Weekly Newsletter 14/2018

An excellent start of April to everyone! This week, we all have the opportunity to make a difference: the Ministry of Education and Culture is collecting ideas about the future of education through an online think tank. Read item 1 for more information and send your ideas to the Ministry.

Have a fantastic week, everyone!


Week 14

4.4. Teekkarispeksi 2018: Hurma PREMIERE /blog/events/teekkarispeksi-2018-hurma-ensi-ilta/
4.4. Ristin kilta: Game night /blog/events/ristin-kilta-peli-ilta-10/

Week 15

9.4. Teekkarispeksi 2018: Hurma /blog/events/teekkarispeksi-2018-hurma/
9.4. Data protection legislation is changing, is your association prepared? /en/blog/events/data-protection-legislation-is-changing-is-your-association-prepared/
10.4. Teekkarispeksi 2018: Hurma /blog/events/teekkarispeksi-2018-hurma-2/
11.4. Ristin kilta: An evening of prayer and praise /blog/events/ristin-kilta-rukous-ja-ylistysilta-6/



  1. Online think tank on the future of education, open until the 8th of April
  2. Apply for scholarships from AYY
  3. The Nice Roomie Contest
  4. Answer the questionnaire on further improving the weekly newsletter


  1. Raflateam – have a different kind of night out at a restaurant


  1. The Glenmorangie Finishes – Whisky Tasting 6.4.
  2. Open discussion on parking on campus 17.4.
  3. Aalto Open Air 2018 on the 18th of April
  4. Aalto Analytics Kick-Off Event 19.4.
  5. Anything but Clothes Sitsit 20.4.


  1. Aalto Skate’s voluntary work info and movie night on the 5th of April
  2. Aalto-Basket is looking for players
  3. TRIP’s Tripventure 2018


  1. The #LuovutusAalto blood donation campaign ends on Friday, the 6th of April
  2. Get your vaccinations for the summer
  3. Last creative writing afternoon session “Dreams” at the Otaniemi Chapel on Wednesday, the 11th of April between 15:00 and 17:00


  1. Croquet at a herring breakfast picnic or other events? Croquet Conclave is here to help!
  2. Aalto Formula Team is looking for new members, join in!
  3. BEST Autumn courses’ application has begun, apply by April 22nd




1. Online think tank on the future of education, open until the 8th of April

The Ministry of Education and Culture invites students to participate in an online think tank for the Vision for Higher Education and Research in 2030.

According to the “Proposal to Finland: Finland 100+”, found in the Higher Education and Research 2030 Vision, published in October 2017, Finland’s strategy for success is to be the most skillful nation in the world. The aim is that at least half of young adults will complete a higher education degree.

The Ministry of Education and Culture has launched the vision’s implementation and the preparation work for its roadmap together with the staff, students and stakeholders of higher education institutions. The online think tank, which is now open, allows everyone to work together and share their ideas on methods and incentives on how to reach the vision’s goals.

Participate in the online think tank by the 8th of April 2018 by visiting this link: www.fountainpark.fi/visio2030

Come and make an impact on the implementation of the vision!


2. Apply for scholarships from AYY

AYY is distributing exchange, community and study scholarships this spring to support the internationalization of students and community activities and to encourage the successful combination of studies and the student life.

The spring application period for the scholarships is Wednesday, 28th March 12:00 – Wednesday, 18th April 23:59.

More information: /en/students/services/scholarships/


3. The Nice Roomie Contest

Roommate done something nice for you? Let us know!

Has your roomie nursed you with zinc and vitamin C when you’ve been struck down by the flu? Helped you move, baked you cookies for your b-day? Organized a movie night at the shared apartment, unclogged the sink, evicted a stray moth from your room? Something else? Let us know!

A nice roommate act can be anything at all, as long as it has brought joy to one’s roommates. If you were the one carrying out the act, you can also inform us of it yourself. Do it here: https://lomake.ayy.fi/kampusjaosto/kiva-kamppisteko-kilpailu/

The rewards for nice roommate acts will be handed out at the Wappurieha declaration on the 30th of April. That means there is still ample time to carry out nice acts for your roommates.

The deadline for contest submissions closes on Wednesday, the 18th of April 2018. All AYY and Hoas Otaniemi apartments are involved in the contest, so whether your flat is a friend, family or shared flat, it is time to do something nice for your roommates!


4. Answer the questionnaire on further improving the weekly newsletter

AYY Communications aims to improve the weekly newsletter to be even more easily approachable and quicker to browse.

For the newsletter to answer the needs and wishes of our members as well as possible, we have opened a questionnaire through which you can leave us feedback or improvement ideas regarding the weekly newsletter to help us in our development work. The questionnaire is anonymous.

Give us your feedback: https://lomake.ayy.fi/viestinta/ayyn-viikkotiedote-ayys-weekly-newsletter-aus-veckobrev/




5. Raflateam – have a different kind of night out at a restaurant

Do you want to make some extra money while studying? Get some kick-ass work experience? Flexible work that can be easily combined with your other interests and tasks? How about the restaurant business?

Now you can join our team even without any previous experience: Raflateam will train you for the job! We are organizing three three-day training sessions in April–May.

Read more about Raflateam: https://bit.ly/2J4mrzS

What makes a restaurant experience memorable? We are offering one lucky person a different kind of night at a restaurant for two, this time as a customer (value 80€). Everyone who has liked and commented on the campaign posts on AYY’s Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/ylioppilaskunta/posts/10157555998331151) by the 30th of April will be included in the lottery.

The lottery is organized by Raflateam / Opteam Yhtiöt Oy. Facebook is not involved in the lottery.




6. The Glenmorangie Finishes – Whisky Tasting 6.4.

Welcome to the 3rd WhisKY tasting of the year, the Glenmorangie Finishes tasting!

We continue our co-operation with importers and have the pleasure of welcoming Heta Kangasmaa of Moët Hennessy Finland to hold a special tasting for us.

Glenmorangie is known for having multiple finished whiskies in its core range. We’ll explore these, as well as the wines. The whiskies have been finished side by side, with the classic 10-year-old as a reference. Rumor has it that we might even be having some whisky cocktails!

The evening’s menu is as follows:

Glenmorangie 10
Glenmorangie Nectar D’Or + Sauternes
Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban + Ruby Port
Glenmorangie Lasanta + PX Sherry
Bonus cocktails???

WHAT: Glenmorangie x WhisKY
WHERE: KY-building, Pohjoinen rautatiekatu 21B, 3rd floor
WHEN: April 6th 2018 @ 19:00
TICKET: 15€, can be bought via Holvi: https://holvi.com/shop/viskikerhowhisky/product/8f1c2dc9837b8b9224a779dfcc28fe5a/


7. Open discussion on parking on campus 17.4.

All interested Aalto University faculty members, staff and students are welcome to the second open discussion event on the future of car parking at the Otaniemi campus.

The discussion on intelligent parking on the Otaniemi campus is started and moderated by Antti Ahlava, Vice President for campus development and Antti Tuomela, Director of Aalto Campus and Real Estate ACRE. Other speakers include Professor Anssi Joutsiniemi from the Department of Architecture and Kari Talvitie, ACRE Property Development Director.

The language is mainly English.

WHAT: Open discussion on parking on campus
WHEN:  17.04.2018 at 12:00 – 13:30
WHERE: Lumituuli auditorium, Dipoli, Otaniemi



8. Aalto Open Air 2018 on the 18th of April

Aalto Open Air is here on the 18th of April!

The epic outdoor festival fills the Alvari square and gives everyone a chance to enjoy brilliant music and the company of friends. You can also bring your own tent in order to party and sleep on the school yard all night long. It’s gonna be an amazing day, so prepare yourselves!

But wait, there’s more. The best tent setup owners get a heart-and-body-warming prize: a one-time free booking of one of AYY’s fabulous rentable saunas!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/167896853866470/

WHAT: Aalto Open Air
WHERE: Alvari square
WHEN: 18th of April
COST: Nothing!
WHY: It’s time to start Wappu


9. Aalto Analytics Kick-Off Event 19.4.

How is data science driving modern day marketing? Come to Aalto Design Factory on April 19th to find out! Speakers from Smartly.io and AdLaunch will talk about allocating marketing budgets at scale and image recognition.

Space is limited so reserve your spot quickly: https://goo.gl/forms/5iAL6WDKKc4zcdBF2

WHAT: Aalto Analytics Kick-Off Event
WHEN: 19.4.2018 at 17:30 – 19:30
WHERE: Aalto Design Factory, Betonimiehenkuja 5 C, Espoo


10. Anything but Clothes Sitsit 20.4.

What? Anything but clothes?! Don’t worry, you are not supposed to come naked, let’s start with that…

ESN Aalto will kick off Vappu with a sitsit of a different kind. You should still dress up fancy, but with one major difference: except underwear and thermals, you are not supposed to wear anything that was intended as clothing!

Be creative. There are a lot of things you can find in your room, in utility stores and in other locations that may look surprisingly good on you.

WHAT: Anything but Clothes Sitsit
WHEN: 20.4.2018 at 18:00
WHERE: Smökki (Jämeräntaival 4, Otaniemi)

Find out more:




11. Aalto Skate’s voluntary work info and movie night on the 5th of April

The Ossinlampi skate ramp turns two years old this spring. To celebrate it, we are organizing a renovation bee after Wappu, between the 4th and 6th of May. The agenda includes at least replacing the outer plywood sheets and mounting a basketball hoop!

Come to our skate movie night on Thursday, the 5th of April at 18:00, and get to know to the people of Aalto Skate and hear more about the bee and our other activities.

The movie night is held at Skipoli’s club room at Jämeräntaival 10 AB (entrance from the outside).


12. Aalto-Basket is looking for players

Aalto-Basket’s men’s 2nd and 3rd team play in the regional 5th division. We are looking for new players, so if you’re interested to find a new team and have played basketball previously, send an email to office@aaltobasket.fi and tell us about your background in basketball. After this, the contact persons for the teams will contact you.

Aalto-Basket also has a women’s team, which you can contact through the same email: office@aaltobasket.fi.


13. TRIP’s Tripventure 2018

The early spring in Finland being as cold as it is, it’s nice to dream of the sun’s warmth, bikini climate, the best company, amazing scenery and laid-back life on a boat. TRIP (Teekkaripurjehtijat, “Teekkari Sailors”) is organizing the legendary Tripventure already for the sixth time this year. This time, we will be heading to the Ionian Sea in Greece.

Time: September 1st–September 8th 2018
Place: The Ionian Sea
Port of departure: Lefkas (Lefkada)
Price: 420€, or in the catamaran approx. 800€ + flights
Signup opens: Friday, March 9th 2018 at 12:00 noon

The Tripventure is for TRIP members. If you’re not a member, you can join now: https://trip.ayy.fi/wordpress/?page_id=178

Sign up: https://trip.ayy.fi/wordpress/?p=3084 The positions are filled in registration order.

NB! Registration is binding. You will not be refunded the booking fee if we cannot get someone to fill in for you.

For more information, email markus.relander@iki.fi




14. The #LuovutusAalto blood donation campaign ends on Friday, the 6th of April

The spring 2018 #LuovutusAalto blood donation campaign is nearing its end. The campaign ends on Friday, the 6th of April, so there’s still time to donate blood by yourself or together and improve your association’s chances of winning!

Read the instructions and come and save lives: /en/blog/2018/02/01/luovutusaalto-is-here-again-blood-donation-campaign-between-february-8th-and-april-6th-2018/


15. Get your vaccinations for the summer

Attention travelers! It’s summer soon, so remember to get your vaccinations in time. It’s best to get in touch with FSHS three months before your journey to make sure the vaccinations can be given in full.

Read more at  http://www.yths.fi/en/traveladvice


16. Last creative writing afternoon session “Dreams” at the Otaniemi Chapel on Wednesday, the 11th of April between 15:00 and 17:00

Find yourself through creative writing! The creative writing afternoon series reaches its climax, concluding with the theme “Dreams”. Sign up here: http://bit.ly/2E7sx3w

The goal of the afternoons is to:

– Create joy, new perspectives and self-knowledge through creative writing.
– Support Aalto University students and staff in personal growth and development.

The events are gentle and empowering. They consist of writing, discussions and silence.

Participation is free, tea is served starting from 14:30. Every afternoon has room for max. 15 participants. The afternoons are held in Finnish.

A creative and warm welcome!

Organizer: MA, author and trainer Mertzi Bergman.

The creative writing afternoons are made possible by the Tapiola parish, accompanied by the Aalto chaplains.




17. Croquet at a herring breakfast picnic or other events? Croquet Conclave is here to help!

Would you like to play croquet at an event, but it seems like too much trouble or you don’t have enough croquet sets? You can ask the professional members of the Croquet Conclave to arrange a croquet game at your desired event for a small fee.

Croquet is an excellent addition to the program at a herring breakfast, pre-party or other events. The conclave also rents out croquet sets. Contact the Conclave: konklaavi-hallitus@list.ayy.fi

More information: /profiles/krokettikonklaavi/


18. Aalto Formula Team is looking for new members, join in!

Aalto Formula Team ry (AFT) is looking for new members.

The goal is to design and build an electronic Formula Student class racing car and compete in the relevant contests in the 2019 season. The project and competitions are not just about technology, but there is also a business case integrated into the project.

There’s plenty of work available in the areas of technology, business and arts, but also in the production of marketing and media. The electric car industry is a growing business, and you are certain to find work related to it after graduation. The project is a great opportunity to put what you’ve learned into practice. Let’s make this a project for the entire Aalto community!

For more information on Formula Student, check out this link: https://www.formulastudent.de/about/concept/

If you’re interested in the project, join as a member. You can join by filling out this form: https://goo.gl/forms/rqEfaCqDqqs64QR23

The membership fee for 2018 is only 1€.


19. BEST Autumn courses’ application has begun, apply by April 22nd

This autumn, BEST (Board of European Students of Technology) brings to you 11 courses around Europe.

On the courses, you’ll get to attend lectures, given by the university’s teaching staff or by experts from companies, on Technology, Career Related Skills, and Applied Engineering. After the lectures, you’ll also take part in evening programmes, designed to give you a taste of the LBG (Local BEST Group) that hosts you and the local culture.

For more information about the courses and FAQs, visit https://besthelsinki.fi/en/courses/application/

WHAT: Autumn courses’ application has begun
WHEN: March 25th, 2018
WHY: Week long course with BEST people; costs up to 50€ including stay and food
WHERE: https://best.eu.org/courses



This is the Aalto University Student Union weekly newsletter 14/2018. You can find news concerning AYY, its associations and sections in this newsletter, in addition to other useful information.

If you want your own piece to be a part of the weekly newsletter, send it in its finalized form to tiedotteet@ayy.fi by Thursday 10:00 if you want it out the following week. The recommended length of the text is 500 characters and the maximum length is 1 000 characters.

The association information can be found in the association newsletter. Read it at: /en/associations/association-newsletter

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