Weekly newsletter 47/2017

Remember, all of AYY’s services in Otaniemi can now be found on the second floor of Otakaari 11. Welcome!

AYY’s new Representative Council has now met for the first time. At its meeting, the Council selected Noora VĂ€nttinen as the Former of the Board and Onni Lampi as the Chair of the Representative Council for 2018. AYY congratulates both Noora and Onni and all new Representative Council members! You can read more from this announcement: /en/blog/2017/11/17/ayy-elected-the-chair-of-the-representative-council-and-the-former-of-the-board-for-2018/

AYY also congratulates Petteri Heliste who will be in the board of National Union of University Students in Finland in 2018!


If you want your own piece to be a part of the weekly newsletter, send it in its finalized form to tiedotteet@ayy.fi by Thursday 10:00 if you want it out the following week.

The association information can be found in the association newsletter. Read it at: /en/associations/association-newsletter/


Week 47

22.11. Ristin kilta: Election Meeting /blog/events/ristin-kilta-vaalikokous/

23.11. The Polytech Orchestra’s Autumn Concert /blog/events/polyteknikkojen-orkesterin-syyskonsertit-3/

24.11. Metal Club MökÀ’s Election Sauna /blog/events/metal-club-mokan-vaalisauna-mokas-election-sauna/

24.11. The Polytech Orchestra’s Autumn Concert /blog/events/polyteknikkojen-orkesterin-syyskonsertit-4/


Week 48

29.11. Ristin kilta: Pekka Simojoki /blog/events/ristin-kilta-pekka-simojoki/

2.12. Aalto Gamers League of Legends & CS:GO Biweekly Tournament /blog/events/aalto-gamers-league-of-legends-csgo-biweekly-tournament/




  1. AYY’s customer service facilities under renovation in Otaniemi!
  2. AYY’s volunteer search for 2018
  3. Join the AYY Sports and Wellbeing Facebook group!
  4. Wanna Change the Game? Come and Make the Rules!


  1. My Career in Finland – The event designed for Aalto international students
  2. Aaltositsit – A Better Tomorrow
  3. OIKOSULKU 2017


  1. Come work as a security officer at the Independence Day reception at Dipoli and at the Independence Day procession!
  2. Campus section presents: the coolest wall painting competition!
  3. Recycling Evening on Tuesday, the 21st of November
  5. Montaasi’s election meeting on the 21st of November 2017
  6. Tikelo Pre-Christmas party and board election!
  7. Metal Club MökÀ’s election sauna
  8. The search for dancers for Teekkarispeksi 2018 is now open!
  9. The Polytech Orchestra Premieres a Pan Flute Concerto
  10. The Guild of Materials and Metallurgy Students’ 70th anniversary herring breakfast
  11. You have still time to get a seasonal influenza vaccination in Otaniemi!
  12. OtaKoppi’s winter baseball practices
  13. Sign up for Oranki climbing courses this November!


  1. Madventures at Aalto!
  2. Discussion for students on the future of Europe with Vice-President Katainen on the 23rd of November
  3. Book your seat to see who wins the Helsinki Challenge competition at the Award Party on 24 Nov
  4. Aalto Health Hacks





The effects of the general housing allowance on rental agreements

The transition to general housing allowance has caused difficulties for students living together, since students living under joint lease agreements are interpreted by Kela as a single household. This means that students who live together apply for housing allowance together, and the allowance is determined by their total income. As a solution to the problem, many students have drafted separate lease agreements or changed to a main tenant/subtenant arrangement.

Read the whole announcement here: /en/blog/2017/11/20/the-effects-of-the-general-housing-allowance-on-rental-agreements/


2. AYY’s customer service facilities under renovation in Otaniemi!


Otaniemi’s central office will undergo alterations in November. The service point located downstairs will be moved to the second floor, which means that you can handle your issues related to housing and to other member services on the same floor in the future.  A computer for members of the Student Union can also be found on the second floor of the Central Office in the future.


The new, wonderful service office will open its doors on the second floor of the Central Office on Monday, the 13th of November 2017 at 12:00 noon – welcome!


Contact information and opening times for the Otaniemi member services can be found on AYY’s website: /en/contact-information/service-points/otaniemi/


3. AYY’s volunteer search for 2018


Next year is yet again full of numerous interesting and fun volunteer activities! The selection of volunteer of activities is really diverse, ranging from organizing events to advocacy work.  Find out more about the different activities and find the right one for you for next year at www.ayy.fi/stop! Also remember to follow the stories of volunteers and the recruitment process on AYY’s Facebook and Instagram pages.


4. Join the AYY Sports and Wellbeing Facebook group!


The new group AYY Sports and Wellbeing is a channel operated by the Aalto University Student Union for sports and wellbeing events and opportunities aimed at students. You can use the channel to advertise interesting sports activities and wellbeing-related events for Aalto students. The aim of the group is to encourage Aalto people to take part in easily accessible sports and wellbeing activities. The group is open for all Aalto students.



5. Wanna Change the Game? Come and Make the Rules!


The call for applications for student representatives in the administration of the Aalto University for 2018 is open. As a student representative, you can influence e.g. the quality of teaching, Aalto’s regulations, restaurants and equality. If you want to take part in creating a better future for students, visit /en/student-union/student-advocacy/student-representatives/ for more information and apply for the position at https://www.halloped.fi/en.

Information event about student representation at the University

Tuesday, 21st of November at 16:00, Learning Center ground floor

Are you interested in developing the university, but don’t know where to start? AYY is organizing a laid-back information event about student representation at the University. Come and find out how you can apply for the position of a student representative in administration and hear what they do. The program of the event consists of speeches and checkpoints. Coffee and snacks are also available!

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/885011238321186/





6. My Career in Finland – The event designed for Aalto international students


Hey International students,

We at the Corporate Relations Sector of AYY have partnered up with with TEK, Ekonomit, the City of Espoo and the City of Helsinki to bring together this event – “My Career in Finland”. There will be a series of ideation workshops, panel discussions and networking activities, focusing on the topics of networking, entrepreneurship, and personal branding – the cornerstones that will set you apart from the masses.

The event is in little less than 24 hours, and we are happy to inform you that nearly everything is ready to welcome you in Dipoli.


Event Programme

You will find the final detailed programme here: https://rebrand.ly/MCF2017-Schedule


Workshop Registration

There are still a few seats available for our workshop “Entrepreneurship in Finland”. We decided to keep the registration open for this particular workshop until 11:55 PM today (20.11.2017). If you haven’t registered yet, now is your chance: https://rebrand.ly/MCF2017-Workshops-Registration


Bus Schedule

For those who are departing from Töölö, you may find the bus schedule below helpful:


From: Business school, Arkadiankatu, bus stop

To: Dipoli

First ride: 15:45-16:05

Second ride: 16:30-16:50


From: Dipoli

To: Business school, Arkadiankatu, bus stop

First ride: 20:30-20:50

Second ride: 21:10-21:30


Looking forward to the event! Follow us @MyCareerinFinland Facebook to get the latest updates.



7. Aaltositsit – A Better Tomorrow


Did you know that 25–30% of the all world’s food ends up in the garbage? Some of the food is left on the ground, some is wasted on the way, and some is left unsold at stores or restaurants. At the autumn’s Aaltositsit, the organizers have tried to decrease the amount of food waste by purchasing the ingredients for the sitsit mainly from Finnish online shops that sell clearance and discontinued products.

That is why on Thursday, the 23rd of November, Aava, KUVA and the Teekkari Section invite all Aalto people regardless of their line of study or starting year to enjoy a three-course dinner made from surplus food, as well as dazzling performances and new cross-disciplinary acquaintances. We want to give the participants the chance to experience the characteristics typical to Aalto’s different sitsi cultures and to get to know to new Aalto people outside one’s own field of study.

The sign-up for the sitsit opens on Monday, the 6th November at 12:00 at www.bailataan.fi. The number of seats is limited

What? Aaltositsit – A Better Tomorrow
When? 23rd of November 2017, cocktail event from 18:15 onwards and dinner party from 19:00 onwards
Where? Servin mökki, JÀmerÀntaival 4, 02150 Espoo
Price: 15€
Dress code: Smart casual philanthropist <3
Why? Because together we can make the world a better place, one sitsit at a time J

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/139785183436775/



WHAT?    Feat of SIK freshmen, Oikosulku 2017
WHERE?    OK20
WHEN?    23.11 klo 19
1. Because Casino Helsinki is way too far away
2. Counting cards is easier when the opponent is drunk
3. You can’t lose with these cards!
4. Check the Oikosulku 2017 FB event for more reasons: https://www.facebook.com/events/149976162402798/
COST?    6 € (7€ from door, including badge), payment by cash or cheque starting 13.11 in Otakaari 1 lobby
DRESS CODE     Wear your finest clothes to the Casino – in addition to your overalls, show your wealth with your attire




9. Come work as a security officer at the Independence Day reception at Dipoli and at the Independence Day procession!


We need security officers and traffic managers at the Finnish Independence Day procession and the Independence Day reception at Dipoli on the 6th of December.
We need people for both events as soon possible.

Students’ Independence Day Procession:
The Finnish Independence Day is celebrated on the 6th of December, and we need traffic managers (no previous qualifications required) and security officers (both people with a license and without one) for the traditional students’ Independence Day procession. The work shift for the traffic managers and security officers is approximately from 16:00 to 18:30. We will organize a transport back to Otaniemi after the procession. An afterparty will be held for the security officers and traffic managers at a later date, and they will also receive two movie tickets.

Dipoli’s Independence Day Reception:
We will celebrate Finnish Independence at Dipoli on Wednesday, the 6th of December, and we still need security officers for the event. The work shifts for the security officers are between 16:00 and 03:00. The reception is mainly a black tie event for students and alumni with buffet service and special program (not a dinner party). The security officers’ task is to make sure that there will be no uninvited guests at the event. The FB page for the event can be found at https://www.facebook.com/events/178397319370814/, and the website can be found at itsenaisyyspaiva.ayy.fi.

The security officers will receive an event entry for the security officer course, a menu with alcohol-free wine at the event, 2 movie tickets, an overall badge and an afterparty at a later date.

Sign-ups for both events to niina.palm@ayy.fi. Please enter your security officer number, telephone number and any allergies when signing up.


10. Campus section presents: the coolest wall painting competition!


The coolest wall painting competition is here again! The Campus Section wants to encourage AYY members who live in shared or friend apartments to work together for a nicer living environment. Check out the amazing prizes and rules from the Facebook event and participate! The race is on until 10.12.2017! https://www.facebook.com/events/180815985809841


11. Recycling Evening on Tuesday, the 21st of November


Are you interested in recycling? Do you have some ideas on how to improve the recycling potential of the Teekkari Village? If you answered “yes” to even one of these questions, come and talk with us about how we could make recycling easier and more efficient in the Teekkari Village!

Recycling Evening

Tuesday, the 21st of November  at 19:00 @ Avain Sauna (former Otaranta Rooftop Sauna)

In the event, we will discuss the challenges and possibilities related to recycling in the Teekkari Village and come up with ways to encourage Teekkari Villagers to recycle more. Everyone who’s interested in recycling is welcome to join! Snacks are provided by the Campus Section.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/244083549457170/




The student organization of Aalto University’s Visual Communication Design, GRRR, warmly welcomes you to a zine workshop on Wednesday, the 22nd of November! The mission is to create some awesome little magazines with your own style and theme of course.

You will find GRRR board members there who are glad to help you with your zine and feed you with some snacks and mulled wine. The student organization has some basic tools for the workshop, but it would be golden if you brought for example your own scissors and glue and all the stuff you need to make your zine perfect with you. The event is open for all Aalto students, and if you’re a new ARTS student you also get a stamp in your New Student’s Pass – such fun, much stamps!


VCD Space (Miestentie 3) is the place to be, and you can join us whenever you want from 14 to 19. See you there!

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1936420199945833/


13. Montaasi’s election meeting on the 21st of November 2017


Do you want to leave your mark on the nearly 60-year-old, perpetually young film club? Now is your chance. Come and join us!

Film Club Montaasi ry is organizing an election meeting on the 21st of November 2017. A new directorate will be elected for the club for 2018 at the meeting. The election meeting and all the club’s positions are open to all Montaasi members. You do not need to be a student at the Aalto University to apply.

As a member of Montaasi’s directorate, you will be involved in organizing everything that happens in the club, such as film showings, club nights, film excursions, the club’s movie productions and courses as well as other events. Members of the directorate will receive their own key to Montaasi’s club room and can rent all the club’s equipment at a special price.

The directorate consists of the Board and various officers.

According to current practice, the Board positions include:
– chairperson, secretary, treasurer and equipment manager

Examples of officers’ tasks:
– person responsible for showings, person responsible for courses, communications officer, archivist, webmaster, graphic designer, photographer.


The officers’ tasks are not set in stone; they have often been customized very flexibly. The main goal is not to look for a person appropriate for a position, but to find the suitable position for a person. So come and tell us what you would like to do in the club!

Members of Montaasi’s directorate will be happy to tell you more about the club’s activities and the different positions. Ask us via email or visit one of our film nights held on Sundays, for example. More information about the clubs and its events: https://montaasi.ayy.fi/

WHAT: Film Club Montaasi’s election meeting
WHEN: Tuesday, the 21st of November 2017 at 18:00
WHERE: Montaasi’s club room in Otaniemi (address: Otakaari 20 A, Espoo.

The event will be held in Finnish.

14. Tikelo Pre-Christmas party and board election!


If you like movies and want to organize awesome film related events, you should come to the annual meeting and election of the board. Whether you are a casual movie viewer or a film expert, everyone is welcome!

In our annual meeting starting at 18.00, we’ll look back at the past year and prepare for the next year. The highlight will be the election of the new board.

After the meeting and the election, it’s time for the Pre-Christmas party starting at 19.00, where we will be showing Die Hard! The movie is full of great action, legendary one-liners and Christmas spirit. Starring in Die Hard are Bruce Willis and Alan Rickman.

In addition, we will serve punch, gingerbread and movie snacks. The event and the refreshments are free of charge. See you at YlÀkertsi on 22.11. at 18.00!

WHAT: Choosing the new Tikelo board + Die Hard
WHEN: 22.11. at 18.00
WHERE: YlÀkertsi, KY building 3. floor
HOW MUCH: 0 euros




15. Metal Club MökÀ’s election sauna


MökÀ’s official election sauna will be held on 24th of November at Rooftop sauna, JĂ€merĂ€ntaival 3 A, 6pm.

We start with the official election where a new board for the next year — which is MökÀ’s 20th anniversary — will be chosen. As a member of MökĂ€, you can also run as a candidate and apply for the positions, so be there on time. If you are not member, just join! MökĂ€ will serve free beverages for the participants of the meeting — the amount is limited, though.
FB Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/122727701727458/

After the election, we will continue the evening in the sauna, just hanging out as usual. So come and spend your precious time there!

MökÀ’s website: www.mcmoka.fi
Join us: https://www.mcmoka.fi/index.php/liity-jaeseneksi


16. The search for dancers for Teekkarispeksi 2018 is now open!


Do you want to take part in the production of the biggest student musical in Finland as a dancer and join our fantastic, passionate and skilled team? If the answer is “yes”, sign up now for the dance exam!

Did you miss the first dance exam held on Saturday, the 11th of November? Not to worry, as the next one is already on Sunday, the 19th of November between 19:00 and 22:00 at the multi-facility hall at JMT3!

Sign up here:


We will also organize a third exam if needed.


You should take comfortable training clothes, socks or alternatively shoes with you to the exam.

Questions? For answers, contact dance bosses Rani Ji (ran.ji@aalto.fi) or Ella Hakala (ella.hakala@aalto.fi).




Are you interested in creative work and working with the dancers in the 2018 production? Apply now for the position of a choreographer by sending a free-form application to ran.ji@aalto.fi.



17. The Polytech Orchestra Premieres a Pan Flute Concerto


The Polytech Orchestra offers a blink of joy and light in the middle of the dark November season in its Autumn Concerts. The programme includes a premiere of a pan flute concerto composed and performed by the Finnish pan flute virtuoso Stefan Stanciu, joyful opera music by Giuseppe Verdi, and the earth-shattering Pictures at an Exhibition by Modest Mussorgsky. The concerts are conducted by Eero LehtimÀki.

  • Thursday 23 November at 7pm in Temppeliaukio Church, Helsinki
  • Friday 24 November at 6pm in Uusi Paviljonki, Kauniainen


  • Verdi: Nabucco Overture
  • Stanciu: Concerto for Pan flute and Orchestra (premiere), soloist Stefan Stanciu
  • Mussorgsky (orch. Ravel): Pictures at an Exhibition


15 / 12 / 8 € (normal ticket / pensioners / students)

available at polyteknikkojenorkesteri.fi, from orchestra members, and at the door one hour before the concert.

A group discount of 10% is provided for group orders with at least 10 tickets.



18. The Guild of Materials and Metallurgy Students’ 70th anniversary herring breakfast


Come and watch the most authentic comedy in Finland when Niko KivelĂ€, one of Finland’s top comedians, steps on the Smökki stage at the Guild of Materials and Metallurgy Students’ 70th anniversary herring breakfast! Niko’s performances always change according to the situation, because everything he says comes straight from the heart. Niko is crazy fun as well as crazy and funny!


The ticket for the herring breakfast also includes other activities besides Niko KivelÀ’s performance, a small surprise and of course the buffet to cure your hangover. We will also be entertained by the Wunks and the live band pöh(i)nĂ€.


WHAT: 70th anniversary herring breakfast

WHEN: Saturday, 25th of November, from 12:00 to 19:00

WHERE: Servin Mökki, JÀmerÀntaival 4

COST: 20 €


The number of tickets is limited, so buy yours now at http://bit.ly/2zqpPAH.

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/150196262245421/





19. You have still time to get a seasonal influenza vaccination in Otaniemi!


You have still time to get seasonal influenza vaccination in Otaniemi!

Extra day for seasonal influenza vaccination for people at high risk, walk-in appointment available!


27.11. at 13.30-15 o’clock


If you are not eligible for a free influenza vaccination – call FSHS to get a prescription.

More information about the influenza vaccination https://www.thl.fi/en/web/vaccination



20. OtaKoppi’s winter baseball practices


Are you interested in Finnish baseball (pesÀpallo)? Is baseball close to your heart, or do you think back on the times when you played baseball in PE with fond memories?  Or are you looking for a new hobby? Or do you need some variation to studying and student parties?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, you should join OtaKoppi’s activities!

Even though baseball is a summer sport, OtaKoppi will practice at Otahalli also all around the winter. The practices are open to everyone, so it doesn’t matter whether you’re an old veteran or a novice. You don’t have to worry about the equipment, either, because you can borrow them from OtaKoppi. Everyone is warmly welcome to join the practices!


Upcoming practices:

19th November at 18:30

26th November at 14:30

You can find the schedule for the winter practices also in the calendar on the OtaKoppi website.

Join as a member to receive information about our events directly to your email. Joining is free for Aalto students, not to mention easy! You can join OtaKoppi at our website: https://otakoppi.fi/index.php

OtaKoppi’s board is happy to answer any questions! You can send an email to the Board at: otakoppi-board (Ă€t) list.ayy.fi

See you at practice!


21. Sign up for Oranki climbing courses this November!


A lead climbing course 21.11. The course provides you with the capability to work as a belayer as well as climber in indoor walls and outside crags!

Prerequisites: rope climbing and belaying skills. Price: 55€ (Oranki members 45€). Held at Liikuntamylly gym in Myllypuro, Helsinki

For more info and signing up: https://holvi.com/shop/oranki/product/1f66290b172bbbc986e62a1a2d6b1017/







22. Madventures at Aalto!


Aalto University has invited Riku Rantala and Tuomas Milonoff to hold a lecture for Aalto University students on the benefits of internationalization on Thursday, the 14th of December from 13:00 to 14:30 at the U2 hall (Otakaari 1). The event will be held in Finnish. The event can be found on the Aalto University Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/529835180684331/

#Madventures @aaltouniversity

Riku and Tuomas are captivating and unique lecturers. The duo’s Madventures form the basis for their lectures that deal with a wide range of issues, such as multiculturalism, achieving one’s goals, courage and creativity. Riku’s and Tunna’s lectures are motivating, thought-provoking and inspiring for all kinds of audiences. (Speakersforum)

Exchange Fair

In addition to listening to Riku’s and Tunna’s lecture, you can also ask us about exchange studies and the possibilities they offer. Studying at another university for a term is a great opportunity to advance your studies, learn things about yourself and foreign cultures and gain new experiences.

The fair will be held outside the U2 hall between 12:00 and 13:00 and between 14:30 and 15:00.


23. Discussion for students on the future of Europe with Vice-President Katainen on the 23rd of November


What is the EU investment plan and why are EU investments needed? How can Finland and Finnish operators benefit from EU’s financing opportunities?

Welcome to discuss the EU investment plan and the future of the European Union with Jyrki Katainen, Vice-President of the European Commission, on Thursday, the 23rd of November at 14:30-16:00. The discussion is held at the Nokia hall, located in the main building of the Aalto University School of Business (Runeberginkatu 14-16, A wing, 2nd floor). The event is held in Finnish.

Join the discussion on twitter #EUdialogues #InvestEU




24. Book your seat to see who wins the Helsinki Challenge competition at the Award Party on 24 Nov


Join the season’s most thought-provoking event to see who wins the competition!

24.-25.11.2017 / 17:00 – 01:00

Think Corner, Yliopistonkatu 4, 00100, Helsinki, FI

During the year, the seven finalist teams have been developing their science-based ideas with mentors and collaborators. At the Award Party, the finalists present their solutions and the Grand Jury will select the winner.



25. Aalto Health Hacks


Want to learn how to reduce stress and sleep better? Check out Aalto Health Hacks!

Aalto Health Hacks is a new social media channel that delivers healthy life tips that make building your everyday life easier.
We will tell you how to eat healthily and how sleep affects your study skills and daily well-being. We are also challenging our followers to do a small deed to promote their health every day in challenges that change weekly. So what are you waiting for?  Start using these tips and follow us on social media:
Facebook @aaltohealthhacks
Instagram @aaltohealthhacks


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