Weekly Newsletter 4/2018

This is the AYY weekly newsletter 4/2018. You can find relevant and interesting information on AYY, its sections and organizations, in addition to other information interesting to students in the weekly newsletter.


Snow is here, reminding us of – what else than applying for summer jobs! You can find tips for some interesting internships from this week’s newsletter. Good luck in your applications and have a sunny week!


If you want your own piece to be a part of the weekly newsletter, send it in its finalized form to tiedotteet@ayy.fi by Thursday 10:00 if you want it out the following week.

The association information can be found in the association newsletter. Read it at /yhdistystiedote


Week 4
23.1. Taiji beginners course /blog/events/taiji-alkeiskurssi-8/
24.1. Ristin kilta: An evening of prayer and praise /blog/events/ristin-kilta-rukous-ja-ylistysilta-5/
25.1. Club Lagoon 2018 /blog/events/club-lagoon-2018/

Week 5
31.1. Ristin kilta: Ismo Heiskanen – Bible teaching I /blog/events/ristin-kilta-ismo-heiskanen-raamattuopetus-i/



  1. There’s still time – Design AYY and TOKYO’s design calendar for the year 2018-19!


  1. Accenture Technology’s Summer Internship
  2. Make your summer count – Vaisala Giant Leap Internship


  1. Students@Sweco event on the 6th of February 2018
  2. Drink & Draw 24.1.
  3. Get to Know Africa 30.1.
  4. Teekkari Sailors’ information evening on the 31st of January
  5. Beer ‘n’ Bible at restaurant Fat Lizard on the 31st of January at 17:30
  6. Tenured Professors’ Installation Lectures


  1. Start Aikido in Otaniemi!
  2. Polijazz’s weekly dance classes in Otaniemi start on the 29th of January


  1. Chamber choir “Dissonanssi is searching for new male singers!


  1. FSHS health survey for first year students!
  2. Stratos Program 2018 is looking for Candidates! – Apply by 30th January 2018




1. There’s still time – Design AYY and TOKYO’s design calendar for the year 2018-19!

Deadline 26th of January!

TOKYO’s design calendar has been published since 1975. In 2018 all ARTS students will move to Otaniemi, and to celebrate that AYY and TOKYO are joining their forces and making a design calendar for 2018–19 that will be handed out to all Aalto students.

As per tradition, the designer of the calendar will be chosen from within the students via contest. The contest will continue until the 26th of January, so there’s still time to submit your work: /en/blog/2017/12/16/design-ayy-and-tokyos-calendar-for-2018-19/




2. Accenture Technology’s Summer Internship

We are looking for enthusiastic IT students for summer internship for Accenture Technology. The internship period lasts from June to August 2018. Trainee positions are located in the Helsinki metropolitan area.

You will be working in an innovative environment with access to global resources and expertise. You’ll work on a real project role tthroughout your internship. Rather than just shadowing someone, you will be a fully-fledged member of the team right from the start, with responsibilities that could involve, depending on your background and interests: requirement analysis, programming, testing software, conducting research, writing reports or analyzing data.

We offer a competitive salary and benefits such as health care, extensive training and flexible work arrangements, wellbeing activities, Accenture FUN club, etc. We will connect you with a “buddy” who will be there to offer help and advice whenever you need it. Many of our previous summer interns have become permanent Accenture employees after they graduate.

Does this sound like the perfect start for your professional career? Make your move – apply online by 25.02.2018: https://www.accenture.com/fi-en/careers/jobdetails?id=00547122_en&title=Accenture+Technology+Internship%2c+Summer+2018


3. Make your summer count – Vaisala Giant Leap Internship

Is your ideal summer job made of meaningful opportunities? Would you like to kick-start your career in an innovative and international environment? We at Vaisala offer you a highly valued internship program that our previous generations of Giant Leapers describe as memorable, challenging and just a splendid experience in general. Do your future self a favor and apply now!

Our challenging and meaningful program is designed for 3+ year students in a university or polytechnic with a variety of skills, qualities and educational backgrounds. Each year we handpick exciting real business challenges for our Giant Leapers to manage. The projects range from product and software development to industrial engineering, sourcing, marketing and human resources – just to name a few.

Our unique approach helps you to improve your skills and gain special insight into our mission of creating observations for a better world. The highlight of your three-month #myvaisalasummer will be presenting the outcomes of your project to our board of executives.

We appreciate our Giant Leapers and treat them as our own right from the get-go. The open and supportive atmosphere makes it easy to enjoy your summer with us. We don’t expect you to have all the answers but we hope you have lots of questions.

So if you are ready to work hard, do your best and take this leap with us, see our projects for the upcoming summer and pick yours! We invite 20 bright and motivated young talents to Helsinki, Finland or to the United States, in Boulder, Colorado.

Learn more about the program and project details on Giant Leap Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/vaisalagiantleap and web page at https://www.vaisala.com/en/about-vaisala/careers/students/giant-leap-internship-program and submit your application before February the 11th.

Come as you are as long as you’re curious!




4. Students@Sweco event on the 6th of February 2018

Come and find out more about Sweco! Students@Sweco, an open introductory day for students, will be held at the Sweco House in Ilmala, Helsinki, on the 6th of February at 11:00–16:00.

There are lots of activities at the event for students interested in Sweco: meet and get to know to Sweco’s experts at the networking market, listen to career stories, take a tour around the office, take part in the CV and LinkedIn workshop, and learn how to use virtual tools. To make sure that you don’t run out of energy during the day, we are also offering you a free lunch!

Read more and sign up by the 28th of January: http://www.sweco.fi/uutiset/tapahtumat/tapahtumakalenteri/studentssweco/


5. Drink & Draw 24.1.

You are warmly welcome to join the Aalto Visual Communications study organization GRRR for some drawing fun!

We meet on Wednesday, the 24th of January from 19:00 to 23:00 at the Jätkäsaari Huutokonttori. This is our very first Drink & Draw, and the aim is to draw stuff we see around us and maybe meet some new faces. To wrap it up, we can examine each other’s results and give ourselves a pat on the back. Easy as can be!

GRRR will bring some paper and pens, but it is permissible (and preferable) to also bring your own supplies. Come along and bring a friend. The event is open to all Aalto students!

See you at Drink & Draw!

More info: https://www.facebook.com/events/139501453406094/


6. Get to Know Africa 30.1.

Aalto Community of African Students (ACAS) cordially invite you to its first event of the year: ‘GET TO KNOW AFRICA’

The aim of the event is to broaden students’ views on the vast opportunities that the Africa continent provides from culture and tourism, to entrepreneurship.

Kindly join us at The Stage, Aalto Design Factory, Betonimiehenkuja 5C, 02150, Espoo on the 30th of January, 2018 at 18:00.

Just bring yourself, a beautiful smile with open mind, and let’s create impact.


WHERE: The Stage, Aalto Design Factory, Betonimiehenkuja 5C, 02150, Espoo
WHEN: 18:00 on the 30th of January, 2018

Event link: https://www.facebook.com/events/1439762402799881/


7. Teekkari Sailors’ information evening on the 31st of January

The Teekkaripurjehtijat (Teekkari Sailors) association is once again organizing an information evening for new and old members!

If you feel like doing things together and learning new and fun things and a healthy dose of fresh sea air and the great big blue sound like something worth doing, come hear about sailing on Wednesday, the 31st of January 2018 at the Otaniemi Rooftop Sauna (Jämeräntaival 3A, top floor, regrettably the space is not handicap accessible) starting at 17:30.

Sailing is all about salty spray, challenges and speed, but also breathtaking sunsets, a chill vibe and beachfront saunas. There is something for everyone in sailing. The best way to start and to find awesome sailing buddies is to come to the event and familiarize yourself with the activities of the Teekkaripurjehtijat association!

At the event, we will present other upcoming events, courses, voluntary work events and of course the upcoming sailing trips of the summer and fall. There will be food and drink served, and of course the sauna will be heated.

Whether you are a seasoned seafarer or just getting interested in sailing, you are warmly welcome! Invite your friends along. The event is free of charge, all you need is a mind open to nautical adventures and (if you wish) some sauna gear.

Check out our internet pages at: http://trip.ayy.fi/

See you at the event!


8. Beer ‘n’ Bible at restaurant Fat Lizard on the 31st of January at 17:30

“When I preach, I preach so that even a 7-year-old child can understand it. But when me and Master Melanchthon drink beer in the cellar and talk about theology, even God up in Heaven is astonished by our learning.”- Martin Luther (1483-1546)

Join the discussion, learn new things and get to know to new people! We are hosting an easily accessible Bible circle for students and young adults at the Fat Lizard restaurant on Wednesday, the 31st of January at 17:30. The Bible teaching is held by Aalto chaplain Marjut Mulari. The restaurant is located a stone’s throw from the Otaniemi metro station, and it is easy to find and serves food and drink.

The masterminds behind the Bible circle are lovers of beer and the Bible from Tapiola, Stina and Ilmar Metsalo. The Aalto chaplains and the Tapiola parish are also involved. For more information, contact Aalto chaplain Marjut Mulari: marjut.mulari@evl.fi / 0503652256.

More information from Aalto priest Marjut Mulari: marjut.mulari@evl.fi / 050 365 2256


9. Tenured Professors’ Installation Lectures

Hear about Aalto University’s research on Wednesday 31 January 2018 at 14.15 at Dipoli!

Aalto University celebrates its tenured professors with popular lectures by the new tenure track professors of Associate or Full level.

All lectures will be held in English and are open for everyone: professors, students, faculty, staff, and the public.

The multidisciplinary lectures will be followed by a reception hosted by Ilkka Niemelä, the President of Aalto University.

Read more about the lectures: https://into.aalto.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=27655785




10. Start Aikido in Otaniemi!

Aalto Aikikai welcomes new beginners to join our activities at the start of February.

We are organizing an Aikido show and beginner tryout session on Thursday, the 1st of February from 17:00 to 19:00 at the Jämeräntaival 5 tatami hall. Bring a t-shirt and slacks with you. There is a chance to wash up after the training session, so a towel and accessories are also a bonus to bring along.

The beginner training times during spring 2018:
Mondays 16:30-18:00 Otahalli
Thursdays 17:00-19:00 Jämeräntaival 5

You can join in the training during the first two weeks.

More information can be found at www.aaltoaikikai.ayy.fi and aaltoaikikai-hallitus(at)list.ayy.fi



11. Polijazz’s weekly dance classes in Otaniemi start on the 29th of January

Polijazz ry’s weekly dance classes are here again!

Break dance on Mondays at 19–20 (open level), street dance on Thursdays at 17–18 (open level), modern dance on Fridays at 17–18:15 (beginners), and modern dance on Fridays at 18.15-19.30 (advanced).

Register on the website www.polijazz.ayy.fi

The first time is free. Welcome!





12. Chamber choir “Dissonanssi” is searching for new male singers!

Are you an enthusiastic singer? Would you like to sing in a choir? Our small mixed choir is easily approachable and there are no strict auditions to fear. We are happy with even a small amount of experience about choir singing or a generally good singing voice. We practice on Tuesdays at the machine technology club room from 18:00 to 20:00.

Interested? Fill out the form at https://bit.ly/dissonanssi and we will contact you!

More info from our website at https://dissonanssi.ayy.fi/





13. FSHS health survey for first year students!

Hey you, first year student of Aalto University!

If you have not yet answered the FSHS electronic health survey (Sätky), do it now! You can find it at: http://www.yths.fi/palvelut/yleisterveys/terveystarkastus_ja_satky


14. Stratos Program 2018 is looking for Candidates! – Apply by 30th January 2018

Are you interested in working on a real-life business project at one of the top companies in Finland? Do you want to take part in our FREE study trip to a world’s top business center in Spring 2018? You can have both by joining Stratos, an annual training program for Aalto Master students who are interested in Business.

We’re looking for students in different study backgrounds this year to take on the challenges provided by partner companies. So, if you would find this opportunity intriguing, you might be the perfect applicant! We’re looking for candidates to work on one of the projects below:

ABB – Assembly Factory and the Use of Digitalization: https://stratosprogram.org/2017/12/15/abb-project/

Schneider Electric – Logistics and Cost Optimization: https://stratosprogram.org/2017/12/15/schneider-electric/

SRV – Construction Market Research for Poland: https://stratosprogram.org/2017/12/15/srv-project/

Up-coming projects will be posted on our websites: https://stratosprogram.org/ where you will find the link to Application.

Also follow our official Facebook page to get immediate updates about other coming-soon projects: https://www.facebook.com/stratos2018

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