Weekly Newsletter 7/2018

This is the AYY weekly newsletter 7/2018. You can find news concerning AYY, its associations and sections in this newsletter, in addition to other useful information.


Grab your sleds and head to Ullanlinnanmäki – it’s Shrove Tuesday tomorrow! There’s reason to celebrate even after Tuesday, as the program for the week also includes Valentine’s Day and Chinese New Year. Check below for more tips for the upcoming week!


If you want your own piece to be a part of the weekly newsletter, send it in its finalized form to tiedotteet@ayy.fi by Thursday 10:00 if you want it out the following week.

The association information can be found in the association newsletter. Read it at: /en/associations/association-newsletter


Week 7

14.2. Ristin kilta: Game Night /blog/events/ristin-kilta-peli-ilta-9/
14.2. ESN Helsinki Valentine’s Day Party /blog/events/esn-helsinki-valentines-day-party/
15.2. PSK Kupla SCUBA diving basic course 2018 /blog/events/lspk2018/
18.2. ESN Aalto Dinner in the Dark /blog/events/esn-aalto-dinner-in-the-dark-2/

Week 8

21.2. Ristin kilta: Alderman Night /blog/events/ristin-kilta-oltermanni-ilta/
24.2. Kemistikilta ry: Kondensatio 127 /blog/events/kondensatio-127/



  1. Come work at AYY!


  1. Summer Jobs at Tieto in Finland Now Open


  1. Laskiaisrieha and Laskiaisappro 2018 on February 13th
  2. Gravitaatio 2018 13.2.
  3. Aalto Chinese Spring Festival 15.2. – register before 14.2.
  4. WinterÖLympics 21st February
  5. Spend a Day in Tallinn Listening to World-class ML Practitioners 8.3.


  1. Otanko Double Tricks Workshop
  2. Aalto-Basket is looking for players


  1. 85 years of Retuperä on April 27th


  1. Mindfulness in Stress Management workshop


  1. Young people and the future of the EU –participate in the survey!
  2. The Guild of Electrical Engineering is looking for a designer to renew its brand identity
  3. The Teekkari Sailors’ inshore and coastal navigation courses are here again!





1. Come work at AYY!

AYY is currently looking for a Housing Secretary.

As the Housing Secretary, you are an important part of a team that does its part to make our Student Union’s vision a reality: AYY – The best student living in the world. The Housing Secretaries help our members in issues related to housing, handle apartment applications, draft rental agreements and participate in producing and developing AYY’s member services in various ways.

The application period for the job ends on the 27th of February 2018 at 12:00 noon.

For more information on the task, please visit /en/student-union/vacancies/housing-secretary/





2. Summer Jobs at Tieto in Finland Now Open

Tieto has several summer trainee positions open again across Finland in Espoo, Kuopio, Tampere and Oulu.

The application period started on Thursday, February 1st and is open until February 22nd.

Most summer jobs will start in the beginning of June and last until the end of August. Application period 1.–22.2.2018.

If you want to spend your next summer working in the ever-inspiring IT industry with great colleagues, check out Tieto’s summer job opportunities now! www.tieto.fi/kesätyö

You can follow us on…
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tietocorp
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tieto/
and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TietoCorporation?_rdr=p
…to learn more about what we do.

#tietolife #summerjob





3. Laskiaisrieha and Laskiaisappro 2018 on February 13th

Tomorrow, on the 13th of February, is Shrove Tuesday, and that means fun and wintery activities in the form of the Laskiaisrieha!  You still have time to find something that passes for a sled, put on your overalls and head on over to Kaivopuisto park, Helsinki!

The Laskiaisirieha starts officially at 12:00 noon. The main act of the day, ABB Academic Downhill Race, starts at 14:00. Cheer your favorite team towards victory as they pilot their home-made sleds down the Ullanlinnanmäki hillside in the hope of winning the grand prize!

The awards ceremony for the Academic Downhill Race will take place approximately at 15:00. After the Laskiaisrieha, it’s time for the Laskiaisappro pub crawl organized by Vapaateekkarit, starting at 16:00. The Laskiaisrieha also officially ends at 16:00.

Remember to wear plenty of warm clothing underneath your overalls!

If you are one of the lucky persons who managed to get a ticket for the Laskiaisappro, be sure to follow the event closely on social media to stay up-to-date on the latest information! You can exchange your appro tickets for checkpoint maps at Ullanlinnanmäki starting at 15:00. You can exchange your maps for an overall patch in front of the Apollo Live Club, in the courtyard of the Forum shopping center, at 20:00–21:30.

Follow the event on social media!
Laskiaisrieha on FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/1992148971060250/
Laskiaisappro on FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/1707713842614342/
Laskiaisrieha on IG: https://www.instagram.com/laskiaisrieha/

Laskiaisrieha and Laskiaisappro on Facebook and Instagram!

With: ABB, TEK, Tallink Silja and AYY!

#Laskiaisrieha18 #Laskiaisappro18 #LR18


What? Laskiaisrieha 2018, the best party ever! Laskiaisappro 2018, the best preparty for Gravitaatio!
Where? Kaivopuisto, Helsinki
When? Shrove Tuesday, 13th February at 12:00-16:00
How? Ticket sales at www.bailataan.fi
Why? The best outdoor student event of the winter!

P.S. Help us keep the park clean by picking up your trash. Thanks!


4. Gravitaatio 2018 13.2.

The traditional afterparty of the Shrove Tuesday madness – Gravitaatio in Apollo Helsinki! Stop shivering from the cold and come enjoy the hot winds of Gravitaatio, when the atmosphere is raised to the roof by RosvoSektori and Petri Nygård in the biggest interdisciplinary student party of the beginning of the year!

What: Gravitaatio 2018
Where: Apollo Live Club
When: Shrove Tuesday, 13th Feb, from 20:00 to 04:00
How: Tickets in advance €13 bailataan.fi €13.50. At the entrance €15
Why: The biggest student party of the beginning of the year. Incredible artists and the official afterparty! You don’t want to miss this!

Tickets are sold at: https://bailataan.fi/#!/events/2b275ccf-3db1-4b79-8254-8e8482a2fb05

In collaboration with VT, Julkku and RWBK!

NB! The age limit is 18.


5. Aalto Chinese Spring Festival 15.2. – register before 14.2.

Have you always wondered what is it like to spend Chinese New Year with the Chinese? Or wanted to learn Chinese handcraft, such as Chinese knots, Chinese paper cutting, or making dumplings? Now you have a great opportunity to try all that out!

CSSA-Aalto is arranging a Chinese New Year event on 15.2. 16:00-21:00. Spring Festival is the biggest festival in China, and we want to celebrate it together with you! The event will also feature traditional Chinese performances and cultural accessories.

More information on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/447211132360465/

WHEN? 15.2.2018 16:00–21:00
HOW MUCH? Depends on whether you are eating the dinner
WHERE? Design Factory
WHO? Anyone who is interested in Chinese culture and wants to make new friends!
HOW? Registration information on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/447211132360465/


6. WinterÖLympics 21st February

Did your national Olympic team forget to invite you to South Korea? Do you still want to experience the adrenaline of climbing to the top of the podium? Well, the solution is here! Koneinsinöörikilta and NESU-KY are organizing the official WinterÖLympics!

More information on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/323890501462467/


7. Spend a Day in Tallinn Listening to World-class ML Practitioners 8.3.

First ML technical conference in the region is taking place on March 8 in Tallinn.

The schedule is packed with cool content from global technology companies and startups. For example, CTO of Anaconda (the company behind numpy, scipy, bokeh, etc), DL&ML scientists from Microsoft, Curious AI, DataRobot, Princeton, local leaders like CTO of Starship, and many more.

Get your tickets early via https://aiconf.tech/ Use code: Northstar4UHelsinki for -25% discount.

Check out who is going on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/177794326299229/





8. Otanko Double Tricks Workshop

Otanko is arranging the super popular Valentine’s Day double tricks workshops again.

The workshops will be held on the 14th and 21th of February at 18.15-19.15. Bring your valentine along or come alone and we’ll fix you up with a partner. The event is open for everyone! You don’t need prior pole dance experience to attend.

Sign up here: https://otanko.ayy.fi/?page_id=52


9. Aalto-Basket is looking for players

Aalto-Basket’s men’s 2nd and 3rd team play in the regional 5th division. We are looking for new players, so if you’re interested to find a new team and have played basketball previously, send an email to office@aaltobasket.fi and tell us about your background in basketball. After this, the contact persons for the teams will contact you.

Aalto-Basket also has a women’s team, which you can contact through the same email: office@aaltobasket.fi.





10. 85 years of Retuperä on April 27th

The Retuperä Voluntary Fire Brigade’s brassica band answers the call of duty and steps up on the Savoy Theatre’s stage in Helsinki on Friday, the 27th of April 2018 to celebrate its 85-year-long battle against public decency.

Xylitolist Duracell Rummukainen and Conductor Torturo Canini ensure that everyone gets in a festive spirit.

The concert will take a look at Retuperä’s concert music history and feature a selection of ISO-000132-approved jokes, as well as amazing feats of strength by prospective members

Concert tickets are 15 euros a piece for students (30 euros for graduates).

Tickets are available at lippu.fi starting on Tuesday, the 13th of February from 9:00.





11. Mindfulness in Stress Management workshop

Need help to lower stress, anxiety or tension? Come join us in an eight-session mindfulness workshop, which aims to integrate mindfulness training as a part of the participants’ everyday life.

Mindfulness is acceptable conscious existing. Frequent mindfulness training is known to lower stress and anxiety. The training is a way to increase knowledge of oneself, improve focus and to learn how to monitor and regulate your feelings.

The workshops are held on Mondays from 14:00 to 16:00, from the 19th of February until the 16th of April (no workshop on the 2nd of April), class M140, Otakaari 1. The workshop is in Finnish.

More information: https://mycourses.aalto.fi/course/view.php?id=19282.





12. Young people and the future of the EU –participate in the survey!

The European Union is planning a new youth strategy that affects young people, youth organizations and the youth sector all over Europe. To do this, the EU wants to hear the opinions of young people and to organize surveys in all of the member countries, with tens of thousands of young people taking part in the surveys. This time, the topic of the survey is “Young People and the Future of the EU”.

In Finland, the survey is organized by Finnish Youth Cooperation – Allianssi. All young people born between 1987 and 2002 can answer the survey. All participants also take part in a lottery, the prizes of which are two iPads and ten movie tickets for Finnkino movie theaters.

You can find the survey here: www.alli.fi/dialogi2018

You can answer the questions either in Finnish, Swedish or English. The reply period ends on Monday, the 19th of February at 12:00 noon.


13. The Guild of Electrical Engineering is looking for a designer to renew its brand identity

Aalto University’s Guild of Electrical Engineering is looking for a designer to renew its brand identity. The work includes subjects such as a new visual identity and templates for communication in different media. The work begins immediately and will be completed during the spring.

If you are interested, send your application, CV and portfolio to tuomas.isola@aalto.fi by Sunday, February 18th. The commission will be agreed upon according to the job description. The position will be filled once a suitable applicant has been found.


14. The Teekkari Sailors’ inshore and coastal navigation courses are here again!

If you are interested in the challenges, speed and laid-back life of sailing, the best way to start learning is to join our navigation classes!

The inshore navigation course starts on Tuesday, the 20th of February at 17:30– 20:00, and the coastal navigation course on Thursday, the 1st of March at the same time. Both courses finish on Friday, the 20th of April with a final exam from 18:00 to 22:00. Both courses cost 75 €/course, or 45€ for the exam alone.

More information and signups at:
Inshore: https://trip.ayy.fi/wordpress/?page_id=211
Coastal: https://trip.ayy.fi/wordpress/?page_id=214

Also check out our website: http://trip.ayy.fi/

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