Weekly Newsletter 3/2018

This is the AYY weekly newsletter 3/2018. You can find news concerning AYY, its associations and sections in this newsletter, in addition to other useful information.


The advance voting for the presidential elections starts the day after tomorrow. Have you already picked your candidate?

AYY is there to make sure that you don’t have to base your decision on inadequate information: the candidates will be answering questions on climate change and sustainable development at the election panel discussion organized by young people this Wednesday at the School of Economics’ Gala Hall. Come there or follow the stream!

To offset the formality of the elections, we also have many fun events and sports and cultural activities for you, both in and out of doors. Find out more below!


If you want your own piece to be a part of the weekly newsletter, send it in its finalized form to tiedotteet@ayy.fi by Thursday 10:00 if you want it out the following week.

The association information can be found in the association newsletter. Read it at: /en/associations/association-newsletter/


Week 3

16.1. Winter Day /en/blog/events/winterday-2/
17.1. Future Promises – presidential election panel discussion for and by young people /en/blog/events/promises-for-the-future-a-youth-organized-presidential-debate/
17.1. Polytech Choir’s auditions /blog/events/polyteknikkojen-kuoron-koelaulut-24/
17.1. Ristin kilta: Juha ErkkilĂ€ – Divine and Human /blog/events/ristin-kilta-juha-erkkila-jumalallista-ja-inhimillista/
18.1. Summer Job Day 2018 /blog/events/kesatoihin-2018-tapahtuma/
21.1. Ristin kilta: Senior Mass /blog/events/ristin-kilta-senioripyha/

Week 4

23.1. Taiji beginners course /blog/events/taiji-alkeiskurssi-8/
24.1. Ristin kilta: An evening of prayer and praise /blog/events/ristin-kilta-rukous-ja-ylistysilta-5/
25.1. Club Lagoon 2018 /blog/events/club-lagoon-2018/



  1. Learning Award 2017 to student representatives in Aalto administration
  2. Call for applications for student representatives in the administration of Aalto University open until Sunday, 28th Jan


  1. Future Promises – presidential election panel discussion for and by young people on Wednesday, 17th Jan
  2. Traditional UllanlinnanmÀki Laskiaisrieha on Shrove Tuesday, 13th Feb
  3. Laskiaisrieha continues at Gravitaatio!


  1. Shorinji Kempo – spring 2018 basic course
  2. Aalto-Basket is looking for players
  3. Taekwon-Do beginners course starts on Sunday, 21st Jan
  4. Polijazz offers affordable dance classes in Otaniemi on a weekly basis starting on the 29th of January
  5. Karate Shotokai Beginner’s Course


  1. Polytech Choir’s auditions on Wednesday, 17th Jan
  2. KY-Speksi is here again!


  1. Silent Retreat between the 6th and 8th of April
  2. SeaFocus #IntelligenceHunt




1. Learning Award 2017 to student representatives in Aalto administration

The Aalto University has awarded the 2017 Learning Award to the student representatives in Aalto administration.

The Community Developer in Learning award was given to the students as a thank you for taking part in the development of Aalto by acting as volunteers in positions of trust. The active volunteer work conducted by the student representatives has had a huge impact on the development of the Aalto learning community and the quality of teaching.  Thank you, student representatives, and thank you, Aalto!

Read more: https://into.aalto.fi/display/enaalto/Aalto+Learning+Awards+2017+presented+to+Professor+Petri+Vuorimaa+and+student+representatives+in+Aalto+administration


2. Call for applications for student representatives in the administration of Aalto University open until Sunday, 28th Jan

The Student Union of Aalto University (AYY) has decided to open a call for applications for student representatives in the Aalto University administration for the year 2018.

We are still looking for representatives for the Creative Sustainability Programme Committee, the Aalto Entrepreneurship Education Steering Group, the Learning IT Steering Group, the Restaurant Committee, the Open University Steering Group, and the Entrepreneurship Programme Committee.

Read more and apply: /blog/2018/01/09/hakukuulutus-aalto-yliopiston-hallinnon-opiskelijaedustajaksi-7/





3. Future Promises – presidential election panel discussion for and by young people on Wednesday, 17th Jan

Nuorten Agenda 2030, HYY, AYY, ALL-YOUTH STN and Sitra are proud to present the hottest debate for the presidential elections, organized by young people!

In the discussion surrounding the upcoming presidential elections, there has really been no talk of the hottest topic in the areas of foreign and security politics: climate change. What future promises will the candidates give concerning sustainable development? How would the President talk with Trump about the Paris Agreement, or would they mention the agreement at all? How would the President involve young people in foreign and security politics?

Present at the panel discussion are candidatesTuula Haatainen, Pekka Haavisto, Matti Vanhanen, Paavo VÀyrynen, Nils Torvalds and Merja Kyllönen.

The panel will be held on Wednesday, the 17th of January, between 13:30 and 15:30 at the School of Economics’ Gala Hall (Runeberginkatu 14–16, Helsinki). There will also be a live stream of the event.

Read more and sign up: https://www.lyyti.fi/reg/Tulevaisuuden_lupauksia__nuorten_presidentinvaalipaneeli_1143


4. Traditional UllanlinnanmÀki Laskiaisrieha on Shrove Tuesday, 13th Feb

On Shrove Tuesday, the 13th of February 2018, it’s time to find something that passes for a sled and head on over to Kaivopuisto park, Helsinki! Students from all over are showing up for an action-packed afternoon outdoors – so why not you as well?

In addition to the open and casual sledding, there will be music, competitions and great activities! The most daring and ambitious take part in the legendary ABB Academic Downhill Race, where teams pilot their home-made sleds down the UllanlinnanmĂ€ki hillside in the hope of winning the grand prize! They are judged not only by their run’s distance, but creativity and showmanship as well.

Round up your own team and design and build your own sled! Fascinate the audience and the judges with ingenious designs to win great prizes! Also remember to ask your subject organization, guild or hobby association for help in forming a team for the race! Check the instructions and enter the race by signing up at www.laskiaisrieha.fi/maenlasku.

The best time to enjoy the great outdoors is between 12:00 and 16:00. The momentum peaks at 14:00 when the ABB Academic Downhill Race begins. After the amazing afternoon sledding in the Kaivopuisto park, the action continues with the Laskiaisappro 2018 bar crawl. Starting at 16:00 in Kaivopuisto, you can slalom through downtown Helsinki, touring bars all the way to the official afterparty Gravitaatio by AYY! Ticket sales for the Laskiaisappro start on the 22nd of January at www.bailataan.fi. More detailed instructions concerning the ticket sales can be found on Facebook. NB! A Laskiaisappro ticket is not valid for the Gravitaatio afterparty.

Last year, tickets and extra tickets were sold out in an instant, so be quick and follow the relevant channels! This year, we will also have a limited number of cheaper combo tickets for both the Laskiaisappro and Gravitaatio.


Follow the event on social media:
Laskiaisrieha on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1992148971060250/
Laskiaisrieha on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/laskiaisrieha/
Laskiaisappro on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1707713842614342/

#Laskiaisrieha18 #Laskiaisappro18 #LR18

With: ABB and AYY!


What? Laskiaisrieha 2018, the best party ever! Laskiaisappro 2018, the best preparty for Gravitaatio!
Where? Kaivopuisto, Helsinki
When? Shrove Tuesday, 13th February at 12:00-16:00, ticket sales for Laskiaisappro on Monday, 22nd January
How? Ticket sales at www.bailataan.fi
Why? The best outdoor student event of the winter!

P.S. Help us keep the park clean by picking up your trash. Thanks!


5. Laskiaisrieha continues at Gravitaatio!

Gravitaatio, the traditional afterparty for the Laskiaisrieha on Shrove Tuesday, will be held in Apollo Live Club this year. Stop shivering from the cold and come enjoy the hot winds of Gravitaatio, when the atmosphere is raised to the roof by RosvoSektori and Petri NygÄrd in the biggest interdisciplinary student party of the beginning of the year!

If you’re looking for some action before Gravitaatio, why not join the Laskiaisappro 2018 bar crawl? This event, organized by Vapaateekkarit for the second time this year, will really help you get in the mood for Gravitaatio!

What: Gravitaatio 2018
Where: Apollo Live Club
When: Shrove Tuesday, 13th Feb
How: Tickets in advance €13. www.bailataan.fi €13.50. At the entrance €15 + cloakroom free €3
Why: The biggest student party of the beginning of the year. Incredible artists and the official afterparty! You don’t want to miss this!

Collaborating with us with the event are also VT, Julkku and RWBK!

NB! The age limit is 18.

Dates and locations for ticket sales will be announced later on Facebook and on the website.

More information:



6. Shorinji Kempo – spring 2018 basic course

Shorinji Kempo’s free basic course starts on Thursday, the 18th of January 2018 at 17:30 at UniDojo (Pohjoinen Hesperiankatu 25).

Shorinji Kempo is a Japanese martial art that suits everyone regardless of gender or level of fitness. Shorinji Kempo develops your physical fitness, improves concentration, increases self-confidence, and introduces you to the budƍ philosophy.

Shorinji Kempo’s techniques consist of hard techniques (hand strikes, kicks, blocks), soft techniques (throws, chokes, locks, pins) and combinations of these. In addition to the training of the techniques, Shorinji Kempo also includes sparring, restorative massage and the philosophy of the sport. Most of the training is done with a partner.

The practices for the basic course are held on Tuesdays at the sports facilities in Porthania (Yliopistonkatu 3) from 19:30 to 20:30, and at Unidojo on Thursdays from 17:30 to 19:00 and on Sundays from 15:00 to 16:30. In addition to the practices, the basic course also includes a belt test in May. Participating in the course does not require a valid UniSport membership or paying the UniSport one-time fee. Requirements are interest in the sport and active training. Our club offers high-quality training, a safe training environment, and an excellent team spirit.

We are also taking part in UniSport’s Budo January event on the 17th of January 2018 at UniDojo. Come watch our exhibition and try out Shorinji Kempo!


Inquiries and registrations: hysk.mail@gmail.com
More information: www.helsinki.fi/jarj/shorinji
Budo January: https://www.facebook.com/events/557546811256006/


7. Aalto-Basket is looking for players

Aalto-Basket’s men’s 2nd and 3rd team play in the regional 5th division. We are looking for new players, so if you’re interested to find a new team and have played basketball previously, send an email to office@aaltobasket.fi and tell us about your background in basketball. After this, the contact persons for the teams will contact you.

Aalto-Basket also has a women’s team, which you can contact through the same email: office@aaltobasket.fi.


8. Taekwon-Do beginners course starts on Sunday, 21st Jan

Espoon TKD-seura ry is organizing a Taekwon-Do course for beginners in TuulimÀki, Tapiola, on Sundays between 15:45 and 17:15, starting on the 21st of January.

The course lasts for the spring semester and costs €75, but the first two training sessions are free of charge. We also have a junior course for children aged 8 to 12 years.

More information and registration: http://teamespoo.com/harjoitukset/alkeiskurssi.php


9. Polijazz offers affordable dance classes in Otaniemi on a weekly basis starting on the 29th of January

Polijazz ry’s weekly dance classes are here again!

Break dance on Mondays at 19–20 (open level), street dance on Thursdays at 17–18 (open level), modern dance on Fridays at 17–18:15 (beginners), and modern dance on Fridays at 18.15-19.30 (advanced).

Registration starts on Monday, the 15th of January, on the website www.polijazz.ayy.fi.

The first time is free. Welcome!


10. Karate Shotokai Beginner’s Course

Welcome to Karate Shotokai Beginner’s Course!

The course starts on Friday the 19th of January at 17.30 at Cable Factory (Tallberginkatu 1, Helsinki).

More information and registration for the course: http://www.shoto.fi/alkeiskurssi_en.html

WHAT? Karate course
WHEN? Fri 19 Jan, 17:30
WHERE? Tallberginkatu 1, Helsinki

(Enter from staircase D. Dressing rooms are on the 3rd floor. Up one floor, then turn right and again right at the end of a long hallway to get to the practice hall called Awase.)

Do not hesitate to ask for more information: alkeiskurssi@shoto.fi

See you at the training!





11. Polytech Choir’s auditions on Wednesday, 17th Jan

Singing with an attitude! The Polytech Choir is looking for new members! Do you want to charm people from Smökki to the Helsinki Music Centre and all around the world with your voice? Welcome!

The Polytech Choir’s auditions will be held on Wednesday, the 17th January, between 17:00 and 18:00 at the Choir’s practice facilities, in the 2nd floor hall AS2 of the TUAS Building (Maarintie 8). At the auditions, you will have the chance to perform on song of your choice without accompaniment.

Sign up for the auditions by contacting our Freshman Emperor Nuutti Melkas (tel. +358 40 581 9696 or fuksikeisari@polyteknikkojenkuoro.fi.) See you at the auditions!

More information: http://www.polyteknikkojenkuoro.fi/koelaulut/


12. KY-Speksi is here again!

This time we jump into the middle of cold war, where two rival archaeologists have just found an ancient pyramid in Egypt. After studying the hieroglyphs found in the walls of the burial chamber, they get immersed in an extraordinary tale of the vanquished pharaoh of Tetankhamon, who ruled Egypt with an iron fist.

AURINGON PERILLINEN is a story about loyalty, motives and pursuit of your own interest. This interactive musical offers unrivaled talent, spontaneous laughter, dazzling musical numbers and above all, an incredible travel to the history of Egypt.

Ticket sales are taking place in Otaniemi and Töölö as following:

Monday 15.1. at 14–15.30, Otaniemi, U-aula
Tuesday 23.1. at 11.45–14.00, Otaniemi, PÀÀaula
Tuesday 30.1. at 11.45–14.00, Töölö, Ala-aula

Check out our Facebook event for more information: https://www.facebook.com/events/1770556919655062/

**Note that the language of the show is Finnish!**




13. Silent Retreat between the 6th and 8th of April

The Espoo Congregations’ student work is organizing a Silent Retreat at the Nuottakoto activity center in Vihti between the 6th and 8th of April.

The Silent Retreat is a good way to charge your batteries, relax and spend some time alone with your thoughts. Good food, rest and nature will nurture the mind and the body. Collective meditation and prayer moments in the chapel set the pace for the day. The participants commit themselves to a shared silence for the weekend.

The Silent Retreat is for students and staff of universities, polytechnics and technical colleges. School Pastor Jyri Hakala will act as the retreat instructor.

Price: €45/student, €90/staff member. The price includes full board (1-person rooms) and transport. The last day for registration is on the 1st of March 2018.

Sing up by the 1st of March 2018 to Office Secretary Marita Kantola, yst.toimisto.espoo@evl.fi, or tel. 09 8050 2359. When signing up, please tell your name, school, whether you are a student or a staff member, your contact details, possible special diet, and whether you have been to a retreat before. First-timers are given priority.

We will inform you whether you have been granted a spot at the Silent Retreat after the registration period ends, and you can confirm your spot by paying the fee by the due date.

More information: Jyri Hakala, 040 513 4363


14. SeaFocus #IntelligenceHunt

SeaFocus is an executive maritime business platform with special services and projects focusing on the development of the maritime industry.

Intelligence Hunt¼ is a SeaFocus project promoting maritime industry as an attractive career path to the university students, and providing maritime industry and its stakeholders a magnificent possibility to get fresh out-of-the-box solutions and ideas. #IntelligenceHunt3 “IIoT and Sustainable Shipping – Cross Industry Learning Curve” will focus on cargo flows and intelligent port operations.

The Finals of the #IntelligenceHunt3 takes place on June 12th, 2018 in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Student registration will be open 15.1.–25.2.2018. The finalists will be chosen and groups formed 26.2.–1.3.2018

All finalists chosen will work for 2-3 months with a case and will present the team’s solution in front of the professional maritime audience and the jury.

The 2nd #IntelligenceHunt was organised in Helsinki 14.11.2017 with the following case companies: Finnlines, Tallink Silja, Arctech Helsinki Shipyard, Port of Helsinki, Stena Roro, DFDS, Climeon, Steveco, National Emergency Supply Agency of Finland, Varova, Mondi Örebro, MacGregor and SeaFocus.

For further information www.seafocus.fi

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