Weekly newsletter 44/2017

Voting in the AYY Representative Council elections starts now! You can vote until Wednesday, the 8th of November, by using our electronic voting system at vaalit.ayy.fi.

Why should you vote? Check out this blog post for the reasons: /vaalit/miksi-kannattaa-aanestaa/

Also join the Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/368513800247584/

See you at the ballot boxes!


If you want your own piece to be a part of the weekly newsletter, send it in its finalized form to tiedotteet@ayy.fi by Thursday 10:00 if you want it out the following week.

The association information can be found in the association newsletter. Read it at: /yhdistystiedote



Week 44

31.10. Fyysikkospeksi 2017: Vive! – One hundred days to Revolution /blog/events/fyysikkospeksi-vive-sata-paivaa-vallankumoukseen-3/

1.11. Fyysikkospeksi 2017: Vive! – One hundred days to Revolution /blog/events/fyysikkospeksi-vive-sata-paivaa-vallankumoukseen-4/

2.11. Fyysikkospeksi 2017: Vive! – One hundred days to Revolution /blog/events/fyysikkospeksi-vive-sata-paivaa-vallankumoukseen-5/

2.11. TalentIT 2017 /blog/events/talentit-2017/

3.11. Neon Rave 2017 /blog/events/neon-rave-2017/

3.11. Traditions Evening at the Wanha Poli /blog/events/polilla-ei-ole-lupa-murjottaa-perinneilta-wanhalla-polilla/

4.11. Hearthstone: Finnish Student Championships /blog/events/hearthstone-opiskelijoiden-sm-kisat/

5.11. Super Smash Bros. for Wii U tournament – Murskaveljekset IV /blog/events/murskaveljekset-iv/

Week 45

6.11. Club Night /blog/events/klubi-ilta/

8.11. ARENA Career Fair 2017 /blog/events/arena-career-fair-2017/

8.11. Poli’s Appro /blog/events/polin-appro-3/

10.11. Teekkari Tradition Party /blog/events/teekkariperinnejuhla-3/

11.11. Teekkarisillis (Teekkari Herring Breakfast) /blog/events/teekkarisillis-4/



  1. Representative Council elections 2017 – vote now!
  2. AYY’s volunteer search for 2018
  3. Call for applications for the Degree Committee is open until the 5th of November!
  4. Reminder regarding the student loan compensation
  5. Apply for AYY’s exchange scholarships!
  6. Nu har du chansen att pÄverka den svensksprÄkiga servicen vid Aalto!


  1. My Career in Finland – More than just a chance to bring home a brochure
  2. Teekkari Tradition Week between the 3rd and 11th of November
  3. Traditions Evening at the Wanha Poli on the 3rd of November, 17:00
  4. Club Night of Mysteries at Smökki on the 6th of November
  5. KVTMK Mystery Dinner
  6. Aaltositsit – A Better Tomorrow
  7. Fyysikkospeksi 2017: Vive! – last showings
  8. NEON RAVE 2017: Cosmic Collision
  9. RetuperÀn WBK at the Mellin hall on the 17th of November


  1. Campus section presents: the coolest wall painting competition!
  3. Super Smash Bros. for Wii U tournament – Murskaveljekset IV 5.11.
  4. PRK’s radio amateur course
  5. Skipoli’s trip to the Alps 2018
  6. AUTUMN RETREAT – a day of rest at the Otaniemi Chapel on Sunday, the 19th of November from 10:00 to 16:00
  7. Sign up for Oranki climbing courses this November!
  8. Seasonal influenza vaccination for people at high risk in Otaniemi, walk-in appointment available!


  1. Oikea Aalto election sauna on Wednesday, the 1st of November from 18:00 onwards at Kattosauna
  2. BEER AND BIBLE at the Gallow’s Bird pub on the 15th of November at 17:30
  3. TalentIT Fair 2017 – Boost your career!
  4. Design Now! seminar 2.11.2017
  5. Aalto Studios Hackathon
  6. StartupCrawl on the 1st of November





1. Representative Council elections 2017 – vote now!


Voting period and voting

The voting takes place between Monday, the 30th of October, and Wednesday, the 8th of November 2017.

You can vote using the electronic voting system at vaalit.ayy.fi.

By voting, you can influence the near future of your student community. You will also get the unique “I Voted” overall badge when you vote!

Even though the elections are conducted electronically, AYY will also organize a pop-up polling station between Thursday, the 2nd of November and Wednesday, the 8th of November at lunchtime in the Otakaari lobby. You can also vote at the AYY Central Office’s service point during the office’s opening hours. Overall badges are available at both places. Polling stations can also be found on other campuses. Follow the Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/368513800247584/

For more information, visit www.ayy.fi/vaalit.


Voting advice application

The voting advice application is now open, and the voting has started. If you are still looking for your candidate or electoral alliance, head on over to /vaalit/vaalikone/ and find out what the candidates think about issues such as the size of the membership fee and the construction of the student center.

For more information, visit /vaalit/vaalikone-on-nyt-auki/.


Hallway panel

Unsure on who to vote for? Do you need more details about the opinions of the electoral alliances and the candidates on the most burning topics of the day? The second hallway panel of the AYY Representative Council elections is held at TÀffÀ on the elections week, on Wednesday, the 1st of November 2017 from 11:45 to 12:45.

Come and find out which electoral alliance represents you and your thoughts the best!

Also join the hallway panel Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/476490969401282/.

Vote, make an impact! #AYYvaalit2017


2. AYY’s volunteer search for 2018


Next year is yet again full of numerous interesting and fun volunteer activities! The selection of volunteer of activities is really diverse, ranging from organizing events to advocacy work.  Find out more about the different activities and find the right one for you for next year at www.ayy.fi/stop! Also remember to follow the stories of volunteers and the recruitment process on AYY’s Facebook and Instagram pages.


3. Call for applications for the Degree Committee is open until the 5th of November!


The Degree Committee deals with corrections related to studies and theses at the University. The term of office for student representatives is one year, and the applications for 2018 are now open. Apply for the position and make sure that students are treated fairly at Aalto!

More information: /en/blog/2017/10/23/call-for-applications-for-student-representatives-in-the-administration-of-aalto-university-7/


4. Reminder regarding the student loan compensation


Have you started your first course of study in higher education on or after the 1st of August 2014? If you answered yes, have taken out a student loan of at least 2500 euros and have completed or will complete your degree within the target time, you may be eligible for student loan compensation. A student who completes both a bachelor’s (180 credits) and a master’s degree (120 credits) may decide whether to apply for the compensation only for the bachelor’s degree or for both degrees.

For more details on the student loan compensation, visit this site: http://www.kela.fi/web/en/student-loan-compensation

You can check the graduation dates and schedules for your school from Into.


5. Apply for AYY’s exchange scholarships!


In the autumn, AYY is handing out exchange scholarships to support the internationalisation and active community action of students. The exchange scholarship can be applied for by those who are going on an exchange, are on an exchange at the moment and those AYY members who have returned from an exchange after April 2017.

The scholarship can be applied for from 12 noon on 25.10 to 11:59 pm, 15.11.
You can find further information about the scholarship and an application form here: /jasenille/palvelut/stipendit/

The scholarship is meant for the degree students of Aalto University.


6. Nu har du chansen att pÄverka den svensksprÄkiga servicen vid Aalto!


ÅhĂ„j alla svensksprĂ„kiga studerande!

TF och AUS försöker kartlÀgga hur den svensksprÄkiga servicen pÄ Aalto ser ut för tillfÀllet och dÀrför skulle vi vÀldigt gÀrna vilja att ni svarar pÄ denna enkÀt: https://www.webropolsurveys.com/S/188576E4F51E3FF9.par ! I enkÀten frÄgas det om nulÀget samt vad som kunde förbÀttras sÄvÀl som pÄ skolan, studentkÄren och TF, sÄ detta Àr en ypperlig chans att pÄverka eller hitta pÄ helt nya saker med nya idéer. Bland de som svarat kommer vi att lotta ut 4x2st biobiljetter. Svaren Àr anonyma och det tar ca 5 min att fylla i.

Tack pÄ förhand, TF& AUS styrelse




7. My Career in Finland – More than just a chance to bring home a brochure


Hey, international students, “My Career in Finland” is returning to Otaniemi in November! The event aims to bring together experts to raise discussions that spread knowledge, draw inspiration from success stories, and provoke conversations that matters to your career path in Finland.

So buckle up and save the date to participate in hands-on activities with hiring companies, career consultants, Aalto alumni, and representatives of labour unions.


Date: Tuesday, 21st November 2017
Time: 16:15 – 21:00
Venue: Dipoli, Otakaari 24, Espoo
During the event, there will be a free bus transportation between Töölö – Otaniemi.


Follow the latest updates on https://www.facebook.com/events/1592304637492748/



8. Teekkari Tradition Week between the 3rd and 11th of November


The Teekkari Tradition Week, held at the beginning of November, is full of numerous exciting events. Teekkarius turns 145 years old this year, and we will celebrate it for the whole week between the 3rd and 11th of November. A great deal of familiar events are held during the week, but there are also a lot of new and fun activities.

During the week, you can, for example, dive deep into history at the Traditions Evening held at the Wanha Poli, come up with new lyrics for songs and sing them at the Song Contest sitsit, and solve mysteries in an international manner at the Mystery Dinner! You can find all the events of the week at www.teekkarius145.ayy.com. See you at the Teekkari Tradition Week!


9. Traditions Evening at the Wanha Poli on the 3rd of November, 17:00


The Poli is an essential part of teekkari history, having housed many memorable events under its roof. That’s why there’s no better place to start the Teekkari Tradition Week. On Friday, the 3rd of November, the Wanha Poli will be filled with alumni reminiscing their days at the old Poli, accompanied by songs and a festive atmosphere of the Traditions Evening. Come and get acquainted with history or reminisce your own studying days!

The doors open at 17:00, and you are advised to be there on time, because the story rounds start at 17:30. In addition to stories, we will sing through all the songs in the Red Songbook. There will also be short orienteering and quiz tasks to further enliven the evening. The event ends at 21:00.

Registration: https://lomake.ayy.fi/teekkarijaosto/polilla-ei-ole-lupa-murjottaa/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1737138639924054


10. Club Night of Mysteries at Smökki on the 6th of November


It’s the time of year when Otaniemi’s most stylish people and smoothest savoir-vivre come together at Servin Mökki’s jazz club. Dressed in their sophisticated cocktail outfits, they’ll be sipping fabulous drinks, relaxing at the outdoors cigar lounge and feeling pleasantly superior to lesser peasants.

Suddenly a chilling scream resounds through the room! The first guests had barely arrived when the club’s long-time investor and renowned society fellow drops dead on the floor. Next to the body, a neatly written message, “Tonight’s last will be danced many times yet”. Only a bloody stain is left as a reminder of what happened – but what, indeed, did happen?

The first guests are in a state of shock (and of course not allowed to leave during the murder investigation), and the Halloween decorations of nooses, a mysteriously bloody candlestick, and let alone the pistol hidden in Mx. Glitter’s evening bag, are doing nothing to relieve the tension. But who did it? Come find out and help solve the murder!

Tickets to this tragedy’s opening night are only 6€. The first cocktails of the evening are on the house, as an apology for this tragic incident. Ticket sales will be in the Otakaari 1 lobby from the 30th of October to the 3rd of November between 11 and 13 o’clock.

The bloody details in a nutshell:

WHAT: Club Night of Mysteries, brought to you by Jalostajat and GAYY
WHERE: Servin Mökki’s jazz club, JĂ€merĂ€ntaival 4, Espoo
WHEN: 6th of November, The doors will open after the incident at 18 o’clock
TICEKTS: 30.10.-3.11. between 11 and 13 o’clock, also at the door
WHAT TO WEAR: Sophisticated cocktail outfit, a vest is not exaggerating
WHO: Come find out!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/294841574326600


11. KVTMK Mystery Dinner


The International Committee KVTMK welcomes you to join us on the 9th November, in Servin Mökki (Smökki) for a never before seen Mystery Dinner. It will be an adventure through time that will take you all the way back to 1872 when Teekkarius was born. You will have to work together with your table whilst enjoying a delicious three course meal and solve all the puzzles and obstacles to figure out the mystery of the evening.

To solve the mystery, you will have to embrace all aspects of Teekkari culture – so come along to sing, eat and solve clues, whilst enjoying this very Teekkari plot!

The evening will begin with a cocktail event at Polyteekkari museum (JÀmerÀntaival 3 A) at 17:45. Afterwards we will continue to Servin Mökki (JÀmerÀntaival 4) to solve the mystery. If it is solved, we will move to Otakaari 20 for an afterparty, where you can ponder on the events of the evening.


This event is open for all students of Aalto, and it will be held completely in English.

Ticket sales will open at https://bailataan.fi/#!/events/50f13bf2-f66d-4eb7-892f-157e7d7705b7 at 17:45 on 26.10.

WHAT: Mystery Dinner
WHERE: Teekkari Museum (JÀmerÀntaival 3A) and Smökki (JÀmerÀntaival 4)
WHEN: 9.11.2017 at 17:45
DRESS CODE: Smart/Smart casual
HOW MUCH? 20 €
WHY: To solve a very Teekkari mystery!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1573157172745462/


12. Aaltositsit – A Better Tomorrow


Did you know that 25–30% of the all world’s food ends up in the garbage? Some of the food is left on the ground, some is wasted on the way, and some is left unsold at stores or restaurants. At the autumn’s Aaltositsit, the organizers have tried to decrease the amount of food waste by purchasing the ingredients for the sitsit mainly from Finnish online shops that sell clearance and discontinued products.

That is why on Thursday, the 23rd of November, Aava, KUVA and the Teekkari Section invite all Aalto people regardless of their line of study or starting year to enjoy a three-course dinner made from surplus food, as well as dazzling performances and new cross-disciplinary acquaintances. We want to give the participants the chance to experience the characteristics typical to Aalto’s different sitsi cultures and to get to know to new Aalto people outside one’s own field of study.

The sign-up for the sitsit opens on Monday, the 6th November at 12:00 at www.bailataan.fi. The number of seats is limited

What? Aaltositsit – A Better Tomorrow
When? 23rd of November 2017, cocktail event from 18:15 onwards and dinner party from 19:00 onwards
Where? Servin mökki, JÀmerÀntaival 4, 02150 Espoo
Price: 15€
Dress code: Smart casual philanthropist <3
Why? Because together we can make the world a better place, one sitsit at a time 🙂

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/139785183436775/


13. Fyysikkospeksi 2017: Vive! – last showings


It’s once again time for the Fyysikkospeksi!  We are the only bilingual spex (interactive student musical) in the world with a show in English as well, i.e. this is the only chance in two years to see such a show without understanding Finnish or Swedish.

Vive! – One hundred days to Revolution takes the audience to the birth of the French Revolution. A young freedom fighter Vivienne arrives in Marseille, trying to spark a seed of rebellion in the oppressed townsfolk. Standing between her and the revolution, however, is chief constable Abel Const, the law and order of Marseille, and Jacques, a fetching long-time criminal.

The show in English is on Sunday, November 19th, and the shows in Finnish are on 20.10., 21.10., 31.10., 1.11., and 2.11. at Gloria (Pieni Roobertinkatu 12-14).

Tickets 12 e (balcony) / 15 e (students) / 20 e (adults) / 40 e (patrons). The cloakroom charge is included in the ticket price.

More information and tickets: www.fyysikkospeksi.fi

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/115437959169942/


14. NEON RAVE 2017: Cosmic Collision


BLASTOFF! The party, the rave, the legend is back for the 6th year! Once again, you can be sure that it’s an event worth every second of your time with the deepest basslines and sickest tunes.

This time around, get ready to be shot out of orbit by our top-of-the-line artists on a cosmic scale, as the rave takes a turn to the Final Frontier. Space yourself up in the colors of the galaxy and dance ’till the edges of human knowledge. Join the NEON RAVE journey, the like of which you won’t find on this side of Andromeda!

TICKET SALES: on these dates @ the Undergraduate Center lobby (Otakaari 1, Y-wing) 10AM-2PM, or at the door if we don’t sell out before! 31.10. / 1.11. / 2.11.

WHAT: Neon Rave 2017
WHERE: Smökki, JÀmerÀntaival 4
WHEN: 3.11.
FOR WHO: For You!
TICKETS: Presale 6€, from the door 8€. Ticket sales: see above

Line-up: 2Side – Deep/tech house / Tuksu & Simoncelli – Future House / OuzO – Electro House / niinisto – Drum and bass / AndrZ – Hardstyle


15. RetuperÀn WBK at the Mellin hall on the 17th of November


The RetuperÀ Voluntary Fire Brigade has an active call of duty at the Aalto University U2 hall (formerly known as Mellin hall) on Friday, the 17th of November. The program will include some of the shiniest gold-ish nuggets of classical music, minced and mangled by the national conciliarranger Simeon Suihkutsalo and performed by the liquid-empowered brassica septet.

The rare student-aimed concert consists of musical fireworks, amazing feats of strength by prospective members, breathtaking solo pieces and an intermission. The concert is led by artistic misdirector Torturo Canini, supported by the dazzling violinist Silja Fontana.

Concert tickets are 5 euros a piece for students. You can get yours at the Aalto University Candidate Center hallway during the concert week at times to be informed later, and also from the door.


RetuperÀn WBK
U2 hall (former Mellin hall)
17th of November at 18:00
5/15e (students/everyone else)





16. Campus section presents: the coolest wall painting competition!


The coolest wall painting competition is here again! The Campus Section wants to encourage AYY members who live in shared or friends apartments to work together for a nicer living environment. Check the amazing prizes and rules from the Facebook event and participate! The race is on until the 10th of December 2017! https://www.facebook.com/events/180815985809841




Aalto Community of African Students (ACAS) invites you to its welcoming event. During the event we will be getting to know our new members, shortly present the reason we, ACAS, exist and begin planning our main event of the year – Get to Know Africa.

Are you interested in Africa? Do you believe in skill sharing, idea development and making an impact? If the answer is yes do join us @TheStudio in Design Factory on the 27th of October for a relaxing gathering to close up the exam week. Snacks and drinks will be provided.


Sign up via this link:


OR, kindly send “Attending” to aaltoafricanstudents@gmail.com

Just bring yourself, a beautiful smile with open mind, and let’s create impact. Welcome!!!

WHAT: ACAS’ Welcoming Event
WHERE: The Studio, Aalto Design Factory, Betonimiehenkuja 5C, 02150, Espoo
WHEN: 17:30 on the 27th of October, 2017
FOR WHO: Everyone is invited
PASSWORD: A smile at the door. 🙂


18. Super Smash Bros. for Wii U tournament – Murskaveljekset IV 5.11.


The premier Super Smash Bros. for Wii U tournament in Aalto University, Murskaveljekset, is coming once again! Murskaveljekset IV takes place at Energy Garage on Sunday, the 5th of November.

Murskaveljekset brings together the Smash players of Aalto to have fun and compete for the title of ”best player in Otaniemi.” The event happens twice a year and is completely free. Murskaveljekset features a singles (1v1) series and a doubles (2v2) series. Participating players sign up for the tournament by being present at the venue by 13:00 on the day of the tournament. The tournament begins at 14:00.


Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1431443933591015/


19. PRK’s radio amateur course


Have you ever wanted to know more about electronics and radio technology? Would you like to get to know to people living on the other side of the globe through a direct voice connection without the internet, or take part in competitions with the goal of making contact with as many stations as possible using speech, Morse code or digital transmissions? Or would you rather try out various technical experiments with software radios or wireless data transfer, for example?

Completing a radio amateur degree allows you to do all this and gives you a good starting point for your radio amateur activities. PRK (Polyteknikkojen Radiokerho) is organizing a radio amateur course starting on the 31st of October at 18:00-21:00 at Ossinkulma (Otakaari 18A). The course lasts four weeks and ends with an exam.  Electrical physics learned in high school are more than enough to get started at the course, but even that is not necessary. All newcomers regardless of their background are welcome!

The course is free of charge for members of AYY and PRK, and it costs 10€ for others. You can complete a radio amateur degree at the end of the course if you want to. The Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority charges a total of 97.8€ for the degree (exam 36€, certificate of qualification 43.75€, station license 18.14€ per year). By signing up for the course, you are not obliged to complete the degree, but you can decide to do so later. Registration for the course and course information channel:






20. Skipoli’s trip to the Alps 2018


The skiing organization of Aalto University, Skipoli, is organizing the annual trip to the Alps on 13.-27.1.2018, this year to Montafon, Austria! You will have 13 days of skiing and afterski, and you can reach 2430 metres with the gondolas. There will for sure be skiing possibilities and company for every kind of skier, snow parks, long easy slopes for beginners, off-piste, you name it. We will stay in nice cabins in the middle of the village Schruns, which is the biggest village in the area with a lot of restaurants and bars. There are only 25 spots for the trip, so you will for sure get to know all your new skiing friends and get to be a part of the Skipoli family. For more information, please visit the Facebook event (https://www.facebook.com/events/338056353319841/) or contact the organizers (camilla.maikola@aalto.fi / riikka.joona@aalto.fi). The sign-up for the trip has already begun, so please contact the organizers as soon as possible if you are interested in joining the trip! Hope to see you in the Alps!


21. AUTUMN RETREAT – a day of rest at the Otaniemi Chapel on Sunday, the 19th of November from 10:00 to 16:00


Time and space. Breathing. Rest. Meditation. Music. Pilgrimage. Silence.

Soup lunch and coffee 5€.


The retreat day is a performance-free zone where we turn off our devices and shut out all external noises. We are on this journey together, but privately, each participant in their own way. The retreat day is organized by the Aalto chaplains, and it is based on the Christian retreat tradition. Your view of life may be different, but the moment of rest is collective. The participants commit themselves to the shared moment of silence and participation for six hours. You are welcome to charge your batteries and take a breather. For more information and sign-ups by Monday, the 13th of November, contact anu.morikawa@evl.fi (Aalto chaplain) / katja.kangas@evl.fi (retreat musician). The address for the Otaniemi Chapel is JÀmerÀntaival 8, Espoo.


22. Sign up for Oranki climbing courses this November!


A technique course aimed at beginners (grades around 6a and lower) 7.11.  Course consists of useful techniques via practical examples.

No prerequisites. Price: 20e. Held at JÀmerÀntaival 3.

For more info and signing up: https://holvi.com/shop/oranki/product/7145c9ae52ea919c543883001e7ef950/


A lead climbing course 21.11. The course provides you with the capability to work as a belayer as well as climber in indoor walls and outside crags!

Prerequisites: rope climbing and belaying skills. Price: 55€ (Oranki members 45€). Held at Liikuntamylly gym in Myllypuro, Helsinki

For more info and signing up: https://holvi.com/shop/oranki/product/1f66290b172bbbc986e62a1a2d6b1017/



23. Seasonal influenza vaccination for people at high risk in Otaniemi, walk-in appointment available!

30th Oct at 13:30-15

6th Nov at 13:30-15

More information about influenza vaccination https://www.thl.fi/en/web/vaccination

If you are not eligible for a free influenza vaccination, call FSHS to get a prescription.





24. Oikea Aalto election sauna on Wednesday, the 1st of November from 18:00 onwards at Kattosauna


Oikea Aalto offers an excellent opportunity for people interested in the electoral alliance to find out more about its candidates at the election sauna on Wednesday, the 1st of November from 18:00 onwards at Kattosauna (JÀmerÀntaival 3 A top floor). There are also snacks and drinks available. https://www.facebook.com/events/135706787182193

Oikea Aalto also has an election stand at the Undergraduate Center on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 10:00 to 14:00. We look forward to meeting you!


25. BEER AND BIBLE at the Gallow’s Bird pub on the 15th of November at 17:30


”When I preach, I preach so that even a 7-year-old child can understand it. But when me and Master Melanchthon drink beer in the cellar and talk about theology, even God up in Heaven is astonished by our learning.”- Martin Luther (1483-1546)

Join the discussion, learn new things and get to know to new people! We are hosting an easily accessible Bible circle for students and young adults at the Gallow’s Bird pub on Wednesday, the 15th of November at 17:30. The pub is located in Niittykumpu, and it is easy to reach. Food and drinks are available at the pub, and dogs and baby strollers are allowed. After the first Bible circle, we will agree on the date of the second meeting according to the attendants’ schedules. The masterminds behind the Bible circle are lovers of beer and the Bible from Tapiola, Stina and Ilmar Metsalo. The Aalto chaplains and the Tapiola parish are also involved. For more information, contact Aalto chaplain Marjut Mulari: marjut.mulari@evl.fi / 0503652256.


26. TalentIT Fair 2017 – Boost your career!


Meet over 100 exhibitors from the ICT sector and land the perfect internship, summer job or Master’s thesis position at TalentIT Fair this Thursday!


At the fair’s Career Forum you can

  • Fine-tune your CV and LinkedIn profile with professionals
  • Practice your job interview skills
  • Meet company representatives one-on-one for discussing e.g. employment opportunities
  • Get feedback from your video introduction that you’ve shot in advance
  • Receive a voucher from Viking Line and win fantastic prizes!


Nov 2 2017, 11am – 5pm, Otahalli

We offer a sandwich and a coffee for students who give us feedback at the fair. This year there is also Aalto in the Game –demo show for the students’ game demos as well as Live Game Dev Showdown competition final organised at the fair to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the event.

Explore the fair at www.talentit.aalto.fi or find us on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TalentITFair/!

Hope to see you at the fair!


27. Design Now! seminar 2.11.2017


Long gone are the days when design was simply a way to make things pretty and more attractive to buy. Today, design making and thinking has found its way into almost every corner of society. Products of all shapes and sizes are still being designed, but so are services, businesses, data, systems, politics, education, and futures.

Join us for the Design Now! seminar on Thu, November 2, 2017 at 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM.

The seminar will be held in English and is free to attend.

Check out the links for more information:




28. Aalto Studios Hackathon


Aalto Studios is the media center of the future. It goes live in 2020 at the heart of the Otaniemi campus.

But how do we make sure it’s not just another building? Can we turn it into a space where you’d like to hang out, play video games, have barbecues, shoot and watch movies regardless if you have overalls or not?

On October 31st, we invite you to hack into the black box of Aalto Studios and come up with new ways of using it: as a community space, a shared resource, a playground of new technologies or a place where you can experiment and go all the way pro into film, media, VR, sound design and other exciting stuff.

Register at https://studios.aalto.fi/hackathon and build Aalto Studios together with us.


29. StartupCrawl on the 1st of November


Do you like excursions? What about appros? Yes? Of course?

Wouldn’t you say it’s time to combine these two excellent things?

We think it is. That’s why we’re organizing an event, one that was held also last spring and in the previous years: STARTUP CRAWL!

Startup Crawl returns bigger and better than ever. This year, you can choose from four different themes. Each theme includes a visit to four companies, and an afterparty for everyone.


In the Startup Crawl, you will travel around the downtown Helsinki and visit different companies. The companies provide groups with drinks, food, company and information about their activities. This is a great opportunity to network with the hottest operators in various fields.

This year’s themes:


As per tradition, the legendary StartupCrawl afterparty is held at Smartly’s office, in downtown Helsinki.

The tickets cost 5€, and the price includes the Crawl itself, an overall badge and a whole bunch of good memories from the Crawl. Tickets are limited, so hurry up! The event has always sold out.

More information on the event can be found on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1725759544396927/


Buy your tickets here: https://holvi.com/shop/aaltoes16/product/124c7595e8db91246f4099208e3dbb32/


See you at the Crawl! Regards, Hankenes, Aaltoes and Hki Think Company

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