Weekly Newsletter 12/2018

This is the AYY weekly newsletter 12/2018. You can find news concerning AYY, its associations and sections in this newsletter, in addition to other useful information.


Good Monday, everyone! During this week, we will continue the development work of the AYY newsletter: We opened a questionnaire which can be filled by the readers of the newsletter – you as well, dear reader! – to give us feedback and ideas for improvement. Check out the instructions from item 1 and let us hear what kind of newsletter you’d prefer in the future.


If you want your own piece to be a part of the weekly newsletter, send it in its finalized form to tiedotteet@ayy.fi by Thursday 10:00 if you want it out the following week. The recommended length of the text is 500 characters and the maximum length is 1 000 characters.

The association information can be found in the association newsletter. Read it at: /en/associations/association-newsletter


Week 12

21.3.Ristin kilta: Vili Sarento – Atonement /blog/events/ristin-kilta-vili-sarento-sovitustyosta/
23.3. Female Choir KYN: Outo kantele record release concert /blog/events/naiskuoro-kyn-outo-kantele-levynjulkistamiskonsertti/



  1. Questionnaire on further improving the weekly newsletter
  2. Free entry to the Ateneum art museum on the 28th of March
  3. Train as a Security Officer, AYY pays for the costs


  1. Accenture Excursion with AYY, KY & Probba: Experience the Thrill of the New on March 23rd


  1. Akystic Night 24.3.
  2. Brunch at the Otaniemi Chapel on March 25th from 12 a.m. to 2 p.m.


  1. Aalto-Basket is looking for players
  2. Hydepakki cottage trip between the 23rd and 25th of March
  3. Signup for TRIP’s sailing courses is now open
  4. TRIP’s Tripventure 2018


  1. Mosaic movie night on Kinopoli on the 28th of March at 18:00
  2. Teekkarispeksi: Hurma


  1. Results of the Spring 2018 AllWell? survey
  2. The pollen season is coming, prepare yourself in time!
  3. Find yourself through creative writing! Creative writing afternoons at the Otaniemi Chapel in spring 2018


  1. Apply for the Committee of 100 (Sadankomitea) peace envoy training
  2. Join in the activities of the Akateeminen Maanpuolustusyhdistys (Academic national defence association)
  3. Apply for the Aalto Information Technology Program now
  4. Apply for Stupid Hack
  5. New Into released




1. Questionnaire on further improving the weekly newsletter


AYY Communications aims to improve the weekly newsletter to be even more easily approachable and quicker to browse.

For the newsletter to answer the needs and wishes of our members as well as possible, we have opened a questionnaire through which you can leave us feedback or improvement ideas regarding the weekly newsletter to help us in our development work. The questionnaire is anonymous.

Answer it here: https://lomake.ayy.fi/viestinta/ayyn-viikkotiedote-ayys-weekly-newsletter-aus-veckobrev/


2. Free entry to the Ateneum art museum on the 28th of March

AYY is involved in the Ateneum youth and student’s Taidetta meille! free entry day on the 28th of March from 10:00 to 20:00.

The exhibits include the Suomen taiteen tarina and the internationally acclaimed artist Adel Abidin’s History Wipes, presented by the artist himself at 16:00.

During the day, entry is free to student card holders and people under the age of 25.

The same night there will be an Ateneum club event from 19:00 to 21:00 (admission fee applies), with he artist M who debuted with their acclaimed first album last year performing.

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/349980252153583/

Read more: https://ateneum.fi/tapahtumat/taidetta-meille/


3. Train as a Security Officer, AYY pays the costs

AYY is organizing a Security Officer course. The training is held from the 6th to the 8th and from the 14th to the 16th of April 2018.

The course is free if you commit to working as a Security Officer in four (4) AYY events by the end of 2019. You can also take part in the Security Officer refresher course on the 14th of April if your Security Officer card is running out of date. The refresher course is free if you commit to working as a Security Officer in one (1) AYY event.

The course has 20 slots and it will be organized in Otaniemi.

The signup opens on the 12th of March at 12:00 noon and closes on the 22nd of March at 23:59 or when the course is full.

More info and signup: https://lomake.ayy.fi/vapaaehtoiset/kouluttaudu-jarjestyksenvalvojaksi/




4. Accenture Excursion with AYY, KY & Probba: Experience the Thrill of the New on March 23rd

How does modern strategy consulting, service design and technology consulting look like in practice? How can companies transform and grow their core business or identify and build new ideas? Come to Accenture’s new office at Aleksanterinkatu to explore it yourself!

Accenture welcomes Aalto students to see and try out what working at Accenture could mean in practice. You will have the opportunity to solve business cases, use digital technology to drive growth and learn service design methods to explore new ideas and services. The event ends with lunch.

This event is organized together with AYY, Probba and KY and is open for students of the Aalto University. The event is held in English.

Please fill out the sign-up form by Monday, March 19th at 23:59.

WHAT: Experience the thrill of the new. Come and learn what modern strategy consulting, service design and technology consulting are in practice, explore and enjoy lunch at the coolest office in town
WHEN: Friday, March 23rd at 10-13:30 (doors open at 9:30, the program starts at 10 and ends at 12:30, after which the lunch is served)
WHERE: Aleksanterinkatu 46, 00100 Helsinki
PRICE: Completely free!

Sign-up: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1KI2enU8bxPHo6hgek-AEML9Eq210kHfCGhfATwdMSRw/




5. Akystic Night 24.3.

Akystic Night is almost here!

Relax with a beverage in your hand while live music tingles your musical senses. The evening starts with Akystic’s gig, followed by live karaoke where you’ll be able to sing or play your favourite songs with Akystic.

Come chill and listen to good music, or to dazzle the audience with what you’ve got (whether its skills or guts).

The event is held on Saturday 24.3. at 6 PM at KY.

For more information, visit https://www.facebook.com/events/173496363437049/


6. Brunch at the Otaniemi Chapel on March 25th from 12 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Come and enjoy a tasty brunch and some good company at the Otaniemi Chapel!

Price of the brunch is 3 € / student, paid by cash upon arrival. There are seats for 30 people, so be quick to sign up.

If you are interested in cooking the brunch together, please tick the box when signing up. The brunch is free of charge for those who cook it.

The brunch is organised by the Aalto University Chaplains and Tapiola Parish. More info from Aalto University Chaplain Marjut Mulari, marjut.mulari@evl.fi / 050 3652 256

Sign up here: http://bit.ly/2EZcGQU




7. Aalto-Basket is looking for players

Aalto-Basket’s men’s 2nd and 3rd team play in the regional 5th division. We are looking for new players, so if you’re interested to find a new team and have played basketball previously, send an email to office@aaltobasket.fi and tell us about your background in basketball. After this, the contact persons for the teams will contact you.

Aalto-Basket also has a women’s team, which you can contact through the same email: office@aaltobasket.fi.


8. Hydepakki cottage trip between the 23rd and 25th of March

A Hydepakki cottage trip is upon us! Between the 23rd and 25th of March, we are going to a scout cottage in Vihti. We’ll spend the weekend in nature, play games, and of course, go to sauna.

The cottage we are staying at accommodates only 10 people. We will bring some tents with us so 8 more people will be able to camp there.

Sign up form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf5D1g-MuV4VYtAN7coMeOrs9rTGkl4gfDVWskWSwpKNQwIMw/viewform

For the trip, you will need a sleeping bag, a mattress (we have some of these to lend), warm clothes, some waterproof clothes as well as hiking shoes.

The fee for the trip is 10 € (food expenses) + the bus ticket (around 12 €). In case you are not yet a member of either Hyde or Teepakki, you need to pay the 5 € membership fee as well. Read more about membership: https://hydepakki.fi/en/contact-information/

More info about the bus schedule and the payment will be sent later. Please note that this event is alcohol-free.

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/716216255249010/


9. Signup for TRIP’s sailing courses is now open

Do you want to learn how to sail? Or have you already been on a boat before, but want to learn the basics of sailing or practice skippering a boat? The signup for TRIP’s (Teekkaripurjehtijat, “Teekkari Sailors”) sailing courses is now open!

Sign up for the elementary level Sailing Crew Course to learn sailing skills and boat handling. The course is intended for beginners to learn the basic sailing crew skills.

At the Inshore Skipper Course, you can concentrate on the more demanding aspects of sailing, such as route planning, navigation, skippering, and safety & emergency procedures. The Inshore Skipper Course provides you with the basic skills to skipper a sailboat, which is why we recommend a minimum of 100 nautical miles of sailing experience and completion of the inshore navigation course, or corresponding skills and knowledge.

For dates, prices and other information about the courses, please visit: https://trip.ayy.fi/wordpress/?page_id=231

You can sign up here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd6aAkwRbDnz_sp3IePYm29gHOutEA2LoqzzHH0fCddf4kuqw/viewform

The courses fill up quickly and positions will be filled in the registration order, so sign up soon!


10. TRIP’s Tripventure 2018

Here in freezing Finland, it’s nice to dream of the sun’s warmth, bikini climate, the best company, amazing scenery and laid-back life on a boat. TRIP (Teekkaripurjehtijat, “Teekkari Sailors”) is organizing the legendary Tripventure already for the sixth time this year. This time, we will be heading to the Ionian Sea in Greece.

Time: September 1st–September 8th 2018
Place: The Ionian Sea
Port of departure: Lefkas (Lefkada)
Price: 420€, or in the catamaran approx. 800€ + flights
Signup opens: Friday, March 9th 2018 at 12:00 noon

The Tripventure is for TRIP members. If you’re not a member, you can join now: https://trip.ayy.fi/wordpress/?page_id=178

The signup for the Tripventure opens on Friday, March 9th at 12:00 noon at https://trip.ayy.fi/wordpress/?p=3084 The positions are filled in registration order.

NB! Registration is binding. You will not be refunded the booking fee if we cannot get someone to fill in for you.

For more information, email markus.relander@iki.fi




11. Mosaic movie night on Kinopoli on the 28th of March at 18:00

Stressed out due to the coming tests? Need a short breather to break the studies and stress? Come to Kinopoli to check out a bit different kind of movie, “Hiekkamyrsky” ((http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4365518/)

Sign in here: http://lomake.ayy.fi/mosaic/movie-night-sign-up/  The first 20 signups get a spot.

There is also a Facebook event. Check out if your friend is already attending: https://www.facebook.com/events/477681152634441/

The movie has subtitles in English.


12. Teekkarispeksi: Hurma

Teekkarispeksi is here once again with a brand-new spectacle “Hurma”!

Speksi is a full-blooded, all-night musical, where actors, dancers, the orchestra and the diverse off-stage team create an entertaining and technically high-quality performance on the stage. The audience can also affect the performance by yelling “omstart”!

More information about the spring speksi: http://teekkarispeksi.fi/
FB event: https://www.facebook.com/events/321603785019317/


April 4th at 19:00 Helsinki, Alexander Theater
April 9th at 19:00 Helsinki, Alexander Theater
April 10th at 19:00 Helsinki, Alexander Theater
April 13th at 19:00 Turku, Sigyn Hall
April 16th at 19:00 Helsinki, Alexander Theater (alumni performance)
April 17th at 19:00 Helsinki, Alexander Theater
April 20th at 19:00 Kuopio, Kuopio City Theater
April 23rd at 19:00 19 Helsinki, Alexander Theater

You can buy your tickets at http://liput.teekkarispeksi.fi

Tickets 22/24/29 €, student discount -9 €. Support tickets also available.




13. Results of the Spring 2018 AllWell? survey

The AllWell? student well-being survey was sent in February 2018 to the first-year master’s and second year bachelor students of Aalto. The percentage of answers was 39, which is significantly higher than last year (29%). The increase in information and openness in the Aalto community can be seen as one of the achievements of the spring.

The results were very similar to the 2017 survey. The number of students running the risk of exhaustion, a fact that caused worry last year, has stayed the same (a bit less than 20%). The results still show that Aalto students aim to thoroughly understand what they learn. The interestingness of teaching and confidence in yourself and excelling are in key roles in learning.

What next?

The results will be sent to the school Vice-deans in charge of studies, and the AllWell? team will present the individual results by school at the Aalto schools. The results will be investigated in collaboration with AYY and student organizations, also on program and major levels where the answer percentage was high enough. The aim is to recognize strengths in programs and development targets, and to find means and ways to improve study well-being.

The courses for students and the web material on study well-being are being further developed during the spring.

Questions and comments can be sent to allwell@aalto.fi


14. The pollen season is coming, prepare yourself in time!

The pollen season is about to begin. Remember to renew your prescription in time before the pollen season starts.

If you have any questions about hay fever (allergic rhinitis) and its treatments, please contact FSHS. www.yths.fi/en


15. Find yourself through creative writing! Creative writing afternoons at the Otaniemi Chapel in spring 2018

The goal of the afternoons is to:

– Create joy, new perspectives and self-knowledge through creative writing.
– Support Aalto University students and staff in personal growth and development.

The themes of the afternoons are:

My Wisdom 28th March at 15:00-17:30 http://bit.ly/2nMhpz8
Dreams 11th April at 15:00-17:30 http://bit.ly/2E7sx3w

The events are gentle and empowering. They consist of writing, discussions and silence.

You can participate in one or both of the events according to your schedule and interest. Participation is free, tea is served starting from 14:30. Every afternoon has room for max. 15 participants. The afternoons are held in Finnish.

Organizer: MA, author and trainer Mertzi Bergman.
The creative writing afternoons are made possible by the Tapiola parish, accompanied by Aalto chaplain

A creative and warm welcome!




16. Apply for the Committee of 100 (Sadankomitea) peace envoy training

Are you interested in peace work, civic engagement and pondering international questions?

The peace organization Committee of 100 Finland is organizing a peace envoy training during 2018, the aim of which is to offer information and know-how in peace work and help in understanding the challenges of global safety politics.

Individuals of diverse backgrounds between the ages of 18 and 29 are sought for the training. You can apply by filling up the form at the web pages: http://www.sadankomitea.fi/rauhanpolittiikkaa/hae-mukaan-rauhanlahettilas-koulutukseen-2018

The theme of the peace envoy training is rearmament and disarmament. During the year the training will cover the grounds of sustainable peace, the principles of peace work, challenges of rearmament and the possibilities and forms of disarmament. In addition, the participants are helped to find a way that suits them in enabling and furthering peace in their own lives and surroundings.

The training is in Finnish.

More information from organization coordinator Minna Vähäsalo: minna.vahasalo@sadankomitea.fi or 040 167 9660 (Monday to Wednesday 11:00–17:00)


17. Join in the activities of the Akateeminen Maanpuolustusyhdistys (Academic national defence association)

ARU, the Academic national defence association, is an organization for reservists and individuals interested in national defence. We are members of the Finnish reserve officer’s federation (RUL) and the Opiskelijain reserviupseeripiiri (ORUP).

ARU organizes various kinds of events, mainly reservist activities. The biggest single category is firing range activities due to SRA trainings, courses, range practice and rifle days. Other activities include communal jogging, swimming schools, Finnish defence force field competence tests, movie nights, visitation trips and presentations on current issues.

More info: http://aru.fi/

You can join the discussions by joining the ARU Ry Telegram group at: https://t.me/joinchat/Ap55E0n3pNDfdK6G6qUQyw


18. Apply for the Aalto Information Technology Program now

The future is made this summer.

Are you interested in developing your professional skills in software and service business, data analytics, digital strategies or UX/UI? Join us at Aalto ITP and get to work with the digital challenges that companies face. ITP students gain valuable project experience while working on cases that provide real value for the partner companies. Use your minor studies to master digital industry tools.

Sounds good? Apply now!

WHAT: Information Technology Program (ITP), 24 or 30 ECTS
WHO: All Finnish university students with over 60 ECTS, students from Aalto BIZ exchange universities
WHEN: May 28 – August 31, 2018
WHERE: Töölö campus, Aalto University
HOW: Apply by March 28th at https://itpaalto.net/ Students are selected based on past studies, CV and a short video application


19. Apply for Stupid Hack

STUPID HACK is coming in April! APPLY on March 26th at 12pm.

Hey, how awesome would it be to translate your speech to your dog? An app that’d make you yawn more during work-hours? Or a chat where you can only communicate with emojis?

Stupid Hack by Junction is where you can actually create those without any stress or pressure and with whatever background. We welcome you, your crazy ideas and your love for experimentation to join us in the STUPIDEST hackathon ever held!

The application form opens on Monday 26.3. at noon. We will share the link on our Facebook event. Be alert and make sure to click “interested” on this event so you don’t miss the application form. There are only 100 places available, so be quick!

WHEN & WHERE: April 13th-14th @ Startup Sauna

HOW TO APPLY: Through application form on March 26th at noon on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/350220228717312/

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to holla at us at hello@hackjunction.com or through Facebook messages.


20. New Into released

An upgrade of the Aalto student portal, Into (https://into.aalto.fi/), has just been released.

Into was redesigned during last autumn and this spring on the basis of student feedback and the results of the student service design project. The redesign has been a joint effort by Aalto student representatives, IT services and student services.

What has changed on Into?
– Into has a new look and feel.
– Into contents are now arranged according to degree programme, not school (the school websites are being withdrawn from the Into site).
– The contents have been pared down and clarified.
– A mobile version of Into is being released.

The contents of Into will be expanded during the spring and we will be collecting feedback for Into’s future development.

You can still access the old Into during the spring. The archived version of Into is available at https://into-archive.aalto.fi/

You can send your feedback on the Into portal to into@aalto.fi

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