Weekly newsletter 37/2017

This is the AYY weekly newsletter 37/2017


The newsletter contains relevant and interesting information on AYY, its sections and organizations.

Orientation is done and it is time to work! In addition to studying there are hobbies to suit everyone from music to video and sports, with of course a plethora of awesome parties! Remember that you are welcome at all events and clubs regardless of your field of study. <3

If you want your own piece to be a part of the weekly newsletter, send it in its finalized form to tiedotteet@ayy.fi by Thursday 10:00 if you want it out the following week.

The newsletter is also available on the AYY webpages at /en/blog/2017/09/11/weekly-newsletter-372017/

The association information can be found in the association newsletter. Read it at /yhdistystiedote


  1. The AYY Representative Council Election candidate placements are underway!
  2. LakinlaskijaispÀivÀ & Otatarha race 30.9.!
  3. The celebratory year Sillis is the cherry on top of the festive year!
  4. Teekkarius 145th Anniversary Party on the 10th of November 2017 in Dipoli – registration opens on the 11th of September at 12:00 noon!
  5. Free DriveNow registration (normally 30 €) + 20 free driving minutes for all students + available for 19 year old students (normally 21 yrs)!
  6. HCC is here again!
  7. Teekkarispeksi improv and dance courses are back!
  8. Teekkarispeksi viewing night on September 12th.
  9. OUBS New Members night on September 12th at Studio
  10. Welcome to the Dominante tryouts!
  11. Polytechnical choir tryouts on Wednesdays 13th of September and 20th of September
  12. Chamber choir ”Dissonanssi” searching for new members!
  13. KYN: Loitsut
  14. Ice Hockey in a teekkari team!
  15. E-sports for the first time at the Finnish Student Championships!
  16. PIK organizes an introductory course on glider flying this upcoming fall
  17. Start a new hobby in good company!
  18. BEST Sauna
  19. International Stratos Program is searching for new coordinators 2017/2018!


1. The AYY Representative Council Election candidate placements are underway!


The Representative Council Elections will choose the 45 members that form the Representative Council for the next two-year term. The Council holds the highest power of decision in AYY, deciding, amongst other things, your membership fee and the rules and regulations of the Student Union. The Council is always chosen for 2-year term.

All members of the Student Union who have signed up for attendance and paid their membership fee by the 15th of September 2017 are eligible to vote.

You may set yourself up as a candidate by filling out the candidate form and by submitting it to AYY by the 2nd of October 2017. A candidate can join the existing electoral alliances or set one up with another candidate. The electoral alliances can be found here: /vaalit/vaaliliitot/.

Read more on setting yourself up as a candidate, forming an electoral alliance and the election timetables on: /vaalit/.

More info: Central Election Committee secretary Johanna PietilÀinen (johanna.pietilainen (a) ayy.fi).

2. LakinlaskijaispÀivÀ & Otatarha race 30.9.!


The last day of September, the day of the Lakinlaskijaiset party is once again started with the Otatarha race, a competition that doesn’t lack speed or fun!

Challenge yourself and others, design and build the greatest vehicle and come and compete for the win of the race at Ossinlampi! You and your friends have a chance to participate in this contest wilder than the Formula 1 races with a self-built vehicle that isn’t motor-powered. Points will be awarded for the vehicle’s classiness and speed, but also for the overall spirit of the team. The winners of the race will receive glorious prizes, so start preparing for the contest NOW!

Even if you don’t participate in the race, you should come to Ossinlampi to enjoy the stunning race atmosphere and the beautiful autumn day. Besides the race course the area will be filled with other fun things to see and do, including a pedal car rally and an obstacle course, where you can challenge your friend to a playful competition. Julkku and JĂ€ynĂ€ are also present lifting the spirits and entertaining the racegoers!

The main partner of the race, Sweco, is also participating the event with its own checkpoint. Come and get to know what Sweco is all about and see what they have planned for the day!

The sign-up for the teams participating the race is at: https://lomake.ayy.fi/teekkarijaosto/otatarhan-ajot-2017/.

The sign-up opens on 6.9. at 12 pm and closes on 24.9. at 12 am.

Event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1415002918615797


§0 Anyone is allowed to participate in the race. The teams that proceed to the finals are determined by qualifying rounds.
§1 The vehicle must run by human power (such as pedals, pushing or pulling) – no motors allowed.
§2 Teams will compete in the race at their own risk. Teams must attend to their safety.
§3 The number of team members or drivers is not limited.
§4 Intentionally bumping into other racers and wrecking others’ vehicles is prohibited.
§5 Racers must drive on track.
§6 Teams will be judged on speed and the performance in given tasks, the appearance of the vehicle, the spirit of the team and the technical properties of the vehicle.
All rights reserved.

For additional information, please contact the Teekkari Culture Directors:

3. The celebratory year Sillis is the cherry on top of the festive year!


500 years ago, a German monk who was fond of beer published some pretty radical views. These views caused a lot of changes in the Nordics: Finland received a written language of its own and the populace was taught how to read.

The festive year is celebrated at Smökki on the 1st of October with a sillis (“herring breakfast”)! Aalto-papit, AYY and the Tapiola parish wish to extend a helping hand to students wallowing in the backlash of the lakinlaskijaiset celebrations: On Sunday 1st of October we eat, bathe in the sauna and splash in the hot tub. Food is supplied by Hupli caterers, available for a student-friendly price of 5,50 euro.

There is space for the first 100 people who sign up.


WHAT: Celebratory year Sillis
WHEN: Sunday 1st of October 12:00-12:00
WHERE: Smökki, JÀmerÀntaival 4
COST: 5,50€
Signups from the 11th of September at www.bailataan.fi

4. Teekkarius 145th Anniversary Party on the 10th of November 2017 in Dipoli – registration opens on the 11th of September at 12:00 noon!


The Teekkari Tradition Party is really big this year, as we are celebrating the 145th anniversary of being a technology student, a Teekkari! Come and experience the memorable opening of the newly renovated Dipoli for anniversary use and enjoy singing, laughter and a festive atmosphere.

Registration opens on the 11th of September at 12:00 noon at: https://teekkarius145.ayy.fi/

You can find more information on the party and the whole Teekkari Tradition Week on the same webpage.

All technical students and technical student-minded people are welcome, regardless of their degree or field of study!


5. Free DriveNow registration (normally 30 €) + 20 free driving minutes for all students + available for 19 year old students (normally 21 yrs)!


Now is a good time to register to DriveNow carshare service. DriveNow in cooperation with Aalto University Student Union offers all students the possibility to register FOR FREE. During the campaign (11.9.-30.9.2017) DriveNow has lowered the minimum age limit to 19 years (normally 21 years). Download, register and go for a drive:


– free registration (normally 30 €)

– 20 free driving minutes

– 19 year minimum age limit (normally 21 years)

– drive easily from campus to another

– all DriveNow cars in Otaniemi are Drive’n Save discounted 0,40 €/min (normally 0,57 €).

DriveNow is a carshare service that gives you the keys to 150 city cars to your phone. Find your nearest car, open the doors with the app, dial your pin code and go drive. You can park anywhere where resident parking is available. Don’t have to worry about fueling up. Cars are all new BMW’s and Mini’s, including the electric car BMW i3.

Register via this link and get all benefits to your new account!




6. HCC is here again!


The traditional Hard Cock CafĂ© party of the Vuorimieskilta makes a spectacular comeback for the guild’s 70th anniversary. Rumors have it that HCC stems from Smökki, where schnapps was drunk with gusto around a big wood-hewn rooster, or “cock”.

This year cocks and hens alike will arrive at the party clad in black and white, ready to party until the morning light. So, travel to the eastern docks in Bar Loose in Helsinki on Friday 15th of September. The party starts at 20:00.

Buy a ticket at https://www.ticted.com/fi/events/4171

What: Hard Cock Café -party
Where: Bar Loose
When: 15th of September 20:00–04:00
Dresscode: Black & White
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/809321195900620

More on the celebratory events of the Vuorimieskilta at vk70.fi!


7. Teekkarispeksi improv and dance courses are back!


The popular Teekkarispeksi improv and dance courses are back! Come and challenge yourself with new dance styles and by diving head first into improv! Signups for the dance and beginner improv courses are organized on Thursday 14th of September at 12:00 at the Kandikeskus lower hall, and the intermediate improv course signups are on the same week, Thursday, 14th of September at 18:00 at the JMT1 lower corridor. People eager to join the courses are sure to be there in droves this year as well, so be there well on time to ensure your spot!

Closer timetables, descriptions and prices are on the Teekkarispeksi website: https://teekkarispeksi.fi/liity-mukaan/kursseille/.

More information can also be asked from our improv correspondent Roope (roope.vesterinen@aalto.fi) and the dance correspondents Ella (ella.hakala@aalto.fi) and Ranilta (ran.ji@aalto.fi).


8. Teekkarispeksi viewing night on September 12th.


If you missed the live shows of the Teekkarispeksi or if you just want to re-live the vibes, join us at the big side of OK20 on Tuesday 12th of September to check out the viewing of Viimeinen Sinfonia, the 2017 speksi! You’ll also have a chance to meet interesting people and spend a nice evening in speksilicious company staring at the screen or in the sauna. Remember to bring a towel if you wish to bathe!

The event starts at 18:00 and the viewing starts at 18:30. Welcome all speksi-lovers!


9. OUBS New Members night on September 12th at Studio


On Tuesday 12th of September you can hear about OUBS and what we do at the OUBS studio. If you are interested in photography, streaming or seeing the studio, come join us! The studio is situated at JÀmerÀntaival 1, basement level. OUBS also has a sauna shift every Tuesday worth checking out and joining in.  Join the conversation in the TG group at: https://t.me/oubstg


10. Welcome to the Dominante tryouts!

If you like singing, producing quality music and even better company, head to the Aalto University mixed choir Dominante tryouts in September!

Domi highlights:
– this year we traveled to perform in Taiwan and the Bach festival in Germany
– we are soon 42 years old, at the moment we have 55 singers and one terrific leader Seppo Murto
– orchestras, quartets, serenades, passios, a cappella and much more
– we practice on Mondays and, when needed, on Thursdays at 18:00

On Monday 11th of September at 18:00 at the TuAS house we have an open-door practice session, where everyone is welcome to sing and see the choir in action!
The tryout times are on 12th and 19th of September between 17:00 and 21:00. The place is the TU2 hall at the TuAS house (Maarintie 8).

Sign up for the tryouts by emailing or calling the ‘mother of all freshmen’ Elisa PenttilĂ€, at 044 530 7809 // penttila.elisa@gmail.com

More information on the content of the tryouts and the choir itself on our web pages and the choir facebook & Instagram @dominatechoir!


11. Polytechnical choir tryouts on Wednesdays 13th of September and 20th of September


Singing with attitude! The polytechnical choir is searching for new members to join its ranks! Do you have a burning desire to charm the great masses with your voice from Servin Mökki to Musiikkitalo and to the ends of the earth? Welcome!

the PK tryouts are organized on two Wednesdays, 13th of September 17-18 and on the 20th of September 17-18 at the choir practice room at the TUAS house, 2nd floor, hall AS2 (Maarintie 8). At the event, you will get to perform one song of your choice, no musical accompaniment.

Don’t dally but sign up to the tryouts by contacting our freshmen emperor Joona Haavisto at 044 2541514, by email at fuksikeisari@polyteknikkojenkuoro.fi or ask more on Facebook. See you at the tryouts!

More info http://www.polyteknikkojenkuoro.fi/koelaulut/


13.9. https://www.facebook.com/events/1595933390473800/

20.9. https://www.facebook.com/events/115356012434862/


12. Chamber choir ”Dissonanssi” searching for new members!

Are you an enthusiastic singer? Would you like to sing in a choir? Our small mixed choir is easily approachable and there are no strict auditions to fear. We are happy with even a small amount of experience about choir singing or a generally good singing voice. We practice on Tuesdays at the machine technology club room from 18 to 20, and you are free to participate the training session to observe as well.

If you are interested, fill up the form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScv8zbeH3RGYuc-7TdyLuI5E7yGiZay9Ty0D0QSVXlyT8l6XA/viewform?c=0&w=1 and we’ll contact you within a week.


13. KYN: Loitsut


Sat 21st of October 2017 at 15:00 and 19:00, Suvilahti Kattilahalli, Helsinki


The Loitsut series, composed by Jukka Linkola for KYN (Kauppakorkeakoulun Ylioppilaskunnan Naiskuoro female choir) transforms into a stage performance directed by Janne Marja-Aho, combining music, movement, light and picture. Panu Savolainen on the vibraphone will give some flair to the piece, which was originally composed a cappella. The rich world of Loitsut will be brought to life in the stark hall of Kattilahalli through Mika Venhovaara’s lights and VJ Hellstone live visuals.


The choir is led by Kaija Viitasalo.

Artists talking about backgrounds of the piece -events will be held 45 minutes before the performance.

Tickets (27,50/22,50/16,50 €) and ticket + cd packages (42,50/37,50/32,50 €) from Tiketti.

More info: www.facebook.com/KYNchoir, www.kyn.fi



14. Ice Hockey in a teekkari team!


The Aalto University Ice Hockey pride, PUS-Hockey starts its season in the 3rd division in a few weeks, but it is time to vet the new prospects first. If you are interested and you feel that you might have the skill required for team play, contact phockey@list.ayy.fi and come show your abilities at the Espoonlahti ice rink on Wednesday 13th of September 22:00-23:00!

WHAT: PUS-Hockey tryouts
WHERE: Espoonlahti ice rink
WHEN: Wednesday 13th of September 22:00-23:00


15. E-sports for the first time at the Finnish Student Championships!


The Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL)’s early Finnish Student Championships have expanded to include e-sports this year. The Aalto University Aalto Gamers and the Kaakkois-Suomi Ammattikorkeakoulu Gaming Barracks organize the Hearthstone and Overwatch OSM-championships during the fall. More information on both events below – read more and join in!
The Hearthstone Student Championships at the start of the fall!

The yearly Finnish Student Championships of OLL have expanded to include e-sports this year. Aalto University Aalto Gamers Ry is organizing championships for Hearthstone during the fall. The event is the first of its kind in Europe.

The tournament is composed of a single series, consisting or qualification rounds played online. The 16 best players that qualify are invited to Keilalahti to play at the offline finals, organized at TietoHQ on the 4th of November 2017. The best three will receive, in addition to fame and glory, 3500€ worth of prize money!

There is no cost to joining in; competing and coming to watch are both free.

Read more and sign up by the 17th of September at www.osmkisat.fi/event/hearthstone


The Overwatch OSM (Student Finnish Championships) are finally here!

The Kaakkois-Suomen Ammattikorkeakoulu Gaming Barracks brings Blizzard’s big sensation, Overwatch, to all Finnish students in the form of Finnish Championships.

The tournament will consist of online qualification rounds and a live tournament finale in Kouvola. The tryouts are hosted in October and the finale is held on the 18th and 19th of November at the KinoKouvo facilities. 8 best teams qualify for the finale.

The event is free for viewers. The teams that join in have to pay a small fee. More info on fees, the tournament format and other important things on the OLL website at https://osmkisat.fi/events/id/593eabb137d0e06ff5383ea2 and the event Facebook pages https://www.facebook.com/events/1468500583238253/?fref=ts. The tournament prize pot will also be defined and informed on these pages.


16. PIK organizes an introductory course on glider flying this upcoming fall


At the glider flying introductory course you get to jump into a glider plane along with an instructor. The course consists of two parts, starting with a theory part, concerning the basics of glider flying and practical matters for the flight day. After the theory, you will get right into the action: to fly in a two-seater glider and enjoy awesome views. You may also fly the plane under the tutelage of the instructor.

The introductory flights are organized, weather permitting, on two Saturdays, 16th and 23rd of September (Sundays as backup days). The flight day starts from the RÀyskÀlÀ flight center and last for the entire day. Carpooling and rides can be arranged at the theory trainings.

The theory parts are hosted on Friday 15th of September and Thursday 21st of September at 17:00, at the Maariantalo organization club room (SÀhkömiehentie 3, 2nd floor). You may ensure your spot by signing up with the following form https://goo.gl/forms/5AO1SVUH5ZGVkYqe2 or signing up at the theory lesson. More information at purjelento@pik.fi.

Price: 125€

The price includes the membership fee for the rest of the year, theory training and two flights with an instructor.


17. Start a new hobby in good company!

The Helsinki University Taekwon-Do organization is organizing a beginner course for students and staff of the Helsinki University and Aalto University.

The practice will focus on various parts of Taekwon-Do, increase physical fitness, strengthen your core and learn kicking and punching techniques, along with body control and maintenance. Prior experience is not necessary.

The course starts on Wednesday 13th of September 2017 and you may join throughout September. The course lasts for the fall semester, ending in a belt test.

The practice is held on Wednesdays from 16:10 – 17:30 and Sundays from 12:00 to 13:00 at the UniDojo, Pohjoinen Hesperiankatu 25.

The practice course costs 50€, but you may attend for free through September to get a feel of things. The course fee includes the practice fee, organization membership fee and the belt test fee.

More information http://hytaekwondo.com/club/course.php?ref=main-intext  & course on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1513926991961758/



18. BEST Sauna

How would it sound to start the new semester in the best company Otaniemi has to offer, while enjoying free pancakes and refreshments? Grab your swimsuit and a friend or two and join the relaxing evening.

During the evening, you will have an opportunity to get to know one of the biggest technology student organizations in Europe, called BEST.

WHERE: Rantasauna, Otaniemi
WHEN: 14.9.2017 klo 18.00 ->
WHY: BEST and Beer ‘n Pancakes
Link to FB event: https://www.facebook.com/events/846448435516289/?active_tab=about


19. International Stratos Program is searching for new coordinators 2017/2018!


We are searching for three coordinators for the program starting this Autumn. As a coordinator, your responsibility is to run the whole program from the beginning to the end: acquiring partner companies, recruiting the participant students, organizing excursions to participating companies, organizing and participating in the study trip abroad. Because of the multitude of these tasks, you will gain experience in many essential fields such as marketing, finance, HR, teamwork, and leadership. You will also acquire important contacts to the major international companies in Finland and other like-minded students. The coordinators will be working freely and can tailor the program in accordance to own creativity within some major guidelines.

What do you need to become the next Coordinator? Qualifications aren’t all too important, although it helps to have some organizational experience and good communication skill. What we want are highly motivated and proactive Aalto students who are willing to wholly commit to the program and make it prosper.

Interested? Send us your CV, cover letter and study transcript to stratosprogram2017@gmail.com by 24.09.2017.

If you have any question regarding Stratos program+ coordinator experience, we are happy to answer at any time and any channel.

P.S: This year we rocked PERU and the legendary MACHU PICCHU. Next year, you decide. So what are you waiting for?







AIESEC is a global youth-led organization striving to achieve Peace and Fulfillment of Humankind’s Potential by activating leadership qualities in youth through learning from practical experiences in challenging environments.

We are recruiting new and enthusiastic youth to join the Youth leadership movement in Finland! If you want to do something that has a true impact, apply and help us to organize global social campaigns in practice. We are looking for volunteers to be part of our organization as members and now you have the opportunity to participate in Helsinki!

If you already have the following skills and want to develop them in an organizational design, or if you want to build on to these skills right from the scratch, you are welcome to sign up with us- Sales, Project Management, Talent Management and International Relations.

If you are interested, fill in the form and we will contact you and invite you to a short personal interview where we will tell you more about AIESEC and what we do. You can sign up for membership here: aiesec.fi/join The deadline for the application is 20.9 so apply NOW!

Every year about 200 people all over Finland, in the age group of 18-30 join AIESEC. One of the best things about AIESEC is that when we empower others’ development, we also develop ourselves! This can be guaranteed by our massive alumni network which is spread all over the world and some of the renowned ex-AIESECers like Martti Ahtisaari and Bill Gates. We welcome you to join us in this attempt of providing as many leadership experiences as possible.

If you have questions related to our activities, please, do not hesitate to contact us:

Aastha Singh | Vice President of Talent Management: aastha.singh@aiesec.net

Valeriy Neznakhin | President of AIESEC Helsinki: valeriy.neznakhin@aiesec.net


For more information, you can also check our Facebook page:



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