Changes to the scoring of housing applications

Aalto University is concentrating its functions to Otaniemi with the integration of campuses and therefore no extra point for location is given anymore.

Previously, for example, students at the Arabia campus, received a location point (1 additional point) for all destinations in Helsinki (except Töölö). Correspondingly, students at the Otaniemi campus were given an extra point in Teekkarikylä and Leppävaara, but not in Helsinki.

Once the location point has been removed, the applications for studio apartments have been put in order according to the date of the application. Similarly, the departure of the location point has also affected the order of other housing queues.

The Representative Council decided to update the Housing Regulations in their 05/2017 meeting. The updated Housing Regulations came into effect on 1st June and are available on AYY’s website. More information about scoring of applications can be found here.

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