Weekly newsletter 38/2017

One sure sign of autumn is that the weekly newsletter is bigger than before! But that’s only a good sign – it means that everyone can find hobbies, events and parties to suit their tastes. You will find AYY’s own and general announcements at the start, and information on events afterwards. After that, you will find the cultural organizations, sports clubs and other clubs operating within AYY. At the end, you will find some Aalto announcements.


If you want your own piece to be a part of the weekly newsletter, send it in its finalized form to tiedotteet@ayy.fi by Thursday 10:00 if you want it out the following week.

The association information can be found in the association newsletter. Read it at: /yhdistystiedote


Week 38

18.9. Polytech Orchestra rehearsal /blog/events/polyteknikkojen-orkesterin-harjoitukset-2/

20.9. Polytech Choir auditions /blog/events/polyteknikkojen-kuoron-koelaulut-22/

20.9. Ristin kilta: Siyan Zhuang – Journey to Catholicism /blog/events/ristin-kilta-siyan-zhuang-tutkimusmatka-katolilaisuuteen/

21.9. KYL’s info night + quartet contest /blog/events/kyln-infoilta-kvartettikilpailut/

22.9. International Sitsit /blog/events/international-sitsit/

24.9. Mosaic’s CafĂ© Lingua /blog/events/mosaics-cafe-lingua-67/

24.9. TAK’s autumn racing day 2017 at the Ahvenisto Race Circuit /blog/events/tak-syysratapaivat-2017-ahveniston-moottoriradalla/

Week 39

25.9. KYL’s autumn auditions (1) /blog/events/kyln-syksyn-koelaulut-1-2/

27.9. Ristin kilta: Tree of Hope Mass /blog/events/ristin-kilta-toivon-puun-messu/

30.9. Otatarha Race /blog/events/otatarhan-ajot-2/

30.9. Lakinlaskijaiset 2017 /blog/events/lakinlaskijaiset-2017/

2.10. KYL’s autumn auditions (2) /blog/events/kyln-syksyn-koelaulut-2-2/



  1. The AYY Representative Council Election candidate nomination is underway!
  2. Polyteekkari Museum is looking for new guides – guide training starts on the 25th and 26th of September 2017
  3. Accenture Accelerator is here!
  4. Free DriveNow registration (normally 30 €) + 20 free driving minutes for all students + available for 19 year old students (normally 21 yrs)!
  5. Answer a survey about Balancing family and studies!
  6. Humans vs Zombies Otaniemi 25.–29.9.
  7. Teekkarius 145 celebratory year Escape Room
  8. Lakinlaskijaiset on the 30th of September!
  9. Otatarha Race on the 30th of September!
  10. The celebratory year Sillis is the cherry on top of the festive year!
  11. Campus Expo on the 3rd of October
  12. Dipolin Appro on the 9th of October
  13. Girls’ sitsit on the 27th of October 2017 – signup opens on the 22nd of September at 12:00 noon!
  14. WC of Academic Quidditch on the 13th of October
  15. POLIN APPRO on the 8th of November 2017
  16. Teekkarius 145th Anniversary Party on the 10th of November 2017 in Dipoli – registration opens on the 11th of September at 12:00 noon!
  17. Female choir KYN is looking for new, skilled and committed singers!
  18. Chamberchoir Dissonanssi is looking for male singers!
  19. Polytech Choir auditions on Wednesday, the 13th of September and 20th of September
  20. Welcome to Polijazz’s classes!
  21. OUBS autumn trainings
  22. TAK’s autumn racing day at the Ahvenisto Race Circuit
  23. Start practicing Aikido in Otaniemi!
  24. Karate, kickboxing, BJJ or self-defense? Choose them all, choose Honbu!
  25. Autumn Taido core course
  26. Ski Freshman Jamboree on the 20th of September at 19:00 at OK20
  27. First Snow signup on Friday, the 22nd of September at 9:00 at the Kanditalo lobby
  28. The Taste of Whisky
  29. OlutmÖLkky 4.10.
  30. Sing up for Aalto’s IndustryHack!
  31. Present Aalto at upper secondary schools!


1. The AYY Representative Council Election candidate nomination is underway!

The Representative Council Elections will choose the 45 members that form the Representative Council for the next two-year term. The Council holds the highest power of decision in AYY, deciding, amongst other things, your membership fee and the rules and regulations of the Student Union. The Council is always chosen for a 2-year term.

All members of the Student Union who have signed up for attendance and paid their membership fee by the 15th of September 2017 are eligible to vote.

Members of the Student Union who have registered for non-attendance are also eligible for nomination (can run as candidates) in the Aalto University Student Union Representative Council Elections 2017, in addition to other members.

You may run as a candidate by filling out the candidate form and by submitting it to AYY by the 2nd of October 2017, 13:00. A candidate can join the existing electoral alliances or set one up with another candidate. The electoral alliances can be found here: /vaalit/electoral-alliances/?lang=en.

Read more about running as a candidate, forming an electoral alliance and the election timetables at: /vaalit/?lang=en.

More info: Central Election Committee secretary Johanna PietilÀinen (johanna.pietilainen (a) ayy.fi).


2. Polyteekkari Museum is looking for new guides – guide training starts on the 25th and 26th of September 2017

Come work as a guide with us! You will get to know a lot of interesting people, tell and hear stories and participate in a variety of events. Come to the museum on the 25th or 26th of September between 17:00 and 18:30 to hear what the fantastic task of a guide entails and how flexible the work really is. All guide candidates are very welcome, regardless of class or field of study. The museum is waiting for you!


3. Accenture Accelerator is here!

Accenture, together with Avanto Ventures, is introducing a selection of leading startups for our corporate customers in order to find good matches and create new ideas and value. Now we are looking for top students and recent graduates to join us! Gain experience, grow your networks and have fun!

Read more and apply by 24.9. at www.Accenture.fi/Accelerator


4. Free DriveNow registration (normally 30 €) + 20 free driving minutes for all students + available for 19 year old students (normally 21 yrs)!

Free DriveNow registration (normally 30 €) + 20 free driving minutes for all students + available for 19 year old students (normally 21 yrs)!

Now is a good time to register to DriveNow carshare service. DriveNow in cooperation with Aalto University Student Union offers all students the possibility to register FOR FREE. During the campaign (11.9.-30.9.2017) DriveNow has lowered the minimum age limit to 19 years (normally 21 years). Download, register and go for a drive:


  • free registration (normally 30 €)
  • 20 free driving minutes
  • 19 year minimum age limit (normally 21 years)
  • drive easily from campus to another
  • all DriveNow cars in Otaniemi are Drive’n Save discounted 0,40 €/min (normally 0,57 €).


DriveNow is a carshare service that gives you the keys to 150 city cars to your phone. Find your nearest car, open the doors with the app, dial your pin code and go drive. You can park anywhere where resident parking is available. Don’t have to worry about fueling up. Cars are all new BMW’s and Mini’s, including the electric car BMW i3.

Register via this link and get all benefits to your new account! https://www.drive-now.com/fi/fi/helsinki?prc=X00-SCHOOL


5. Answer a survey about Balancing family and studies!

Answer a survey about Balancing family and studies!

This survey is meant for higher education students with a family who have one or more underage children.

The aim of the survey is to chart out the challenges students with a family have concerning child care, their child care needs and how they succeed in balancing their family and studies.

The survey is conducted and its answers are processed by the Student Union of the University of Helsinki (HYY), the National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL) and the Family Federation of Finland. Answers to the survey are anonymous. The results are used in advocacy work on improving the services of students with a family and on making balancing family and studies easier as well as in research conducted by the Family Federation of Finland.



6. Humans vs Zombies Otaniemi 25.–29.9.

The zombie virus is spreading! Does humanity have any chance against the ever-growing zombie horde? This autumn continues the story of the spring. Thanks to international banking system, Technodeal Group Ltd. didn’t collapse and is now going strong again. Remaining humans need to do something to stop the vicious plans!

Humans vs. Zombies is a moderated game of tag where zombie players try to spread the infection by tagging human players. Humans can in turn protect themselves by hiding, fleeing or fighting back (using clean socks or foam gun darts to “stun” zombies). The game is fun and interactive. Since teamwork is often the best strategy, players are guaranteed to meet new people. HvZ is created for campuses like Otaniemi, so we couldn’t have a better area for this!

Signup: https://lomake.ayy.fi/aava/hvz/

FB event: www.facebook.com/events/139221360020152

Questions can be sent to the moderators: hvzotaniemi@gmail.com


7. Teekkarius 145 celebratory year Escape Room

One room, one hour, six people, a lot of open questions. Can you solve the mysteries and make it out before the clock strikes?

Gather a team and experience the exciting Teekkarius 145 celebratory year Escape Room! Signups are held on the 19th of September at 10:00–12:30 at the Otakaari 1 lobby. TTER (Fund for Promoting Teekkari Activities) and our co-operation partner Vaisala are participating in this Escape Room! If you miss the chance to experience the Escape Room itself, you should drop by, since Vaisala representatives are present to distribute food for thought and refreshing coffee. A single person can sign up the whole team, and the teams should consist of 6 members. The groups can be smaller, in which case small groups are merged together. The participants are required to pay a 2€/person fee, paid when signing up.

Below is a list of the possible times. The slots are filled on a first-come, first-serve basis, so be prepared that you might not receive the exact time slot you planned for.
Mon 25th Sep–Thu 28th Sep at 8:00, 9:30, 11:00, 12:30, 14:00, 15:30, 17:00, 18:30
Fri 29th Sep at 8:00, 9:30, 11:00, 12:30, 14:00

WHAT: Teekkarius 145 celebratory year Escape Room, sponsored by Vaisala
WHEN: Mon 25th of September–Friday 29th of September
WHERE: Otakaari 1
COST: 2€/person


8. Lakinlaskijaiset on the 30th of September!

Lakinlaskijaiset returns to Dipoli after three years of renovations! The party is held each year to celebrate the end of summer, and this time on stage will be three awesome Finnish artists: Waldo’s People, Atomirotta and Movetron. The electronic music association Entropy, which is known for crazy raves, is also hosting a party on the second stage. JĂ€ynĂ€, the Wappu magazine Julkku, Otaniemi Karaoke Singers and Gayy’s Glittering Point, which has charmed visitors during previous years, are also present at the party!

What, where, when: Lakinlaskijaiset 2017, Dipoli (Otakaari 24), Saturday, September 30th.

On the main stage:
21:30 Waldo’s People
22:30 Atomirotta
00:00 RWBK
00:45 Movetron

Tickets in advance 13€, at door 15€, and online (bailataan.fi) 13.5€. Tickets are sold online at bailataan.fi, and starting September 18th, on ticket booths in main lobby of the Undergraduate Center and other locations in Helsinki. Visit lakinlaskijaiset.fi for more details on ticket sale locations and hours!

Age limit of the event is 18 years.


9. Otatarha Race on the 30th of September!

The last day of September, the day of the Lakinlaskijaiset party, starts once again with the Otatarha race, a competition that doesn’t lack speed or fun!

Challenge yourself and others, design and build the greatest vehicle and come and compete for victory at Ossinlampi! You and your friends have a great chance to participate in this contest that is wilder than the Formula 1 races with a self-built vehicle that isn’t motor-powered. Points will be awarded for the vehicle’s classiness and speed, but also for the overall spirit of the team. The winners of the race will receive glorious prizes, so start preparing for the contest NOW!

Even if you aren’t planning on participating in the race, you should come to Ossinlampi to enjoy the stunning race atmosphere and the beautiful autumn day. In addition to the race course, the area will be filled with other fun things to see and do, including a pedal car rally and an obstacle course, where you can challenge your friend to a playful competition. Julkku and JĂ€ynĂ€ are also present, lifting the spirits and entertaining the racegoers!

The main partner of the race, Sweco, is also participating in the event with its own checkpoint. Come and get to know what Sweco is all about and see what they have planned for the day!

The sign-up for the teams participating in the race is at: https://lomake.ayy.fi/teekkarijaosto/otatarhan-ajot-2017/.

The sign-up opens on the 6th of September at 12:00 noon and closes on the 24th of September at 23:59.

Event, rules and contact details on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1415002918615797


10. The celebratory year Sillis is the cherry on top of the festive year!

Students wallowing in the backlash of the Lakinlaskijaiset celebrations are given a helping hand on the next day: on Sunday, the 1st of October, we will eat, bathe in the sauna and splash in the hot tub at Smökki starting from 12:00 noon. Food is supplied by Hupli caterers, and we recommend thirsty visitors to bring their own drinks with them. For the menu and other nice things, visit the FB page at https://www.facebook.com/events/296895527383835/.

Ticket sales are open at bailataan.fi and will end this Thursday, the 21st of September, at 9:00, so be quick!


11. Campus Expo on the 3rd of October

It’s once again time for the Campus Expo! The Expo will be held on the 3rd of October between 11:00 and 15:00 at the familiar premises of Otakaari 1! This year, the event will include a record amount of program as the Campus Expo is part of the Aalto Wellbeing Week. So come and hear out what companies have to say about wellbeing and say hi to Aalto’s associations!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1497623183624748/

Aalto Wellbeing Week: https://into.aalto.fi/display/events/Aalto+Wellbeing+Week+2-6.10.2017


12. Dipolin Appro on the 9th of October

Release your inner Dominatrix on Monday, the 9th of October, at the one and only pub crawl held entirely in Otaniemi! The Hosts and Hostesses will gently but firmly train your bar hopping skills for the main pub crawl of the year, Polin Appro, which will be held in November.

During the crawl, which takes place in Otaniemi’s one-time rental facilities, you will collect stamps from different checkpoints, and if your performance is considered satisfactory after 8 stamps, you’ll get an overall badge that matches with your Polin Appro badge! The afterparty, which takes place at Smökrök, is full of PELMU’s spectacular bands that will keep the atmosphere hot and steamy.

Get your tickets together with the ticket to Polin Appro starting from the 25th of September! You can find the ticket sales locations and times on the FB event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1445884322160280



13. Girls’ sitsit on the 27th of October 2017 – signup opens on the 22nd of September at 12:00 noon!

The most sparkling event of the year is here – Girls’ sitsit 2017!

The Hollywood-themed sitsit are held at Saha in Otaniemi on Friday, the 27th of October 2017. The cocktail event starts at 18:00 and the gala itself at 18:30. After the sitsit, a bus will take us to the afterparty, which is held from out of sight of TV cameras. The whole evening, including the bus ride and afterparty, costs 18€ with alcohol and 16€ without alcohol. There will be magnificent program and talented performances from past decades. So don’t stay home, come and feel the scandalous atmosphere live!

Signup starts on the 22nd of September at 12:00 noon. For more info and instructions on how to sign up, check the FB event: https://fi-fi.facebook.com/events/115684949120316/


14. WC of Academic Quidditch on the 13th of October

Aava organizes a quidditch tournament on Friday, the 13th of October, from 2 to 7 pm at Silkkiniitty. The goal is to find the best quidditch team in Finland and make the sport famous at once also here in the North. In the English-speaking world, this sport is already super popular among students.

24 fastest teams to sign in qualify for the tournament. Guilds and invited teams have their own quota, but the rest of the slots are up for grabs for your speedy squad, for example! We have designed the event to be as easy as possible for the players, and TTER, Sini-Siivoustarvikkeet and Klubbensport are our sponsors. Come witness the best sport atmosphere ever!

Info, registration and The Rules from links below

FB event https://www.facebook.com/events/117944458931370

Info site https://lomake.ayy.fi/aava/huispaus/


15. POLIN APPRO on the 8th of November 2017

Polin Appro is here again, and this time it’s even hotter, more mysterious and beautiful than ever! This legendary pub crawl for Aalto people, biggest of its kind in Finland, brings together all students and student-minded people. The Appro will be held on Wednesday, the 8th of November, in the middle of the Teekkari Tradition Week, and it takes place around the old Poli area.

Participants collect performance stamps by visiting various checkpoints and pre-selected bars and pubs. If you manage to collect enough stamps, you will be awarded an overall badge at the afterparty! The theme for this year is masquerade, so don a mask and come experience this Appro night full of mystery and see the amazing artists at the afterparty!

You can buy an advance ticket together with the Dipolin Appro ticket starting from the 25th of September, or when the actual ticket sales start on the 11th of October. Get yours as soon as you can, because the tickets will surely sell out fast! For more detailed information on the ticket sales locations and times, check the website or Facebook event.

Read more at https://polinappro.fi and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/events/1528124457244940

You can find the program for the entire Teekkari Tradition Week at www.teekkarius145.fi


16. Teekkarius 145th Anniversary Party on the 10th of November 2017 in Dipoli – registration opens on the 11th of September at 12:00 noon!

The Teekkari Tradition Party is really big this year, as we are celebrating the 145th anniversary of being a technology student, a Teekkari! Come and experience the memorable opening of the newly renovated Dipoli for anniversary use and enjoy singing, laughter and a festive atmosphere.

Registration opens on the 11th of September at 12:00 noon at: https://teekkarius145.ayy.fi/

You can find more information on the party and the whole Teekkari Tradition Week on the same webpage.

All technical students and technical student-minded people are welcome, regardless of their degree or field of study!

17. Female choir KYN is looking for new, skilled and committed singers!

Auditions: Mon 25th of September between 18:00 and 21:00 at the Aalto University School of Business in Helsinki.

Signup: Fri 22nd of September at the latest: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSffaif-M57gNpf8Pp5jly87bLYmMDucop-EvIMCv7CcjQASAQ/viewform

After you have signed up, we will contact you by email.

You’re the singer we’re looking for if:
– you can sight-sing, meaning that you can sing by reading music
– you have previous experience in choir singing
– you can and want to commit to a challenging and rewarding hobby

At the auditions, we will test your basic musical skills, such as ear for music, sense of rhythm, note reading and polyphonic voices.

More information on the auditions: https://www.facebook.com/events/1385897231488885/?active_tab=about

and about our choir: www.kyn.fi ja www.facebook.com/KYNchoir


18. Chamberchoir Dissonanssi is looking for male singers!

Are you an enthusiastic singer? Would you like to sing in a choir? Do you appreciate a fun and relaxed atmosphere? Are you familiar with reading sheet music? Then come and join our open rehearsals on Tuesdays from 19.9 – 3.10. in the Mechanical Engineering building (Otakaari 4), 2nd floor.

Our small mixed choir is easily approachable and there are no strict auditions to fear. Previous choir experience is welcome but not required. More important is a good singing voice and enthusiasm to learn.

If you are interested, fill up the form and we’ll get back to you asap! https://goo.gl/forms/SI0hpbsQn2CmNxzf1

Find more info on our choir & the open rehearsals:

our website: https://dissonanssi.ayy.fi/

on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/265330373979496


19. Polytech Choir auditions on Wednesday, the 13th of September and 20th of September

Singing with attitude! The Polytech Choir is searching for new members to join its ranks! Do you have a burning desire to charm the great masses with your voice from Servin Mökki to the Helsinki Music Centre and to the ends of the earth? Welcome!

The PK auditions are organized on two Wednesdays, the 13th of September (17:00–18:00) and the 20th of September (17:00–18:00) at the choir practice room at the TUAS house, 2nd floor, hall AS2 (Maarintie 8). At the event, you will get to perform one song of your choice, no musical accompaniment.

Don’t dally, sign up to the auditions by contacting our Freshman Emperor Joona Haavisto by telephone (044 2541514), by email (fuksikeisari@polyteknikkojenkuoro.fi), or by asking more on Facebook. See you at the auditions!

More info http://www.polyteknikkojenkuoro.fi/koelaulut/


13th September https://www.facebook.com/events/1595933390473800/

20th September https://www.facebook.com/events/115356012434862/


20. Welcome to Polijazz’s classes!

Polijazz ry’s weekly classes start again on Monday, the 18th of September 2017. Breakdance class (open level) every Monday between 19:30 and 20:30.

Modern dance basics on Thursdays between 17:00 and 18:15, extra class between 18:15 and 19:30. NB! Starts on the 28th of September.

Hip hop freestyle at 17:00 and house freestyle at 18:00 on Fridays, both open level.

Signup and program can be found on Polijazz’s website at polijazz.ayy.fi. First time is free. See you in dancing class!


21. OUBS autumn trainings

Get to know the studio on Tuesday, the 19th of September at 18:00! Come and see what OUBS’s activities are all about and explore the darkest corners of the studio! We will start at 18:00, you can find the studio in the basement of JĂ€merĂ€ntaival 1.

3rd of October: OUBS’s camera training at the studio starting from 18:00. We will get to know the secrets of video cameras and camera technology in general.


22. TAK’s autumn racing day at the Ahvenisto Race Circuit

Now that the autumn has started, are you starting to feel that you need to find something else to do besides sitting in lecture or hanging around the campus? Not to worry, because Teekkarien Autokerho (TAK) provides you with a welcome change and fast-paced action at TAK’s autumn racing day!

TAK is organizing its traditional racing day at the Ahvenisto Race Circuit on Sunday, the 24th of September, between 12:00 and 16:00. This joyous test drive session costs 10€ for club members and 20€ for non-members, but you can join the club on the same day if you want to by paying the annual membership fee of 12€, provided that you meet the other conditions (AYY membership and interest in the club’s activities).

The most important minimum requirement for your car is that it has seat belts and a muffler, meaning that you don’t need to own a real rally car or borrow one from your dad or friend. There are some other small requirements for the car that keep it together and on the road, but nothing that any roadworthy vehicle wouldn’t meet. And even though you have to get the car you want to drive yourself, you don’t have to find the circuit all on your own, as we will meet and head for the circuit together if any of the participants so wish.

More information can be found in AYY’s event calendar and/or on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1604771236253556/  – and it’s probably not a bad idea to check out TAK’s website at http://tak.ayy.fi.


23. Start practicing Aikido in Otaniemi!

Aalto Aikikai is recruiting new beginners again in late September. We will organize an aikido show match on Tuesday, the 26th of September at 17:00 at the JÀmerÀntaival 5 tatami hall. The practices for new beginners start on Thursday, the 28th of September at 17:00 at the JÀmerÀntaival 5 tatami hall.

Beginners’ practice times for the autumn of 2017:

Mondays between 16:30 and 18:00 at Otahalli

Thursdays between 17:00 and 19:00 at JÀmerÀntaival 5

You can join the practices any time during the first two weeks.

More information at www.aaltoaikikai.ayy.fi and aaltoaikikai-hallitus(at)list.ayy.fi


24. Karate, kickboxing, BJJ or self-defense? Choose them all, choose Honbu!

In Honbu, Koryu uchinadi karate is combined with other karate styles and martial arts. The aim is to become, physically and mentally, a good fighter.

Our basic course starts 18th September. Join by just turning up to one of the trainings.

Training times:
Monday 19:00 Unidojo (Pohjoinen Hesperiankatu 25)
Thursday 19:00 Unidojo (Pohjoinen Hesperiankatu 25)
Friday 19:00 Kauppis (Helsinki School of Economics, Ilmarinkatu 1)

Teaching language will be a mix of Finnish and English.

Questions? E-mail our president: aura@pihanet.net

More info: www.honbu.fi


25. Autumn Taido core course

New hobby for autumn 2017? Start Taido, come to the Taido Core course! The course will start on Monday 18th September. Trainings are held two times a week at UniDojo, on Mondays at 20:30-22 and on Wednesdays at 19-20:30.

For more info, check https://www.yliopistontaido.fi/in-english/


26. Ski Freshman Jamboree on the 20th of September at 19:00 at OK20

Are you a freshman or Skipoli virgin interested in downhill skiing, snowboarding, telemark, monoski or other uphill or downhill activities? Come and meet others like you and find out the latest information about this winter’s skiing trips!

Bring your sauna equipment with you and be there on time, so you won’t miss the winter’s best powder spots. Old Alpine veterans are also naturally welcome. There will also be some snacks available! See you on Wednesday, the 20th of September starting around 19:00 at OK20!



27. First Snow signup on Friday, the 22nd of September at 9:00 at the Kanditalo lobby

The surfing and skateboarding season is nearing its end, so it’s time to take out your skis and snowboards, because Skipoli’s weather report says that the First Snow will fall on the 16th of November. Four busloads of people, three days on the slopes and many unforgettable experiences. So take out your student loan, gather your friends and head to the Kanditalo lobby to queue on Friday, the 22nd of September.


28. New Members’ Evening with Teekkariratsastajat

New Members’ Evening with Teekkariratsastajat

We wish you all welcome to the New Members’ Evening on 27.9.2017 at 6:00 PM in Otaniemi (KylĂ€n Olohuone, JĂ€merĂ€ntaival 5A).

We will tell you about our club and the activities we organize while having a nice get together with pizza and drinks. If you want to know more about riding, see pictures from our activities or share any wishes or experiences, come and join us!

More info and registration at: https://tera.ayy.fi/tapahtumakalenteri.php


29. The Taste of Whisky

The school year is starting again and that means some serious business. Therefore WhisKY would like to welcome you to partake in a comprehensive experience in order to get a glimpse into the world of whisky. Come enjoy and find your new favourite alcohol and indulge yourself in to the world of whisky!

Sonoma County West of Kentucky Bourbon
Ardbeg 10
Compass Box Spice Tree
Highland Park 12 “Viking Spirit”
Akashi Single Malt

What: The Taste of Whisky -tasting https://www.facebook.com/events/114881819192585
Where: KY-building, Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu 21B, 3rd floor
When: Thursday September 8th, 2017 at 19:00
Price: 10€
Registration: https://goo.gl/forms/msOTNqavZM6V2DY63


30. OlutmÖLkky 4.10.

This October it rattles and clatters at Alvarin Aukio where the first ever beermÖLkkytournament is held! Grab a few friends, create a team of at least three people and compete for the championship on Oct. 4th 2017. Our excellent DJ will be there to keep you entertained, along with magnificent other activities such as mölkkypong! Winners will get grand prices, honor and fame!

The games start at 4pm and the afterparty starts at 6pm. Teams should arrive at approximately 3:30pm so we can start the games on time.

The Afterparty is held at Otakaari 20 where you can share your success stories over drinks. There’s also a chance to go to sauna to rid yourself of the disgusting smell of defeat, so remember to bring a towel!

The whole shebang costs 20 euros per team (18e in advance), getting your team a spot at the tournament, drinks and food, the afterparty and three badges.

So come on down to Otaniemi on to show your prowess in the Finnish national sport Mölkky or to just have fun with fellow casual mölkkyplayers. Be fast as the spots are going quick.

Rules and additional information can be seen over at www.olutmolkky.fi

31. Sing up for Aalto’s IndustryHack!

Aalto jÀrjestÀÀ innovaatiokilpailun löytÀÀkseen uusia tapoja analysoida ja ennakoida paremmin työmarkkinoiden vaatimuksia opinnoissa, oppia lisÀÀ oppilaan mieltymyksistÀ ja kÀyttÀÀ saatavilla olevaa tietoa paremmin auttamaan opiskelijoita, opettajia  ja työnantajia varmistamaan, ettÀ opinnot vastaavat tulevaisuuden haasteisiin. Onko sinulla asiantuntemusta tai ideoita, joiden avulla voimme kokeilla tÀtÀ?

LisÀtietoja ja hakemus 29. syyskuuta mennessÀ https://industryhack.com/challenges/studywhat/

Aalto is now hosting an innovation challenge to find new ways to better analyze and predict labor market requirements for studies, to be able to learn more about student’s preferences, and perhaps use available data and knowledge to better help students, teachers, staff and employers contribute to more future-fit studies. Do you have expertise or ideas that could help us experiment with this?

More info and apply by September 29th https://industryhack.com/challenges/studywhat/


32. Present Aalto at upper secondary schools!

How would you like to visit your old upper secondary school and say hi to old acquaintances, tell them about your new studies and get a little bit of pocket money from doing it?

Each year, Aalto University students visit upper secondary schools, fairs and garrisons to tell about university studies to possible future freshmen, and we need a lot of energetic people for this. The training sessions for the presenters will be held as follows:

Tuesday, Oct 3rd 14:00-17:00 (in Finnish)
Oct 4th 14:00-17:00 (in Swedish)
Thursday, Oct 12th 14:00-17:00 (in Finnish)

The training sessions will be held at Otakaari 1 in the Top Loung (5th floor). The training covers Aalto’s application procedures, application periods and a few special cases related to student admissions, as well as performing itself. Please note that only people who have attended the training are paid and compensated for their travel expenses (subject to certain conditions) for the info sessions they have held. You can sign up for the training sessions here: https://www.webropolsurveys.com/Answer/SurveyParticipation.aspx?SDID=Fin1362599&SID=26787c03-493b-4dab-a78d-8101961dee99&dy=1273176859

Please sign up at least three days prior to the training session you have selected so that we will know how many participants will be attending.

More information: Viivi Lemström (etunimi.sukunimi@aalto.fi)
Into site on the subject: https://into.aalto.fi/display/fiaalto/Abimarkkinointi

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