Weekly newsletter 48/2017

It’s getting cold out, and the number of events is decreasing – unlike their quality! In addition to pre-Christmas parties, you can also play retro games, calm down at Christmas concerts, and listen to the guys from Madventures lecture about internationalization.

PS. Remember your safety reflector!


If you want your own piece to be a part of the weekly newsletter, send it in its finalized form to tiedotteet@ayy.fi by Thursday 10:00 if you want it out the following week.

The newsletter is also available on the AYY webpages at: LINKKI

The association information can be found in the association newsletter. Read it at: /en/associations/association-newsletter/


Week 48

28.11. Darkroom course /blog/events/pimiokurssi-4/

29.11. Ristin kilta: Pekka Simojoki /blog/events/ristin-kilta-pekka-simojoki/

2.12. Aalto Gamers League of Legends & CS:GO Biweekly Tournament /blog/events/aalto-gamers-league-of-legends-csgo-biweekly-tournament/


Week 49

6.12. Ristin kilta: “Guild members speak” night /blog/events/ristin-kilta-kiltalaiset-puhuvat-ilta-3/




  1. The effects of the general housing allowance on AYY’s rental agreements
  2. AYY’s customer service facilities under renovation in Otaniemi!
  3. Send a card to someone nice!
  4. AYY’s volunteer search for 2018
  5. Join the AYY Sports and Wellbeing Facebook group!
  6. Wanna Change the Game? Come and Make the Rules!


  1. Viikki goes 69 – last pre-Christmas party of the year!


  1. Otaniemi Triforce Retro Game Event 1.12.-2.12.
  2. Come work as a security officer at the Independence Day reception at Dipoli and at the Independence Day procession!
  3. Campus section presents: the coolest wall painting competition!
  4. Female Choir KYN: Tuikkikaa (”Twinkle”) Christmas concert


  1. Advent Brunch at Otaniemi Chapel on December 3rd at 11a.m.
  2. What does “tradition” mean to Aalto people? Come listen and join the discussion on the 29th of November at 18:00 @ Design Factory
  3. Madventures at Aalto!





1. The effects of the general housing allowance on AYY’s rental agreements


The transition to general housing allowance has caused difficulties for students living together, since students living under joint lease agreements are interpreted by Kela as a single household. This means that students who live together apply for housing allowance together, and the allowance is determined by their total income. As a solution to the problem, many students have drafted separate lease agreements or changed to a main tenant/subtenant arrangement, and AYY has investigated how to enable these options since last summer.

In its investigation, AYY found that it currently cannot enable either option. Drawing up separate rental agreements would lead to a situation where AYY would have to transform 2-room apartments and larger apartments into shared apartments, and living in shared apartments does not correspond to the current housing preferences of AYY’s members. AYY cannot allow a main tenant/subtenant arrangement to be carried out under the present housing regulation. We will look into the reformation of the housing regulation more in-depth next year, so changes to the matter are still possible.


Read the full announcement here: /blog/2017/11/20/yleisen-asumistuen-vaikutukset-vuokrasopimuksiin/


2. AYY’s customer service facilities under renovation in Otaniemi!


Otaniemi’s central office will undergo alterations in November. The service point located downstairs will be moved to the second floor, which means that you can handle your issues related to housing and to other member services on the same floor in the future.  A computer for members of the Student Union can also be found on the second floor of the Central Office in the future.


Contact information and opening times for the Otaniemi member services can be found on AYY’s website: /en/contact-information/service-points/otaniemi/


3. Send a card to someone nice!


Did you attend an extraordinarily good lecture? Was the janitor kind enough to help you with your heavy luggage? Did the study planning officer help you out with your complex study plans?


It is nice to get praise on your work but also to praise others. Now it’s time to say thank you to the university staff. The Aalto University Student Union will send a thank you card on your behalf if you tell us on the 9th of December at the latest who has been nice to you at https://lomake.ayy.fi/sosiaalipolitiikka/kortti-kivoille/. Let’s remember to thank each other!



4. AYY’s volunteer search for 2018


Next year is yet again full of numerous interesting and fun volunteer activities! The selection of volunteer of activities is really diverse, ranging from organizing events to advocacy work.  Find out more about the different activities and find the right one for you for next year at www.ayy.fi/stop! Also remember to follow the stories of volunteers and the recruitment process on AYY’s Facebook and Instagram pages.


5. Join the AYY Sports and Wellbeing Facebook group!


The new group AYY Sports and Wellbeing is a channel operated by the Aalto University Student Union for sports and wellbeing events and opportunities aimed at students. You can use the channel to advertise interesting sports activities and wellbeing-related events for Aalto students. The aim of the group is to encourage Aalto people to take part in easily accessible sports and wellbeing activities. The group is open for all Aalto students.




6. Wanna Change the Game? Come and Make the Rules!


The call for applications for student representatives in the administration of the Aalto University for 2018 is open. As a student representative, you can influence e.g. the quality of teaching, Aalto’s regulations, restaurants and equality. If you want to take part in creating a better future for students, visit /en/student-union/student-advocacy/student-representatives/ for more information and apply for the position at https://www.halloped.fi/en.





7. Viikki goes 69 – last pre-Christmas party of the year!

We warmly welcome EVERYONE to the last but definitely not least pre-Christmas party of the year!


This year, we’ll build you a time machine and arrange a retro-themed party. Be sure to wear retro clothes and come with us to have a great time! Take some coins with you so you can buy drinks and our cool overall patches. And of course there will be great people and music – what else could one ask of a pre-Christmas party? The party will be arranged at C-Grundi (Talonpojantie 13 Helsinki) starting at 18 o’clock. Let’s make this the best party of the year together!

Free entrance!

Also check out the Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1319047461559311/


Regards, forestry students’ course board K-110





8. Otaniemi Triforce Retro Game Event 1.12.-2.12.


What was gaming like in late 80s and early 90s? Don’t know? Feel nostalgia? Come and find out. Otaniemi Triforce is organizing a gaming event with 8-16 bit home computers and consoles at Jämeräntaival 3 game room. The event starts at 16:00 1.12.2017 and lasts 24 hours. We’ll have old systems like C64, Amiga, NES, SNES and several others hooked up for you to experience. The event is free. More info can be found at https://otakut.ayy.fi/wiki.php/Otakut/Retropeli17


9. Come work as a security officer at the Independence Day reception at Dipoli and at the Independence Day procession!


We need security officers and traffic managers at the Finnish Independence Day procession and the Independence Day reception at Dipoli on the 6th of December.
We need people for both events as soon possible.

Students’ Independence Day Procession:
The Finnish Independence Day is celebrated on the 6th of December, and we need traffic managers (no previous qualifications required) and security officers (both people with a license and without one) for the traditional students’ Independence Day procession. The work shift for the traffic managers and security officers is approximately from 16:00 to 18:30. We will organize a transport back to Otaniemi after the procession. An afterparty will be held for the security officers and traffic managers at a later date, and they will also receive two movie tickets.

Dipoli’s Independence Day Reception:
We will celebrate Finnish Independence at Dipoli on Wednesday, the 6th of December, and we still need security officers for the event. The work shifts for the security officers are between 16:00 and 03:00. The reception is mainly a black tie event for students and alumni with buffet service and special program (not a dinner party). The security officers’ task is to make sure that there will be no uninvited guests at the event. The FB page for the event can be found at https://www.facebook.com/events/178397319370814/, and the website can be found at itsenaisyyspaiva.ayy.fi.

The security officers will receive an event entry for the security officer course, a menu with alcohol-free wine at the event, 2 movie tickets, an overall badge and an afterparty at a later date.

Sign-ups for both events to niina.palm@ayy.fi. Please enter your security officer number, telephone number and any allergies when signing up.


10. Campus section presents: the coolest wall painting competition!


The coolest wall painting competition is here again! The Campus Section wants to encourage AYY members who live in shared or friend apartments to work together for a nicer living environment. Check out the amazing prizes and rules from the Facebook event and participate! The race is on until 10.12.2017! https://www.facebook.com/events/180815985809841


11. Female Choir KYN: Tuikkikaa (”Twinkle”) Christmas concert


KYN’s Tuikkikaa Christmas concert honors Finland’s 100th anniversary, taking the audience on a trip amidst the Finnish winter and Christmas, a Christmas that is so familiar and dear to all. The story of Christmas, which always feels new and wonderful, is told through the most beloved Christmas songs by Jean Sibelius, Selim Palmgren and Leevi Madetoja, and by the compositions by Jussi Chydenius and Mia Makaroff, creating newer Christmas traditions.

We warmly welcome you on this trip with us amidst the sparkling snow and twinkling stars. KYN will sing the Christmas to you.

Tuikkikaa Christmas concert
Kaija Viitasalo

Sunday 17th December at 19:00 (doors open at 18:30)
Pyhän Sydämen kappeli (The Chapel of the Holy Heart) (Kirstinkatu 1, Helsinki)

Tuesday 19th December at 19:00 (doors open at 18:15)
Helsinki Old Church (Lönnrotinkatu 6, Helsinki)

Tickets from choir members and at the door 20€/15€, from Tiketti 22.50€/16.50€.

The discounted price is for students, unemployed, pensioners, conscripts, children between 7 and 17 years, and groups of more than 10 persons.
Free admission for children under 7 years of age.

The duration of the concert is about 1 hour.

Get in the mood by listening to one of KYN’s all-time Christmas favorites, Varpunen jouluaamuna as arranged by Anna-Mari Kähärä!





12. Advent Brunch at Otaniemi Chapel on December 3rd at 11a.m.


Advent Brunch at Otaniemi Chapel on December 3rd at 11am

You are warmly welcome to enjoy a tasty brunch and some good company in a get-together at Otaniemi Chapel on the first Sunday of Advent! The price of the brunch is 3€/student, paid by cash upon arrival. There are seats for 30 people, so sign up quick! If you are interested in cooking the brunch together, please tick the box when signing up. The brunch is free of charge for those who cook it. 🙂

The brunch is organised by the Aalto University Chaplains and Tapiola Parish. More info from Aalto University Chaplain Marjut Mulari, marjut.mulari(at)evl.fi / 0503652256. The event is in Finnish and English.




13. What does “tradition” mean to Aalto people? Come listen and join the discussion on the 29th of November at 18:00 @ Design Factory


Lotta Aarikka, AYY’s Advocacy Expert 2011-2015:
“When I arrived at Otaniemi and started working at AYY, I quickly began to take notice of how much people talked about the student culture and student traditions. This was interesting for a cultural researcher, especially when considering that the discussion was not very critical of who could decide on what traditions are and how they are implemented. With this in mind, we decided to order a master’s thesis for the Student Union, and the thesis on folklore was completed in 2017, titled “Bad and boring traditions usually wither away.” Student traditions among the Aalto University students.

On the 29th of November 2017, Emi Maeda (M.A.) will present her master’s thesis, the aim of which was to find out how the students at the Aalto University perceive the student culture and student traditions. The thesis looks into what traditions meant for the examinees, what central traditions the examinees had, what role the traditions played in the examinees’ community, what kind of culture was supported by the traditions and notions of traditions of the examinees, and how traditions are maintained. The primary material of the study consisted of a survey with 58 questions and of 19 expert interviews.

We warmly welcome you to listen and join the discussion!


The event starts at 18:00, and it is held at the Design Factory Studio (Betonimiehenkuja 5).


More information on the Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1259907477443779/



14. Madventures at Aalto!


Aalto University has invited Riku Rantala and Tuomas Milonoff to hold a lecture for Aalto University students on the benefits of internationalization on Thursday, the 14th of December from 13:00 to 14:30 at the U2 hall (Otakaari 1). The event will be held in Finnish. The event can be found on the Aalto University Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/529835180684331/

#Madventures @aaltouniversity

Riku and Tuomas are captivating and unique lecturers. The duo’s Madventures form the basis for their lectures that deal with a wide range of issues, such as multiculturalism, achieving one’s goals, courage and creativity. Riku’s and Tunna’s lectures are motivating, thought-provoking and inspiring for all kinds of audiences. (Speakersforum)

Exchange Fair

In addition to listening to Riku’s and Tunna’s lecture, you can also ask us about exchange studies and the possibilities they offer. Studying at another university for a term is a great opportunity to advance your studies, learn things about yourself and foreign cultures and gain new experiences.

The fair will be held outside the U2 hall between 12:00 and 13:00 and between 14:30 and 15:00.

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