Weekly newsletter 34/2017

Hello, all new and old students, welcome back to student life! There’s still some summer left, but the AYY weekly newsletter is already back in business. You can find news concerning AYY, its associations and sections in this newsletter, in addition to other useful information.

If you want your own piece to be a part of the weekly newsletter, send it in its finalized form to tiedotteet@ayy.fi by Thursday 10:00 if you want it out the following week.

The association information can be found in the association newsletter. Read it at /yhdistystiedote


  1. Remember to renew your student card’s year tag!
  2. Aalto Day One 2017–2018: Opening of the academic year
  3. Changes to the student allowance in a nutshell
  4. The emergency housing coordinator will help with matters relating to housing at the start of the academic year
  5. Kynä ja Paperi now in Otaniemi!
  6. Aalto Afterparty 2017
  7. Come and work at the Aalto Afterparty and Aalto Party!
  8. Humans vs Zombies Otaniemi 25–29th of September, organizers needed!
  9. Make a proposal for the Aalto Sportsperson of the Year 2017!
  10. Aalto 10K on the 17th of September 2017, are you ready? Registration is now open!
  11. Taekwon-Do beginners course in Tapiola
  12. Start using the FSHS Self service!

13.Russian basics course available in summer school


1. Remember to renew your student card’s year tag!

Have you already paid your membership fee for the academic year 2017-2018? Remember to renew your student card with a new year tag. You can fetch one from the AYY Otaniemi and Arabia service desks. Tags are also handed out from the 21st of August until the 15th of September at tag desks in the main lobby of the Learning Center at the Otaniemi campus and in the main building’s 1st floor lobby at the Töölö campus. The tag desks are open from 12:00 to 18:00. More information and the business hours of the Otaniemi and Arabia service desks can be found at:


You can also update your HSL travel card at the Otaniemi campus. A temporary updating desk for HSL cards will serve you in the Learning Center’s main lobby from the 21st of August until the 8th of September on weekdays between 12:00 and 18:00. It is not possible to obtain a new card from the updating desk; you can only update an existing card to student status. Information on how to obtain a new travel card can be found at the HSL website: https://www.hsl.fi/en/tickets-and-fares/discount-tickets/students


2. Aalto Day One 2017–2018: Opening of the academic year

Friday 8 September 2017

Join the celebrations to mark the beginning of the academic year together with the Aalto community. Aalto Day One 2017–2018 is a three-part event where the Aalto community, everyone from students to professors, celebrate the beginning of a new academic year.

The day starts with the opening ceremony in Dipoli on Otakaari 24 at 13.15. Dipoli is the recently renovated pearl of modern Finnish architecture, which has been restored to its former glory and turned in to Aalto University’s main buildning. Come and experience the new Dipoli for yourself! After the ceremony, there will be an open house at Dipoli starting as of 14.30.

The day reaches its pinnacle when the traditional Aalto Party, with its spectacular programme, kicks off at 16.00 outdoors in Alvari Square.

For more information, and to register to the starting on Tuesday 22 August 2017 at 13.00, please visit avajaiset.ayy.fi


3. Changes to the student allowance in a nutshell

The changes to the student allowance are now in force. We have collected bullet points below that sum up the changes. A list of all changes can be found in the Kela newsletter.

Student allowance is 250€/month

  • Kela will update the amount of the student allowance automatically; this does not require the students to take any further action

Students moved under the general housing allowance

  • You can receive general housing allowance already in August regardless of whether you are studying in the summer or not
  • You need to apply for the general housing allowance separately from the Kela eService
  • Apply for the allowance for August no later than the end of September
  • More info on the housing allowance can be found on the Kela website

Living with a roommate?

  • Read the Kela blog on how to apply for general housing allowance in a shared apartment

The first student loan installments for 2017-2018 can be withdrawn from your bank

  • Starting from August, the student loan is 650€ per month for students studying in Finland and 800€ per month for students studying abroad
  • Most students that already receive student allowance have already received the loan guarantee decision
  • If you have not been granted a loan guarantee, you can apply for one from the Kela eService by submitting a notification of changes to the student allowance


4. The emergency housing coordinator will help with matters relating to housing at the start of the academic year

Were you left without an apartment for the fall? The AYY emergency housing coordinator will help both Finns and international students in distress. The emergency housing coordinator will guide you in your search for an apartment, organize temporary housing, and help you in all matters concerning housing.

Contact information and phone hours of the emergency housing coordinator can be found here: /en/housing/apartment-seekers/emergency-housing/contact-details/

The emergency housing coordinator for the fall of 2017 is Katarina Naumanen. You can find her interview here:



5. Kynä ja Paperi now in Otaniemi!

The Aalto Arts legendary supply store Kynä ja Paperi (Pen & Paper) has moved to Otaniemi! We have both arts and stationary in supply, along with a flea market, café and study space. We are open from Monday to Thursday 9:00-16:00 and 9:00-14:00 on Fridays. Welcome!

Kynä ja Paperi
Otakaari 15, 02150 Espoo
tel. 0443865427
fb: Kynä ja paperi


6. Aalto Afterparty 2017

The Aalto Afterparty will be organized this year for the sixth time on the orientation week’s Friday in the depths of Otahalli. The party will be off the roof as the boldest and most beautiful human beings light up the dance floor. After Akystic and the DJ duo Paska Hyppönen and Olli Kikkeli have warmed up the party, the amazing CASCADA (GER) will make sure that the crowd will be launched all the way to the other end of the Milky Way!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/129852384294988/?active_tab=about

WHAT: Aalto Afterparty

WHERE: Otahalli, Otaranta 6

WHEN: Friday 8th of Sep, doors 9 p.m.

HOW MUCH: 13€ (+fee) + badge 2€ (later 2.5€)

TICKETS: https://bailataan.fi/en/#!/events/5dce4308-0f9e-4f54-85bf-21a7ad1c5e71


7. Come and work at the Aalto Afterparty and Aalto Party!

The finale for the freshman orientation week, the Aalto Afterparty, is approaching fast, and we need your help to make the party a real blast! Staff is needed for various tasks like security, decorations, cooking and the cloakroom.

As thanks, the staff receives free VIP entry to the event, an overall patch, and entrance to the staff after-party and the wrap-up party hosted later in the fall! In addition, you might have time to party a bit while working 😉

So, if you want to be a part of organizing the most awesome party of the year, sign up at: https://lomake.ayy.fi/aava/aalto-afterparty-aalto-party-2017-volunteers/

The most sought-after jobs are filled on a first come, first serve basis, so apply without delay!


8. Humans vs Zombies Otaniemi 25–29th of September, organizers needed!

HvZ has been an enormous success. To make it happen, we need organizers, which we are still short by a handful. Apply for the HvZ committee with this form: https://lomake.ayy.fi/rekry/humans-vs-zombies-toimikunta/. Note that the form is open only from the 21st of August until the 27th of August, so don’t wait too long! If you don’t want to apply on your own, grab a friend along for the application! As an organizer, you can make your wildest dreams a reality (or at least try to) and come up with brand-new challenges. That’s what this game is all about! More information on the game will come up once the committee has been chosen and has started its work.

If your knowledge of the game is non-existent, you should check out the official website and the stats for the game that was hosted in the spring this year:  http://www.humansvszombies.org/

You can also ask for more info at otso.seppala@aalto.fi


9. Make a proposal for the Aalto Sportsperson of the Year 2017!

Hey Aalto person, you can now suggest a student who you think should be named the Aalto Sportsperson of the Year 2017. The criteria for the award are sports accomplishments on a national or international level, study success and an honest and fair attitude in the community.

Remember to give good grounds for your proposal! The form closes on the 7th of September at 23:59. The award is handed out at the Aalto 10K event on the 17th of September 2017.


More info: oskar.niemenoja [at] ayy.fi


10. Aalto 10K on the 17th of September 2017, are you ready? Registration is now open!

The traditional Aalto 10K and Aalto 5K sports day will be held for the eighth time on Sunday, the 17th of September 2017, at 12:00. You can run, jog, walk, or Nordic walk the distance of your choice. The Aalto 10K and Aalto 5K events are free of charge for all Aalto members.

Aalto 10K/5k is part of the Espoon Rantamaraton marathon event. The marathon and half-marathon will be run on Saturday, the 16th September 2017. Aalto members can sign up for the marathon at a discounted price, 40 €/person.

Date: Aalto 10K/Aalto 5K on Sunday, the 17th of September 2016, 12:00-16:00; Espoo Rantamaraton on Saturday, the 16th September 2017
Location: Starts from Otaniemenranta in Otaniemi, Espoo, on the shore of Laajalahti.

More information on the event at Into: https://into.aalto.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=24324410
Registration ends on Sunday, the 10th of September 2017, at 23:59.

Registration only through the Rantamaraton website:


11. Taekwon-Do beginners course in Tapiola

The Espoo TKD-seura ry is organizing a beginner’s course in Taekwon-Do at Tuulimäki, Tapiola, on Sundays at 15:45-17:15, starting on the 27th of August 2017. The course lasts the entire fall semester and costs 60€, but you can come and try it out for free. More information and signups: http://teamespoo.com/harjoitukset/alkeiskurssi.php


12. Start using the FSHS Self service!

Self is FSHS’s service that allows users to manage the time of their appointments online.

Start using the Self service now and update your contact information. Also remember to choose how you want to receive notifications from the service (via SMS or email).

Create a user account and receive more information at: http://www.yths.fi/omayths

Also visit and like the Helsinki metropolitan area FSHS Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/YTHSHelsinkiEspoo/


13.Russian basics course available in summer school

A web course on the basics of the Russian language is available from the Päijät-Häme summer university. The package is suitable for people starting from scratch, but is also good rehearsal for more skilled students.

If you have ever thought about learning Russian, this is the perfect chance to do something about it. The course is excellent in that it can be fully completed online. The course is not hindered by this, however; it has been designed to be as flexible as possible to suit the needs of every learner.

More information (contact person etc.): http://www.paijathameenkesayliopisto.fi/ under ”Letkein askelin kohti venäjän alkeita -verkkokurssi

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