Weekly newsletter 42/2017

Darkness is falling, but not to worry! We still have energy for parties, spexes and herring breakfasts in the autumn. Candidates for the Representative Council elections also shine a light in the dark – you can find your own candidate and contact them now, because the elections are just a few weeks away. And what would AYY be without its brilliant volunteers – if you want to be one yourself in 2018, head on over to www.ayy.fi/stop!


If you want your own piece to be a part of the weekly newsletter, send it in its finalized form to tiedotteet@ayy.fi by Thursday 10:00 if you want it out the following week.

The association information can be found in the association newsletter. Read it at: /yhdistystiedote


Week 42

18.10. Ristin kilta: Jari A. Jolkkonen – God’s dwelling in the Old and New Testament /blog/events/ristin-kilta-jari-a-jolkkonen-jumalan-asumus-vtssa-ja-utssa/

20.10. Fyysikkospeksi 2017: Vive! – One hundred days to Revolution /blog/events/fyysikkospeksi-vive-sata-paivaa-vallankumoukseen/

21.10. Fyysikkospeksi 2017: Vive! – One hundred days to Revolution /blog/events/fyysikkospeksi-vive-sata-paivaa-vallankumoukseen-2/

21.10. Female Choir KYN & Panu Savolainen: Loitsut


Week 43

25.10. Ristin kilta: Game night /blog/events/ristin-kilta-peli-ilta-7/

27.10. All-girl sitsit /blog/events/tyttositsit-27-10-2017/

27.10. Mökä’s gig night /blog/events/mokan-keikkailta-mokas-gig-night/

29.10. Mosaic’s Café Lingua /blog/events/mosaics-cafe-lingua-68/



  1. Representative Council elections 2017
  2. AYY is looking for a graphic designer
  3. AYY’s volunteer search for 2018
  4. New service for AYY members – a handy shared communal car now in test use in Otaniemi
  5. Additional tickets sales for the Teekkarisillis (Teekkari Herring Breakfast)


  1. Fyysikkospeksi 2017: Vive! – One hundred days to Revolution
  2. NEON RAVE 2017: Cosmic Collision
  3. MONTERILLO on the 31st of October
  4. Aaltonaut Brekkie Bowl Workshop on the 24th of October @ Design Factory
  5. Brunch at Otaniemi Chapel on Oct 29th


  1. Mindfulness Workshop
  2. Seasonal influenza vaccination for people at high risk in Otaniemi, walk-in appointment available!


  1. Junction 2017 applications open, DL October 22nd
  2. Student night at Nordis at the IFK-KalPa ice hockey match on the 25th of October
  3. Late For Class? Rent a Kick Scooter!
  4. Join the WWF Youth Team!





1. Representative Council elections 2017


The AYY Representative Council elections are held between the 30th of October and 8th of November 2017. All members of the Student Union who have signed up for attendance and paid their membership fee by the 15th of September 2017 are eligible to vote in the elections. If you have signed up for attendance and everything is in order, you will soon receive an email with instructions concerning the Representative Council elections and your right to vote.

Only by voting can you influence the direction of your Student Union for the next two years! Read more at: www.ayy.fi/vaalit

The candidate list has been published – find your candidate! /vaalit/ehdokkaat/

Facebook event for the Representative Council elections: https://www.facebook.com/events/368513800247584

The next lobby debate will be held on the 1st of November – follow the Facebook event here: https://www.facebook.com/events/476490969401282/


2. AYY is looking for a graphic designer


Hey, you! Are you a graphic designer pro? Great! AYY is now looking for a graphic designer like you to join the student union’s communications team! We’re looking for someone with skills in graphic design and editing, and it’s always a plus if you can work with photos, videos or illustrations.

The work is part-time and permanent. You’ll get to work in Otaniemi with the coolest team ever. Read more in our recruitment ad and apply before 20th of October!



3. AYY’s volunteer search for 2018


Next year is yet again full of numerous interesting and fun volunteer activities! The selection of volunteer of activities is really diverse, ranging from organizing events to advocacy work.  Find out more about the different activities and find the right one for you for next year at www.ayy.fi/stop! Also remember to follow the stories of volunteers and the recruitment process on AYY’s Facebook and Instagram pages.


4. New service for AYY members – a handy shared communal car now in test use in Otaniemi


Do you live or study in Otaniemi? The buses might not match your timetables all the time, and the metro is still silent… But now you can use the shared communal car for AYY members!

Download the free Autonappi app, register to the service with your aalto.fi email address, input the registration code Aalto_student, and you can soon book a car for the time you need. Using the car costs 8 euros/hour for AYY members (up to a maximum of 38€/day) + 15 cents per kilometer. You can book the car for a minimum of 1 hour and a maximum of 3 days.


5. Additional tickets sales for the Teekkarisillis (Teekkari Herring Breakfast)


We are opening 50 additional seats to the Teekkarisillis, which concludes the Teekkari Tradition Week. Now you have an excellent opportunity to enjoy the amazing atmosphere and ample offerings, with the night culminating in a spectacle by our fantastic performer of the evening, Frederik! Don’t dawdle, keep your finger ready to hit F5 on your keyboard, because this is a Sillis that you don’t want to miss!

Registration opens on Wednesday, the 18th of October 2017 at 12:00 noon at https://lomake.ayy.fi/teekkarijaosto/teekkarius-145-sillis/.




6. Fyysikkospeksi 2017: Vive! – One hundred days to Revolution


The premiere of the next Fyysikkospeksi is in less than two weeks, on the 19th of November! We are the only bilingual spex (interactive student musical) in the world with a show in English as well, i.e. this is the only chance in two years to see such a show without understanding Finnish or Swedish.

Vive! – One hundred days to Revolution takes the audience to the birth of the French Revolution. A young freedom fighter Vivienne arrives in Marseille, trying to spark a seed of rebellion in the oppressed townsfolk. Standing between her and the revolution, however, is chief constable Abel Const, the law and order of Marseille, and Jacques, a fetching long-time criminal.

The show in English is on Sunday, November 19th, and the shows in Finnish are on 20.10., 21.10., 31.10., 1.11., and 2.11. at Gloria (Pieni Roobertinkatu 12-14).

Tickets 12 e (balcony) / 15 e (students) / 20 e (adults) / 40 e (patrons). The cloakroom charge is included in the ticket price.


More information and tickets: www.fyysikkospeksi.fi

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/115437959169942/


7. NEON RAVE 2017: Cosmic Collision


BLASTOFF! The party, the rave, the legend is back for the 6th year! Once again, you can be sure that it’s an event worth every second of your time with the deepest basslines and sickest tunes.

This time around, get ready to be shot out of orbit by our top-of-the-line artists on a cosmic scale, as the rave takes a turn to the Final Frontier. Space yourself up in the colors of the galaxy and dance ’till the edges of human knowledge. Join the NEON RAVE journey, the like of which you won’t find on this side of Andromeda!


TICKET SALES: on these dates @ the Undergraduate Center lobby (Otakaari 1, Y-wing) 10AM-2PM, or at the door if we don’t sell out before!

25.10. / 26.10. / 27.10. / 31.10. / 1.11. / 2.11.


WHAT: Neon Rave 2017

WHERE: Smökki, Jämeräntaival 4

WHEN: 3.11.

FOR WHO: For You!

TICKETS: Presale 6€, from the door 8€. Ticket sales: see above


Line-up: 2Side – Deep/tech house / Tuksu & Simoncelli – Future House / OuzO – Electro House / niinisto – Drum and bass / AndrZ – Hardstyle


“My night is reduced to a single instinct: Rave! As the world fell it was hard to know who was more crazy. Me, or everyone else.” – Mad Max


8. MONTERILLO on the 31st of October


The days are getting shorter and the light fades away. Winter depression hits you and the cruel reality of the exam week spits on your face. Because the University is cutting costs, even the promised light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off. Even the price of liqueur in Estonia is rising.

But not to worry! This autumn, the freshmen of IK have once again turned the light on in the lighthouse to guide students who have gone astray from the real student culture to the safe haven of MONTERILLO! The light is burning bright in Otakaari 20 on the 31st of October, and there is fierce partying to be expected!

Casino MONTERILLO has a civilized dance floor for those who like to party in a sophisticated style, and a much more interesting speakeasy (= hidden bar) for those who have no good taste whatsoever. The best costumes will be rewarded: the fanciest dress or suit gets an excellent prize – but the most ragged clothes á la Uuno Turhapuro will be rewarded MAGNIFICENTLY!! The bravest and the most beautiful are welcomed with open arms, and the ugliest and the boldest by rolling out the red carpet.

WHEN: The magical doors to Narnia open on the 31st of October at 20:00

WHERE: Otakaari 20

DRESS CODE: Uuno Turhapuro/James Bond

WHY: Because it’s not every year that you get to attend a casino/glamour vs. speakeasy/dive bar themed party!

TICKET SALES: Tickets will be sold at the Undergraduate Center lobby at times announced later on the event’s Facebook page – so stay tuned!

Facebook event:


9. Aaltonaut Brekkie Bowl Workshop on the 24th of October @ Design Factory


Hello, first and second year students! Are you interested in product development? Could Aaltonaut become your minor subject? Come to the Design Factory to find out more about the Aaltonaut minor subject, its teachers, and get the last tips on how to make a good application. The final application deadline is on the 12th of November. In addition to chatting, you can also put together your own bowl of yogurt and porridge with your favorite trimmings and sip on the Design Factory’s specialty coffees.

For more information, visit www.aaltonaut.fi


10.  Brunch at Otaniemi Chapel on Oct 29th


Sunday is a day of rest, and what would be a better way to relax than a tasty brunch in good company! On the last Sunday of October, you are warmly welcome to a Finnish-English get-together at the Otaniemi Chapel. Price is 3€/student, paid by cash upon arrival. There are seats for 35 people, so be quick to sign up! If you are interested in cooking the brunch together, please tick the box when signing up. Obviously, the brunch is free for those who cook it. 🙂 The brunch is organized by the Aalto University Chaplains and Tapiola Parish. More info from Aalto University Chaplain Marjut Mulari, marjut.mulari@evl.fi / 0503652256. Sign up here: https://espoonseurakunnat-ilmo.service.innofactor.com/enrolmentclient/form.aspx?Key=0AAB693915F375E7FE98E142E98B3094




11. Mindfulness Workshop


Mindfulness is a state of open attention on the present. It’s living here and now. Mindfulness involves nonjudgmental conscious awareness of one’s feelings, thoughts and surroundings. In an educational context, mindfulness applied to learning is the practice of ignoring distractions, disregarding unhelpful self-criticism and keeping focused. It can deepen our understanding and help us to find learning as fascinating as it should be. In the autumn 2017, we have one workshop in English:

Mindfulness –Compassionate Learning: on Mondays 10:00-12:00 hrs, from October 30th until November 27th 2017, Otakaari 1. The workshop is in English.

More information and registration:  https://into.aalto.fi/display/enopintopsykologi/Mindfulness+-+compassionate+learning and opintopsykologi@aalto.fi



    12. Seasonal influenza vaccination for people at high risk in Otaniemi, walk-in appointment available!

30th Oct at 13:30-15

6th Nov at 13:30-15

More information about influenza vaccination https://www.thl.fi/en/web/vaccination

If you are not eligible for a free influenza vaccination, call FSHS to get a prescription.




13. Junction 2017 applications open, DL October 22nd


Europe’s largest hackathon, Junction is an event for programmers, designers and anyone interested in developing software and hardware projects. During the weekend, participants have 48 hours to develop their own projects and solve challenges provided by partner companies. The free-of-charge event consists of 11 interesting tracks that include different challenges. The themes of this year’s tracks include: Healthtech, Artificial Intelligence and Fintech. Junction is a truly international event where you can get your hands on the newest tech and connect with people from over a hundred countries.

WHEN & WHERE: 24.-26.11.2017 @Dipoli Otaniemi

At Junction:
– Main prize 20 000€
– 2 student credits for Aalto students
– Free food and drinks

Read more about the event and apply as quickly as possible at https://hackjunction.com/. The amount of participants is limited, so by applying quickly you will enhance your chances to be selected as participant! Application deadline is October 22nd.


14. Student night at Nordis at the IFK-KalPa ice hockey match on the 25th of October


The ice hockey teams IFK and KalPa will meet at the Helsinki Ice Hall on the 25th of October. IFK and Aktia would like to invite Aalto students to the match by offering 150 students tickets for the match and for the student event as well as VIP tickets – for free! Come and enjoy the awesome hockey night!

The match starts at 18:30, and students are welcome to the pre-event starting at 17:30 at Pepe’s Bar & Grill, located on the 2nd floor of the Helsinki Ice Hall. We have a variety of activities planned for you, such as a DJ, lottery, player visit from IFK, and food and drink provided by Aktia. By showing your VIP pass, you can also get discounts from products at Pepe’s.

Tickets and VIP passes for the match can be picked up at the AYY Central Office service point (Otakaari 11, 1st floor) during the Office’s opening hours by showing your student card. Take your student card also with you to the event! Note: only 3 tickets per person.


15. Late For Class? Rent a Kick Scooter!


If you haven’t noticed yet, you can now rent a kick scooter around the Aalto University campus. We are serving at six locations at the moment.

Use the scooter for free for up to 30 minutes! You also have the option to book it for a day or even the whole week.

Download the Samocat Sharing mobile app for Android and iOS and plan your next kick scooter adventure with your friends.

Read more about us on the Aalto University’s website and follow us on Facebook and Instagram

Happy Kick Scootering!


16. Join the WWF Youth Team!


We are looking for new members to the WWF Youth Team to work with us to promote more responsible food choices. In the Youth Team, you can influence, act and inspire other young people around the country to adopt more sustainable lifestyles. WWF’s Youth Team will be active from the 1st of December 2017 to the 1st of June 2019. The team will meet regularly 1–2 times a month on weekdays and more often if needed.

Apply for the team if you are 18 to 25 years old, live in the Helsinki Capital Region and are interested in the environment, food and its environmental impact. Send a free-form application by the 26th of October! Read the full application here: wwf.fi/vaikuta-kanssamme/vapaaehtoistyo/nuorten-tiimi/.



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