Weekly Newsletter 5/2018

This is the AYY weekly newsletter 5/2018. You can find news concerning AYY, its associations and sections in this newsletter, in addition to other useful information.


If you only read one thing from this newsletter, let it be this: Help is available. AYY has just opened the new help@ayy.fi email address, which you can use to ask us about any problems you might face in your studying life. If you have a problem and don’t know where to turn, ask us: We will help you!


If you want your own piece to be a part of the weekly newsletter, send it in its finalized form to tiedotteet@ayy.fi by Thursday 10:00 if you want it out the following week.

The association information can be found in the association newsletter. Read it at: /en/associations/association-newsletter/


Week 5

31.1. Ristin kilta: Ismo Heiskanen – Bible teaching I /blog/events/ristin-kilta-ismo-heiskanen-raamattuopetus-i/
3.2. ESN Aalto Beer Pong Tournament /blog/events/esn-aalto-beerpong-tournament/
3.2. Nippoli sauna evening / ニッポリ交流会&サウナパーティ /blog/events/nippolin-saunailta-%e3%83%8b%e3%83%83%e3%83%9d%e3%83%aa%e4%ba%a4%e6%b5%81%e4%bc%9a%ef%bc%86%e3%82%b5%e3%82%a6%e3%83%8a%e3%83%91%e3%83%bc%e3%83%86%e3%82%a3-3/
4.2. ESN Aalto Movie Night /blog/events/esn-aalto-movie-night/

Week 6

7.2. Ristin kilta: Ismo Heiskanen – Bible teaching II /blog/events/ristin-kilta-ismo-heiskanen-raamattuopetus-ii/



  1. Trouble with your studies? We’ll help!
  2. Changes in Opening Times of the Arabia Service Point
  3. Heikki Isotalo is our new Chief of Advocacy and Communications
  4. Get to Know AYY’s new IT Expert, AD and Information Officer
  5. The Contest Continues – Design AYY and TOKYO’s calendar for 2018–19!
  6. The AllWell survey is open from February 1st to 16th


  1. Get to Know Africa 30.1.
  2. Tenured Professors’ Installation Lectures 31.1.
  3. Teekkari Sailors’ information evening on the 31st of January
  4. Car Parking at the Campus – Come and Discuss on 5.2.
  5. Summer Job that Sounds Good – Avain Meet&Mingle Event at Avain Sauna on 6.2.
  6. AMCA Spring 2018 Kick-Off: Brave New Ways of Learning 9.2.
  7. Gravitaatio 2018 13.2.


  1. OtaKoppi introductory practice session on the 4th of February
  2. Taekwon-Do beginners course still has open slots
  3. Polijazz ry’s weekly classes start today!


  1. Chamber choir Dissonanssi is looking for altos and male singers!


  1. Become a lifesaver at Dipoli on the 8th of February
  2. Mindfulness in Stress Management workshop


  1. Studio Kipsari is now open in Otaniemi!
  2. Glider flying permit course starts on the 30th of January
  3. The Guild of Electrical Engineering is looking for a designer to renew its brand identity
  4. Study during the Summer – ITP 2018
  5. Become an AIESEC volunteer





1. Trouble with your studies? We’ll help!

Do you need help regarding the University or study life, but have no clue where to ask? Ask away, we’ll help!

Send a message to the new help@ayy.fi email address. Our experts will help you and guide you forward. They provide help in e.g. problematic situations regarding the University, questions related to student health and studying in Finland, as well as in other study life problems. We guarantee a personal response from a suitable expert.

Don’t be left alone in the dark with your problem. Help is only a few clicks away: help@ayy.fi

Read more on the helping parties: /en/students/health-and-welfare/


2. Changes in Opening Times of the Arabia Service Point

From Thursday the 1st of February, the Arabia Service Point is open as follows:

Mon 12–15
Wed 12–15
Fri 12–14

Find the opening times of the Otaniemi and Arabia Service Points online: /en/contact-information/service-points/


3. Heikki Isotalo is our new Chief of Advocacy and Communications

Heikki Isotalo will start as the new Chief of Advocacy and Communications on Wednesday, the 7th of February. Isotalo has worked as a student active in Turku and is now moving to AYY from the Helsinki University Student Union, from the tasks of an Expert in Educational Policy.

The Chief of Advocacy and Communications is a new task at AYY. The Chief is in charge of planning, leading and implementing the advocacy work of the Student Union and acting as the team leader for the advocacy and communications teams.

Read Heikki’s thoughts on his new job: /en/blog/2018/01/26/the-new-advocacy-and-communications-manager-for-ayy-is-heikki-isotalo/


4. Get to Know AYY’s new IT Expert, AD and Information Officer

AYY received new additions to its staff at the turn of the year: IT Expert Petteri Nummela, AD Aino Korpinen and Information Officer Siiri Liitiä.

Find out more about the new AYY staff: /en/blog/2018/01/29/ayy-has-a-new-it-expert-ad-and-information-officer/


5. The Contest Continues – Design AYY and TOKYO’s calendar for 2018–19!

TOKYO Ry, the association for Aalto University Arts, Design and Architect students, has published its design calendar since 1975. In 2018, the Arts and Design students will move to Otaniemi, and to celebrate this, AYY and TOKYO will join forces to produce a joint design calendar for 2018–19 that will be distributed to all Aalto students.

The calendar designer will be chosen with a traditional contest from amongst the students. The contest has been extended to the 6th of February. Read more and join the contest at /en/blog/2017/12/16/design-ayy-and-tokyos-calendar-for-2018-19/


6. The AllWell survey is open from February 1st to 16th

The health and study skill survey AllWell?, organized by Aalto University, is open from the 1st of February until the 16th of February. The survey is personal, and a link to the survey should have been sent to all 2nd year bachelor’s students and 1st year master’s students via email.

The survey results are an important part of AYY’s advocacy work. All who participate in the survey will also receive a personal feedback email on their study skills a few weeks after the survey closes, so second year bachelor’s and first year master’s degree students: Check your email!





7. Get to Know Africa 30.1.

Aalto Community of African Students (ACAS) cordially invites you to its first event of the year: ‘GET TO KNOW AFRICA’

The aim of the event is to broaden students’ views on the vast opportunities that the African continent provides, from culture and tourism to entrepreneurship.

Kindly join us at The Stage, Aalto Design Factory, Betonimiehenkuja 5C, 02150, Espoo on the 30th of January at 18:00.

Just bring yourself, a beautiful smile with an open mind, and let’s create impact.


WHERE: The Stage, Aalto Design Factory, Betonimiehenkuja 5C, 02150, Espoo
WHEN: 18:00 on the 30th of January, 2018

Event link: https://www.facebook.com/events/1439762402799881/


8. Tenured Professors’ Installation Lectures 31.1.

Hear about Aalto University’s research on Wednesday 31 January 2018 at 14.15 at Dipoli!

Aalto University celebrates its tenured professors with popular lectures by the new tenure track professors of Associate or Full level.

All lectures will be held in English and are open for everyone: professors, students, faculty, staff, and the public.

The multidisciplinary lectures will be followed by a reception hosted by Ilkka Niemelä, the President of Aalto University.

Read more about the lectures: https://into.aalto.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=27655785


9. Teekkari Sailors’ information evening on the 31st of January

The Teekkaripurjehtijat (Teekkari Sailors) association is once again organizing an information evening for new and old members!

If you feel like doing things together and learning new and fun things and a healthy dose of fresh sea air and the great big blue sound like something worth doing, come hear about sailing on Wednesday, the 31st of January 2018 at the Otaniemi Rooftop Sauna (Jämeräntaival 3A, top floor, regrettably the space is not handicap accessible) starting at 17:30.

Sailing is all about salty spray, challenges and speed, but also breathtaking sunsets, a chill vibe and beachfront saunas. There is something for everyone in sailing. The best way to start and to find awesome sailing buddies is to come to the event and familiarize yourself with the activities of the Teekkaripurjehtijat association!

At the event, we will present other upcoming events, courses, voluntary work events and of course the upcoming sailing trips of the summer and fall. There will be food and drink served, and of course the sauna will be heated.

Whether you are a seasoned seafarer or just getting interested in sailing, you are warmly welcome! Invite your friends along. The event is free of charge, all you need is a mind open to nautical adventures and (if you wish) some sauna gear.

Check out our internet pages at: http://trip.ayy.fi/

See you at the event!


10. Car Parking at the Campus – Come and Discuss on 5.2.

All interested Aalto University faculty, staff and students are welcome to an open discussion event on the future of car parking and intelligent parking at the Otaniemi campus. The language is mainly English.

WHEN: 5 February 2018 from 9 to 12
WHERE: Lumituuli auditorium, Dipoli, Otaniemi

The discussion is started by Fiona Macey, Manager of Sustainable Mobility at York University. The moderator will be Professor Anssi Joutsiniemi, from the Department of Architecture. He is specialised in the interaction between traffic and urban structure.

9.00 Opening words Antti Ahlava, Vice President for campus development
9.15 Fiona Macey
10.15 A discussion on the car parking problematics of developing campuses.

This event will be followed by another car parking themed seminar, where we will continue the discussion on campus parking arrangements in more detail.


11. Summer Job that Sounds Good – Avain Meet&Mingle Event at Avain Sauna on 6.2.

Seize your opportunity and spend an unforgettable summer at Avain Yhtiöt!

Welcome to the Avain Meet&Mingle event! During the event, you’ll hear about Avain Yhtiöt, summer job opportunities and employees’ career paths. You can also enjoy snack and have a chance to go to sauna.

The event takes place on 6.2. from 17:00 onwards at Avain Sauna, Otaranta 8 E. Sign up for the event before 5.2. at www.avainasunnot.fi/meetnmingle. The space is limited, so act fast!

Avain Yhtiöt is looking for summer workers for property management and maintenance, customer service and administration. Read more about summer jobs at Avain from: www.avainasunnot.fi/rekrytointi

The event will be held in Finnish.

Avain Yhtiöt is a Finnish corporation specialized in the production of apartment and housing services, construction management, real estate management and repair constructions. The corporation owns over 7.000 apartments and its goal is to build 1.000 apartments more yearly to central growth areas in Finland. www.avainasunnot.fi


12. AMCA Spring 2018 Kick-Off: Brave New Ways of Learning 9.2.

Join us at the first major event this year hosted by AMCA. Brave New Ways of Learning gathers together amazing speakers and representatives from the corporate world.

Our panel includes:

Vesa Perälä – Founder of Claned, AI digital learning platform
Outi Sivonen – Head of People Development at Finnair
Juuso Laatikainen – Director at Strategy&
Outi Olkkola – HR Business Partner at Dentsu Aegis Network
Roope Takala – Head of Innovation Program at Nokia

Come to enjoy the panel discussion, network with companies and learn more about the student consulting program that AMCA has prepared for the coming year!

Make sure to reserve your seat by registering: https://goo.gl/forms/QxwP4QxfH9QyxBgb2

WHAT: AMCA Kick-Off Spring 2018 Event
WHEN: February 9th, 2018, from 17:30 to 21:30
WHERE: Aalto Design Factory – the Stage; Betonimiehenkuja 5 C, 02150 Espoo, Finland

Follow our Facebook event for future updates: https://m.facebook.com/events/142803566404514?acontext=%7B%22ref%22%3A%2298%22%2C%22action_history%22%3A%22null%22%7D&aref=98

See you on February 9th!


13. Gravitaatio 2018 13.2.

The traditional afterparty of the Shrove Tuesday madness – Gravitaatio in Apollo Helsinki! Stop shivering from the cold and come enjoy the hot winds of Gravitaatio, when the atmosphere is raised to the roof by RosvoSektori and Petri Nygård in the biggest interdisciplinary student party of the beginning of the year!

What: Gravitaatio 2018
Where: Apollo Live Club
When: Shrove Tuesday, 13th Feb, from 20:00 to 04:00
How: Tickets in advance €13 bailataan.fi €13.50. At the entrance €15
Why: The biggest student party of the beginning of the year. Incredible artists and the official afterparty! You don’t want to miss this!

Tickets are sold at: https://bailataan.fi/#!/events/2b275ccf-3db1-4b79-8254-8e8482a2fb05

In collaboration with VT, Julkku and RWBK!

NB! The age limit is 18.





14. OtaKoppi introductory practice session on the 4th of February

Are you interested in Finnish baseball (pesäpallo)? Is baseball close to your heart, or do you think back on the times when you played baseball in PE with fond memories? Come join the practices of OtaKoppi, the Aalto University baseball club, this Sunday! No background of baseball is needed, although a lot of us do have it.

OtaKoppi practices in Otahalli during the winter. The practices are open to everyone, and you don’t have to worry about the equipment, because you can borrow them from OtaKoppi. You can also join the association free of charge at our website at otakoppi.fi, and get info on our events straight to your email. And don’t forget to like OtaKoppi on Facebook and Instagram!

What: Open baseball practices
Where: Otahalli
When: Sunday, the 4th of February at 14:30

See you on the field!


15. Taekwon-Do beginners course still has open slots

There’s still time to start a new and diverse hoppy for the spring!

Espoon TKD-seura ry is organizing a Taekwon-Do course for beginners in Tuulimäki, Tapiola, on Sundays between 15:45 and 17:15. The course lasts for the spring semester and costs €75. We also have a junior course for children aged 8 to 12 years.

More information and registration: http://teamespoo.com/harjoitukset/alkeiskurssi.php


16. Polijazz ry’s weekly classes start today!

Polijazz offers affordable dance classes in Otaniemi on a weekly basis starting today, the 29th of January.

On Mondays break dance at 19–20 (open level), on Thursdays street dance at 17–18 (open level) and on Fridays modern dance (beginners) at 17–18:15 and modern dance (advanced) at 18:15–19:30.

Register on the website www.polijazz.ayy.fi. Welcome!





17. Chamber choir Dissonanssi is looking for altos and male singers!

Are you an enthusiastic singer? Would you like to sing in a choir? Our small mixed choir is easily approachable and there are no strict auditions to fear. If you have even a bit of experience in choir singing or a generally good singing voice, then you’ll be fine. We practice on Tuesdays at the machine technology building from 6 pm to 8 pm.

If you’re interested, fill up the form: https://bit.ly/dissonanssi and we’ll contact you!

You can find more info about the choir on our website: https://dissonanssi.ayy.fi/





18. Become a lifesaver at Dipoli on the 8th of February

Come to Dipoli on Thursday, the 8th of February between 11:00–16:00, donate blood and save lives!

You can donate blood if you are healthy, 18–70 years old and weigh at least 50 kg. New donors must be under 60 years of age, and persons over 66 years of age must have donated blood less than two years ago.

For more information, call the free information number at 0800 0 5801, or visit www.veripalvelu.fi and www.sovinkoluovuttajaksi.fi

The event in Dipoli will kick off the spring 2018 edition of the #LuovutusAalto blood donation campaign. Watch this space – last fall’s winners and details on the spring campaign will be revealed in next week’s letter.

Remember to take your Finnish ID with you. Welcome!


19. Mindfulness in Stress Management workshop

Need help to lower stress, anxiety or tension? Come join us in an eight-session mindfulness workshop, which aims to integrate mindfulness training as a part of the participants’ everyday life.

Mindfulness is acceptable conscious existing. Frequent mindfulness training is known to lower stress and anxiety. The training is a way to increase knowledge of oneself, improve focus and to learn how to monitor and regulate your feelings.

The workshops are held on Mondays from 14:00 to 16:00, from the 19th of February until the 16th of April (no workshop on the 2nd of April), class M140, Otakaari 1. The workshop is in Finnish.

More information: https://mycourses.aalto.fi/course/view.php?id=19282.





20. Studio Kipsari is now open in Otaniemi!

The little sister of Kipsari Arabia, Studio Kipsari, serves vegetarian and vegan lunch on weekdays from 11 to 14:30. The cafe opens for coffee at 9:00. The restaurant is situated next to Aalto Studios, at Otakaari 7.

Read more: https://tokyo.fi/studio-kipsari-nyt-otaniemessa-otakaari-7/

Come for lunch and coffee!


21. Glider flying permit course starts on the 30th of January

The Polyteknikkojen Ilmailukerho (Polytechnic Aviation Club) PIK is organizing a glider flying permit course during the spring of 2018! The first course evening is on the 30th of January at 18:00 in Otaniemi.

The course starts with theory during February and March, two nights a week. Read more and sign up at: http://www.pik.fi/kurssi


22. The Guild of Electrical Engineering is looking for a designer to renew its brand identity

Aalto University’s Guild of Electrical Engineering is looking for a designer to renew its brand identity. The work includes subjects such as a new visual identity and templates for communication in different media. The work begins immediately and will be completed during the spring.

If you are interested, send your application, CV and portfolio to tuomas.isola@aalto.fi by Sunday February 18th. The commission will be agreed upon according to the job description. The position will be filled once a suitable applicant has been found.


23. Study during the Summer – ITP 2018

Do you want to study in one of the flagship programs in Aalto? What about completing your minor studies during the summer? Do you want to expand your professional network and gain project experience? What about adding a whole new element to your personal skillset?

If you are thinking about answering ”yes”, then ITP is for you. Application period for ITP 2018 is open until January 31st and the programme is open to all Aalto students!

What: Information Technology Program (ITP), 24 ETCS
When: May 28 – August 31, 2018
Where: Töölö campus, Helsinki
How: Apply by January 31. at https://itpaalto.net/


24. Become an AIESEC volunteer

AIESEC is a global youth-led organization striving to achieve Peace and Fulfillment of Humankind’s Potential by activating leadership qualities in youth through learning from practical experiences in challenging environments.

We are recruiting new and enthusiastic youth to join the Youth leadership movement in Finland! If you want to do something that has a true impact, apply and help us to organize global social campaigns in practice. We are looking for volunteers to be part of our organization as members and now you have the opportunity to participate in Helsinki!

If you already have the following skills and want to develop them in an organizational design, or if you want to build on to these skills right from the scratch, you are welcome to sign up with us.

  1. Sales- Candidates who are confident in communication, persevering and resilient to promote our projects and work with local partners, also to create new partnerships with companies, organisations entities etc., in order to raise the functioning area of AIESEC Helsinki.
  2. Project management- If you are looking for experiences to develop your management and leadership skills, and you are not afraid of taking the lead in a team, apply for this position.
  3. Talent management- Candidates who have basic understanding of our vision and values and are passionate about developing and educating people.
  4. International Relations- Candidates passionate about promotion and who have experience in organizing marketing events and/ or digital marketing.

If you are interested, fill in the form and we will contact you and invite you to a short personal interview where we will tell you more about AIESEC and what we do. You can sign up for membership here: https://aiesec.fi/liityjaseneksi/. The deadline for the application is 06.02.2018 so apply NOW!

We are organizing a Public Speaking workshop in the Design Factory on 01.02.2018 and you’re most welcome to join us there! Check out the event here. Don’t miss out on the chance!

Every year about 200 people all over Finland in the age group 18–30 join AIESEC. One of the best things about AIESEC is that when we empower others’ development, we also develop ourselves! This can be guaranteed by our massive alumni network which is spread all over the world and some of the renowned ex-AIESECers like Martti Ahtisaari and Bill Gates. We welcome you to join us in this attempt of providing as many leadership experiences as possible.

If you have questions related to our activities, please, do not hesitate to contact us:

Aastha Singh | Vice President of Talent Management: aastha.singh@aiesec.net
Valeriy Neznakhin | President of AIESEC Helsinki: valeriy.neznakhin@aiesec.net

For more information, you can also check our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/aiesecinfinland/

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