Weekly Newsletter 6/2018

This is the AYY weekly newsletter 6/2017. You can find news concerning AYY, its associations and sections in this newsletter, in addition to other useful information.


The theme of the week is donating! AYY challenges all associations and their members to donate blood at the #LuovutusAalto campaign. The spring campaign kicks off on the 8th of February at Dipoli, more information below. So trudge through the ice and snow and donate!


If you want your own piece to be a part of the weekly newsletter, send it in its finalized form to tiedotteet@ayy.fi by Thursday 10:00 if you want it out the following week.

The association information can be found in the association newsletter. Read it at: /en/associations/association-newsletter/


Week 6

7.2. Ristin kilta: Ismo Heiskanen – Bible teaching II /blog/events/ristin-kilta-ismo-heiskanen-raamattuopetus-ii/

Week 7

14.2. Ristin kilta: Game Night /blog/events/ristin-kilta-peli-ilta-9/
15.2. PSK Kupla SCUBA diving basic course 2018 /blog/events/lspk2018/



  1. Come and save lives – #LuovutusAalto is here again!


  1. Summer Jobs at Tieto in Finland Now Open!
  2. A summer job that sounds good: Avain Meet & Mingle event at Avain Sauna on February 6th


  1. AMCA Spring 2018 Kick-Off: Brave New Ways of Learning 9.2.
  2. Gravitaatio 2018 13.2.


  1. Registration for the Aalto 10K and Espoon Rantamaraton starts on February 12th at 9:00
  2. Taekwon-Do beginners course together with the Helsinki University
  3. Aalto-Basket is looking for players


  1. Chamber choir Dissonanssi is looking for new altos and tenors to join the choir


  1. “Valoa kohti” retreat day at the Otaniemi chapel on February 25th from 10:00 to 16:00
  2. Blood donations at Dipoli, 8th of February


  1. Used audio, lights, video recording and other electronics and paraphernalia sale and handout to associations at the OUBS Studio on February 6th
  2. Aalto Formula Team ry is now established. Join us!
  3. Espoo is searching for a street art project for the Alberganportti underpass – join the competition!
  4. PSK Kupla SCUBA basic course for 2018 begins in February
  5. The Teekkari Sailors’ inshore and coastal navigation courses are here again!
  6. The Guild of Electrical Engineering is looking for a designer to renew its brand identity





1. Come and save lives – #LuovutusAalto is here again!

Nearly a thousand voluntary blood donors are needed in Finland every weekday. That is why the Aalto University Student Union is challenging all associations active within AYY to donate blood for the common good in the #LuovutusAalto campaign already for the third time!

In the autumn of 2017, #LuovutusAalto collected a total of 72 donations – more than twice the amount of donations collected during the first #LuovutusAalto campaign (34 donations). The winner of the autumn 2017 campaign in percentage terms is Ristin Kilta, with more than ten percent of their members donating blood during the campaign. The quantitative winner is Inkubio, the guild for Bioinformation Technology students, with 18 donations. Inkubio also took the prize in the spring campaign!

Can we achieve an ever better result in spring 2018? The spring #LuovutusAalto campaign will start at the Dipoli blood donation event on Thursday, February 8th, held between 11:00 and 16:00, and the campaign runs until April 6th. You can donate as a group or individually at any blood donation event or Blood Service Centre.

The associations that have donated the most blood, both quantitatively and in percentage terms in relation to their number of members, are awarded the use of one of AYY’s sauna facilities for one night and a diploma from the Finnish Red Cross. All donors also receive an overall patch from the Finnish Red Cross!

Read more and register your association for the campaign: /en/blog/2018/02/01/luovutusaalto-is-here-again-blood-donation-campaign-between-february-8th-and-april-6th-2018/





2. Summer Jobs at Tieto in Finland Now Open!

Tieto has several summer trainee positions open again across Finland in Espoo, Kuopio, Tampere and Oulu.

The application period started on Thursday, February 1st and is open until February 22nd.

Most summer jobs will start in the beginning of June and last until the end of August. Application period 1.–22.2.2018.

If you want to spend your next summer working in the ever-inspiring IT industry with great colleagues, check Tieto’s summer job opportunities now! www.tieto.fi/kesätyö

You can follow us on…
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tietocorp
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tieto/
and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TietoCorporation?_rdr=p
…to learn more about what we do.

#tietolife #summerjob


3. A summer job that sounds good: Avain Meet & Mingle event at Avain Sauna on February 6th

Grab the opportunity and have an unforgettable summer at Avain Yhtiöt!

Welcome to Avain Meet & Mingle to hear about the operations of Avain Yhtiöt, summer job opportunities and staff career paths. There will be light snacks and a sauna opportunity.

The event is hosted on the 6th of February at 17:00 at Avain Sauna, situated at Otaranta 8E. Sign up by February 5th at www.avainasunnot.fi/meetnmingle. Act fast, the capacity is limited!

We are currently searching for summer workers for property maintenance, customer service and construction and administration tasks. You can read more on our summer jobs at: www.avainasunnot.fi/rekrytointi

Avain Yhtiöt is a Finnish consortium, specializing in producing living and housing services, construction, landlord services and renovations. The consortium owns over 7000 apartments and aims to build 1000 new ones a year in central growth areas around Finland. www.avainasunnot.fi





4. AMCA Spring 2018 Kick-Off: Brave New Ways of Learning 9.2.

Join us at the first major event this year hosted by AMCA. Brave New Ways of Learning gathers together amazing speakers and representatives from the corporate world.

Our panel includes:

Vesa Perälä – Founder at Claned, AI digital learning platform
Outi Sivonen – Head of People Development at Finnair
Juuso Laatikainen – Director at Strategy&
Outi Olkkola – HR Business Partner at Dentsu Aegis Network
Roope Takala – Head of Innovation Program at Nokia

Come and enjoy the panel discussion, network with companies and learn more about the student consulting program that AMCA has prepared for the coming year!

Make sure to reserve your seat by registering: https://goo.gl/forms/QxwP4QxfH9QyxBgb2

WHAT: AMCA Kick-Off Spring 2018 Event
WHEN: February 9th, 2018, from 17:30 to 21:30
WHERE: Aalto Design Factory – the Stage; Betonimiehenkuja 5 C, 02150 Espoo, Finland

Follow our Facebook event for future updates: https://m.facebook.com/events/142803566404514?acontext=%7B%22ref%22%3A%2298%22%2C%22action_history%22%3A%22null%22%7D&aref=98

See you on February 9th!


5. Gravitaatio 2018 13.2.

The traditional afterparty of the Shrove Tuesday madness – Gravitaatio in Apollo Helsinki! Stop shivering from the cold and come enjoy the hot winds of Gravitaatio, when the atmosphere is raised to the roof by RosvoSektori and Petri Nygård in the biggest interdisciplinary student party of the beginning of the year!

What: Gravitaatio 2018
Where: Apollo Live Club
When: Shrove Tuesday, 13th Feb, from 20:00 to 04:00
How: Tickets in advance €13 bailataan.fi €13.50. At the entrance €15
Why: The biggest student party of the beginning of the year. Incredible artists and the official afterparty! You don’t want to miss this!

Tickets are sold at: https://bailataan.fi/#!/events/2b275ccf-3db1-4b79-8254-8e8482a2fb05

In collaboration with VT, Julkku and RWBK!

NB! The age limit is 18.





6. Registration for the Aalto 10K and Espoon Rantamaraton starts on February 12th at 9:00

The traditional Aalto 10K and Aalto 5K sports day will be held on Sunday, the 19th of September 2018!

Aalto 10K and Aalto 5K is a free sports day for Aalto people. You can run, jog, walk, or Nordic walk the distance of your choice. This year, Aalto 10K will be held already for the ninth time!

Aalto 10K/5k is part of the Espoon Rantamaraton marathon event. The marathon and half-marathon will be run on Saturday, the 15th of September 2018.

The first 40 persons to sign up get free entry to the marathon! After the free spots have been taken, Aalto members can sign up for the marathon at a discounted price, 40 €/person.

Date: Aalto 10K/Aalto 5K on Sunday, the 16th of September 2018, 11:00-15:00
Espoo Rantamaraton on Saturday, the 15th September 2018, starts at 12:00
Location: All distanecs start from Otaniemenranta in Otaniemi, Espoo, on the shore of Laajalahti.

Sign up starting on the 12th of February: https://www.rantamaraton.fi/aaltokymppi/

More information on the event and free code to the marathon from Into:

Registration starts on Monday, the the 12th of February at 9:00.

Registration ends on Sunday, the 9th of September 2018, at 23:59.


7. Taekwon-Do beginners course together with the Helsinki University

The Helsinki University Taekwon-do association organizes a course open to all Helsinki and Aalto University students and staff, aimed towards beginners, during the spring of 2018. The first practice session was held on the 21th of January, but there is still room and you are free to join in during February too!

The course practices are held at the Unidojo at Töölö, situated at Pohjoinen Hesperiankatu 25. The training times are as follows:

Wed 16:10-17:30
Sun 12:00-13:00

The cost of the course is 50€ including the belt trial fee, but trying the sport during February is free. The course lasts until the end of the spring semester. After the course, the hobby is easy to continue in the association training sessions.

Taekwon-do is a Korean martial art, where you utilize the entire body in defensive and offensive ways. The strength of taekwon-do is especially in using the legs and feet in different kinds of kick techniques. Taekwon-do is suitable for men and women of all ages, regardless of sports background. The training develops physical characteristics like coordination, agility, mobility and basic health and improves focus, persistence and self-esteem in facing and overcoming challenges.

More info in the course’s Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1778307398860410/


8. Aalto-Basket is looking for players

Aalto-Basket’s men’s 2nd and 3rd team play in the regional 5th division. We are looking for new players, so if you’re interested to find a new team and have played basketball previously, send an email to office@aaltobasket.fi and tell us about your background in basketball. After this, the contact persons for the teams will contact you.

Aalto-Basket also has a women’s team, which you can contact through the same email: office@aaltobasket.fi.





9. Chamber choir Dissonanssi is looking for new altos and tenors to join the choir

Are you an enthusiastic singer? Would you like to sing in a choir? Our small mixed choir is easily approachable and there are no strict auditions to fear. If you have even a bit of experience in choir singing or a generally good singing voice, then you’ll be fine. We practice on Tuesdays at the machine technology building from 6 pm to 8 pm.

If you’re interested, fill up the form: https://bit.ly/dissonanssi and we’ll contact you!

You can find more info about the choir on our website: https://dissonanssi.ayy.fi/





10. “Valoa kohti” retreat day at the Otaniemi chapel on February 25th from 10:00 to 16:00

Give time to yourself, your thoughts and your feelings. You are welcome to rest at the retreat day. The Otaniemi chapel, a warm lunch, retreat instructors and other guests are waiting for you.

During the retreat day, you get to close your phone and push aside everything that reminds you of work or studies. The journey is undertaken together but singularly, each in their own way. The participants take a mutual pledge of silence during the retreat.

The retreat is mainly meant for students and members of staff.

The day includes a soup lunch and coffee with dessert. The price is 5€ for students, 10€ for staff.

More info: retreat instructors Margit Peltovirta and Anu Morikawa, firstname.surname(at)evl.fi

Sign up by February 19th at: https://espoonseurakunnat-ilmo.service.innofactor.com/enrolmentclient/form.aspx?Key=71CBE26F9576D7D0B762B1DEE507B11E


11. Blood donations at Dipoli, 8th of February

Come to the Palaver hall at Dipoli on Thursday, the 8th of February between 11:00 and 16:00 to donate blood and save lives!

You can donate if you are in normal good health, between 18 and 70 years of age and weigh at least 50 kilograms. New donors must be under 60, and persons over 66 years of age must have donated blood less than two years ago.

More information from the free information number 0800 0 5801 or from the internet at www.veripalvelu.fi and www.sovinkoluovuttajaksi.fi

The Dipoli event will start the spring’s #LuovutusAalto blood donation campaign.

Remember to take an official photographic identification with you! Welcome!





12. Used audio, lights, video recording and other electronics and paraphernalia sale and handout to associations at the OUBS Studio on February 6th

OUBS ry is selling and giving away unused electronics and other equipment belonging to them or under their governance to associations within AYY’s sphere of influence!

Things are sold or given as they are, without guarantees or rights of return. No prior reservations and not for resellers. Both private individuals and representatives of associations may attend the event.

Some of the equipment can be found in the photos, but please note that the photos have been taken before the previous event for associations. All equipment found in the pictures are therefore no longer available. The photos can be found at: https://files.oubs.fi/index.php/s/S2dBsLuBAsLYsSI. All rights to changes reserved.

The event is held at the OUBS Studio in the Jämeräntaival 1 cellar, Tuesday 6th of February, from 17:00 to 19:30.

Tilaisuus järjestetään OUBS:n Studiolla Jämeräntaival 1:n kellarissa tiistaina 6.2. klo 17.00–19.30.


13. Aalto Formula Team ry is now established. Join us!

Aalto Formula Team ry (AFT) is a new association which aims to combine students of different majors to design and build an electric Formula Student racing car. The aim is to join the competition during the 2019 season, so everyone is needed.

The member base is already comprised of students of different fields of expertise, but a great project needs experts from all fields, regardless of their year of study. Everyone will have enough stuff to do. Currently we are working towards finding enough cooperation companies to support our activities and are negotiating with the different faculties of the University for support. There is a chance to get study credits for the project, for example!

Interested? Join up and fill the form behind the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdoKi2oOLhCs4iUUofxACSmtvKTdp1m8AiXJxQfU9Xfshhgeg/viewform

More info on Formula Student here: https://www.formulastudent.de/about/concept/

The 2018 membership fee is 1€.


14. Espoo is searching for a street art project for the Alberganportti underpass – join the competition!

Do you want to influence the Leppävaara streetscape through art? Join the open street art competition, organized by the city of Espoo to find a suitable a piece of art for the Alberganportti underpass.

The City of Espoo is organizing an open-for-everyone street art competition, used to search for suggestions for pieces of art for the Alberganportti underpass in Leppävaara. The underpass, about 18 meters long, is a part of the Alberganpromenadi light traffic channel, going under Leppävaarankatu.

The aim is to find a piece that fits the place best. The proposed piece should transform the current gray atmosphere of the underpass to something positive. In the best case scenario, the work would merge into the Leppävaara scene and atmosphere seamlessly to add to the identity of the area.

The winner will receive an award of 3500 euros, and there will be three nominations of merit for 500 euros each. The winning work will be undertaken during the spring and summer of 2018. The nominations must be left by 26th of February by mail or email.

More info: www.espoo.fi/streetartcompetition


15. PSK Kupla SCUBA basic course for 2018 begins in February

The SCUBA basic course, LSPK, is aimed towards anyone interested in diving. The course teaches basic skills and gives good grounds to practice diving safely both Finland and abroad within the limits set by the course.

Passing the course qualifies participants for a CMAS* card and a diving certification that permits you to dive to 15-20 meters. The classification is the same as for example PADI OWD.

The information lecture is held on Thursday, the 15th of February at 17:30 at the Otaniemi Kammio, i.e. the Kupla clubroom at Jämeräntaival 1 (next to the Teekkari car club).

Sign up now:

More info: https://kupla.org/blog/2018/lspk2018/
Signups: https://goo.gl/forms/I9lWi5CpK4gkesWD2
NB! Signups are verified at the info lecture on February 15th!



16. The Teekkari Sailors’ inshore and coastal navigation courses are here again!

If you are interested in the challenges, speed and laid-back life of sailing, the best way to start learning is to join our navigation classes!

The inshore navigation course starts on Tuesday, the 20th of February at 17:30– 20:00, and the coastal navigation course on Thursday, the 1st of March at the same time. Both courses finish on Friday, the 20th of April with a final exam from 18:00 to 22:00. Both courses cost 75 €/course, or 45€ for the exam alone.

More information and signups at:
Inshore: https://trip.ayy.fi/wordpress/?page_id=211
Coastal: https://trip.ayy.fi/wordpress/?page_id=214

Also check out our website: http://trip.ayy.fi/


17. The Guild of Electrical Engineering is looking for a designer to renew its brand identity

Aalto University’s Guild of Electrical Engineering is looking for a designer to renew its brand identity. The work includes subjects such as a new visual identity and templates for communication in different media. The work begins immediately and will be completed during the spring.

If you are interested, send your application, CV and portfolio to tuomas.isola@aalto.fi by Sunday, February 18th. The commission will be agreed upon according to the job description. The position will be filled once a suitable applicant has been found.

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