Weekly Newsletter 10/2018

This is the AYY weekly newsletter 10/2018. You can find news concerning AYY, its associations and sections in this newsletter, in addition to other useful information.


This week’s newsletter is guaranteed to have something for everyone. Grab your calendars and mark down the summer job searches, the best events in March, culture nights, contests and summer courses. Have an active week – let’s enjoy the winter while it still lasts!


If you want your own piece to be a part of the weekly newsletter, send it in its finalized form to tiedotteet@ayy.fi by Thursday 10:00 if you want it out the following week.

The association information can be found in the association newsletter. Read it at: /en/associations/association-newsletter


Week 10

7.3. Ristin kilta: Heidi Zitting – Ecumenism /blog/events/ristin-kilta-heidi-zitting-ekumeniasta/
8.3. Women of Aalto & Teekkaritytöt Kick Off /blog/events/women-of-aalto-teekkaritytot-kick-off/

Week 11

11.3. Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Tournament – Murskaveljekset V /blog/events/murskaveljekset-v/
14.3. Ristin kilta: Raimo Goyarrola – The Catholic Church and Ecumenism /blog/events/ristin-kilta-raimo-goyarrola-katolinen-kirkko-ja-ekumenia/



  1. The Housing Regulations have been updated
  2. University strike on the 7th of March
  3. Suggest a recipient for the AYY acknowledgement reward
  4. New faces at AYY’s Office
  5. Foundation for Aalto University Science and Technology: Collaboration between Industrial Companies and Aalto University
  6. Creating impact is a teamwork. Are you in?


  1. A summer job that sounds good – Avain Meet & Mingle event at the Avain Sauna on the 8th of March at 17:00
  2. Accenture Excursion with AYY, KY & Probba: Experience the Thrill of the New 23.3.
  3. AYY is looking for interns


  1. Campus Sauna on the 5th of March
  2. Study Abroad with InnoEnergy!
  3. Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Tournament – Murskaveljekset V 11.3.
  4. Innovative Marine Technology for Challenging Seas Exhibition Opening and FITech Matchmaking Event 14.3.
  5. BEST Cantus 14.3.
  6. Come and celebrate St Patrick’s Day on the 16th of March!
  7. The Song Leader Committee presents: Around the World -sitsit 27.3.


  1. The Teekkari Riders’ summer classes and camps are coming!


  1. Teekkarispeksi 2018: Hurma
  2. Musiikki tekee hyvää! mini festival at the Otaniemi Chapel for the Common Responsibility Campaign on the 17th and 18th of March
  3. Outo kantele record release concert on the 23rd of March


  1. FSHS physiotherapy courses


  1. The second application round of the TTE Fund for 2018 is now open
  2. Apply to AYY’s Outdoors Game Committee
  3. Crossroads case competition on March 27th
  4. BEST Summer courses’ application deadline approaching, apply by March 18th
  5. New Into portal to be released on Monday, 12 March




1. The Housing Regulations have been updated

The Representative Council decided on changes to the Housing Regulations at its meeting on Thursday, the 22nd of February 2018.

The changes relate particularly to the conditions about the period of validity of the housing applications, reacting to housing offers, and the secondary leasing of apartments.

The new Housing Regulations entered into force on the 1st of March 2018, so now is a good time check how the changes may affect your housing situation: /en/blog/2018/02/26/new-housing-regulations-enter-into-force-on-the-1st-of-march-2018/


2. University strike on the 7th of March

A strike notice has been given regarding the Aalto University on Wednesday, the 7th of March.

The strike will be held unless the Association of Finnish Independent Education Employers (AFIEE), which acts as the representative for universities as employers, can reach an agreement on the university sector labor dispute with the representatives for university staff Juko, the Trade Union for the Public and Welfare Sectors JHL and the Federation of Salaried Employees Pardia.

If the strike is held, it will affect teaching, student services and student administration, among other things. It may also affect the library’s opening hours and study facilities.

Please check the channels of each party in question on how the strike will affect their operations. Also check with the parties on how to act if you have agreed about a meeting with a member of the University staff on Wednesday.

The strike does not apply to student restaurants or UniSport, but exceptional opening hours are still possible.


3. Suggest a recipient for the AYY acknowledgement reward

Do you know a pioneer, unconventional bridge-builder or a cross-disciplinary hard worker in the Aalto community who deserves recognition?

Suggest a recipient for the Aalto University Student Union acknowledgement reward! You can make suggestions until March 18th. After the suggestion period is over, the acknowledgement working group will propose the final recipients of acknowledgements to AYY’s Board. Make suggestions here: https://lomake.ayy.fi/hallinto/bling/

P.S. If you’d rather take part in deciding who get the rewards, apply for the acknowledgement working group (English translation coming up): https://lomake.ayy.fi/hallinto/hakemuslomake-huomionosoitustyoryhmaan/


4. New faces at AYY’s Office

A total of four new employees started their work at the Aalto University Student Union in February.

The new faces are Specialist in Academic Affairs Minna Mäkitalo, Student Advocacy Specialist for ARTS students and Executive Manager for TOKYO Tero Uuttana, Organizational Affairs and Communications Specialist Essi Puustinen and Sales Coordinator Rasmus Ruohola.

Read the stories on AYY’s website to learn more about our new employees and how they can help members of the Student Union in their work.

Advocacy Specialists Minna and Tero: /en/blog/2018/02/27/ayys-new-advocacy-specialists-introduce-themselves/

Organizational Affairs and Communications Specialist Essi and Sales Coordinator Rasmus: /en/blog/2018/02/28/ayys-fresh-staff-members-introduce-themselves-organizational-affairs-and-communications-specialist-and-sales-coordinator/


5. Foundation for Aalto University Science and Technology: Collaboration between Industrial Companies and Aalto University

The Foundation for Aalto University Science and Technology awards MSc and PhD thesis grants and supports the research and teaching of technical disciplines at Aalto University. For companies, the Foundation offers an easy and low-cost way of research collaboration. Companies donating to the Foundation can target specific fields of science.



6. Creating impact is a teamwork. Are you in?

Imagine yourself at the shop. Payday is still weeks ahead, but you are tempted to make a purchase that you currently cannot afford. Will you do the math of the influence of the purchase or do you just go with the flow and buy it on credit?

More and more individuals are falling into debt and we want to change that. We challenge teams to join us in creating radical innovations that help people to manage their own personal economy and create a positive impact in the world.

Together with our partners we will take the hackathon experience to the next level. Selected teams will unlock access to data, get support of the top mentors from across the industries and hear the keynote speakers that will share insights on innovation, entrepreneurship, human behavior, design and exponential technology.

Get your team together and join us in creating radical innovations that explore data-driven opportunities of the human nature. The top teams are rewarded with prizes. All teams get unforgettable experience, learning and networking opportunity.

Read more about the challenge, speakers and mentors on our website: https://campaigns.tieto.com/intrumhack

HACKATHON DATE: April 11-12, 2018
PLACE: Tieto Keilalahti Campus, Espoo, Finland

Intrum & Tieto




7. A summer job that sounds good – Avain Meet & Mingle event at the Avain Sauna on the 8th of March at 17:00

Seize the opportunity and spend an unforgettable summer at Avain Yhtiöt! Welcome to the Avain Meet & Mingle event to hear about the operations of Avain Yhtiöt, summer job opportunities and staff career paths. There will be light snacks and a sauna at the event.

All participants take part in a raffle, and the grand prize is a 100€ gift certificate to Gigantti!

The event is hosted on the 8th of March at 17:00 at Avain Sauna, at Otaranta 8E.
Sign up by the 7th of March by 15:00 at www.avainasunnot.fi/meetnmingle. Act fast, as the capacity is limited!

We are currently searching for summer workers for e.g. property maintenance, customer service and construction and administration tasks.

You can read more on our summer jobs at: www.avainasunnot.fi/rekrytointi

Avain Yhtiöt is a Finnish corporation specialized in the production of apartments and housing services, construction contracting, housing management and renovations. The corporation owns more than 7 000 apartments, and its goal is to build 1 000 new apartments yearly to Finland’s central growth areas. www.avainasunnot.fi


8. Accenture Excursion with AYY, KY & Probba: Experience the Thrill of the New 23.3.

How does modern strategy consulting, service design and technology consulting look like in practice? How can companies transform and grow their core business or identify and build new ideas? Come to Accenture’s new office at Aleksanterinkatu to explore it yourself!

Accenture welcomes Aalto students to see and try out what working at Accenture could mean in practice. You will have the opportunity to solve business cases, use digital technology to drive growth and learn service design methods to explore new ideas and services. The event ends with lunch.

This event is organized together with AYY, Probba and KY and is open for students of Aalto University. The event is held in English.

Please fill out the sign-up form latest on Monday 19.3. at 23:59.

WHAT: Experience the thrill of the new. Come and learn what modern strategy consulting, service design and technology consulting are in practice, explore and enjoy lunch at the coolest office in town
WHEN: Friday 23.3. at 10 -13:30 (doors open at 9:30, the program starts at 10 and ends at 12:30, after which the lunch is served)
WHERE: Aleksanterinkatu 46, 00100 Helsinki
PRICE: Completely free!

Sign-up: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1KI2enU8bxPHo6hgek-AEML9Eq210kHfCGhfATwdMSRw/


9. AYY is looking for interns

AYY is looking for one to three interns for the summer of 2018. The interns’ work tasks can be related, for example, to organizational development, automation, archiving, or the development of student well-being.

The internship is paid and will take place between April and August. If none of the tasks available don’t seem to suit you, you can also suggest a new type of job – we are happy to hear new ideas.

We will fill the positions as soon as we find the suitable candidates. Check out the job descriptions and application instructions from the link below.





10. Campus Sauna on the 5th of March

Väre is coming! The Otaniemi campus is growing and developing!

But what does this mean in practice? Come hear more at the Campus Section’s campus sauna on Monday, the 5th of March at 16:30, at the Rantasauna!

The presentations will be held in English. After presenting the projects, we can enjoy good company, discussions and the warm sauna. So be equipped with a towel! The Campus Section will offer tasty snacks for everyone.


16.30 Snacks
17.00 Eetu Ristaniemi, Aalto University Campus & Real Estate: “The big picture of campus development and new plans ”
18.00 Sari Dhima, One Campus project: “Väre”
19.00 Sauna and free activities

WHAT: Campus Sauna: Väre & Campus Development
WHERE: Rantasauna, Otaniemi
WHEN: Monday 5th of March at 16:30
TO WHOM: Everyone interested in the Otaniemi campus development
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/events/217878338766582/


11. Study Abroad with InnoEnergy!

Are you interested in studying possibilities abroad?
Want to become more international?
Did you hear that there is free food?

Register yourself to an info event about studying abroad organized together by BEST Helsinki, InnoEnergy and Aalto University Learning and Career Services.

The event is held 8th of March 16:00–18:00 at the Harald Herlin Learning Center (Otaniementie 9, Espoo) and it is open to all Aalto students. Please register and tell us you are coming, so we can reserve enough snacks and drinks. The main language of the event is English.

InnoEnergy is aiming at increasing sustainable growth and competitiveness of the energy sector, through its Masters courses, across Europe.

We will also have Börje Helenius from Aalto University School of Engineering giving info on applying to International Master’s Programs.

Aalto University Career Services will also tell us about international traineeship possibilities and the GoingGlobal service!

After the event you are welcome to join an evening hangaround with BEST Helsinki at our renovated clubroom starting at 18.30!

Register here: http://goo.gl/k9ojPa

For more info of the event contact: Ville Alasalmi (+358402715327) ville.alasalmi@best.eu.org

WHAT: The Study Abroad! event
WHEN: 8.3.2018 at 16:00–18:00
WHERE: Harald Herlin Learning Center, Otaniementie 9, Espoo
WHY: Because of all the possibilities!


12. Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Tournament – Murskaveljekset V 11.3.

Murskaveljekset is headed to Startup Sauna once again!

On Sunday, the 11th of March, a Super Smash Bros. for Wii U tournament featuring 1v1 and 2v2 events takes place at Startup Sauna. The event starts at 12:00, participants must arrive by 13:00 and the tournament begins at 14:00.

Murskaveljekset mixes together casual fun and competitive spirit. Come make your claim at the title of “Best player in Otaniemi!” Participation is free, and you don’t need to own a controller to participate.

Tournament rules can be found on the Computer Science Guild event page: https://tietokilta.fi/tapahtumat/1232


13. Innovative Marine Technology for Challenging Seas Exhibition Opening and FITech Matchmaking Event 14.3.

The exhibition at Dipoli presents the latest vessels in our country’s sea cluster and identifies future trends.

Numerous advanced shipping concepts have been developed and realised in Finland over the years. Examples of these are collated in the exhibition, particularly of the latest concepts and Aalto University students’ visions for ships in the future. These include passenger ships, icebreakers, cargo ships, research vessels and a tour of a virtual cabin.

The exhibition runs from 14 March to 26 April 2018. The opening is a great opportunity for students to boost their summer, master’s thesis and internship options.

Programme for the opening on March 14th (Lumituuli Auditorium, Dipoli):

14:00 Opening Seminar
– Event opened by Vice Dean Pentti Kujala, Aalto University
– The marine industry’s need for broad-based expertise, CEO Elina Vähäheikkilä, Finnish Marine Industries
– Presentation of the FITech project, Project Manager Heikki Koponen
– Greetings from the Shipbuilders’ Club, Eetu Kivelä
– Exhibition introduced by Art Coordinator Outi Turpeinen, Aalto University

– Refreshments
– See the exhibition
– Networking
– FITech Matchmaking Event, company representatives and students meet at the stands

More info and registration: Aalto CareerWeb and www.fitech.io

Please register for the event by 7 March 2018. We hope to see you there!


14. BEST Cantus 14.3.

Get your kinkiest leather clothes from your secret closet and grow your moustache and head to BEST CANTUS!

Cantus is a traditional Belgian student party where participants have an unlimited amount of beer and fun while watching misbehavers getting punished in the most imaginable ways in the middle of the circle. The idea is a bit like Sitsit, people are seated and there will be a lot of singing during the party. Cantus lasts for around 3 hours and afterparty is held in Rantasauna.

WHEN: March 14th starting at 8pm, doors will open 7.30pm
WHERE: Cantus in Smökki and afterparty in Rantasauna
PRICE: 15€
TICKET SALES: Kanditalo lobby, March 8th 10am-2pm and March 9th 10am-2pm, cash only
DRESS CODE: Leather and moustache


15. Come and celebrate St Patrick’s Day on the 16th of March!

The International Section of AYY, Mosaic, is sending luck your way with a four-leaf clover.

Join us for a St.Patrick’s day celebration on the 16th of March. Come for free beer, karaoke, quirky bingo and lots of fun!

WHAT: St.Patrick’s day
WHERE: Otakaari 20 upstairs
WHEN: March 16th, 19:00 – 1:00

Check out the Facebook event here: https://www.facebook.com/events/320536368469301/


16. The Song Leader Committee presents: Around the World -sitsit 27.3.

Singing familiar songs is always fun, but every once in a while a singer should consider leaving their little bubble and heading towards the great unknown. That is of course Otakaari 20, where the Song Leader Committee has organised a sitsit party to introduce the note-hungry guests to songs around the world.

Tune your tongues to multiple frequencies and come to learn songs collected from all corners of the world. Those with keen ears might even learn the unknown origins of our most common and beloved songs.

Event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/218723675358392/




17. The Teekkari Riders’ summer classes and camps are coming!

The classes and camps held by the Teekkari Riders in the spring and in the summer offer plenty of riding opportunities for equestrians of all skill levels. Come to the summer classes held at the Teekkari Riders’ communal stable at the Southern Espoo Riding School to do all kinds of equestrian-related activities at an affordable price. There are classes for both beginners as well as experienced riders.

  1. Summer classes at the Southern Espoo Riding School 4.6.–5.8.
    More information: https://tera.ayy.fi/ilmoittaudu.php?id=410
  2. General skill level camp at the Onnenperä Stable 4.–6.5.
    More information: https://tera.ayy.fi/ilmoittaudu.php?id=407
  3. Yoga & Riding at ChevaLux 1.–3.6.
    More information: https://tera.ayy.fi/ilmoittaudu.php?id=406
  4. Horseback archery basic course 19.5.
    More information: https://tera.ayy.fi/ilmoittaudu.php?id=408

More information about the Teekkari Riders:
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/teekkariratsastajat/
Website https://tera.ayy.fi/

Email the Board at tera@list.ayy.fi if you have any questions. Welcome!




18. Teekkarispeksi 2018: Hurma

It is summer 1914 at the Belfort Lyceum in France. Anna is preparing for the end-of-year ball with her classmates. Balls are always an important event, but now the Lyceum must also convince an inspector sent by the state, who is looking for even the slightest excuse to close down the school that is deemed as old-fashioned.

Anna, too, must do her part to make the evening perfect. Her thoughts are far off, however, as she receives a surprising letter from a secret admirer. Soon Anna makes a crucial mistake, one thing leads to another, and the result is truly not what anyone expected.

Speksi is a full-blooded, all-night musical, where actors, dancers, the orchestra and the diverse off-stage team create an entertaining, sincere and technically high-quality performance on the stage.

The thing that sets a speksi apart from normal plays and musicals is the audience and their participation. When a member of the audience yells “omstart”, the actor must improvise the scene again, tell a joke related to the situation or even start singing out of the blue, and then go back to the plot and the script. The orchestra, dancers and technology also participate in the improvisation. Omstarts are not practiced – they are created in the moment. Each show is different.

If you don’t believe it, come and see and try it yourself!

More information about the spring speksi can be found here: http://teekkarispeksi.fi/

Premiere at the Alexander Theater on the 4th of April 2018 at 19:00. The duration of the performance is approximately 2.5 hours, including intermissions.


April 4th at 19:00 Helsinki, Alexander Theater
April 9th at 19:00 Helsinki, Alexander Theater
April 10th at 19:00 Helsinki, Alexander Theater
April 13th at 19:00 Turku, Sigyn Hall http://bit.ly/2EfV2vc
April 16th at 19:00 Helsinki, Alexander Theater (alumni performance)
April 17th at 19:00 Helsinki, Alexander Theater
April 20th at 19:00 Kuopio, Kuopio City Theater http://bit.ly/2E3lAAL
April 23rd at 19:00 19 Helsinki, Alexander Theater

You can buy your tickets at http://liput.teekkarispeksi.fi

Tickets 22/24/29 €, student discount -9 €. Support tickets also available.


19. Musiikki tekee hyvää! mini festival at the Otaniemi Chapel for the Common Responsibility Campaign on the 17th and 18th of March

The Musiikki tekee hyvää! (“Doing Good with Music!”) mini festival for the Common Responsibility Campaign is a traditional benefit campaign held in Otaniemi. Two concerts are held this year:

Sat March 17th at 18:00: Polytech Choir soloists’ concert
Sun March 18th at 17:00: Polytech Orchestra chamber concert

The concerts are free of charge, and a voluntary collection is held to benefit the Common Responsibility Campaign.

The Common Responsibility Campaign 2018 fights against hunger and poverty. In Finland, the Common Responsibility Campaign supports people living in financially difficult situations together with the social work fund of the Church and the local parishes. The money collected during the Common Responsibility Campaign is used abroad to help people who are most affected by disasters and conflicts. The aid is delivered by the Finn Church Aid.

Come and enjoy the concerts and do good!


20. Outo kantele record release concert on the 23rd of March

Outo kantele, the ninth record by KYN, conducted by Kaija Viitasalo, is an homage to the music of Jukka Linkola. The record comprises of two suites composed for KYN by Linkola: Loitsut (Incantations) and Outo kantele.

The music in Loitsut is full of joy, playful expression resembling the life itself, as well as simple beauty. Loitsut is a celebration of people and the nature, everyday wonders, happenings, work and of course love. The suite is colored with a vibraphone played by Panu Savolainen.

Outo kantele has fascinated audiences from France to Taiwan and charmed even a competition jury. In Outo kantele, Linkola has fused the world of folk poetry with a dose of bold cabaret spirit, a vibrant, even a bit theatrical expression, and a pinch of jazzy groove. The suite is starred by accordionist Johanna Juhola and pianist Kirmo Lintinen.

Warmly welcome!

Record release concert on Friday, the 23rd of March 2018 at 19:00 (doors at 18:30), at the Music Hall of the Helsinki Conservatory of Music (Ruoholahdentori 6, 00180 Helsinki).

Duration: 2 hours (including an intermission)
Age limit: none

You can find the event also on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/187932398468342/

Tickets from the singers and at the door:

25 € basic ticket
20 € students, unemployed, pensioners, conscripts, groups of 10 people or more
15 € children 7-17 yrs
40 € basic ticket + album
35 € ticket + album for students, unemployed, pensioners, conscripts, groups of 10 people or more
30 €  ticket + album for children 7-17 yrs

From Tiketti with service fees + 1.50 €–2.50 € https://www.tiketti.fi/Outo-kantele-levynjulkistamiskonsertti-Helsingin-lippuja/52797

Children under 7 years free of charge with an adult with a ticket.

Interested in the album but not able to make it to the concert? Order the album via e-mail at levyjulkkari@kyn.fi. When ordered prior to March 23rd, 2018, you’ll get the album at an early bird price of 15 € (norm. 20 €) to any address in Finland without dispatching charges!




21. FSHS physiotherapy courses

There is still plenty of room in the FSHS physiotherapy courses held in the spring of 2018.

Check out the courses at http://www.yths.fi/yhteystiedot/toimipisteet/helsinki by clicking the link ”Fysioterapian kurssit, kevät 2018” and sign up for the group!




22. The second application round of the TTE Fund for 2018 is now open

The second application round of the TTE Fund for 2018 is now open! The fund may grant financial aid to all AYY members and associations operating within the Student Union. The TTE Fund supports visible activities that reach for the stars and make people excited.

You can apply for grants from TTE Fund in two ways: through the application rounds arranged approximately three times a year, and through the continuous application period, which is open during the academic terms. During the continuous application period, you can apply for grants with a maximum amount of 2000€, whereas the amount of project grants during the actual application rounds is not limited.

The second application round of 2018 will end on Sunday, 18 March 2018, at 23:59. Instructions for the application and its attachments are available on the website of the fund at http://tter.ayy.fi/. The grant can be applied for with an online form which is available at: https://lomake.ayy.fi/tter/hakulomake/

Deadlines for the application rounds for spring 2018 and other additional information are available on the TTE Fund’s website at http://tter.ayy.fi/. Also check out the Facebook site at www.facebook.com/tterahasto.


23. Apply to AYY’s Outdoors Game Committee

The Outdoors Game Committee is the old Humans Vs Zombies Committee, which is now also organizing the Academic Quidditch World Cup.

There are plenty of different tasks available in both games, and we need people for example for marketing, script writing and refereeing. Or perhaps you have your own idea about an outdoors game that you want to carry out? You have the chance to do that, too!

If you like people, zombies, Quidditch, organizing big events and dank ideas, you should definitely join the Committee! Anyone can apply for the Committee, regardless of their game experience. You can take part in organizing just one or multiple events.

If you’re not yet familiar with HvZ or Quidditch, read the basic information about the games on the website.

The applications start on the 5th of March and end on the 15th of March. Apply now at /stop/en/culture-events/humans-vs-zombies/


24. Crossroads case competition on March 27th

The 3rd annual Crossroads case competition is a one-day competition open to all Aalto students. In total, 15 teams are selected to compete. The competition will be held at Design Factory in Otaniemi, 8.45 am – 5.30 pm.

During the day, teams of 4 students work on providing a solution to the case that the case company introduces in the morning.

Students can apply as a team of four, or individually if they don’t have a team.

Interested teams/students should email a one-page motivational letter to Christa Uusi-Rauva (christa.uusi-rauva@aalto.fi by March 10th, 9 pm. The motivational letter should outline why the team/individual should be selected to participate in the competition.

The best-performing students might be offered the chance to represent the Aalto University School of Business in an international case competition in 2019.


25. BEST Summer courses’ application deadline approaching, apply by March 18th

This summer, BEST (Board of European Students of Technology) brings to you courses around Europe.

In these, you’ll get to attend lectures, given by the university’s teaching staff or by experts from companies, on Technology, Career Related Skills, and Applied Engineering. After the lectures, you’ll also take part in evening programmes, designed for you, to give you a taste of the LBG (Local BEST Group) that hosts you and the local culture.

The courses are about a week long. They cost up to 50€, including stay and food.

For more information about the courses and FAQs, visit https://besthelsinki.fi/en/courses/application/

WHAT: Summer courses’ application deadline approaching
WHEN: March 18th, 2018
WHERE: https://best.eu.org/courses


26. New Into portal to be released on Monday, 12 March

The release date of the new Into has been postponed to Monday, 12 March.

Into (into.aalto.fi), the Aalto official student portal, has been undergoing a redesign process since last autumn based on student feedback and the results of the student service design project.

The biggest changes compared to the old version:

– Into’s visual appearance will all change
– information is organised by programme, not school
– the content has been pared down and clarified
– a mobile version of Into is being released

The expansion of content will continue during the spring. We will collect feedback from students to improve Into further.

The old Into contents will continue to be available alongside the new Into until the end of the spring term.

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