Available Apartments Starting 1.4.2018 – Apply Now!

21.3.2018 All these apartments are now rented. We might have some new ones coming available soon, so please follow AYY.fi!

Hello student, are you looking for a home?

Aalto University Student Union has a few vacant apartments and these apartments are available for any student. However, AYY rents apartments primarily favouring members of the Student Union. AYY member does not need to have right of residence. Right of residence for these apartments is three (3) years from the start of the contract. Please note that if you are already living in a AYY apartment, the period of notice is one whole month, starting from the end of the month in which you submit the written notice.

The apartments listed below will be available from 1st of April or 1st of May. Unfortunately, it is not possible to go and see these apartments.

If you are interested in one of them, be quick and contact the housing office using this form. More information about these apartments on Domo.

Kääpiöidenpolku 4 A 20 / 4th floor, 41 m2. Common facilities: laundry, sauna. Built in 2002.
Kääpiöidenpolku 4 B 40 / 2nd floor, 41 m2. Common facilities: laundry, sauna. Built in 2002.
Pohjavedenkatu 4 A 29 / 6th floor, 39.5 m2. Common facilities: a laundry. Built in 1999.


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