Weekly Newsletter 2/2018

This is the AYY weekly newsletter 2/2018. You can find news concerning AYY, its associations and sections in this newsletter, in addition to other useful information.


Fantastic new year 2018! Here is the first weekly newsletter of the new year. As the year has changed, so has AYY’s Information Officer – which means that this newsletter also serves as a greeting from AYY’s new Information Officer Siiri Liitiä.

If you want your own piece to be a part of the weekly newsletter, send it in its finalized form to tiedotteet@ayy.fi by Thursday 10:00 if you want it out the following week.

The association information can be found in the association newsletter. Read it at: /en/associations/association-newsletter/


Week 2

10.1. Polytech Choir’s auditions /blog/events/polyteknikkojen-kuoron-koelaulut-23/
10.1. Ristin kilta: Sami Liedes – Kingdom of Heaven /blog/events/ristin-kilta-sami-liedes-taivasten-valtakunta/

Week 3

17.1. Polytech Choir’s auditions /blog/events/polyteknikkojen-kuoron-koelaulut-24/



  1. AYY’s recruitments: Specialist in Academic Affairs, Student Advocacy Specialist and Executive Manager for TOKYO ry
  2. Design AYY and TOKYO’s calendar for 2018-19!


  1. Come and try out pole dancing!


  1. The Teekkari Sailors’ inshore and coastal navigation courses are here again!
  2. Few places open for well-being workshops
  3. Become a member of the international section Mosaic!
  4. Sign up for the Water Hackathon project course




1. AYY’s recruitments: Specialist in Academic Affairs, Student Advocacy Specialist and Executive Manager for TOKYO ry

AYY is recruiting! The search for these two positions in open until Wednesday:

Specialist in Academic Affairs

AYY is looking for a Specialist in Academic Affairs for a permanent, full-time position. The Specialist works with tasks related to student advocacy and is responsible for selecting and training the student representatives in University administration, for conducting cooperation with students and student organizations, and for student counseling in matters related to legal protection, among other things.

Does this sound like a job for you, or do you recognize yourself from the description? The search is open until Wednesday, the 10th of January. Read more at /en/blog/2018/01/02/ayy-is-looking-for-a-specialist-in-academic-affairs/

Student Advocacy Specialist and Executive Manager for TOKYO ry (organization for students of Aalto University’s School of Arts, Design and Architecture)

AYY is looking for a full-time Student Advocacy Specialist and Executive Manager for TOKYO ry (organization for students of Aalto University’s School of Arts, Design and Architecture) to work as a substitute for the current Executive Manager until the 31st of January 2019. The Specialist and Executive Manager is responsible for TOKYO’s administration and planning tasks as well as event production-related tasks and participating in the planning and implementation of the transfer of university functions of Aalto ARTS in the summer of 2018.

Interested? The search is open until the 10th of January. Read more at /en/blog/2018/01/02/ayy-is-looking-for-a-student-advocacy-specialist-for-arts-students-and-executive-manager-for-tokyo/


2. Design AYY and TOKYO’s calendar for 2018-19!


TOKYO Ry, the association for Aalto University Arts, Design and Architect students, has published its legendary design calendar since 1975. In 2018, the Arts and Design students will move to Otaniemi, and to celebrate this, AYY and TOKYO will join forces to produce a fantastic joint design calendar for 2018-19 that will be distributed to all Aalto students.

The calendar designer will be chosen with a traditional contest from amongst the students. The contest ends on the 26th of January. Read more and join the contest at /en/blog/2017/12/16/design-ayy-and-tokyos-calendar-for-2018-19/




3. Come and try out pole dancing!

New year means a new start for Otanko’s Pole Dancing Beginner Technique Classes!

During weeks 2 and 3, everyone is welcome to participate in our Beginner Technique Classes without signing up beforehand. The classes are held on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays in the Association Room (JMT 1). We challenge everyone to try out this new sport – you can also take a friend with you! Detailed times and more information: https://otanko.ayy.fi/?page_id=1353

P.S. More advanced pole dancers: our first Advanced Technique Class begins at the start of the year!




4. The Teekkari Sailors’ inshore and coastal navigation courses are here again!

Dear sailor or wannabe sailor! Would you like to learn the secrets of navigating at sea? Who should give way to whom? What is the difference between a buoy and a beacon, and how can you find the perfect island for a sauna? Keep your eyes and ears open, because the traditional navigation courses organized by the Teekkari Sailors and authorized by the Navigation Union of Finland (Suomen Navigaatioliitto) will start soon, and the registration is already open!

The inshore navigation course is the beginner’s course for navigation and water traffic regulations. The teaching starts with the basics, so no preliminary knowledge is required. The coastal navigation course teaches the same skills but more comprehensively, including tides, weather knowledge and radar operation, among other things. You may take both courses side-by-side if you so wish.

The inshore navigation course begins on Tuesday, February 20th at 17:30–20:00, and the coastal navigation course starts on Thursday, March 1st at 17:30–20:00. Both courses end on Friday, April 20th, in an exam held between 18:00–22:00. Both courses cost 75 €/course, and just the exam is 45€.

More information, registration and joining as a member:
Inshore: https://trip.ayy.fi/wordpress/?page_id=211
Coastal: https://trip.ayy.fi/wordpress/?page_id=214


5. Few places open for well-being workshops

There is still time to sign up for the well-being workshops held in January and February!

Power of Imperfection (Finnish)

When you are kind towards yourself, you can live your life to the fullest, without fear or fatigue. Being kind towards yourself is a path to success, because friendliness will help you get back on track when you face obstacles and difficulties. Come and practice new ways of thinking in a workshop where we do mindfulness exercises to help us develop a compassionate and approving attitude towards ourselves.

The spring 2018 workshop is held on Mondays at 10:00-12:00, January 15th to February 5th 2018, at Otakaari 1, class room Majakka (M140). The workshop is in Finnish. For more information and enrollments, e-mail opintopsykologi@aalto.fi

Mindful tools for stress management (English)

Feeling stressed or anxious? Come and get new ideas on how to boost your wellness.  During the workshop we learn how to

  • observe our thoughts, feelings and bodily sensations more clearly
  • be more self-compassionate
  • reduce stress

The workshop is held on Mondays at 14:00-16:00, January 15th to February 5th, Otakaari 1, class room Majakka (M140). For more information and enrollments, e-mail opintopsykologi@aalto.fi


6. Become a member of the international section Mosaic!

Are you interested in international events? Do you want to familiarize yourself with other cultures, but don’t have the time or money to travel? Do you have a lot of great ideas, but not the resources to execute them? Do you want to get to know your student union closer? If you answered yes to any of the above questions Aalto university student union’s international section Mosaic could be something for you!

Being a volunteer will teach you project management, team work and event planning. It will also give you lifelong friends from Aalto. All you need is motivation, inspiration and some time to get a bit of all this community has to offer.

Write a short application and send it to emmi.kosomaa(at)ayy.fi. If you have any questions you can contact @emmialina on telegram. Deadline for the applications is January 14th.


7. Sign up for the Water Hackathon project course

You still have today to sign up for the Water Hackathon project course!

Water Hackathon project course 19.1.-2.2.2018

Do you want to develop your expertise in the fields of water resources and the environment? Are you interested in designing applications? Do you have ideas concerning how to utilize GIS technologies in creative problem solving? Show your know-how in Water Hackathon!

Aalto University organizes a hackathon course in cooperation with the Finnish Environment Institute, CGI and Karttakeskus. During the course, students will develop solutions for Finnish aquatic resources in multidisciplinary teams.

The event, materials and lectures are mostly in Finnish, but it is also possible to participate in English. For more information and enrollment by 8.1.2018, please see: http://www.karttakeskus.fi/water-hackathon/

GIS-EV, Water Hackathon, 3 cr, Aalto University, 19.1.-2.2.2018.
(Course alternative at WAT programme: WAT-E3010 or CCIS programme: CS-E4004)

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