from the 7th of August 2017, or as agreed. The emergency accommodation coordinator is responsible for organizing temporary accommodation for students that are left without an apartment in the autumn and communicating about the situation. The coordinator’s tasks include providing guidance and counselling for students, especially international students, arranging the practicalities related to emergency accommodation (such as monitoring the use of the emergency accommodation and key control), and emergency accommodation planning in the long term.

Please send your free-form applications and CVs to rekrytointi@ayy.fi by Monday, the 5th of June, 12:00.

Read the full recruitment announcement here: /blog/2017/05/15/ayy-hakee-hatamajoituskoordinaattoria-2/


4. AYY is searching for distributors of year tags (2 positions)

AYY is searching for two distributors of year tags for part-time employment for four weeks. One of the distributors will work in Otaniemi, and the other in Töölö. The distributors are tasked with handing out year tags at year tag distribution points in Otaniemi and Töölö for AYY members who have paid the membership fee. The distributors will check the identity and membership fee status of the person collecting the year tag, attach the tags to student cards and mark the tag as distributed.

The work will be done in one shift between 12:00 and 18:00. The duration of the employment relationship is four weeks, from the 21st of August until the 15th September 2017. The distributors will be paid according to the Student Union Collective Agreement, on a pay grade of I (basic salary in full-time employment is 1409.04 € per month, and the calculated salary for this task is approximately 1127 €). Please send us your free-form applications and CVs by the 9th of June 2017, 12:00.

Read the full recruitment announcement here: /ylioppilaskunta/avoimet-tyopaikat/ayy-hakee-lukuvuositarrojen-jakajaa-2-paikkaa/


5. Don’t let your exam slip by! Exam guidelines will change from the beginning of August

The new exam guidelines apply to the entire Aalto University. They provide instructions on exam arrangements, registration and evaluation. The exam guidelines will replace the schools’ own guidelines starting from the 1st of August 2017.

Remember these!
1. Only registered students can attend an exam.
2. Registering for a course automatically registers you for the course exam.
3. You must register for other exams, like retakes and independent exams, 7 days prior to the exam.
4. You cannot enter an exam after 30 minutes have passed from the start of the exam.
5. At the end of the exam, return all the answer sheets, including blank ones, and also the question sheets if asked to.
Check out the new guidelines from Into (schools will post more information and reminders in August):



6. President’s Anniversary Seminar 20th of June – Tuula Teeri 60 years

Everybody is welcome to Tuula Teeri’s 60th birthday at President’s Anniversary Seminar with reception on Tuesday 20 June 2017 at 13.30, Otakaari 1, Espoo.

The topic will be a great passions of President Teeri: biotechnology and biomaterials. Join us for an afternoon filled with fascinating talks on the topic by Aalto’s researchers, such as professors Janne Laine, Markus Linder, Merja Penttilä, Herbert Sixta, and Tapani Vuorinen.

Please mark the day in your calendar. Registration to the event 12 June at the latest.

Further information: https://into.aalto.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=27626994


7. Otaniemi GayDay on the 2nd of July 2017

Otaniemi’s most colorful summer party is here again!

Bring your friends and come to Otaniemi’s happiest, most colorful and most open park picnic on Sunday, the 2nd of July! There will be plenty of good company and a laid-back atmosphere at the picnic, held this time at the Alvari park. Whether you’ve spent the previous night at Helsinki Pride or at Tuska Open Air, there is room for everyone at the picnic. Be your own Netflix and come chill with us!

This year’s GayDay will be packed with speed and dangerous situations as the track and arena for the Otaniemi’s Smoothest Rider contest will be constructed at the site during the day. Stay tuned, the details will be published at this event!

After some recovery measures, the evening will continue to get wilder and blow up into a glitter party at Servin Mökki at 18:00, where the amount of sparkling wine, burlesque and dashing performances will be out of this world!

In a nutshell:

WHAT: Picnic and Smökki party!

WHERE: Alvar Aalto park / Servin Mökki, Otaniemi

WHEN: 14:00/18:00, Sunday, the 2nd of July 2017

COST: The effort of showing up!

WHAT TO BRING WITH YOU: Picnic blanket, food (grilling is possible at the picnic)

Parties such as AYY’s Campus Section and TTER are making this event possible!


Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/116262272284181/


8. Welcome to Graffathon

Do you enjoy audiovisual art? Are you interested in computer graphics? Would you like to create a piece of art yourself? No experience in graphics programming? No problem!

DOT, Digital Media Club of Aalto University would like to welcome you to join us at Graffathon 2017. In this weekend-long hackathon you will learn about demoscene, real-time programming and art creation. You’ll get to assemble your dream team and create and present a real-time audiovisual experience. Best pieces will be rewarded!

Graffathon 2017 is held 30.6-2.7 @ Startup Sauna, Betonimiehenkuja 3D, 02150, Espoo. Tickets are available at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/graffathon-2017-tickets-34637428481

Read more: http://www.graffathon.fi


9. Become a Mentee and make the most of it!

Aalto Internationals! Are you looking for the opportunity to gain new insights into Finnish working culture and expand your professional networks? Helsinki Region Chamber of Commerce invites you to a cross-cultural mentoring partnership, EntryPoint 2017. Apply now here http://come2.fi/entrypoint-mentoring/become-a-mentee/ no later than 31st May, 2017.

  • Who: International degree (bachelor, master or PhD) students or recent graduates from Finnish HEIs (excl. exchange students)
  • What: EntryPoint 2017, Cross-cultural Mentoring Partnership between Finnish professionals and int’l talents (organized by Helsinki Region Chamber of Commerce)
  • When: October 2017 – April 2018 (6 months) + Orientation in late September
  • How: Apply now here http://come2.fi/entrypoint-mentoring/become-a-mentee/ no later than 31st May 2017

Why: Expanding your professional network, learning more about Finnish labor market and working culture, improving your employability… Read more about The ABCD of EntryPoint Mentoring Programme: http://come2.fi/news/blogs/

For more information on the EntryPoint 2017, please contact Mentoring Programme Officer Shania Shin, shania.shin@chamber.fi, +358 40 922 1023.


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