Weekly newsletter 39/2017

The top innovation of the week is using subheadings! To make reading easier, the announcements can now be found under themed headings. The order of the different sections is not an indication of their importance – God knows that your Information Officer would rather spend her days enjoying culture (=dank memes) than touch even one bat or ball. ? Comments are always appreciated!

If you want your own piece to be a part of the weekly newsletter, send it in its finalized form to tiedotteet@ayy.fi by Thursday 10:00 if you want it out the following week.

The association information can be found in the association newsletter. Read it at: /yhdistystiedote


Week 39

25.9. KYN’s autumn auditions /blog/events/kyn-koelaulut-2/

25.9. KYL’s autumn auditions (1) /blog/events/kyln-syksyn-koelaulut-1-2/

27.9. Ristin kilta: Tree of Hope Mass /blog/events/ristin-kilta-toivon-puun-messu/

30.9. Otatarha Race /blog/events/otatarhan-ajot-2/

30.9. Lakinlaskijaiset 2017 /blog/events/lakinlaskijaiset-2017/

2.10. KYL’s autumn auditions (2) /blog/events/kyln-syksyn-koelaulut-2-2/


Week 40

2.10. KYL’s autumn auditions (2) /blog/events/kyln-syksyn-koelaulut-2-2/

4.10. Veritas forum /blog/events/veritas-forum/

4.10. Ristin kilta: Matti Palmu – Everyone Is Precious /blog/events/ristin-kilta-matti-palmu-jokainen-on-arvokas/

5.10. Ristin kilta: Freshman sauna /blog/events/ristin-kilta-fuksisauna-2/

5.10. Meet & Mingle @Tieto /blog/events/meet-mingle-tieto/



  1. Design contest: Aalto University Provost’s chain of office
  2. The AYY Representative Council Election candidate nomination is underway!
  3. The third application round of TTE-Fund in 2017 is open!
  4. Polyteekkari Museum is looking for new guides – guide training starts on the 25th and 26th of September 2017
  5. Meet&Mingle @ Tieto!


  1. Lakinlaskijaiset on the 30th of September!
  2. Campus Expo 2017
  3. Aalto Amazing Race is here once again!
  4. Greener Aalto’s candidate and support sauna on September 27th at the Avain Sauna from 17:00->


  1. New Members’ Evening with Teekkariratsastajat
  2. Cheerleading for Beginners 3.10.-12.12.2017
  3. Climbing club Oranki’s climbing courses for the autumn
  4. Ultimate frisbee at the Aalto University!


  1. Registration for the Film Club Montaasi’s home film course is open!
  2. From the Balder Hall to Broadway!
  3. Staring at the Metro Entrance


  1. Take part in Nyyti’s volunteer activities
  2. BEST Winter courses
  3. Aalto ELEC’s grants for technical students
  4. With the fall comes FallUp, bigger than ever!
  5. Junction 2017 applications open (DL 15.10.) – apply NOW!
  6. Junction 2017 volunteer search is open – apply now!
  7. The Slush Volunteer application closes October 1
  8. A_Pocket design competition invites Aalto students to develop new ideas for a campus courtyard
  9. Participate in Experiencing Mobile Gameplay research study!
  10. Call for Idea Proposals on Online/blended Learning, dl October 11th, 2017





1. Design contest: Aalto University Provost’s chain of office


AYY invites all students to an open contest to design and create academic honors (a chain of office) for the Provost of the Aalto University. The chain is an academic honor worn in academic and state events by the Provost, such as in the opening ceremony of the Aalto University, the conferment ceremony and parades.

The design contest is open to all Aalto students, and you can participate alone or in teams of two. The aim of the contest is to design a modern chain of office that clearly depicts the values of Aalto and the Aalto spirit. Interdisciplinary design solutions are considered a plus.

The designs must be submitted electronically to the Secretary General of AYY by Monday, the 16th of October 2017 by 16:00. The winner of the design contest will receive a monetary reward of 1500 EUR. The panel of judges will also hand out awards for merit!


2. The AYY Representative Council Election candidate nomination is underway!


The Representative Council Elections will choose the 45 members that form the Representative Council for the next two-year term. The Council holds the highest power of decision in AYY, deciding, amongst other things, your membership fee and the rules and regulations of the Student Union. The Council is always chosen for a 2-year term.

All members of the Student Union who have signed up for attendance and paid their membership fee by the 15th of September 2017 are eligible to vote.

Members of the Student Union who have registered for non-attendance are also eligible for nomination (can run as candidates) in the Aalto University Student Union Representative Council Elections 2017, in addition to other members.

You may run as a candidate by filling out the candidate form and by submitting it to AYY by the 2nd of October 2017, 13:00. A candidate can join the existing electoral alliances or set one up with another candidate. The electoral alliances can be found here: /vaalit/electoral-alliances/?lang=en.

Read more about running as a candidate, forming an electoral alliance and the election timetables at: /vaalit/?lang=en.

More info: Central Election Committee secretary Johanna PietilÀinen (johanna.pietilainen (a) ayy.fi).



3. The third application round of TTE-Fund in 2017 is open!


The third application round of TTE-Fund in 2017 is open! The fund may grant financial aid for all AYY members and the association within it. TTE-Fund supports visible activities that reach for the stars and make other people excited.

You can apply for grants from TTE-Fund in two ways: through the application rounds arranged approximately three times a year and through the continuous application period which is open during the academic terms. During the continuous application period, you can apply for the grants with the maximum of 2000€, whereas the amount of project grants during the actual application rounds is not limited.

The third application round of 2017 will end on Sunday, 1 Oct 2017, at 11.59pm. Instructions for the application and its attachments are available on the website of the fund at http://tter.ayy.fi/. The grant can be applied for with an online form which is available at: https://lomake.ayy.fi/tter/hakulomake/

Deadlines for the application rounds of autumn 2017 and other additional information is available on TTE-Fund’s website at http://tter.ayy.fi/. Also check out the facebook site at www.facebook.com/tterahasto.


4. Polyteekkari Museum is looking for new guides – guide training starts on the 25th and 26th of September 2017


Come work as a guide with us! You will get to know a lot of interesting people, tell and hear stories and participate in a variety of events. Come to the museum on the 25th or 26th of September between 17:00 and 18:30 to hear what the fantastic task of a guide entails and how flexible the work really is. All guide candidates are very welcome, regardless of class or field of study. The museum is waiting for you!


5. Meet&Mingle @ Tieto!


We welcome you to join us for a meet&mingle at Tieto hosted by our CEM (Customer Experience Management) Unit.

When? -> October 5th 2017, 17 –

Where? -> Tieto HQ, Keilaniementie 2-4, Espoo

Q’s? -> letschat@tieto.com

We’ll start off with some food and drinks followed by a short presentation on:

* CEM as an employer

  • People first, Business, Design, Technology,
  • Typical roles & tasks
  • Case: UPM Biochemicals

And a

* Workshop: Case Big Brewery Company

Looking forward to meeting you!

Please register here:  https://goo.gl/forms/aKe2x78pCJ73LfF12





6. Lakinlaskijaiset on the 30th of September!


Lakinlaskijaiset returns to Dipoli after three years of renovations! The party is held each year to celebrate the end of summer, and this time on stage will be three awesome Finnish artists: Waldo’s People, Atomirotta and Movetron. The electronic music association Entropy, which is known for crazy raves, is also hosting a party on the second stage. JĂ€ynĂ€, the Wappu magazine Julkku, Otaniemi Karaoke Singers and Gayy’s Glittering Point, which has charmed visitors during previous years, are also present at the party!

What, where, when: Lakinlaskijaiset 2017, Dipoli (Otakaari 24), Saturday, September 30th.

On the main stage:
21:30 Waldo’s People
22:30 Atomirotta
00:00 RWBK
00:45 Movetron

Tickets in advance 13€, at door 15€, and online (bailataan.fi) 13.5€. Tickets are sold online at bailataan.fi, and starting September 18th, on ticket booths in main lobby of the Undergraduate Center and other locations in Helsinki. Visit lakinlaskijaiset.fi for more details on ticket sale locations and hours!

Age limit of the event is 18 years.

Also check out the Otatarha Race at Ossinlampi! https://www.facebook.com/events/1415002918615797


7. Campus Expo 2017


It’s once again time for the Campus Expo! The Expo will be held on the 3rd of October between 11:00 and 15:00 at the familiar premises of Otakaari 1! This year, the event will include a record amount of program as the Campus Expo is part of the Aalto Wellbeing Week. So come and hear out what companies have to say about wellbeing and say hi to Aalto’s associations!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1497623183624748/

Aalto Wellbeing Week: https://into.aalto.fi/display/events/Aalto+Wellbeing+Week+2-6.10.2017



8. Aalto Amazing Race is here once again!


Aalto Amazing Race is a wild, adventurous race aimed for Aalto first year students, where freshmen get to meet other Aalto students outside their own field of study. During the adventure, teams move forward by solving various puzzles and hidden clues while battling against time. A glorious afterparty event awaits those who make it to the finish line. The event is free of charge.

The participants are divided into cross-disciplinary teams by the organizers. If you want to, you can pick one friend to join your team. The race starts on Thursday, the 19th of October. Teams will be sent out with short intervals starting from 15:00 from Otaniemi, where they will gather their team and get the first clue.

The registration for the race will open on the 28th of September at 12:00 at: https://lomake.ayy.fi/aava/aalto-amazing-race-2017/.

Registration closes on the 15th of October, and there is a limited number of slots for participants.

WHAT: Aalto Amazing Race 2017

WHERE: Start from Otaniemi

WHEN: 19th of October from 15:00 ->

TAKE WITH YOU: Clothing according to weather & HSL travel card

PRICE: 0€ (including food at the afterparty :))

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1845837985443442/


9. Greener Aalto’s candidate and support sauna on September 27th at the Avain Sauna from 17:00->


Have you always wondered what Representative Council work is like? How can you run as a candidate? What does it take to become a candidate for the Representative Council? Can I do something in the elections even if I am not running for Council?

These and all other questions you might have will be answered in Greener Aalto’s election sauna! During the evening, we will talk about how you can influence AYY’s activities, Greener Aalto’s policies in the upcoming elections and do preliminary planning of the campaign. The event is open for everyone and does not require candidacy, so join us and enjoy interesting conversations, food and sauna.

What: Greener Aalto’s candidate sauna
Where: Avain Sauna, top floor of Otaranta 8E
When: September 27th at 17:00
Take with you: Towel and open mind


For more information, check out the Facebook event:





10. New Members’ Evening with Teekkariratsastajat


We wish you all welcome to the New Members’ Evening on 27.9.2017 at 6:00 PM in Otaniemi (KylĂ€n Olohuone, JĂ€merĂ€ntaival 5A).

We will tell you about our club and the activities we organize while having a nice get together with pizza and drinks. If you want to know more about riding, see pictures from our activities or share any wishes or experiences, come and join us!

More info and registration at: https://tera.ayy.fi/tapahtumakalenteri.php


11. Cheerleading for Beginners 3.10.-12.12.2017


Looking for a new hobby? Interested in cheerleading? Join our beginner’s course! Here is your chance to try the sport out in this short 10 times course.

APC Foxes is organizing a beginner’s course starting from 3rd of October (3.10.) and continuing every Tuesday at 17-19 until 12th of December (exceptions: 5th of December).

After the course all are welcome to join the APC Foxes team. Ask for more info in our FB inbox!

Sign up by 2nd of October: https://goo.gl/forms/vxI9rRfEICSq1kFt2

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/168595620383855/

(Already a cheerleader? Contact cheercommittee@predators.fi, practices start 8.10.2017!)

Social media: https://www.fb.com/APCFoxes & https://www.instagram.com/apc_foxes/


12. Climbing club Oranki’s climbing courses for the autumn


Aalto University’s climbing club Oranki organizes climbing courses at a student-friendly price and helps new people to get into this great hobby.

Come and try out what climbing is like at the basic course: https://holvi.com/shop/oranki/product/cc23197c69a56282358c86e804f912c3/

Do you want to climb outdoors? The basics of outdoor climbing are taught here: https://holvi.com/shop/oranki/product/e49da753f23eb02cecca0efc1a4f1461/


More information on the climbing club Oranki’s courses can be found at www.oranki.fi/kurssit and on the Oranki Facebook page.


13. Ultimate frisbee at the Aalto University!


Come and throw some frisbee and play ultimate frisbee with us on Thursday, the 28th of September at 5PM at the Alvarinaukio square. Everyone is welcome, even with zero experience, in comfortable clothes that allow you to move freely (or nothing at all). I’ll bring some discs and cones, so hopefully we can have a big game set up.

What: Come and throw some frisbee  and play ultimate frisbee.
Where: At the Alvarinaukio square in the middle of the campus.
When: Thursday 28th of September at 5PM (unless it rains).

Event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/468901883494863/?fref=ts





14. Registration for the Film Club Montaasi’s home film course is open!


Film Club Montaasi is organizing a course on the basics of filmmaking between the 6th and 8th of October. During the weekend, we will go through the basics of script writing, visual narration, lighting and filming and shoot short films in groups on 8 mm color film, a format that is becoming rarer and rarer every year.

The films are sent for development to the laboratory, after which they are edited at Montaasi’s cutting room at a time agreed by the groups. The editing is done using the so-called “classic method”, i.e. by cutting and taping.

A more detailed schedule for the course can be found at montaasi.ayy.fi

For more information and registration, send us an email: montaasi@list.ayy.fi

The course is held in Otaniemi, Espoo. The course has room for 15 people and it costs 25€ for Montaasi members. If you are not a member yet, you can pay the membership fee of 5€ together with the course fee. You can join Montaasi on our website.




15. From the Balder Hall to Broadway!


This autumn, Metsoforte will take you to the great stages of the world to enjoy the melodies of the most beloved musicals and movies! There are songs from the musicals Cats, The Phantom of the Opera, West Side Story, Mamma Mia… and we even have one Disney surprise in store!

The Helsinki University’s Keskisuomalainen Nation’s (KSO) choir Metsoforte and the Refugium Musicum chamber orchestra will perform at the Balder Hall (Balderin Sali) on the 22nd of September 2017 at 19:00 with conductor Jukka Jokitalo. Tickets 20/15/10€. You can buy your tickets in advance from members of the choir or at the door.

You are warmly welcome!


Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/116368562398921





16. Staring at the Metro Entrance

This is public.
This is a performance.
This is a story of hope.

This is an open call to gather 100 people to share one minute of their time.
Alternatively it is me sharing 100 minutes of my time.

It is simple, we gather to see if LĂ€nsimetro has opened to the public.


Instructions for participating:

A) If you wish to participate in the performance, click ”attending”. Otherwise just click ”interested”. If there are 100 people ”attending”, this will be a performance with 100 participants. Then we meet by the Aalto University metro entrance (Otaniementie 12) at 12.00 to stare at the metro entrance for 1 minute.

B) If there are less than 100 people ”attending”, this will be a performance with just me participating. Then I will stare at the metro entrance for 100 minutes straight.

In both cases: You’re welcome to see the performance starting at 12.00 at the Aalto University metro entrance (Otaniementie 12). #aalto #otaniemi #lĂ€nsimetro #suomi100




17. Take part in Nyyti’s volunteer activities


Do you want to take part in promoting students’ mental well-being and feel good about yourself? You can do this by participating in Nyyti’s volunteer activities. Join us in creating a student culture where mental health and compassion matter!

You can participate in our volunteer activities in many ways, according to your own level of interest and schedule. Even a small contribution – done your own way – is important. As a student, you are the best expert when it comes to students’ mental health.

Volunteer tasks:

  • Share your story
  • Take a stand on something in our blog
  • Make a video
  • Use our Instagram
  • Become a peer instructor for our chat
  • Take part in events
  • Get involved in campaigning
  • Take part in the Puhutaan kiusaamisesta! (Let’s Talk About Bullying!) project

You can also suggest your own volunteer activities!

More information: https://www.nyyti.fi/opiskelijoille/vapaaehtoistoiminta/



18. BEST Winter courses


The Winter courses have been declared, and application period has started.

Application deadline: Oct 15th 2017, 23:00

This winter, BEST(Board of European Students of Technology) dutifully brings to you 4 courses, across Europe. In these, you’ll get to attend lectures given by the university’s teaching staff or by experts from companies. And after the lectures, you’ll also take part in evening programmes, designed for you, to give a taste of the LBG (Local BEST Group) – that hosts you – and the local culture.


Brief overview of courses:

Flight 216 Destination Bordeaux: Bordeaux , France, December 8th-15th, 2017, 40.0€

Viva la Greenvolution: Paris, France, January 24th – February 1st, 2018, 36.0€

World of Locomotives: Ekaterinburg, Russia, January 28th – February 6th, 2018, 50.0€

Brewing & Distilling: The Wizard of -OH: Graz, Austria, February 2nd – 11th, 2018, 40.0€

For more information about the courses or application, visit https://www.best.eu.org/courses/list.jsp


19. Aalto ELEC’s grants for technical students


Aalto ELEC will give out grants to technical students and teachers of the Aalto University from the funds it governs. The application period is open until Friday, October 6th, 2017 at 4 pm. Please see additional information in Into:

Grants for students: https://into.aalto.fi/display/enmasterelec/Scholarships+for+technical+students%2C+application+deadline+October+6%2C+2017

Grants for teachers and graduate students: https://into.aalto.fi/display/enmasterelec/Grants+for+the+teachers+and+post-graduate+students+in+the+field+of+technology%2C+apply+by+6+October+2017


20. With the fall comes FallUp, bigger than ever!


Organized by Aaltoes, Europe’s biggest entrepreneurship event for students, FallUp, will take place on Finlandia Hall, Helsinki, on Tuesday October 10th. Top-quality program will be going on all day long:


  • Stage show: the most inspiring entrepreneurs from different areas will step on the stage to share their stories. Keynote: Mika Anttonen, the founder of St1, oil company.
  • Workshops: leading companies from many fields will come to teach the most crucial skills you need now and in the future, e.g. PwC with the Negotiation Skills workshop.
  • Partners and startups: our partners are presenting themselves and the possibilities they can offer.
  • TalkUp: our open mic competition gives a chance to rock the stage and enjoy the most talented international speakers.
  • After Party: nothing more or less than the party of the year. Located to Kaiku, many dj:s will entertain party people while drinks are free!


For further information and tickets, visit our website http://fallup.fi/. Be fast, there are only limited number of tickets!



21. Junction 2017 applications open (DL 15.10.) – apply NOW!


WHEN & WHERE: 24.-26.11.2017 @Dipoli Otaniemi

Europe’s largest hackathon, Junction is an event for programmers, designers and anyone interested in developing software and hardware projects. During the weekend participants have 48 hours to develop their own projects and solving challenges provided by partner companies. The free-of-charge event consists of 10 interesting tracks that include different challenges. The theme of the this year’s tracks are among others: Healthtech, Artificial Intelligence and Fintech. Junction is a truly international event where you can get your hands on the newest tech and connect with people from over a hundred countries.

At Junction:

  • Main prize 20 000€
  • 2 student credits for Aalto students
  • Free food and drinks


Read more about the event and apply quickliest as possible in https://hackjunction.com/.  The amount of the participants is limited so by applying quickly you will enhance your chances to be selected as participant! Application deadline is October 15th.

More information: Erika OjanperÀ, erika.ojanpera@hackjunction.com


22. Junction 2017 volunteer search is open – apply now!


Junction is the biggest hackathon in Europe consisting of a speaker day on 23rd of November called Hack\Talks and a weekend long main event which takes place on 24-26th. The main event is held at Dipoli which is at the heart of Aalto University Otaniemi campus – just a stone’s throw from Helsinki city center! ?

Furthermore, Junction is a non-profit community led by students and tech enthusiasts. Besides our awesome main event with 1300 participants and numerous partners, Junction could not exist without our year-round volunteer team, which grows up to 300 people closer to the main event.

We have a lot of different volunteer positions left which are divided to separate Areas including Production, Media&Comms, Participants, Logistics, Marketing, Design and many others. As a volunteer you have a possibility to be a part of organising the coolest event in Finland, you are able to connect with our partners who more than willing to recruit new talents, and most importantly, you become a member to our ambitious and little bit crazy Junction team 2017! ?

By filling our form you can show your interest in organising Junction 2017. Tell shortly about yourself and which teams and positions could interest you at this point – I’m sure we will find something awesome for you! https://hackjunction.typeform.com/to/mRVe5P


23. The Slush Volunteer application closes October 1


The Volunteer application for Slush 2017 closes October 1 at http://slush.org/volunteers/

Slush and Slush Music are organized Nov 28-Dec 1 at Cable Factory and Expo and Convention Center(Messukeskus).

Have a question? You can reach us from volunteers@slush.org


24. A_Pocket design competition invites Aalto students to develop new ideas for a campus courtyard


Aalto University and Aalto Campus & Real Estate ACRE are organizing a two-phase competition to find new programmatic and spatial concepts for the courtyard of the A wing in Otakaari 1 X (Undergraduate Centre). With its sunny orientation and white marble facades, the A wing courtyard is a hidden gem of the historical building designed by Alvar Aalto. The A wing was originally built for the Department of Architecture at the former Helsinki University of Technology.

All enrolled Aalto University students are eligible to participate in the competition, and the organizers are hoping for an ambitious and interdisciplinary range of proposals. The finalists compete for 4 000 euros in prizes, while all submitted projects can earn ECTS credits.

More information: 



25. Participate in Experiencing Mobile Gameplay research study!


Are you interested in mobile games and entertainment apps? Now you have a unique opportunity to get money to play games in a study conducted by professors from Marketing and IDBM departments of Aalto University. The amount of participant is limited to only 100 persons, so early bird catches the worm. Find out more information and sign up for the study from the following link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSchEeRSOpkT9eRowNEJw8VNdOgyr0UdMTheodxriFRvEvOT5A/viewform


26. Call for Idea Proposals on Online/blended Learning, dl October 11th, 2017


We call now for idea proposals from all Aalto people (faculty, program directors, researchers, staff, students) on online/blended learning. The best ideas will be selected and people involved invited to join the Aalto Online Learning – A!OLE Coaching Network. The network provides support on design, technology and pedagogy for you to realize the proposed idea in practice. After the evaluation of the ideas we can also discuss on funding to allow for full concentration on developing the idea to reality.

The proposed idea can concern development of an existing course or a novel course, several courses jointly, or a whole major or minor. In addition, we welcome proposals which concern some other type of educational activity (like pedagogical training, skills training or developing novel digital services which support students’ learning and education). Note, while several questions below use term “course” (for simplicity), we encourage interpreting the question in the context of the targeted educational activity.

Supporting ideas to become reality may include funding in two phases. Seed funding will allow exploring and identifying appropriate tools, technologies, existing online resources and pedagogical principles on which to build a new A!OLE pilot. A part of seed funded phase is also to discover options for collaboration with existing A!OLE pilots.

The seed funding is meant for preparing a better informed proposal in terms of the schedule and budget to support implementating the pilot idea. After this phase, augmented proposals need still to be separately accepted, but with a high potential for acceptance.

It is, however, also possible to submit a complete proposal with the implementation budget, if appropriate details are presented already in the form below.

The idea proposals are continuously evaluated as they arrive until October 11th at noon, 2017, the final deadline for this round of proposals.

Please submit your idea by using the following form:



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