Weekly Newsletter 9/2018

This is the AYY weekly newsletter 9/2018. You can find news concerning AYY, its associations and sections in this newsletter, in addition to other useful information.


A sunny week to everyone! This week, we would like to remind all AYY’s members about participating in the #LuovutusAalto blood donation campaign. We kicked the campaign off with a bang, so let’s keep the good pace up until the end! A big thank you to all the life savers who have already taken part in the campaign!


If you want your own piece to be a part of the weekly newsletter, send it in its finalized form to tiedotteet@ayy.fi by Thursday 10:00 if you want it out the following week.

The association information can be found in the association newsletter. Read it at: /en/associations/association-newsletter


Week 9

1.3.The Teekkari Sailors’ inshore navigation course starts /blog/events/teekkaripurjehtijoiden-rannikkolaivurikurssi-alkaa/

Week 10

7.3. Ristin kilta: Heidi Zitting – Ecumenism /blog/events/ristin-kilta-heidi-zitting-ekumeniasta/
8.3. Women of Aalto & Teekkaritytöt Kick Off /blog/events/women-of-aalto-teekkaritytot-kick-off/



  1. Housing regulations to change on March 1st
  2. Survey about sexual harassment in the Aalto University, answer by the 12th of March
  3. Register to Autonappi, use the shared communal car for a discounted price
  4. The #LuovutusAalto campaign is under way – secure the victory for your association
  5. Gather a team to hack for better financial wellbeing!


  1. AYY is looking for interns
  2. A summer job that sounds good – Avain Meet & Mingle event at the Avain Sauna on the 8th of March at 17:00


  1. Beer ‘n’ Bible at restaurant Fat Lizard on the 28th of February at 17:30
  2. Campus Sauna on the 5th of March
  3. Women of Aalto & Teekkaritytöt unite – Join our growing network! Kick Off 8.3.
  4. Study Abroad with InnoEnergy!
  5. Fulbright Forum Explores 21st Century Education, Arctic Health, and Innovative Energy Solutions 15.–16.3.


  1. Find yourself through creative writing! Creative writing afternoons at the Otaniemi Chapel in spring 2018


  1. Take the OHO! project survey about the accessibility of higher education
  2. BEST Summer courses’ application begins





1. Housing regulations to change on March 1st

The AYY Representative Council decided at its meeting on Thursday, the 22nd of February 2018, about changes to the Housing Regulations. The changes relate particularly to the conditions about the period of validity of the housing applications, reacting to housing offers, and the secondary leasing of apartments. The new Housing Regulations will enter into force on the 1st of March 2018, so now is a good time to check how the changes may affect your housing situation.

Read more: /en/blog/2018/02/26/new-housing-regulations-enter-into-force-on-the-1st-of-march-2018/


2. Survey about sexual harassment in the Aalto University, answer by the 12th of March

Helsingin tutkijanaiset ry is looking into the experiences of students and staff about sexual harassment in the Aalto University. Harassment includes e.g. intentional or unintentional actions, speech or text that the other party considers unpleasant.

All Aalto University students and staff members can respond to the survey. You can fill out the survey anonymously if you want to. The collected material is processed by the Board of Helsingin tutkijanaiset to promote anti-harassment work.

If you so wish, you can also authorize your response to be used for research purposes, in which case Helsingin tutkijanaiset commits to adhere to the instructions given by the Finnish Advisory Board on Research Integrity regarding good scientific practice.

The purpose of the survey is to gather information about harassment experiences in universities, and it is not a channel for obtaining personal help for the situation.

If you want to talk about improper behavior that you have e experienced or witnessed, you can contact AYY’s trained harassment contact persons Minna Mäkitalo, hairinta-nainen@ayy.fi, or Lauri Jurvanen, hairinta-mies@ayy.fi. The contacts are confidential and no action is taken without your consent.

Answer the survey here: http://blogs.helsinki.fi/tutkijanaiset/2018/01/24/seksuaalinen-hairinta-yliopistoissa-sexuella-trakasserier-vid-universitet-sexual-harassment-in-universities


3. Register to Autonappi, use the shared communal car for a discounted price

The locking system of AYY’s shared communal car has been renewed. The Autonappi application can now be used for everything from booking the car to unlocking the doors.

Until March 31st, new users can use the car without the hourly fee for the first two hours, which means that the price is only 15 cents per kilometer.

Download the free Autonappi application, register with your aalto.fi email address and use the code Aalto_student. Using the car costs 8€/hour for AYY members (up to a maximum of 38€/day) + 15 cents per kilometer. You can book the car for a minimum of 1 hour and a maximum of 3 days.

Read more about booking the shared communal car here: /jasenille/palvelut/tilojen-vuokraaminen/yhteiskayttoauto/


4. The #LuovutusAalto campaign is under way – secure the victory for your association

The Aalto University Student Union challenges all associations active within its sphere of influence to donate blood for the #LuovutusAalto campaign.

The campaign started with a bang at the Dipoli blood donation event, where AYY’s associations made a total of 49 donations. But not to worry: you still have plenty of time to rack up donations for your association and secure the victory! The campaign runs until the 6th of April, and associations with the most donations will receive a free sauna night at one of AYY’s sauna facilities.

Read the participation instructions and donate: /en/blog/2018/02/01/luovutusaalto-is-here-again-blood-donation-campaign-between-february-8th-and-april-6th-2018/

FB event: https://www.facebook.com/events/143681462965475/


5. Gather a team to hack for better financial wellbeing!

Intrum is aspiring to improve individual customers’ financial wellbeing. We open up the challenge to the community of bright minds and skillful professionals and invite you to take part in a hackathon, arranged in partnership with Tieto. Together we would like to explore how to create the best experience based on the insights from the data in combination with creative approach and out-of-box thinking.

Check out the invitation video here: https://youtu.be/YrEkX6QF_8Y

Get your team together and join us in creating radical innovations that help people to manage their own personal economy. We’ll support you along the way with mentorship, insights, data and tools. The top teams are rewarded with prizes.

HACKATHON DATE: April 11-12, 2018
PLACE: Tieto Keilalahti Campus, Espoo, Finland

Website: https://campaigns.tieto.com/intrumhack
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/143400566332422/




6. AYY is looking for interns

AYY is looking for one to three interns for the summer of 2018. The interns’ work tasks can be related, for example, to organizational development, automation, archiving, or the development of student well-being.

The internship is paid and will take place between April and August. If none of the tasks available don’t seem to suit you, you can also suggest a new type of job – we are happy to hear new ideas.

We will fill the positions as soon as we find the suitable candidates. Check out the job descriptions and application instructions from the link below.



7. A summer job that sounds good – Avain Meet & Mingle event at the Avain Sauna on the 8th of March at 17:00

Seize the opportunity and spend an unforgettable summer at Avain Yhtiöt! Welcome to the Avain Meet & Mingle event to hear about the operations of Avain Yhtiöt, summer job opportunities and staff career paths. There will be light snacks and a sauna at the event.

All participants take part in a raffle, and the grand prize is a 100€ gift certificate to Gigantti!

The event is hosted on the 8th of March at 17:00 at Avain Sauna, at Otaranta 8E.
Sign up by the 7th of March by 15:00 at www.avainasunnot.fi/meetnmingle. Act fast, as the capacity is limited!

We are currently searching for summer workers for e.g. property maintenance, customer service and construction and administration tasks.

You can read more on our summer jobs at: www.avainasunnot.fi/rekrytointi

Avain Yhtiöt is a Finnish corporation specialized in the production of apartments and housing services, construction contracting, housing management and renovations. The corporation owns more than 7 000 apartments, and its goal is to build 1 000 new apartments yearly to Finland’s central growth areas. www.avainasunnot.fi




8. Beer ‘n’ Bible at restaurant Fat Lizard on the 28th of February at 17:30

“When I preach, I preach so that even a 7-year-old child can understand it. But when me and Master Melanchthon drink beer in the cellar and talk about theology, even God up in Heaven is astonished by our learning.”- Martin Luther (1483-1546)

Join the discussion, learn new things and get to know to new people! We are hosting an easily accessible Bible circle for students and young adults at the Fat Lizard restaurant on the last Wednesday of each month at 17:30.

Spring 2018 meetings: 28th February, 28th March, 25th April and 30th May.

The restaurant is located a stone’s throw from the Aalto University metro station, and it is easy to find and serves food and drink. The masterminds behind the Bible circle are lovers of beer and the Bible from Tapiola, Stina and Ilmar Metsalo. The Aalto chaplains and the Tapiola parish are also involved.

More information from Aalto chaplain Marjut Mulari: marjut.mulari@evl.fi / 050 365 2256


9. Campus Sauna on the 5th of March

Väre is coming! The Otaniemi campus is growing and developing!

But what does this mean in practice? Come hear more at the Campus Section’s campus sauna on Monday, the 5th of March at 16:30, at the Rantasauna!

The presentations will be held in English. After presenting the projects, we can enjoy good company, discussions and the warm sauna. So be equipped with a towel! The Campus Section will offer tasty snacks for everyone.


16.30 Snacks
17.00 Eetu Ristaniemi, Aalto University Campus & Real Estate: “The big picture of campus development and new plans ”
18.00 Sari Dhima, One Campus project: “Väre”
19.00 Sauna and free activities

WHAT: Campus Sauna: Väre & Campus Development
WHERE: Rantasauna, Otaniemi
WHEN: Monday 5th of March at 16:30
TO WHOM: Everyone interested in the Otaniemi campus development
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/events/217878338766582/


10. Women of Aalto & Teekkaritytöt unite – Join our growing network! Kick Off 8.3.

The winds of change are blowing and it’s time to welcome the new exciting times for Women of Aalto and Teekkaritytöt with our first Kick Off & Annual General Meeting together on March 8th, the International Women’s Day!

This spring and the following year, we want to emphasize diversity – how it benefits us all and how to work with diversified groups of people efficiently. What better way to start this than unifying our powers with Women of Aalto and Teekkaritytöt! Together, we have the honour of hearing what our guest speaker from Accenture has learned of the topic.

After Accenture’s presentation, we have time for open discussion and free mingling before the annual general meeting. This is your place and time to really get to know to Women of Aalto and Accenture. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with your future colleagues! We are looking for new board members that are willing to keep developing the women’s network in the Aalto community. If you are interested, we are more than happy to tell you more about Women of Aalto!

On top of all and to make the event even more enjoyable, we are happy to offer you drinks and snacks! For more information, check out the event’s Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/744240275775830/

The event is for all Aalto students and it will be held in English.

WHAT: Women of Aalto Kick Off & AGM
WHEN: Thursday 8.3.2018 at 18:00
WHERE: Atlantinkatu 7A, Rooftop Sauna Lounge
SIGN UP: https://goo.gl/forms/G9tmGYKhIMgTNUmC2
HOW MUCH: Free of charge (no-show fee €5)

In case of cancellation, please contact us by March 4th at the latest so we can give your spot to someone else.


11. Study Abroad with InnoEnergy!

Are you interested in studying possibilities abroad?
Want to become more international?
Did you hear that there is free food?

Register yourself to an info event about studying abroad organized together by BEST Helsinki, InnoEnergy and Aalto University Learning and Career Services.

The event is held 8th of March 16:00–18:00 at the Harald Herlin Learning Center (Otaniementie 9, Espoo)

The event is open to all Aalto students! But please register and tell us you are coming, so we can reserve enough snacks and drinks. The main language of the event is English.

BEST Helsinki is currently working under Mosaic, the international section of Aalto University Student Union. We have a team of 25 active members who run the Local BEST Group (Board of European Students of Technology) and its events, such as the annual academic courses.

InnoEnergy is a company aiming at increasing sustainable growth and competitiveness of the energy sector across Europe.

We will also have Börje Helenius from Aalto University School of Engineering giving info on applying to International Master’s Programs.

Aalto University Career Services will also tell us about international traineeship possibilities and the GoingGlobal service!

After the event you are welcome to join an evening hangaround with BEST Helsinki at our renovated clubroom starting at 18.30!

Register here: http://goo.gl/k9ojPa

For more info of the event contact: Ville Alasalmi (+358402715327) ville.alasalmi@best.eu.org

WHAT: The Study Abroad! event
WHEN: 8.3.2018 at 16:00–18:00
WHERE: Harald Herlin Learning Center, Otaniementie 9, Espoo
WHY: Because of all the possibilities!


12. Fulbright Forum Explores 21st Century Education, Arctic Health, and Innovative Energy Solutions 15.–16.3.

“Fulbright Forum 2018: Education, Innovation, Science and Art” at the University of Helsinki and Aalto University on March 15–16, 2018 provides a unique opportunity to hear about the research and projects that the current American Fulbright scholars, teachers, and graduate students are doing in Finland.

Join us for the whole seminar or pop in for the presentation of your choice. The event is open to the public and free of charge. The presentations are in English.

Check out the seminar program: http://www.fulbright.fi/en/fulbright-forum





13. Find yourself through creative writing! Creative writing afternoons at the Otaniemi Chapel in spring 2018

Come and join the creative writing afternoons at the Otaniemi Chapel! The goal of the afternoons is to:

– Create joy, new perspectives and self-knowledge through creative writing.

– Support Aalto University students and staff in personal growth and development.

The themes of the afternoons are (registration link for each afternoon can be found below):

Self-knowledge 14th March at 15:00-17:30 http://bit.ly/2E8Hl21
My Wisdom 28th March at 15:00-17:30 http://bit.ly/2nMhpz8
Dreams 11th April at 15:00-17:30 http://bit.ly/2E7sx3w

The events are gentle and empowering. They consist of writing, discussions and silence.

You can participate in one, two or three events according to your schedule and interest. Participation is free. Coffee and tea are served. Every afternoon has room for max. 15 participants. Sign up by clicking on the afternoons’ themes. Please sign up separately each time.

A creative and warm welcome!

Organizer: MA, author and trainer Mertzi Bergman. He has published books on creativity and inspiration. In addition to his university degree (MA) and writing, Bergman has also studied topics such as mindfulness, art therapy, clownery, tantra, psychodrama, NLP, coaching, solution-oriented work control, standup, empowering photography and improvisation.

The creative writing afternoons are made possible by the Tapiola parish, accompanied by Aalto chaplain Marjut Mulari.




14. Take the OHO! project survey about the accessibility of higher education

A part of The Ministry of Education and Culture-funded OHO! project is examining the accessibility of higher education.

The accessibility of higher education illustrates how the environment and the operational culture of higher education institutions support the students’ participation and equality.

Link to questionnaire: https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/E47E4D95ABC8734E


15. BEST Summer courses’ application begins

This summer, BEST (Board of European Students of Technology) brings to you courses around Europe.

In these courses, you’ll get to attend lectures, given by the university’s teaching staff or by experts from companies, on Technology, Career-related Skills, and Applied Engineering. After the lectures, you’ll also take part in evening programmes, designed for you, to get a taste of the LBG (Local BEST Group) – that hosts you – and the local culture.

These courses are about one week long. They cost up to 50€, including accommodation and food.

Application deadline: March 19th 2018, 00:00

For more information about the courses and FAQs, visit https://besthelsinki.fi/en/courses/application/

WHAT: Summer courses’ application begins
WHEN: Feb 18th, 2018
WHERE: https://best.eu.org/courses

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