Weekly newsletter 43/2017

This may sound pretty obvious, but it’s really cold outside! Be smarter than your Information Officer and take out your winter coats and shoes. It’s hard to look good if you’ve frozen to death.

Luckily, you don’t have to go outside to have a good time. And what’s even better, you can vote in the Representative Council elections from the safety of your couch, bathroom or while at a party. You can start voting on the 30th of October, and the electronic voting opens on the same day at /vaalit/aanesta/


If you want your own piece to be a part of the weekly newsletter, send it in its finalized form to tiedotteet@ayy.fi by Thursday 10:00 if you want it out the following week.

The association information can be found in the association newsletter. Read it at: /yhdistystiedote



Week 43

25.10. Ristin kilta: Game night /blog/events/ristin-kilta-peli-ilta-7/

27.10. All-girl sitsit /blog/events/tyttositsit-27-10-2017/

27.10. MökÀ’s gig night /blog/events/mokan-keikkailta-mokas-gig-night/

29.10. Aalto Gamers League of Legends & CS:GO Biweekly Tournament /blog/events/53140/


Week 44

31.10. Fyysikkospeksi 2017: Vive! – One hundred days to Revolution /blog/events/fyysikkospeksi-vive-sata-paivaa-vallankumoukseen-3/

1.11. Fyysikkospeksi 2017: Vive! – One hundred days to Revolution /blog/events/fyysikkospeksi-vive-sata-paivaa-vallankumoukseen-4/

2.11. Fyysikkospeksi 2017: Vive! – One hundred days to Revolution /blog/events/fyysikkospeksi-vive-sata-paivaa-vallankumoukseen-5/

2.11. TalentIT 2017 /blog/events/talentit-2017/

3.11. Neon Rave 2017 /blog/events/neon-rave-2017/

3.11. Traditions Evening at the Wanha Poli /blog/events/polilla-ei-ole-lupa-murjottaa-perinneilta-wanhalla-polilla/

4.11. Hearthstone: Finnish Student Championships /blog/events/hearthstone-opiskelijoiden-sm-kisat/

5.11. Super Smash Bros. for Wii U tournament – Murskaveljekset IV /blog/events/murskaveljekset-iv/



  1. Representative Council elections 2017
  2. AYY’s volunteer search vuodelle 2018
  3. Apply for AYY’s exchange scholarships!
  4. Nu har du chansen att pÄverka den svensksprÄkiga servicen vid Aalto!


  1. NEON RAVE 2017: Cosmic Collision
  2. MONTERILLO on the 31st of October
  3. Brunch at Otaniemi Chapel on Oct 29th
  4. RetuperÀn WBK at the Mellin hall on the 17th of November


  2. Super Smash Bros. for Wii U tournament – Murskaveljekset IV 5.11.
  3. PRK’s radio amateur course
  4. 27th of October, Metal Club MökÀ: Gig Night & Sauna Afterparty


  1. Sign up for Oranki climbing courses this November!
  2. Mindfulness Workshop
  3. Seasonal influenza vaccination for people at high risk in Otaniemi, walk-in appointment available!


  1. HJK invites all Aalto people to the final match of the season and to the afterparty!
  2. Student night at Nordis at the IFK-KalPa ice hockey match on the 25th of October
  3. Aaltonaut Brekkie Bowl Workshop on the 24th of October @ Design Factory
  4. Design Now! seminar 2.11.2017
  5. Aalto Studios Hackathon
  6. Bisnesdates on Fri 27.10. at 8-9 am @Aalto Design Factory. Topic: “Data Driven Business”
  7. StartupCrawl on the 1st of November





1. Representative Council elections 2017


The AYY Representative Council elections are held between the 30th of October and 8th of November 2017. All members of the Student Union who have signed up for attendance and paid their membership fee by the 15th of September 2017 are eligible to vote in the elections. If you have signed up for attendance and everything is in order, you will soon receive an email with instructions concerning the Representative Council elections and your right to vote.

The voting advice application opens to voters on the 26th of October 2017

The voting advice application opens to voters on the 26th of October 2017. You enter your answers to the application at /vaalit/vaalikone/ and compare your answers with the ones submitted by the candidates.

You can start voting on Monday, the 30th of October, at 00:01 at https://vaalit.ayy.fi/.


The next lobby debate will be held on the 1st of November – follow the Facebook event here: https://www.facebook.com/events/476490969401282/


2. AYY’s volunteer search vuodelle 2018


Next year is yet again full of numerous interesting and fun volunteer activities! The selection of volunteer of activities is really diverse, ranging from organizing events to advocacy work.  Find out more about the different activities and find the right one for you for next year at www.ayy.fi/stop! Also remember to follow the stories of volunteers and the recruitment process on AYY’s Facebook and Instagram pages.


3. Reminder regarding the student loan compensation


Have you started your first course of study in higher education on or after the 1st of August 2014? If you answered yes, have taken out a student loan of at least 2500 euros and have completed or will complete your degree within the target time, you may be eligible for student loan compensation. A student who completes both a bachelor’s (180 credits) and a master’s degree (120 credits) may decide whether to apply for the compensation only for the bachelor’s degree or for both degrees.

Completing a degree means that you have to graduate. Completing your courses or submitting your thesis within 3.5 years (bachelor’s degree, 180 credits) or within 6 years (master’s degree, 120 credits) is not enough for the student loan compensation; you must complete your degree within that time.

Why: The student loan compensation is available to higher education students who began their first course of study in higher education on or after the 1st of August 2014. Students who have registered as attending the first time in the academic year 2014-2015 and want the student loan compensation already after completing their bachelor’s degree must complete their degree no later than on the 31st of December 2017. This means that the student must graduate by this date. Completing your courses or submitting your thesis by the 31st of December 2017 is not enough, because Kela requires you to actually complete your degree for the compensation.

For more details on the student loan compensation, visit this site: http://www.kela.fi/web/en/student-loan-compensation

You can check the graduation dates and schedules for your school from Into.


4. Apply for AYY’s exchange scholarships!


In the autumn, AYY is handing out exchange scholarships to support the internationalisation and active community action of students. The exchange scholarship can be applied for by those who are going on an exchange, are on an exchange at the moment and those AYY members who have returned from an exchange after April 2017.

The scholarship can be applied for from 12 noon on 25.10 to 11:59 pm, 15.11.
You can find further information about the scholarship and an application form here: /jasenille/palvelut/stipendit/

The scholarship is meant for the degree students of Aalto University.


5. Nu har du chansen att pÄverka den svensksprÄkiga servicen vid Aalto!


ÅhĂ„j alla svensksprĂ„kiga studerande!

TF och AUS försöker kartlÀgga hur den svensksprÄkiga servicen pÄ Aalto ser ut för tillfÀllet och dÀrför skulle vi vÀldigt gÀrna vilja att ni svarar pÄ denna enkÀt: https://www.webropolsurveys.com/S/188576E4F51E3FF9.par ! I enkÀten frÄgas det om nulÀget samt vad som kunde förbÀttras sÄvÀl som pÄ skolan, studentkÄren och TF, sÄ detta Àr en ypperlig chans att pÄverka eller hitta pÄ helt nya saker med nya idéer. Bland de som svarat kommer vi att lotta ut 4x2st biobiljetter. Svaren Àr anonyma och det tar ca 5 min att fylla i.


Tack pÄ förhand, TF& AUS styrelse




6. NEON RAVE 2017: Cosmic Collision


BLASTOFF! The party, the rave, the legend is back for the 6th year! Once again, you can be sure that it’s an event worth every second of your time with the deepest basslines and sickest tunes.

This time around, get ready to be shot out of orbit by our top-of-the-line artists on a cosmic scale, as the rave takes a turn to the Final Frontier. Space yourself up in the colors of the galaxy and dance ’till the edges of human knowledge. Join the NEON RAVE journey, the like of which you won’t find on this side of Andromeda!

TICKET SALES: on these dates @ the Undergraduate Center lobby (Otakaari 1, Y-wing) 10AM-2PM, or at the door if we don’t sell out before!

25.10. / 26.10. / 27.10. / 31.10. / 1.11. / 2.11.

WHAT: Neon Rave 2017
WHERE: Smökki, JÀmerÀntaival 4
WHEN: 3.11.
FOR WHO: For You!
TICKETS: Presale 6€, from the door 8€. Ticket sales: see above


Line-up: 2Side – Deep/tech house / Tuksu & Simoncelli – Future House / OuzO – Electro House / niinisto – Drum and bass / AndrZ – Hardstyle



7. MONTERILLO on the 31st of October


The days are getting shorter and the light fades away. Winter depression hits you and the cruel reality of the exam week spits on your face. Because the University is cutting costs, even the promised light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off. Even the price of liqueur in Estonia is rising.

But not to worry! This autumn, the freshmen of IK have once again turned the light on in the lighthouse to guide students who have gone astray from the real student culture to the safe haven of MONTERILLO! The light is burning bright in Otakaari 20 on the 31st of October, and there is fierce partying to be expected!

Casino MONTERILLO has a civilized dance floor for those who like to party in a sophisticated style, and a much more interesting speakeasy (= hidden bar) for those who have no good taste whatsoever. The best costumes will be rewarded: the fanciest dress or suit gets an excellent prize – but the most ragged clothes á la Uuno Turhapuro will be rewarded MAGNIFICENTLY!! The bravest and the most beautiful are welcomed with open arms, and the ugliest and the boldest by rolling out the red carpet.

WHEN: The magical doors to Narnia open on the 31st of October at 20:00

WHERE: Otakaari 20

DRESS CODE: Uuno Turhapuro/James Bond

WHY: Because it’s not every year that you get to attend a casino/glamour vs. speakeasy/dive bar themed party!

TICKET SALES: Tickets will be sold at the Undergraduate Center lobby at times announced later on the event’s Facebook page – so stay tuned!

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/148114239130276/


8. Brunch at Otaniemi Chapel on Oct 29th


Sunday is a day of rest, and what would be a better way to relax than a tasty brunch in good company! On the last Sunday of October, you are warmly welcome to a Finnish-English get-together at the Otaniemi Chapel. Price is 3€/student, paid by cash upon arrival. There are seats for 35 people, so be quick to sign up! If you are interested in cooking the brunch together, please tick the box when signing up. Obviously, the brunch is free for those who cook it. 🙂 The brunch is organized by the Aalto University Chaplains and Tapiola Parish. More info from Aalto University Chaplain Marjut Mulari, marjut.mulari@evl.fi / 0503652256. Sign up here: https://espoonseurakunnat-ilmo.service.innofactor.com/enrolmentclient/form.aspx?Key=0AAB693915F375E7FE98E142E98B3094


9. RetuperÀn WBK at the Mellin hall on the 17th of November


The RetuperÀ Voluntary Fire Brigade has an active call of duty at the Aalto University U2 hall (formerly known as Mellin hall) on Friday, the 17th of November. The program will include some of the shiniest gold-ish nuggets of classical music, minced and mangled by the national conciliarranger Simeon Suihkutsalo and performed by the liquid-empowered brassica septet.

The rare student-aimed concert consists of musical fireworks, amazing feats of strength by prospective members, breathtaking solo pieces and an intermission. The concert is led by artistic misdirector Torturo Canini, supported by the dazzling violinist Silja Fontana.

Concert tickets are 5 euros a piece for students. You can get yours at the Aalto University Candidate Center hallway during the concert week at times to be informed later, and also from the door.


RetuperÀn WBK
U2 hall (former Mellin hall)
17th of November at 18:00
5/15e (students/everyone else)







Aalto Community of African Students (ACAS) invites you to its welcoming event. During the event, we will be getting to know our new members, shortly present the reason we, ACAS, exist and begin planning our main event of the year – Get to Know Africa.


Are you interested in Africa? Do you believe in skill sharing, idea development and making an impact? If the answer is yes, do join us @TheStudio in Design Factory on the 27th of October for a relaxing gathering to close up the exam week. Snacks and drinks will be provided.


Sign up via this link:


OR, kindly send “Attending” to aaltoafricanstudents@gmail.com

Just bring yourself, a beautiful smile with open mind, and let’s create impact. Welcome!!!

WHAT: ACAS’ Welcoming Event
WHERE: The Studio, Aalto Design Factory, Betonimiehenkuja 5C, 02150, Espoo
WHEN: 17:30 on the 27th of October, 2017
FOR WHO: Everyone is invited
PASSWORD: A smile at the door. 🙂


Don’t forget to sign up !!!!


11. Super Smash Bros. for Wii U tournament – Murskaveljekset IV 5.11.


The premier Super Smash Bros. for Wii U tournament in Aalto University, Murskaveljekset, is coming once again! Murskaveljekset IV takes place at Energy Garage on Sunday, the 5th of November.

Murskaveljekset brings together the Smash players of Aalto to have fun and compete for the title of “best player in Otaniemi.” The event happens twice a year and is completely free. Murskaveljekset features a singles (1v1) series and a doubles (2v2) series. Participating players sign up for the tournament by being present at the venue by 13:00 on the day of the tournament. The tournament begins at 14:00.


Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1431443933591015/


12. PRK’s radio amateur course


Have you ever wanted to know more about electronics and radio technology? Would you like to get to know to people living on the other side of the globe through a direct voice connection without the internet, or take part in competitions with the goal of making contact with as many stations as possible using speech, Morse code or digital transmissions? Or would you rather try out various technical experiments with software radios or wireless data transfer, for example?

Completing a radio amateur degree allows you to do all this and gives you a good starting point for your radio amateur activities. PRK (Polyteknikkojen Radiokerho) is organizing a radio amateur course starting on the 31st of October at 18:00-21:00 at Ossinkulma (Otakaari 18A). The course lasts four weeks and ends with an exam.  Electrical physics learned in high school are more than enough to get started at the course, but even that is not necessary. All newcomers regardless of their background are welcome!

The course is free of charge for members of AYY and PRK, and it costs 10€ for others. You can complete a radio amateur degree at the end of the course if you want to. The Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority charges a total of 97.8€ for the degree (exam 36€, certificate of qualification 43.75€, station license 18.14€ per year). By signing up for the course, you are not obliged to complete the degree, but you can decide to do so later. Registration for the course and course information channel:




13. 27th of October, Metal Club MökÀ: Gig Night & Sauna Afterparty


Fresh Black Metal on Friday, the 27th of October at 18:00 at MC MökÀ’s gig night at the OUBS studio: Blackhearted, Astral Corpse, Qwadrax.

Free entry, also includes afterparty at the Gorsu sauna. /blog/events/mokan-keikkailta-mokas-gig-night/

FB Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1927636357511522





14. Sign up for Oranki climbing courses this November!


A technique course aimed at beginners (grades around 6a and lower) 7.11.  Course consists of useful techniques via practical examples.

No prerequisites. Price: 20e. Held at JÀmerÀntaival 3.

For more info and signing up: https://holvi.com/shop/oranki/product/7145c9ae52ea919c543883001e7ef950/


A lead climbing course 21.11. The course provides you with the capability to work as a belayer as well as climber in indoor walls and outside crags!

Prerequisites: rope climbing and belaying skills. Price: 55€ (Oranki members 45€). Held at Liikuntamylly gym in Myllypuro, Helsinki

For more info and signing up: https://holvi.com/shop/oranki/product/1f66290b172bbbc986e62a1a2d6b1017/


15. Mindfulness Workshop


Mindfulness is a state of open attention on the present. It’s living here and now. Mindfulness involves nonjudgmental conscious awareness of one’s feelings, thoughts and surroundings. In an educational context, mindfulness applied to learning is the practice of ignoring distractions, disregarding unhelpful self-criticism and keeping focused. It can deepen our understanding and help us to find learning as fascinating as it should be. In the autumn 2017, we have one workshop in English:

Mindfulness –Compassionate Learning: on Mondays 10:00-12:00 hrs, from October 30th until November 27th 2017, Otakaari 1. The workshop is in English.

More information and registration:  https://into.aalto.fi/display/enopintopsykologi/Mindfulness+-+compassionate+learning and opintopsykologi@aalto.fi



16. Seasonal influenza vaccination for people at high risk in Otaniemi, walk-in appointment available!

30th Oct at 13:30-15

6th Nov at 13:30-15

More information about influenza vaccination https://www.thl.fi/en/web/vaccination

If you are not eligible for a free influenza vaccination, call FSHS to get a prescription.




17. HJK invites all Aalto people to the final match of the season and to the afterparty!


We would like to invite you to the final match of the Veikkausliiga football season:

Saturday, 28th of October at 14:00
Telia 5G Areena, Urheilukatu 5 Helsinki.

This is the last match of the season, and HJK has already secured the title. We will celebrate this at the Tavastia club from 19:00 to 23:00, dressed in blue and white. There will also be surprise performers at the event.

Note! The event is free of charge for all Aalto people. Places are limited, so act fast! https://www.tiketti.fi/HJK-RoPS-Klubi-kutsuu-aaltolaiset-akkreditointi/421197


18. Student night at Nordis at the IFK-KalPa ice hockey match on the 25th of October


The ice hockey teams IFK and KalPa will meet at the Helsinki Ice Hall on the 25th of October. IFK and Aktia would like to invite Aalto students to the match by offering 150 students tickets for the match and for the student event as well as VIP tickets – for free! Come and enjoy the awesome hockey night!

The match starts at 18:30, and students are welcome to the pre-event starting at 17:30 at Pepe’s Bar & Grill, located on the 2nd floor of the Helsinki Ice Hall. We have a variety of activities planned for you, such as a DJ, lottery, player visit from IFK, and food and drink provided by Aktia. By showing your VIP pass, you can also get discounts from products at Pepe’s.

Tickets and VIP passes for the match can be picked up at the AYY Central Office service point (Otakaari 11, 1st floor) during the Office’s opening hours by showing your student card. Take your student card also with you to the event! Note: only 3 tickets per person.


19.  Aaltonaut Brekkie Bowl Workshop on the 24th of October @ Design Factory


Hello, first and second year students! Are you interested in product development? Could Aaltonaut become your minor subject? Come to the Design Factory to find out more about the Aaltonaut minor subject, its teachers, and get the last tips on how to make a good application. The final application deadline is on the 12th of November. In addition to chatting, you can also put together your own bowl of yogurt and porridge with your favorite trimmings and sip on the Design Factory’s specialty coffees.

For more information, visit www.aaltonaut.fi


20. Design Now! seminar 2.11.2017


Long gone are the days when design was simply a way to make things pretty and more attractive to buy. Today, design making and thinking has found its way into almost every corner of society. Products of all shapes and sizes are still being designed, but so are services, businesses, data, systems, politics, education, and futures.

Join us for the Design Now! seminar on Thu, November 2, 2017 at 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM.

The seminar will be held in English and is free to attend.

Check out the links for more information:





21. Aalto Studios Hackathon


Aalto Studios is the media center of the future. It goes live in 2020 at the heart of the Otaniemi campus.

But how do we make sure it’s not just another building? Can we turn it into a space where you’d like to hang out, play video games, have barbecues, shoot and watch movies regardless if you have overalls or not?

On October 31st, we invite you to hack into the black box of Aalto Studios and come up with new ways of using it: as a community space, a shared resource, a playground of new technologies or a place where you can experiment and go all the way pro into film, media, VR, sound design and other exciting stuff.

Register at https://studios.aalto.fi/hackathon and build Aalto Studios together with us.


22. Bisnesdates on Fri 27.10. at 8-9 am @Aalto Design Factory. Topic: “Data Driven Business”


Bisnesdates are monthly one-hour morning events that cover interesting and accurate business-related topics. In each session, guest speaker(s) who are specialists in their own field give approximately 10 minutes introduction to the chosen topic. Rest of the time is reserved for open discussion and networking.

Bisnesdates and coffee are free of charge, but please sign in on Design Factory’s webpage https://designfactory.aalto.fi/news/  and join us to this true morning booster!


Data-driven Business

Data Driven Business, threat or opportunity? This question is one of the hottest topics in business at the moment. Many companies claim they utilize big data in their business, but is that really true? Is big data just a buzzword or something more concrete that benefits growth-oriented business? In these Bisnesdates, we’ll discuss whether big data is just a daydream or if there are ways of exploiting it in business efficiently.


23. StartupCrawl on the 1st of November


Do you like excursions? What about appros? Yes? Of course?

Wouldn’t you say it’s time to combine these two excellent things?

We think it is. That’s why we’re organizing an event, one that was held also last spring and in the previous years: STARTUP CRAWL!

Startup Crawl returns bigger and better than ever. This year, you can choose from four different themes. Each theme includes a visit to four companies, and an afterparty for everyone.


In the Startup Crawl, you will travel around the downtown Helsinki and visit different companies. The companies provide groups with drinks, food, company and information about their activities. This is a great opportunity to network with the hottest operators in various fields.

This year’s themes:


As per tradition, the legendary StartupCrawl afterparty is held at Smartly’s office, in downtown Helsinki.

The tickets cost 5€, and the price includes the Crawl itself, an overall badge and a whole bunch of good memories from the Crawl. Tickets are limited, so hurry up! The event has always sold out.

More information on the event can be found on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1725759544396927/


Buy your tickets here: https://holvi.com/shop/aaltoes16/product/124c7595e8db91246f4099208e3dbb32/


See you at the Crawl! Regards, Hankenes, Aaltoes and Hki Think Company

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