Weekly Newsletter 15/2018

You can tell it from the amount of events in the weekly newsletter – Wappu is less than a month away. The Wappu Calendar, found at wappu.fi, and the Whappu application are also gathering events, so if you’re interested in what’s going to happen on Wappu, keep an eye on them both. Have a fun and fast-paced week!


Week 15

9.4. Teekkarispeksi 2018: Hurma /blog/events/teekkarispeksi-2018-hurma/
9.4. Data protection legislation is changing, is your association prepared? /en/blog/events/data-protection-legislation-is-changing-is-your-association-prepared/
10.4. Teekkarispeksi 2018: Hurma /blog/events/teekkarispeksi-2018-hurma-2/
11.4. Ristin kilta: An evening of prayer and praise /blog/events/ristin-kilta-rukous-ja-ylistysilta-6/
11.4. World Dinner /blog/events/world-dinner-4/
12.4. Ristin kilta: Sauna night at Rantsu /blog/events/ristin-kilta-saunailta-rantsulla/
12.4. Get your bicycle fixed for the spring! /blog/events/fillarin-kevathuolto/

Week 16

16.4. Teekkarispeksi 2018: Hurma /blog/events/teekkarispeksi-2018-hurma-3/
17.4. Teekkarispeksi 2018: Hurma /blog/events/teekkarispeksi-2018-hurma-4/
20.4. ESN Aalto Anything but Clothes Sitsit /blog/events/esn-aalto-anything-but-clothes-sitsit/
20.4. TRIP Final exams for the navigation courses and afterparty /blog/events/trip-laivurikurssien-lopputentit-ja-tentinkaato-2/
20.4. Aalto Gamers Biweekly Tournament (LoL & CSGO) /blog/events/aalto-gamers-biweekly-tournament-lol-csgo/



  1. AYY 8th Annual Ball on the 19th of May 2018
  2. Suggest the Learning Promotion Deed of the Year and the International Deed of the Year
  3. Fantastic coffee moments at the Hav a Java café
  4. Come work as a volunteer at Dipoli’s Wappu!
  5. Otaniemi junk bike collection
  6. Apply for scholarships from AYY
  7. The Nice Roomie Contest
  8. Answer the questionnaire on further improving the weekly newsletter


  1. Raflateam – have a different kind of night out at a restaurant


  1. Introducing the Design Calendar for the academic year 2018–19
  2. Drink & Draw 10.4.
  3. Tikelo Presents: Get Out 10.4.
  4. The Polytech Orchestra Spring Concert on the 14th of April


  1. Aaltoes Open Meeting 10.4
  2. Hukkaputki Pub Crawl 2018 on April 12th
  3. Opening of the Konttauskausi (Crawling Season) on the 13th of April
  4. Aalto Open Air 2018 on the 18th of April
  5. Sitsi Competition on the 21st of April
  6. NESU-KY: Wappusitz on the 27th of April!
  7. Aalto Gamers League of Legends tournament on the 12th of May


  1. Aalto Tennis Game Day for Newcomers on the 14th of April
  2. A! games on the 16th of April
  3. Aalto 10K/5K are coming in September, sign up now!
  4. TRIP’s Tripventure 2018


  1. Students’ Mental Health Day on the 18th April 2018
  2. Last creative writing afternoon session “Dreams” at the Otaniemi Chapel on Wednesday, the 11th of April


  1. Free virtual reality teaching in VR Hub
  2. Apply to the Kiuas Accelerator program by the 18th of April
  3. BEST Autumn courses’ application has begun, apply by April 22nd




1. AYY 8th Annual Ball on the 19th of May 2018

The 8th Annual Ball of the Aalto University Student Union takes place on the 19th of May 2018. We welcome all members to participate in the celebrations.

This year, the party will kick off with a cocktail party at Saha, Konemiehentie 1 at 15:00. The celebration dinner will be held at restaurant Koskenranta, located at Helsinki, starting at 18:00. The dinner will consist of a three-course meal and excellent program. The afterparty locations will be announced later.

The cost of the Annual Ball is 80€ for members of AYY and 100€ for others.

Read more: https://www.vuosijuhlat.fi/

Dress code at the party will be white tie with academic honours.


2. Suggest the Learning Promotion Deed of the Year and the International Deed of the Year

Does a person, project or association that you know deserve recognition for their excellent idea or deed used to promote learning? Or has a professor of yours, a student association or someone else done something special to make Aalto more international or to help international students?

Propose a deed for the 2017–18 Learning Promotion Deed of the Year and for the International Deed of the Year by the 15th of April. Read more and submit your proposal through the following links:

Learning Promotion Deed of the Year: https://lomake.ayy.fi/koulutuspolitiikka/oppimisteko/
International Deed of the Year: https://lomake.ayy.fi/koulutuspolitiikka/kansainvalinenteko/


3. Fantastic coffee moments at the Hav a Java café

Whether you like to go wild or take it easy, you can do it at Hav a Java.

We want to make your day better: we have a mouth-watering selection of coffee, tea, smoothies and nourishing snacks. We make most of our products ourselves on the spot, favoring the best seasonal and organic ingredients.

The trendy and urban milieu of our Nordic café makes your mind smile. This is how a moment of rest between work or studying should feel like. Our atmosphere is always relaxed and immediate.

We are your new favorite café in the middle of the campus. Visit us and have a fantastic Hav a Java experience. Show us your student card and get a -15% discount until the 30th of April 2018.

Contact details:

Otakaari 5, Espoo
Telephone +358 50 438 3114


4. Come work as a volunteer at Dipoli’s Wappu!

Dipoli’s Wappu is still looking for more volunteers for many different tasks!

This is a great opportunity to learn more about volunteering at AYY. Volunteer benefits include VIP tickets, volunteer afterparty, bus ride to Ullanlinnanmäki, a survival pack for the next day and half of the much desired pink ribbon.


5. Otaniemi junk bike collection

The Otaniemi junk bike collection is here and it’s bigger than ever. This year, we’ll be collecting abandoned bikes in the Otaniemi area not only from properties owned by AYY and Hoas, but also from ACRE’s buildings.

All bikes will be marked with a colorful bracelet between the 6th and 8th of April. All bikes that still have the bracelet intact will be collected during May. So remember to remove the bracelet from your bike as soon as possible! Please also tell your friends and roommates who aren’t in Otaniemi during the collection period to make sure the bracelet is removed from their bicycle. Is your friend on an exchange? Help them out!

All collected bikes that are in good condition will be sold in September. Then is your chance to buy yourself a working bicycle at an affordable price.

More information: /en/student-union/volunteering/sections/campus-section/collecting-of-abandoned-bicycles/


6. Apply for scholarships from AYY

AYY is distributing exchange, community and study scholarships this spring to support the internationalization of students and community activities and to encourage the successful combination of studies and the student life.

The spring application period for the scholarships ends on the 18th April at 23:59.

More information: /en/students/services/scholarships/


7. The Nice Roomie Contest

Roommate done something nice for you? Let us know!

Has your roomie nursed you with zinc and vitamin C when you’ve been struck down by the flu? Helped you move, baked you cookies for your b-day? Organized a movie night at the shared apartment, unclogged the sink, evicted a stray moth from your room? Something else? Let us know!

A nice roommate act can be anything at all, as long as it has brought joy to one’s roommates. If you were the one carrying out the act, you can also inform us of it yourself. Do it here: https://lomake.ayy.fi/kampusjaosto/kiva-kamppisteko-kilpailu/

The rewards for nice roommate acts will be handed out at the Wappurieha declaration on the 30th of April. That means there is still ample time to carry out nice acts for your roommates.

The deadline for contest submissions closes on Wednesday, the 18th of April 2018. All AYY and Hoas Otaniemi apartments are involved in the contest, so whether your flat is a friend, family or shared flat, it is time to do something nice for your roommates!


8. Answer the questionnaire on further improving the weekly newsletter

AYY Communications aims to improve the weekly newsletter to be even more easily approachable and quicker to browse.

For the newsletter to answer the needs and wishes of our members as well as possible, we have opened a questionnaire through which you can leave us feedback or improvement ideas regarding the weekly newsletter to help us in our development work. The questionnaire is anonymous.

Give us your feedback, there’s still time: https://lomake.ayy.fi/viestinta/ayyn-viikkotiedote-ayys-weekly-newsletter-aus-veckobrev/




9. Raflateam – have a different kind of night out at a restaurant

Do you want to make some extra money while studying? Get some kick-ass work experience? Flexible work that can be easily combined with your other interests and tasks? How about the restaurant business?

Now you can join our team even without any previous experience: Raflateam will train you for the job! We are organizing three three-day training sessions in April–May.

Read more about Raflateam: https://bit.ly/2J4mrzS

What makes a restaurant experience memorable? We are offering one lucky person a different kind of night at a restaurant for two, this time as a customer (value 80€). Everyone who has liked and commented on the campaign posts on AYY’s Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/ylioppilaskunta/posts/10157555998331151) by the 30th of April will be included in the lottery.

The lottery is organized by Raflateam / Opteam Yhtiöt Oy. Facebook is not involved in the lottery.




10. Introducing the Design Calendar for the academic year 2018–19

To celebrate the Year of Arts, AYY and TOKYO ry are joining forces to publish a jointly made Design Calendar for the academic year 2018–19.

This year, the Design Calendar is designed by Reetta Vartiala, master’s student in interior architecture. The calendar will be handed out to all AYY members at the start of the autumn term.

Find out more about the calendar and its designer: /en/blog/2018/04/09/presenting-the-design-calendar-for-year-2018-19/


11. Drink & Draw 10.4.

The time has come to draw things with the Aalto Visual Communication Design student organization GRRR!

This time, inspiration and beer will flow through us in Majava Baari on the 10th of April. BYOPP = bring your own papers and pens, but if your dog ate your pens and you don’t have any money to buy new ones, GRRR can lend some.

So come join us and take your buddies with you. The event is open for all Aalto students and their friends who enjoy drawing. See you there!


12. Tikelo Presents: Get Out 10.4.

Once again, the exam week is coming to an end and the numerous hours of studying are over. Now it is time for some exquisite entertainment in the form of a movie.

This time we will show you Jordan Peele’s directorial debut: the horror film Get Out that has won the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay at the 90th Academy Awards and many other acknowledgements. The film is accompanied with free snacks for your most gluttonous desires.


WHAT: Movie Get Out (2017)
WHEN: 10.4. at 18.00
WHERE: Yläkertsi, KY building 3rd floor
WHY: cus free stuff duh


13. The Polytech Orchestra Spring Concert on the 14th of April

The Polytech Orchestra performs music from the Romantic era in its spring concert on Sat, the 14th of April at 16:00 in Tapiolasali, Espoo.

The audience is first taken to the Isle of the Dead by Rachmaninoff, then graced with Strauss’s Horn Concerto No. 1, and lastly tunes from the New World are provided in the form of Dvořák’s 9th symphony. The concerts soloist is Ilkka Hongisto, known from Tapiola Sinfonietta. The Polytech Orchestra is conducted by Eero Lehtimäki who has lead the orchestra since autumn 2016.

Tickets: VIP 50€, support 25€, standard 15€, pensioner 12€, student 8€

Tickets can be bought in advance at www.polyteknikkojenorkesteri.fi and from the orchestra members. Tickets are also sold at the door where both cash and card payments are accepted.





14. Aaltoes Open Meeting 10.4

Aaltoes, Aalto Entrepreneurship Society, exists to build the next generation of entrepreneurs.

Aaltoes organizes a variety of events and programs for university students and early-stage entrepreneurs: incubators/accelerators, hackathons, inspirational events and meetups. The organization is run entirely by students: active members consist of a board and team members who are volunteers fascinated about entrepreneurship.

This meeting is open for all who are interested in Aaltoes in general, want to join our team or hear about our current and upcoming projects. Grab a friend with you, and see you on Tuesday, the 10th of April at Startup Sauna, Betonimiehenkuja 3D.

Read more: https://www.facebook.com/events/1644635575628371/


15. Hukkaputki Pub Crawl 2018 on April 12th

Steps behind you are getting closer and closer…
…”What is that?” you wonder…

The legendary Hukkaputki, organized by KY’s Cultural Committee KUVA, is here again! Now is no time to look back, just keep running down the metro stairs or the Hukka is gonna get you!

KUVA warmly welcomes everyone to KY’s biggest and most interdisciplinary pub crawl of the spring. Gather up your friends, put your overalls on and head to KY Building’s Alakertsi on Thursday, April 12th.

WHAT: Hukkaputki Pub Crawl 2018
WHEN: Thursday April 12th at 16-06 (Pub Crawl time 16-23)
WHERE: Metro tunnels of Helsinki and Espoo
START: Alakertsi, KY Building (Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu 21 B)
FINISH: Apollo Live Club (Mannerheimintie 16)
AFTERPARTY: Apollo Live Club (Mannerheimintie 16) at 21-04, the program will be announced later!
AFTER AFTERPARTY: Hosted by KUJ at 03-06 am @ Alakertsi, KY Building (Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu 21 B ) Tickets: https://bailataan.fi/#!/events/03248d03-cbed-4b4a-89a3-e6d5c1b6b6c4


16. Opening of the Konttauskausi on the 13th of April

The opening of the Konttauskausi (Crawling Season) approaches with the power of a thousand Wappus! To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Guild of Automation and Systems Technology, we’re organizing perhaps the oldest event of our guild on the 13th of April, and it’s bigger than ever before!

The Alvari Square will be covered by a humongous Kimble playing board. In addition to the traditional Human Kimble, there will be music, food, activities and epic Wappu vibes! This is something you don’t want to miss!

The first game starts at 14:00, and we will play as many games as possible, but if you want to make sure that your 4-person team gets the chance to play, be there on time.

Grab your drinks for the game and challenge the other teams on the biggest Kimble arena of the spring!

The afterparty will be held at OK20’s small side after the buzz at the Alvari Square has quieted down.

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/184578802163878/

The crawl has been made possible by the TTE Fund. Tactic and Nokian Panimo are also involved in the clickfest.

WHAT: Opening of the Konttauskausi feat. Human Kimble!
WHEN: 13th of April, starting at 14:00
BYODG: Bring Your Own Drinks for the Game


17. Aalto Open Air 2018 on the 18th of April

Aalto Open Air is here on the 18th of April!

The epic outdoor festival fills the Alvari square and gives everyone a chance to enjoy brilliant music and the company of friends. You can also bring your own tent in order to party and sleep on the school yard all night long. It’s gonna be an amazing day, so prepare yourselves!

But wait, there’s more. The best tent setup owners get a heart-and-body-warming prize: a one-time free booking of one of AYY’s fabulous rentable saunas!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/167896853866470/

WHAT: Aalto Open Air
WHERE: Alvari square
WHEN: 18th of April
COST: Nothing!
WHY: It’s time to start Wappu


18. Sitsi Competition on the 21st of April

The sitsi competition is coming to gather all the merry Wappu people to party at the Alvari square! Gather your posse, figure out a fun sitsi theme, pack your food along with tables & chairs and hop to Alvari Square on Saturday, the 21st of April to sitsi with us at 13:00.

The sitsi competition has traditionally seen the most spectacular and imaginatively themed sitsi parties and creative assemblies both in terms of costumes, songs and food. The most original and inventive teams will be rewarded on the Wappu eve on the 30th of April at the Wappurieha kick off.

Sign up your team at http://lomake.ayy.fi/teekkarijaosto/sitsikilpailut-2018/ by the 19th of April.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/155142915165541/


19. NESU-KY: Wappusitz on the 27th of April!

We invite you all to come enjoy a juicebox party at Saha on Friday, the 27th of April 18:00!

Does it feel like Wappu’s still too far away? NESU-KY is here with the solution to your troubles: Wappusitz!  KY’s Wappu week kicks off on Friday, the 27th of April, with this traditional celebration.

This juicy celebration will guarantee a happy start to Wappu and won’t leave anyone thirsty.  Grab a bottle (or two) of bubbly and let your inner child out to play.  We’ll have enough juice and sweets to make sure everyone gets a sugar high.

This event is open for all Aalto University students! The language of the event is Finnish.

WHAT: Wappusitz
WHERE: Saha, Konemiehentie 1, Espoo
WHEN: Friday, 27th of April 4 at 18:00
WHY: Why not?
PRICE:  15€
TICKET SALES: To be announced
DC: Overalls with a childish twist

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/126452691534320/


20. Aalto Gamers League of Legends tournament on the 12th of May

The Aalto Gamers League of Legends tournament is here! Grab a few friends and come compete. All skill levels are welcome to join and the winners will be rewarded. We will have a fully-set gaming venue with computers, so you only need to bring yourself.

Everyone is welcome to join the event and watch the games and enjoy free drinks, snacks and the great atmosphere. So, whether you are a serious League player, or just looking for a fun and interesting gaming event, come check us out!

You can sing up as a full 5-man team or as a flex team of 1-4 persons. Flex teams will be completed before the start of the tournament.

For more information on the tournament, check out the Facebook page: http://tinyurl.com/AGleague2018




21. Aalto Tennis Game Day for Newcomers on the 14th of April

Did you know that Aalto University has its own tennis club, Aalto Tennis? We arrange coaching courses, tournaments and other tennis-related events!

We will organize a Game Day for Newcomers on Saturday, the 14th of April from 13:00 to 15:00. This is your opportunity to come and play tennis or badminton with Aalto Tennis for FREE! You don’t even need to take your own rackets or balls.

We will also provide you with some information about our mini tennis courses coming in May if you are interested. There will be some snacks, too. Come to Esport Center with your friends or by yourself and you will get a fun workout for Saturday!



22. A! games on the 16th of April

The time has come to match the schools against one another and find out which boasts the best ball game team!

The AYY Sports Committee LTMK organizes the A! games tournament, which pits the Aalto schools against one another. Gather your team and go! The tournament is hosted at Otahalli on the 16th of April, and the games are played between 9:00 and 16:00.

The teams will clash in basketball, floorball, futsal, volleyball and ultimate. You can join in as many different sports as you want.

For more information and registration, check out the Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/208661209900787

What: A! games
Where: Otahalli
When: 16th of April from 9:00 to 16:00


23. Aalto 10K/5K are coming in September, sign up now!

The traditional Aalto 10K and Aalto 5K sports day will be held on Sunday, the 16th of September 2018! You can run, jog, walk, or Nordic walk the distance of your choice.

The event is free of charge for Aalto people.

Aalto 10K/5k is part of the Espoon Rantamaraton marathon event. The marathon and half-marathon will be run on Saturday, the 15th of September 2018.

WHEN: Sun, 16th of September 2018 between 11:00 and 15:00
WHERE: Otahalli and its surroundings in Otaniemi, Espoo act as the center for the event. All distances start from Otaniemenranta in Otaniemi, on the shore of Laajalahti.

Registration for all distances is now open: https://www.rantamaraton.fi/aaltokymppi/ The registration ends on Sunday, the 9th of September 2018, at 23:59.

Aalto’s internal event pages will be put up in the new Into during the late spring of 2018.


24. TRIP’s Tripventure 2018

The early spring in Finland being as cold as it is, it’s nice to dream of the sun’s warmth, bikini climate, the best company, amazing scenery and laid-back life on a boat. TRIP (Teekkaripurjehtijat, “Teekkari Sailors”) is organizing the legendary Tripventure already for the sixth time this year. This time, we will be heading to the Ionian Sea in Greece.

Time: September 1st–September 8th 2018
Place: The Ionian Sea
Port of departure: Lefkas (Lefkada)
Price: 420€, or in the catamaran approx. 800€ + flights
Signup opens: Friday, March 9th 2018 at 12:00 noon

The Tripventure is for TRIP members. If you’re not a member, you can join now: https://trip.ayy.fi/wordpress/?page_id=178

Sign up: https://trip.ayy.fi/wordpress/?p=3084 The positions are filled in registration order.

NB! Registration is binding. You will not be refunded the booking fee if we cannot get someone to fill in for you.

For more information, email markus.relander@iki.fi




25. Students’ Mental Health Day on the 18th April 2018

This spring, we are organizing the first ever national Students’ Mental Health Day.

The mental health day is on Wednesday, the 18th April, and the campaign around it will run from the 9th to the 20th of April 2018. The aim is to spark discussion on students’ mental health. This year’s campaign theme is compassion.

You can participate in the campaign in many ways. You can implement acts of goodwill in your own study communities or take part in the social media challenge. Information on participation and tips on organizing activities can be found on the campaign site. There are also prizes for participants.

During the campaign, we will share varied content on compassion and mental well-being on social media and on our campaign site. Stay tuned!

Join us – Students’ Mental Health Day is made together.

Read more about campaign: https://www.nyyti.fi/en/mielenterveyspaiva/


26. Last creative writing afternoon session “Dreams” at the Otaniemi Chapel on Wednesday, the 11th of April

Find yourself through creative writing! The creative writing afternoon series reaches its climax, concluding with the theme “Dreams”. Sign up here: http://bit.ly/2E7sx3w

The goal of the afternoons is to:

– Create joy, new perspectives and self-knowledge through creative writing.
– Support Aalto University students and staff in personal growth and development.

The events are gentle and empowering. They consist of writing, discussions and silence.

Participation is free, tea is served starting from 14:30. Every afternoon has room for max. 15 participants. The afternoons are held in Finnish.

A creative and warm welcome!

Organizer: MA, author and trainer Mertzi Bergman.

The creative writing afternoons are made possible by the Tapiola parish, accompanied by the Aalto chaplains.




27. Free virtual reality teaching in VR Hub

VR Hub is your guide for learning, recreation and creativity in virtual reality.

We are giving introductions for VR every Tuesday from 17:00 to 18:00 at the Learning Centre.

Tue 10.4. at 17:00: VR Hub Session: Make a virtual avatar

What is it like to have 3-meter-long hands? Would you like to try virtual gender-swapping? How about meeting your digital copy in virtual reality? Avatars have been used in computer games for a long time, but VR makes it possible for one’s body to work as an embodied interface for the avatar in virtual space. Join this session to get introduced to the most used avatar-based social applications such as VRChat and Rec Room.

Get your free ticket: https://tinyurl.com/yd8fj8bp

Other VR Hub Sessions, choose one or catch them all!
Tue 24.4. Social VR – Co-creation tools
Tue 8.5. Social VR – Creating a prototype
Tue 22.5. Introduction to 360-video creation



28. Apply to the Kiuas Accelerator program by the 18th of April

Kiuas Accelerator is a 10-week program for early-stage startups organized during the summer. Chosen teams are offered top-level coaching, free working spaces and financial aid to help boost growth.

Apply by the 18th of April at https://accelerator.kiuas.us


29. BEST Autumn courses’ application has begun, apply by April 22nd

This autumn, BEST (Board of European Students of Technology) brings to you 11 courses around Europe.

On the courses, you’ll get to attend lectures, given by the university’s teaching staff or by experts from companies, on Technology, Career Related Skills, and Applied Engineering. After the lectures, you’ll also take part in evening programmes, designed to give you a taste of the LBG (Local BEST Group) that hosts you and the local culture.

For more information about the courses and FAQs, visit https://besthelsinki.fi/en/courses/application/

WHAT: Autumn courses’ application has begun
WHEN: March 25th, 2018
WHY: Week long course with BEST people; costs up to 50€ including stay and food
WHERE: https://best.eu.org/courses



This is the Aalto University Student Union weekly newsletter 15/2018. You can find news concerning AYY, its associations and sections in this newsletter, in addition to other useful information.

If you want your own piece to be a part of the weekly newsletter, send it in its finalized form to tiedotteet@ayy.fi by Thursday 10:00 if you want it out the following week. The recommended length of the text is 500 characters and the maximum length is 1 000 characters.

The association information can be found in the association newsletter. Read it at: /en/associations/association-newsletter

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