Weekly newsletter 51/2017

The last weekly newsletter of the year is here! The next newsletter will be published in early January.

AYY wishes everyone a peaceful Christmas time and a happy New Year!


If you want your own piece to be a part of the weekly newsletter, send it in its finalized form to tiedotteet@ayy.fi by Thursday 10:00 if you want it out the following week.

The association information can be found in the association newsletter. Read it at: /en/associations/association-newsletter/


Week 51

18.12. Soi jouluyö – Christmas Concert of the Polytech Orchestra /blog/events/soi-jouluyo-polyteknikkojen-orkesterin-joulukonsertti-2/

19.12. Female Choir KYN: Tuikkikaa (”Twinkle”) Christmas concert /blog/events/naiskuoro-kyn-tuikkikaa-joulukonsertti-2/

20.12. Ristin kilta: After Midsummer /blog/events/ristin-kilta-afterjuhannus/

21.12. PK’s Christmas – Thursday, 21st of December at St. John’s Church /blog/events/pkn-joulu-torstaina-21-12-johanneksenkirkossa/



  1. The opening times of AYY Member Services during Christmas holidays
  2. AYY’s recruitments: Head of Communications and Advocacy, Organizational Affairs and Communications Specialist & Sales Coordinator!
  3. Design AYY and TOKYO’s design calendar for the year 2018-19!
  4. AYY’s volunteer search for 2018
  5. Changes to UniSport’s prices – you still have time to buy a Training Card at the old price


  1. JOULUN TÄHDEN – Dominante’s traditional Christmas concerts
  2. PK’s Christmas – Thursday, the 21st of December at St. John’s Church


  1. Electronic health inquiry for first-year students
  2. Sign up for well-being workshops!
  3. Stratos Program 2018 is looking for Candidates!





1. The opening times of AYY Member Services during Christmas holidays


AYY’s service points have the following opening times during Christmas holidays:


Otaniemi service point & housing office


Dec 22 open at 12-14

Dec 23 – Jan 1 closed

Jan 2 open at 10-16


Open for picking up keys to facilities rented on one-time basis: Thu 28 Dec at 14-16

If you’re unable to pick up the keys in the time mentioned, please contact us via email (ayy@ayy.fi) to arrange a time for the key pick up.


Arabia service point


Closed Dec 21 2017 – Jan 7 2018

Open normally from Jan 8 onwards



2. AYY’s recruitments: Head of Communications and Advocacy, Organizational Affairs and Communications Specialist & Sales Coordinator!


Head of Communications and Advocacy


AYY is now looking for a head of communications and advocacy! This role allows you to design, lead and implement more effective advocacy work and act as a leader for advocacy and communications teams. Your task is to increase the effectiveness of the Aalto University Student Union and the advocacy work conducted by the Student Union among its stakeholders, build AYY’s new brand, and take care of the implementation of the social influencing section in AYY’s strategy. Read more and apply by the 2nd of January 2018:



Sales Coordinator


Are you looking for a job that could be easily combined with your studies, where you could develop your sales skills and see the concrete results of your work? AYY is looking for an ambitious and energetic part-time sales coordinator (2nd-4th year of study)! If you want to become a top professional in B2B sales already during your studies, send us your application and CV by Tuesday, the 2nd of January 2018. More information at: https://atalent.fi/avoimet-tyopaikat/myyntikoordinaattori-8/


Organizational Affairs and Communications Specialist


AYY is searching for an enthusiastic person interested in developing community operations to work as a substitute for our current organizational affairs and communications specialist until the end of his study leave from the 22nd of January 2018 until the 21st of February 2020 or according to agreement. The organizational affairs and communications specialist handles both internal tasks pertaining to the Student Union and takes an active part in enabling the internal activities and cooperation of the associations in the community.


Read more from the ad and apply by the 2nd of January 2018 by 12:00! /blog/2017/12/11/ayy-hakee-viestinta-ja-jarjestoasiantuntijaa/


3. Design AYY and TOKYO’s design calendar for the year 2018-19!



TOKYO’s legendary design calendar has been published since 1975. In 2018 all ARTS students will moving to Otaniemi, and to celebrate that AYY and TOKYO are joining their forces and making a magnificent design calendar for the year 2018-19 that will be dealt to all Aalto students.

As per tradtion, the designer of the calendar will be chosen from amidst the students with a contest. The contest is open NOW and will continue until the 26th of January. Read more and submit your work: /en/blog/2017/12/16/design-ayy-and-tokyos-calendar-for-2018-19/



4. AYY’s volunteer search for 2018


Next year is yet again full of numerous interesting and fun volunteer activities! The selection of volunteer of activities is really diverse, ranging from organizing events to advocacy work.  Find out more about the different activities and find the right one for you for next year at www.ayy.fi/stop! Also remember to follow the stories of volunteers and the recruitment process on AYY’s Facebook and Instagram pages.


Aino magazine’s editorial council – application period open now!

Aino is looking for two (2) student members for a two-year period (2018-2019) in its editorial council. Are you interested in working with Aalto’s student magazine? Do you want to influence what are the hot topics in Aalto community? Apply for Aino’s editorial council, where you’ll get a grandstand view of how high quality student journalism is carried out in Aalto. More information can be found here, and you can fill in your application here. Application is open until the 31st of December 2017! You can also ask for more information about taking part in the editorial council from its editor-in-chief Emilia Mäenmaa (emilia.maenmaa@ayy.fi 050 494 6900).



5. Changes to UniSport’s prices – you still have time to buy a Training Card at the old price


Are you thinking of getting a UniSport Training Card or topping up your old one? Buy a Training Card before the turn of the year and save 10 percent. The price of the 12-month Half-day Training Card is 92€/year (132€/year for the All-day Card), and it gives you the right to use the gym and attend group training classes and general ball sports practices. Next year, the student prices for Aalto University and the University of Helsinki students will be subject to an increase in VAT, as per the decision of the Supreme Administrative Court. The value added tax on sports services is 10% in all customer groups starting from the 1st of January 2018. For more information and the price list, visit UniSport’s website (click “In English” at the top of the page): https://unisport.fi/news/fi/205103737/alv-muutos-helsingin-yliopiston-ja-aalto-yliopiston






6. JOULUN TÄHDEN – Dominante’s traditional Christmas concerts


We warmly welcome you to indulge in the Christmas spirit and listen to beautiful Christmas music! The concerts also feature the stunning vocal group St. Notes, whose members have previously sung in Dominante. The choir is led by Seppo Murto.


Tuesday, the 19th of December 2017 at 18:00 and 20:30, Helsinki Cathedral

Thursday, the 21st of December 2017 at 19:00, Tapiola Church

Tickets: 25€/15€ from members of the choir, at the door and in the online shop
www.dominante.fi /www.facebook.com/dominantechoir


7. PK’s Christmas – Thursday, the 21st of December at St. John’s Church


At the Polytech Choir’s Christmas concert, new and old male choir music meet once again, creating a reverent performance. Feel the familiar warmth and the Christmas spirit – and wake up to new musical Christmas experiences. The concert is led by Saara Aittakumpu.


Polytech Choir’s Christmas on Thursday, the 21st of December at 18:00 and 20:00 at St. John’s Church in Helsinki (Korkeavuorenkatu 12).

Tickets available at: www.polyteknikkojenkuoro.fi/konsertit/

Facebook event for the Christmas concert: https://www.facebook.com/events/355926464867399/

Song’s from PK’s Christmas concert: https://youtu.be/ZLRQBYxDlzg





8. Electronic health inquiry for first-year students


Hi, first- year students! An electronic health inquiry is waiting for you in the Self service.


Your responses are assessed by a public health nurse.  She will send you a reply message containing a personal assessment of your general and oral health. If necessary, you will be asked to make an appointment with a public health nurse and/or for an oral health examination/treatment.


9. Sign up for well-being workshops!


Compassion as a path to success

When you are kind towards yourself, you can live your life to the fullest, without fear or fatigue. Being kind towards yourself is a path to success, because friendliness will help you get back on track when you face obstacles and difficulties. Come and practice new ways of thinking in a workshop where we do mindfulness exercises to help us develop a compassionate and approving attitude towards ourselves.

The spring 2018 workshop is held on Mondays at 10:00-12:00, January 8th to February 5th 2018, at Otakaari 1, class room Majakka (M140). The workshop is in Finnish. More information: https://into.aalto.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=18606243


Mindful tools for stress management (English)

Feeling stressed or anxious? Come and get new ideas on how to boost your wellness.  During the workshop we learn how to

  • observe our thoughts, feelings and bodily sensations more clearly
  • be more self-compassionate
  • reduce stress

The workshop is held on Mondays  at 14:00-16:00, January 8th to February 5th 2018, at Otakaari 1, class room Majakka (M140). More information: https://into.aalto.fi/display/enopintopsykologi/Mindful+tools+for+stress+management


Knowing and leading yourself

Do you want to know more about this amazing person, yourself? The course “Knowing and leading yourself” helps you to get to know yourself and develop your own resources. The spring 2018 course starts on Thursday, January 4th.




10. Stratos Program 2018 is looking for Candidates!


Are you interested in working on a real-life business project at one of the top companies in Finland? Do you want to take part in our FREE study trip to a world’s top business center in Spring 2018? You can have both by joining Stratos, an annual training program for Aalto Master students who are interested in Business.


We’re looking for students with different study backgrounds this year to take on the challenges provided by our partner companies. So if you find this opportunity intriguing, you might just be the perfect applicant!


The projects will be posted on a rolling basis on our website: https://stratosprogram.org/ where you will find the link to Application.


Also, follow our official Facebook page to get immediate updates about other coming-soon projects https://www.facebook.com/stratos2018



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