Weekly newsletter 45/2017

You have still have three more days to vote in the AYY Representative Council elections! You can vote until Wednesday, the 8th of November, by using our electronic voting system at vaalit.ayy.fi.

Why should you vote? Check out this blog post for the reasons: /vaalit/why-vote/?lang=en

Also join the Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/368513800247584/

If you have already voted, come and pick up your “I Voted” overall badge from AYY’s popup stand or service point!


If you want your own piece to be a part of the weekly newsletter, send it in its finalized form to tiedotteet@ayy.fi by Thursday 10:00 if you want it out the following week.

The association information can be found in the association newsletter. Read it at: /en/associations/association-newsletter/


Week 45

6.11. Club Night /blog/events/klubi-ilta/

7.11. Song Competition Sitsit /blog/events/laulukilpailusitsit-2/

8.11. Ristin kilta: Alderman Night /blog/events/oltermanni-ilta/

8.11. ARENA Career Fair 2017 /blog/events/arena-career-fair-2017/

8.11. Poli’s Appro /blog/events/polin-appro-3/

10.11. Teekkari Tradition Party /blog/events/teekkariperinnejuhla-3/

11.11. Teekkarisillis (Teekkari Herring Breakfast) /blog/events/teekkarisillis-4/


Week 46

15.11. Mosaic’s World Dinner /blog/events/mosaics-world-dinner/



  1. AYY’s Representative Council elections 2017 – three days left to vote!
  2. Exceptions to the Housing Office’s opening hours!
  3. Wanna Change the Game? Come and Make the Rules!
  4. AYY’s volunteer search for 2018
  5. Apply for AYY’s exchange scholarships!
  6. #LuovutusAalto vol. 2 still under way for November!


  1. Teekkari Tradition Week between the 3rd and 11th of November
  2. KVTMK Mystery Dinner
  3. My Career in Finland – The event designed for Aalto international students
  4. Aaltositsit – A Better Tomorrow
  5. Arabia Maskerad: Mutation – Glitter & Gore
  6. OIKOSULKU 2017


  1. Film Club Montaasi’s New Members’ Night on Friday, the 10th of November
  2. Tikelo Presents: Inglourious Basterds
  3. Teekkarispeksi 2018 band search
  4. Remburssi’s visit to the Nasdaq Helsinki office on the 15th of November
  5. BEST Helsinki is recruiting!
  6. BEST Spring courses


  1. OtaKoppi’s winter baseball practices
  2. Skipoli’s trip to the Alps 2018
  3. Sign up for Oranki climbing courses this November!
  4. AUTUMN RETREAT – a day of rest at the Otaniemi Chapel on Sunday, the 19th of November from 10:00 to 16:00


  1. Discussion for students on the future of Europe with Vice-President Katainen on the 23rd of November
  2. Apply for the Aaltonaut Bachelor’s Program by 12th November
  3. Tenured Professors’ Installation Lectures 15.11.
  4. Book your seat to see who wins the Helsinki Challenge competition at Award Party on Nov 24th
  5. CORELAB PRESENTS: Circular economy idea competition – CORE CIRCULAR CHALLENGE
  6. You’re Invited to the Talk The Talk Final on November 8!
  7. BEER AND BIBLE at the Gallow’s Bird pub on the 15th of November at 17:30





1. AYY’s Representative Council elections 2017 – three days left to vote!


Voting period and voting

The voting takes place between Monday, the 30th of October, and Wednesday, the 8th of November 2017.

You can vote using the electronic voting system at vaalit.ayy.fi.

By voting, you can influence the near future of your student community. You will also get the unique “I Voted” overall badge when you vote!


The voting advice application can be found here: /vaalit/vaalikone/

More information on the elections and voting: /vaalit


Popup polling stations

Aalto University campuses now have popup polling stations that allow you to vote easily.

Polling stations can be found on the following Aalto University campuses on the following dates:

  • Otaniemi (AYY, Otakaari 1 lobby)
    • Thu 2.11. at 11–13
    • Fri 3.11. at 11–16
    • Mon 6.11. at 11–16
    • Tue 7.11. at 10–13
    • Wed 8.11. at 10–13
  • Töölö (KY, main lobby)
    • Mon 6.11. at 11:30–15
    • Tue 7.11. at 14–17
    • Wed 8.11. at 13–16
  • Arabia (Tokyo, main lobby)
    • Mon 6.11. at 12:30–14
    • voting aid application every day at Kipsari
  • Mikkeli (KY – contact KY for more information)


AYY Representative Council election night feat. KY

Food, speeches, excitement and election results!

Welcome to AYY’s Representative Council election night at the festival hall Saha in Otaniemi on the 8th of November from 18:00 onwards.

Both AYY’s and KY’s Representative Council elections culminate on Wednesday. The election night program includes results of both elections, celebration, networking and enjoying the food and drink.

A more detailed program is coming soon. Come and celebrate the elections with us!


Let’s work together to make our Aalto community even better and more sustainable!



2. Exceptions to the Housing Office’s opening hours!


The Otaniemi Central Office is going through some alterations in November.
There are exceptions to the Housing Office’s opening hours on week 45 because of this:

  • The Housing Office is open on Monday, the 6th of November from 12:00 tai 14:00
  • The Housing Office is closed on Tuesday, the 7th of November, and on Friday, the 10th of November
  • The Housing Office telephone service is open on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 12:00 to 14:00.

The Otaniemi service point and cashier services are open normally.


We apologize for any inconvenience to our customers.

Contact information and opening times for the Otaniemi member services can be found on AYY’s website: /en/contact-information/service-points/otaniemi/



3. Wanna Change the Game? Come and Make the Rules!


The call for applications for student representatives in the administration of the Aalto University for 2018 is open. As a student representative, you can influence e.g. the quality of teaching, Aalto’s regulations, restaurants and equality. If you want to take part in creating a better future for students, visit /en/student-union/student-advocacy/student-representatives/ for more information and apply for the position at https://www.halloped.fi/en.



4. AYY’s volunteer search for 2018


Next year is yet again full of numerous interesting and fun volunteer activities! The selection of volunteer of activities is really diverse, ranging from organizing events to advocacy work.  Find out more about the different activities and find the right one for you for next year at www.ayy.fi/stop! Also remember to follow the stories of volunteers and the recruitment process on AYY’s Facebook and Instagram pages.


5. Apply for AYY’s exchange scholarships!


In the autumn, AYY is handing out exchange scholarships to support the internationalisation and active community action of students. The exchange scholarship can be applied for by those who are going on an exchange, are on an exchange at the moment and those AYY members who have returned from an exchange after April 2017.

You can apply for the scholarship from 25th October, 12:00 noon, to 15th November, 23:59.

You can find further information about the scholarship and an application form here: /jasenille/palvelut/stipendit/


6. #LuovutusAalto vol. 2 still under way for November!


You can save a life near you!

Blood Service is organizing a blood donation event on the 7th of November 2017 from 11:00 to 16:00 in Dipoli’s Palaver hall (Otakaari 24). Welcome!

Nearly a thousand voluntary blood donors are needed every weekday to make sure that about 50,000 seriously ill patients receive the treatment they need every year. That is why the Aalto University Student Union is once again challenging all associations active within AYY to donate blood for the common good!

The autumn LuovutusAalto challenge started on the 2nd of October, and you can donate until the 30th of November. Like in the spring, the associations that have donated the most blood, both quantitatively and in percentage terms in relation to their number of members, are awarded the use of one of AYY’s sauna facilities for one night, a diploma from the Finnish Red Cross – and of course glory and adoration! All donors also receive an overall patch from the Finnish Red Cross. In addition, groups that have donated at least 10 times during the year will receive a diploma and their names will be put up on the Blood Service website.

For more detailed participation instructions and registering your VeriRyhmä group, please visit: /en/blog/2017/10/19/luovutusaalto-vol-2/

Also join the Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1932875113700076/




7. Teekkari Tradition Week between the 3rd and 11th of November


The Teekkari Tradition Week, held at the beginning of November, is full of numerous exciting events. Teekkarius turns 145 years old this year, and we will celebrate it for the whole week between the 3rd and 11th of November. A great deal of familiar events are held during the week, but there are also a lot of new and fun activities.

During the week, you can, for example, dive deep into history at the Traditions Evening held at the Wanha Poli, come up with new lyrics for songs and sing them at the Song Contest sitsit, and solve mysteries in an international manner at the Mystery Dinner! You can find all the events of the week at www.teekkarius145.ayy.com. See you at the Teekkari Tradition Week!


8. KVTMK Mystery Dinner


The International Committee KVTMK welcomes you to join us on the 9th November, in Servin Mökki (Smökki) for a never before seen Mystery Dinner. It will be an adventure through time that will take you all the way back to 1872 when Teekkarius was born. You will have to work together with your table whilst enjoying a delicious three course meal and solve all the puzzles and obstacles to figure out the mystery of the evening.

To solve the mystery, you will have to embrace all aspects of Teekkari culture – so come along to sing, eat and solve clues, whilst enjoying this very Teekkari plot!

The evening will begin with a cocktail event at Polyteekkari museum (Jämeräntaival 3 A) at 17:45. Afterwards we will continue to Servin Mökki (Jämeräntaival 4) to solve the mystery. If it is solved, we will move to Otakaari 20 for an afterparty, where you can ponder on the events of the evening.


This event is open for all students of Aalto, and it will be held completely in English.

Ticket sales will open at https://bailataan.fi/#!/events/50f13bf2-f66d-4eb7-892f-157e7d7705b7 at 17:45 on 26.10.

WHAT: Mystery Dinner
WHERE: Teekkari Museum (Jämeräntaival 3A) and Smökki (Jämeräntaival 4)
WHEN: 9.11.2017 at 17:45
DRESS CODE: Smart/Smart casual
HOW MUCH? 20 €
WHY: To solve a very Teekkari mystery!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1573157172745462/


9. My Career in Finland – The event designed for Aalto international students


We at the Corporate Relation Sector of AYY have partnered up with with TEK, Ekonomit, City of Espoo and City of Helsinki to bring together this event – “My Career in Finland”. Experts who have experience and endeavour to help international talents in Finland are coming to the event. There will be a series of ideation workshops, focusing on the topics of networking, entrepreneurship, and personal branding – the cornerstones that will set you apart from the mass.

Any burning questions – don’t hesitate to ask our experts at the event, or start the discussion on our Facebook page.

Registrations will be opened within this week. Follow us on https://www.facebook.com/events/1592304637492748/ and be one of the first people who secure a place at our workshops.


10. Aaltositsit – A Better Tomorrow


Did you know that 25–30% of the all world’s food ends up in the garbage? Some of the food is left on the ground, some is wasted on the way, and some is left unsold at stores or restaurants. At the autumn’s Aaltositsit, the organizers have tried to decrease the amount of food waste by purchasing the ingredients for the sitsit mainly from Finnish online shops that sell clearance and discontinued products.

That is why on Thursday, the 23rd of November, Aava, KUVA and the Teekkari Section invite all Aalto people regardless of their line of study or starting year to enjoy a three-course dinner made from surplus food, as well as dazzling performances and new cross-disciplinary acquaintances. We want to give the participants the chance to experience the characteristics typical to Aalto’s different sitsi cultures and to get to know to new Aalto people outside one’s own field of study.

The sign-up for the sitsit opens on Monday, the 6th November at 12:00 at www.bailataan.fi. The number of seats is limited

What? Aaltositsit – A Better Tomorrow
When? 23rd of November 2017, cocktail event from 18:15 onwards and dinner party from 19:00 onwards
Where? Servin mökki, Jämeräntaival 4, 02150 Espoo
Price: 15€
Dress code: Smart casual philanthropist <3
Why? Because together we can make the world a better place, one sitsit at a time J

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/139785183436775/


11. Arabia Maskerad: Mutation – Glitter & Gore


Welcome to Arabia Maskerad, TOKYO’s 56th birthday party!
Arabia Maskerad has been around since the beginning of 1900s. Let’s celebrate this year’s top 1 party with the theme Mutation – Glitter and Gore!

The Arabia & Otaniemi Campuses and their indoor air pollution has taken a toll on all of our bodies, so now you can visualize your pain as a mutation! Or will the fact that we are moving to Väre mutate your body to a beautiful butterfly? What is mutation doing to your body?
So, get your pinterest board ready and follow your fellow art students to cultural arena Gloria where we all can celebrate the uniqueness that all the mutations bring! Make sure to express yourself, because the best costumes will get enormous amounts of fame, glitter and gory glory! Not to mention the brilliant prizes offered by our sponsors!

Ticket sales are now available, and you can purchase your ticket with a 10€ TOKYO member price, 15€ for others (+3€ cloakroom fee at the door) from KipsariAYY & TOKYO Palvelupiste – Service Point or Floud: https://www.floud.com/e/A1Z8 ! If there are tickets left, they are also available at the door for 15€. So get yours soon!
Keep (all of) your eyes on our social media feeds for further information!


12. OIKOSULKU 2017

WHAT?    Feat of SIK freshmen, Oikosulku 2017
WHERE?    OK20
WHEN?    23.11 klo 19
1. Because Casino Helsinki is way too far away
2. Counting cards is easier when the opponent is drunk
3. You can’t lose with these cards!
4. Check the Oikosulku 2017 FB event for more reasons: https://www.facebook.com/events/149976162402798/
COST?    6 € (7€ from door, including badge), payment by cash or cheque starting 13.11 in Otakaari 1 lobby
DRESS CODE     Wear your finest clothes to the Casino – in addition to your overalls, show your wealth with your attire




13. Film Club Montaasi’s New Members’ Night on Friday, the 10th of November


*** Food and drinks! ***
*** Good music! ***
*** Sauna! ***
*** Film quiz! ***

Welcome to find out more about Film Club Montaasi and meet nice people! The Club is organizing a hangout night for friends on the 10th of November from 19:00 onwards at Gorsu (Jämeräntaival 5 A).

In addition to just hanging out, the evening’s program includes a film quiz (compulsory for a film club). So pack your drinks, grab a towel if you feel like going to the sauna, and come to Gorsu!

For more information on the event, visit Montaasi’s website: https://montaasi.ayy.fi/event/uusien-ilta-pe-10-11/


14. Tikelo Presents: Inglourious Basterds


There have been calls for it and now it’s here!

Welcome to Tikelo’s Quentin Tarantino movie night. The movie we will be showing is Inglourious Basterds, Tarantino’s take on World War II in his own signature style.

This movie about a group of Jewish soldiers rising up against Nazis brought an Oscar to its unexpected star Christoph Waltz. Inglourious Basterds also features other stars including Brad Pitt, Michael Fassbender and Diane Kruger.

In addition, we will serve cold drinks and movie snacks. The event and the refreshments are free of charge.

See you at Yläkertsi on 7.11. at 18.00!

WHAT: Movie night – Inglourious Basterds
WHEN: 7.11. at 18.00
WHERE: Yläkertsi, KY building 3. floor
HOW MUCH: 0 euros




15. Teekkarispeksi 2018 band search


The Teekkarispeksi 2018 production is about to start and, like all proper musicals, Teekkarispeksi also needs a live band. Teekkarispeksi is basically a musical that lasts the entire evening, and more than 20 songs are played during the speksi. The songs cover a wide variety of different music styles, so we’re trying to gather a very versatile band for the production. We’re looking for both traditional band instruments (guitar, bass, drums, keyboards) as well as orchestral instruments (string and wind instruments) and of course singers. You can basically apply for the band regardless of your instrument. The Teekkarispeksi band rehearses in the spring, and the performances are held at the end of spring before the potential Wappu party.

A band jam will be held at the PELMU rehearsal studio on the 15th and 16th of November. The jam acts as an “entrance exam” for the band. You can sign up for the band jams at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc4yoCPbWOyD_mTmLl313oEjuQ_Ac3pKhLq0tOcHvCXVXhuDA/viewform

The DL for signups is on the 9th of November at 23:59, after which the applicants will be sent an email about the songs to be played at the jam along with any other practical information. Visit the link to find out more.

  1. If you don’t feel like playing in a band, you can come and help with the speksi in several other ways: bit.ly/mukaan-speksiin-2018


16. Remburssi’s visit to the Nasdaq Helsinki office on the 15th of November

Rembursi is arranging a visit to the Helsinki Stock Exchange on Wednesday, the 15th of November between 15:30 and 17:00. The event is perfect for both those who are interested in share trading as well as for those who are not yet familiar with the field. President Henrik Husman has promised to tell us about algorithmic trading, among other things. https://www.facebook.com/events/1996753227210857

The excursion is free of charge, and there is room for 40 people. Sign up for the event soon using the following link to secure your spot. Welcome!



17. BEST Helsinki is recruiting!


BEST Helsinki is looking for new board, staff and active members for 2018. The application period ends when the electoral meeting starts on the 7th of December 2017 at 18:00.


BEST (Board of European Students of Technology) is a global student-driven organization, consisting of 95 local organizations in 33 European countries. Its aim is to increase the ability of its members to work and influence in an international environment with the help of courses, engineering competitions and recreational events held both locally and internationally. BEST Helsinki is a local BEST organization founded in 1989, which operates within the Aalto University Student Union. More than 100 students from all over Europe come to Otaniemi every year to attend our events, and we also travel actively to events organized by other Local BEST Groups, creating international networks.


“47% of jobs will disappear in the next 25 years.” In 2018-2020, in addition to its standard volunteer work, BEST Helsinki will work in the international University of Future project together with the Aalto, Porto and Warsaw universities. The project looks for opportunities to prepare for the challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0) in universities and in the corporate world. The project has received a total of approximately 1 million euros of EU funding, of which about 70,000  euros have been allocated to BEST Helsinki for three years. Highly motivated members of the board or active members have the opportunity to work with the project in addition to their standard volunteer work and be compensated for their work.


Position descriptions and applications at: /stop/kansainvalisyys/best/

More information: Aki Malinen, President of BEST Helsinki 2017 (aki.malinen(a)aalto.fi)

BEST Helsinki on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BESTHelsinki/


18. BEST Spring courses


The Spring courses have been declared, and the application period has started.

Application deadline: Nov 27th 2017, 00:00

This spring, BEST(Board of European Students of Technology) brings to you 18 courses, in countries like Spain, Greece, Italy, France, the Netherlands, Croatia, Ukraine, Germany and Russia. In these, you’ll get to attend lectures given by the university’s teaching staff or by experts from companies. Subtypes are BEST Courses on Technology, BEST Courses on Career Related Skills and BEST Courses on Applied Engineering. And after the lectures, you’ll also take part in evening programmes, designed for you, to give a taste of the LBG (Local BEST Group) – that hosts you – and the local culture.

These courses are about one week long, and costs € 30-50, including stay and food. For more information about the courses and FAQs, visit https://besthelsinki.fi/en/blog/2017/10/kevatkurssien-hakuaika-on-auki-26-11-saakka/





19. OtaKoppi’s winter baseball practices


Are you interested in Finnish baseball (pesäpallo)? Is baseball close to your heart, or do you think back on the times when you played baseball in PE with fond memories?  Or are you looking for a new hobby? Or do you need some variation to studying and student parties?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, you should join OtaKoppi’s activities!

Even though baseball is a summer sport, OtaKoppi will practice at Otahalli also all around the winter. The practices are open to everyone, so it doesn’t matter whether you’re an old veteran or a novice. You don’t have to worry about the equipment, either, because you can borrow them from OtaKoppi. Everyone is warmly welcome to join the practices!


Upcoming practices:

05th November at 14:30

12th November at 14:30

19th November at 18:30

26th November at 14:30

You can find the schedule for the winter practices also in the calendar on the OtaKoppi website.

Join as a member to receive information about our events directly to your email. Joining is free for Aalto students, not to mention easy! You can join OtaKoppi at our website: https://otakoppi.fi/index.php

OtaKoppi’s board is happy to answer any questions! You can send an email to the Board at: otakoppi-board (ät) list.ayy.fi

See you at practice!


20. Skipoli’s trip to the Alps 2018


The skiing organization of Aalto University, Skipoli, is organizing the annual trip to the Alps on 13.-27.1.2018, this year to Montafon, Austria! You will have 13 days of skiing and afterski, and you can reach 2430 metres with the gondolas. There will for sure be skiing possibilities and company for every kind of skier, snow parks, long easy slopes for beginners, off-piste, you name it. We will stay in nice cabins in the middle of the village Schruns, which is the biggest village in the area with a lot of restaurants and bars. There are only 25 spots for the trip, so you will for sure get to know all your new skiing friends and get to be a part of the Skipoli family. For more information, please visit the Facebook event (https://www.facebook.com/events/338056353319841/) or contact the organizers (camilla.maikola@aalto.fi / riikka.joona@aalto.fi). The sign-up for the trip has already begun, so please contact the organizers as soon as possible if you are interested in joining the trip! Hope to see you in the Alps!

21. Sign up for Oranki climbing courses this November!


A technique course aimed at beginners (grades around 6a and lower) 7.11.  Course consists of useful techniques via practical examples.

No prerequisites. Price: 20e. Held at Jämeräntaival 3.

For more info and signing up: https://holvi.com/shop/oranki/product/7145c9ae52ea919c543883001e7ef950/


A lead climbing course 21.11. The course provides you with the capability to work as a belayer as well as climber in indoor walls and outside crags!

Prerequisites: rope climbing and belaying skills. Price: 55€ (Oranki members 45€). Held at Liikuntamylly gym in Myllypuro, Helsinki

For more info and signing up: https://holvi.com/shop/oranki/product/1f66290b172bbbc986e62a1a2d6b1017/


22. AUTUMN RETREAT – a day of rest at the Otaniemi Chapel on Sunday, the 19th of November from 10:00 to 16:00


Time and space. Breathing. Rest. Meditation. Music. Pilgrimage. Silence.

Soup lunch and coffee 5€.


The retreat day is a performance-free zone where we turn off our devices and shut out all external noises. We are on this journey together, but privately, each participant in their own way. The retreat day is organized by the Aalto chaplains, and it is based on the Christian retreat tradition. Your view of life may be different, but the moment of rest is collective. The participants commit themselves to the shared moment of silence and participation for six hours. You are welcome to charge your batteries and take a breather. For more information and sign-ups by Monday, the 13th of November, contact anu.morikawa@evl.fi (Aalto chaplain) / katja.kangas@evl.fi (retreat musician). The address for the Otaniemi Chapel is Jämeräntaival 8, Espoo.





23. Discussion for students on the future of Europe with Vice-President Katainen on the 23rd of November


What is the EU investment plan and why are EU investments needed? How can Finland and Finnish operators benefit from EU’s financing opportunities?

Welcome to discuss the EU investment plan and the future of the European Union with Jyrki Katainen, Vice-President of the European Commission, on Thursday, the 23rd of November at 14:30-16:00. The discussion is held at the SOK hall, located in the main building of the Aalto University School of Business (Runeberginkatu 14-16, A wing, 3rd floor).

Join the discussion on twitter #EUdialogues #InvestEU


24. Apply for the Aaltonaut Bachelor’s Program by 12th November


For whom?

  • Bachelor’s student in Aalto University
  • Interested in product development
  • Interested in team work in multidiscipline teams
  • Curious, courageous and proactive

How to apply?

  • Write a motivation letter and tell us why you want to be and should be chosen to study in Aaltonaut
  • Go to: aaltonaut.fi/apply for further instructions

In any other questions, do not hesitate to contact us: aaltonaut@aalto.fi !



25. Tenured Professors’ Installation Lectures 15.11.


Aalto University celebrates its tenured professors with popular lectures by the new tenure track professors of Associate or Full level.

Welcome to hear about Aalto University’s research on Wednesday 15 November 2017 at 14.15 at Dipoli (Otakaari 24).

All lectures will be held in English and are open for everyone: professors, students, faculty, staff, and the public.

The multidisciplinary lectures will be followed by a reception hosted by Ilkka Niemelä, the President of Aalto University. Welcome!


26. Book your seat to see who wins the Helsinki Challenge competition at Award Party on Nov 24th

Join the season’s most thought-provoking event to see who wins the competition!

24.-25.11.2017 / 17:00 – 01:00

Think Corner, Yliopistonkatu 4, 00100, Helsinki, FI

During the year, the seven finalist teams have been developing their science-based ideas with mentors and collaborators. At the Award Party, the finalists present their solutions and the Grand Jury will select the winner.




27. CORELAB PRESENTS: Circular economy idea competition – CORE CIRCULAR CHALLENGE


Sustainable solutions for construction!

The aim of the idea competition is to promote the development of new innovations and solutions based on circular economy for the construction and real estate sector. We are now looking for fresh ideas and new perspectives on how to improve the resource efficiency of the industry. This is a great opportunity for marketing your business skills to companies or even establishing a new startup!

Find out more: https://www.corelab.fi/single-post/2017/04/05/CORELAB-PRESENTS-Kiertotalouden-ideakilpailu—24h-Circular-Challenge


28. You’re Invited to the Talk The Talk Final on November 8!


Ten speaker talents. Ten stories unheard of.

Elastinen, Saara Aalto, Riku Rantala, Roope Salminen, Krista Kosonen and Tuomas Enbuske have been training our Talk The Talk talents for two months. They are now ready to perform with passion, shine in storytelling, share personal stories, and make you laugh and wonder.

You’re invited to enjoy the show when both the talents and coaches take the stage on November 8.

The final event is held at Finnkino, Tennispalatsi, Hall 3. We are expecting a full house, so please come early. Doors open at 4.45 pm and the event starts at 5pm sharp.



29. BEER AND BIBLE at the Gallow’s Bird pub on the 15th of November at 17:30

”When I preach, I preach so that even a 7-year-old child can understand it. But when me and Master Melanchthon drink beer in the cellar and talk about theology, even God up in Heaven is astonished by our learning.”- Martin Luther (1483-1546)

Join the discussion, learn new things and get to know to new people! We are hosting an easily accessible Bible circle for students and young adults at the Gallow’s Bird pub on Wednesday, the 15th of November at 17:30. The pub is located in Niittykumpu, and it is easy to reach. Food and drinks are available at the pub, and dogs and baby strollers are allowed. After the first Bible circle, we will agree on the date of the second meeting according to the attendants’ schedules. The masterminds behind the Bible circle are lovers of beer and the Bible from Tapiola, Stina and Ilmar Metsalo. The Aalto chaplains and the Tapiola parish are also involved. For more information, contact Aalto chaplain Marjut Mulari: marjut.mulari@evl.fi / 0503652256.


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