Weekly Newsletter 13/2018

A great Monday to everybody, and a big thank you to all those who have already responded to the questionnaire on further improving the weekly newsletter. Big changes take their time, but we have already made some minor fixes to the weekly newsletter, based on the first answers. The development work will continue in the coming weeks and months.

The questionnaire is still open (see item 4), so give us your opinions to support our work!


Week 14

4.4. Teekkarispeksi 2018: Hurma PREMIERE /blog/events/teekkarispeksi-2018-hurma-ensi-ilta/
4.4. Ristin kilta: Game night /blog/events/ristin-kilta-peli-ilta-10/



  1. Introducing AYY’s Year of Arts
  2. The Nice Roomie Contest
  3. Apply for scholarships from AYY
  4. Answer the questionnaire on further improving the weekly newsletter
  5. Join the #SwecoInn hackathon and take part in creating a society of the future


  1. Free entry to the Ateneum art museum on the 28th of March
  2. Mosaic movie night in Kinopoli on the 28th of March at 18:00
  3. Film Club Montaasi’s film nights in April


  1. Beer ‘n’ Bible at restaurant Fat Lizard on the 28th of March at 17:30
  2. Mosaic’s World Dinner 11.4.


  1. TRIP’s Tripventure 2018


  1. The #LuovutusAalto blood donation campaign is nearing its end
  2. Find yourself through creative writing! Creative writing afternoons at the Otaniemi Chapel in spring 2018


  1. Apply for Stupid Hack




1. Introducing AYY’s Year of Arts

This year, the Aalto University Student Union is celebrating the Year of Arts.

The aim of the theme year, which starts in spring 2018, is to welcome the ARTS students to Otaniemi in the autumn and to celebrate the creativity of the entire Aalto community.

The events of the Year of Arts are now under way, and from now on, the Year of Arts can also be found in the weekly newsletter under its own subheading.

Find out more about what’s to come: /en/blog/2018/03/26/year-of-arts-celebrates-aalto-creativity/


2. The Nice Roomie Contest

Roommate done something nice for you? Let us know!

Has your roomie nursed you with zinc and vitamin C when you’ve been struck down by the flu? Helped you move, baked you cookies for your b-day? Organized a movie night at the shared apartment, unclogged the sink, evicted a stray moth from your room? Something else? Let us know!

A nice roommate act can be anything at all, as long as it has brought joy to one’s roommates. If you were the one carrying out the act, you can also inform us of it yourself. Do it here: https://lomake.ayy.fi/kampusjaosto/kiva-kamppisteko-kilpailu/

The rewards for nice roommate acts will be handed out at the Wappurieha declaration on the 30th of April. That means there is still ample time to carry out nice acts for your roommates.

The deadline for contest submissions closes on Wednesday, the 18th of April 2018. All AYY and Hoas Otaniemi apartments are involved in the contest, so whether your flat is a friend, family or shared flat, it is time to do something nice for your roommates!


3. Apply for scholarships from AYY

AYY is distributing exchange, community and study scholarships this spring to support the internationalization of students and community activities and to encourage the successful combination of studies and the student life.

The spring application period for the scholarships is Wednesday, 28th March 12:00 – Wednesday, 18th April 23:59.

More information: /en/students/services/scholarships/


4. Answer the questionnaire on further improving the weekly newsletter

AYY’s Communications Sector aims to improve the weekly newsletter to be even more easily approachable and quicker to browse.

For the newsletter to answer the needs and wishes of our members as well as possible, we have opened a questionnaire through which you can leave us feedback or improvement ideas regarding the weekly newsletter to help us in our development work. The questionnaire is anonymous.

Answer it here: https://lomake.ayy.fi/viestinta/ayyn-viikkotiedote-ayys-weekly-newsletter-aus-veckobrev/


5. Join the #SwecoInn hackathon and take part in creating a society of the future

What is your vision for the future of constructed environments? Sweco is organizing the #SWECOINN event for students and young talents in constructed environment in May in Lehmonkärki, Asikkala.

Apply for the event and come make your vision of the future a reality. You only need to be open to new ideas and ready to look forward to the future with an open mind. The best ideas of the event will be rewarded and the teams can implement their innovations at Sweco.

There are several well-known mentors to help you at the #SWECOINN hackathon event, such as former United States Ambassador Bruce Oreck, who now holds the position of Executive in Residence at the Aalto University, and award-winning service designer Mikko Koivisto from Hellon.

The event is all inclusive, meaning that Sweco provides the housing, meals and transportation from the nearest transport hubs to and from Lehmonkärki.

We will select 30 applicants to attend event, and they will have 48 hours to innovate design-enhancing tools, methods and technologies together. The event ends with a pitch in the style of the Drangon’s Den TV show, where each group gets the chance to present their innovations directly to Sweco’s Structural Engineering Management.

The event will be held between the 4th and 6th of May, and the applications are now open.

Find out more at https://48inn.com/ and sign up now!




6. Free entry to the Ateneum art museum on the 28th of March

AYY is involved in Ateneum’s Art for Us! free entry day for young people and students on the 28th of March from 10:00 to 20:00.

The exhibits include the Stories of Finnish Art and the internationally acclaimed artist Adel Abidin’s History Wipes, presented by the artist himself at 16:00.

During the day, entry is free to student card holders and people under the age of 25.

There will also be an Ateneum club event from 19:00 to 21:00 on the same night (admission fee applies), with the artist M who debuted with her acclaimed first album last year performing.

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/349980252153583/

Read more: https://ateneum.fi/tapahtumat/taidetta-meille/


7. Mosaic movie night in Kinopoli on the 28th of March at 18:00

Stressed out due to the upcoming exam week? Need a short breather between the studies and stress? Come to Kinopoli to check out a bit different kind of movie, Sand Storm (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4365518/).

Sign up here: http://lomake.ayy.fi/mosaic/movie-night-sign-up/ The first 20 signups get a spot.

There is also a Facebook event. Check out if your friend is already attending: https://www.facebook.com/events/477681152634441/

The movie is subtitled in English.


8. Film Club Montaasi’s film nights in April

Welcome to Film Club Montaasi’s film nights!

We organize a film night every Sunday, usually starting at 17:30, at the Kinopoli theater in Otaniemi or at Montaasi’s club room next to Kinopoli. The nights are open to everyone, regardless of whether you’re a member of the club or not.

In April, we will watch the final part of Masaki Kobayashi’s Human Condition trilogy, Human Condition III: A Soldier’s Prayer (1961), Alex Garland’s much-praised sci-fi film Annihilation (2018), which did not make it into the theaters in Finland, Martin Brest’s 80s action comedy Midnight Run (1988), and William Wyler’s film noir classic The Letter (1940).

We will also hold a traditional film marathon that lasts the entire day on the 15th of April. The program of the marathon will be published later.

More detailed information about the screenings and the marathon are updated on the website: https://montaasi.ayy.fi/ajankohtaista/

More information about Montaasi:




9. Beer ‘n’ Bible at restaurant Fat Lizard on the 28th of March at 17:30

“When I preach, I preach so that even a 7-year-old child can understand it. But when me and Master Melanchthon drink beer in the cellar and talk about theology, even God up in Heaven is astonished by our learning.”- Martin Luther (1483-1546)

Join the discussion, learn new things and get to know to new people! We are hosting an easily accessible Bible circle for students and young adults at the Fat Lizard restaurant on the last Wednesday of each month at 17:30.

Spring 2018 meetings: 28th March, 25th April and 30th May.

The restaurant is located a stone’s throw from the Aalto University metro station, and it is easy to find and serves food and drink. The masterminds behind the Bible circle are lovers of beer and the Bible from Tapiola, Stina and Ilmar Metsalo. The Aalto chaplains and the Tapiola parish are also involved.

More information from Aalto chaplain Marjut Mulari: marjut.mulari@evl.fi / 050 3652 256


10. Mosaic’s World Dinner 11.4.

AYY’s International Section Mosaic brings you the ever so popular World Dinner. This time it is bigger, fancier and done together with ESN.

Joining in on this experience is simple:

  1. Sign-up in teams
    2. Cook something delicious
    3. Come to Smökki with your friends
    4. Find your new favourite meal

World Dinner is the perfect opportunity to meet new people, enjoy exotic delicacies and show off your cooking skills. You can participate in the event individually, but it is easier to gather a group of 2-5 people and cook a large meal together (cook at least as much as your group together would eat).

This time the event won’t end with the food. You can stay in Smökki and play some board games or just chill with your friends.

See you in Smökki!

WHAT: World Dinner
WHEN: Wednesday 11th of April, at 18:00
WHERE: Smökki, Jämeräntaival 4, 02150 Espoo
WHY: Enjoy great food from all around the globe

Sign-up: https://lomake.ayy.fi/mosaic/world-dinner/




11. TRIP’s Tripventure 2018

The early spring in Finland being as cold as it is, it’s nice to dream of the sun’s warmth, bikini climate, the best company, amazing scenery and laid-back life on a boat. TRIP (Teekkaripurjehtijat, “Teekkari Sailors”) is organizing the legendary Tripventure already for the sixth time this year. This time, we will be heading to the Ionian Sea in Greece.

Time: September 1st–September 8th 2018
Place: The Ionian Sea
Port of departure: Lefkas (Lefkada)
Price: 420€, or in the catamaran approx. 800€ + flights
Signup opens: Friday, March 9th 2018 at 12:00 noon

The Tripventure is for TRIP members. If you’re not a member, you can join now: https://trip.ayy.fi/wordpress/?page_id=178

Sign up: https://trip.ayy.fi/wordpress/?p=3084 The positions are filled in registration order.

NB! Registration is binding. You will not be refunded the booking fee if we cannot get someone to fill in for you.

For more information, email markus.relander@iki.fi




12. The #LuovutusAalto blood donation campaign is nearing its end

The spring 2018 #LuovutusAalto blood donation campaign is nearing its end. You still have time to donate until Friday, the 6th of April!

If you haven’t donated blood yet for the common good, do it now! You will also increase your association’s chances to win a free sauna night at one of AYY’s sauna facilities.

Read more and participate: /en/blog/2018/02/01/luovutusaalto-is-here-again-blood-donation-campaign-between-february-8th-and-april-6th-2018/


13. Find yourself through creative writing! Creative writing afternoons at the Otaniemi Chapel in spring 2018

The goal of the afternoons is to:

– Create joy, new perspectives and self-knowledge through creative writing.
– Support Aalto University students and staff in personal growth and development.

The themes of the afternoons are:

My Wisdom 28th March at 15:00-17:30 http://bit.ly/2nMhpz8
Dreams 11th April at 15:00-17:30 http://bit.ly/2E7sx3w

The events are gentle and empowering. They consist of writing, discussions and silence.

You can participate in one or both of the events according to your schedule and interest. Participation is free, tea is served starting from 14:30. Every afternoon has room for max. 15 participants. The afternoons are held in Finnish.

A creative and warm welcome!

Organizer: MA, author and trainer Mertzi Bergman.
The creative writing afternoons are made possible by the Tapiola parish, accompanied by the Aalto chaplains.




14. Apply for Stupid Hack

STUPID HACK is coming in April! APPLY on March 26th at 12pm.

Hey, how awesome would it be to translate your speech to your dog? An app that’d make you yawn more during work-hours? Or a chat where you can only communicate with emojis?

Stupid Hack by Junction is where you can actually create those without any stress or pressure and with whatever background. We welcome you, your crazy ideas and your love for experimentation to join us in the STUPIDEST hackathon ever held!

The application form opens on Monday 26.3. at noon. We will share the link on our Facebook event. Be alert and make sure to click “interested” on this event so you don’t miss the application form. There are only 100 places available, so be quick!

WHEN & WHERE: April 13th-14th @ Startup Sauna

HOW TO APPLY: Through application form on March 26th at noon on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/350220228717312/

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to holla at us at hello@hackjunction.com or on Facebook messages.



This is the Aalto University Student Union weekly newsletter 13/2018. You can find news concerning AYY, its associations and sections in this newsletter, in addition to other useful information.

If you want your own piece to be a part of the weekly newsletter, send it in its finalized form to tiedotteet@ayy.fi by Thursday 10:00 if you want it out the following week. The recommended length of the text is 500 characters and the maximum length is 1 000 characters.

The association information can be found in the association newsletter. Read it at: /en/associations/association-newsletter

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