Weekly Newsletter 16/2018

On Wednesday this week, we are celebrating the national Students’ Mental Health Day. The theme of the day is well-being through compassion – compassion towards both other people as well as yourself supports mental health.

You can meet AYY’s well-being experts, Aalto’s study psychologists and alpacas at the Alvari Square on Wednesday. Check out item 2 for more information and come and say hi!


Week 16

16.4. Teekkarispeksi 2018: Hurma /blog/events/teekkarispeksi-2018-hurma-3/
17.4. Teekkarispeksi 2018: Hurma /blog/events/teekkarispeksi-2018-hurma-4/
20.4. ESN Aalto Anything but Clothes Sitsit /blog/events/esn-aalto-anything-but-clothes-sitsit/
20.4. . TRIP Final exams for the navigation courses and afterparty /blog/events/trip-laivurikurssien-lopputentit-ja-tentinkaato-2/
20.4. Aalto Gamers Biweekly Tournament (LoL & CSGO) /blog/events/aalto-gamers-biweekly-tournament-lol-csgo/

Week 17

23.4. Teekkarispeksi 2018: Hurma /blog/events/teekkarispeksi-2018-hurma-5/
23.4. Beer Croquet /blog/events/kaljakroketti/
27.4. Taikausko /blog/events/taikausko/



  1. Blog post from the Chair of the AYY Board: An open letter on equality
  2. Alpacas at the Alvari Square on Students’ Mental Health Day on the 18th of April
  3. AYY 8th Annual Ball on the 19th of May 2018
  4. Otaniemi junk bike collection
  5. Apply for scholarships from AYY
  6. The Nice Roomie Contest


  1. Raflateam – have a different kind of night out at a restaurant


  1. Enthusiasm, Rapture and the Teekkarispeksi
  2. Miserere church concert on the 22nd of May – Music from the depths of the soul


  1. Aalto Open Air 2018 on the 18th of April
  2. JÀynÀ Finals on the 20th of April
  3. Ylonz afterparty on the 21st of April
  4. Brunch at the Otaniemi Chapel on April 22nd
  5. Beer ‘n’ Bible at restaurant Fat Lizard on the 25th of April
  6. Taikausko on the 27th of April
  7. Beer Relay of the Guild of Materials and Metallurgy students on the 30th of April
  8. Declaration of the Wappu Rowdiness on the 30th of April
  9. WBX: The return of the Wappu Bus on the 30th of April
  10. NESU-KY: Wappu Terrace on the 30th of April
  11. Dipoli’s Wappu on the 30th of April
  12. Village cleanup on the 5th of May
  13. Flower Day on the 13th of May


  1. Aalto-Basket is looking for players


  1. Creativity through sleep: Lecture and workshop on the connection between sleep and creativity on the 25th of April


  1. Answer the survey about the attractiveness of employers and win a travel gift card
  2. Apply for a gardening plot in Ossinlampi by the 27th of April and join the Board of the Urban Gardening association
  3. Master’s student: are you interested in mentoring?
  4. Tenured Professors’ Installation Talks on the 25th of April




1. Blog post from the Chair of the AYY Board: An open letter on equality

This spring, equality issues have come under scrutiny in the Aalto community. At its meeting on Thursday, the 19th of April, AYY’s Representative Council will discuss associations operating within the Student Union that treat new potential members in an unequal manner because of their gender.

In AYY’s blog, Chair of AYY’s Board Noora VĂ€nttinen writes about the situation and the next steps the Aalto University Student Union will take to solve it.

Read the blog post here: /blogi/2018/04/13/an-open-letter-on-equality/?lang=en


2. Alpacas at the Alvari Square on Students’ Mental Health Day on the 18th of April

Wappu and the spring may be harsh and cold, but the coat of an alpaca is warm and soft. Come and pet an alpaca at the Alvari Square on Wednesday, the 18th of April, any time between 11:30 and 15:00 before the Aalto Open Air event.

In addition to alpacas, AYY’s well-being experts and Aalto’s study psychologists can also be found at the Square.

The alpacas are part of Nyyti ry’s national Students’ Mental Health Day. Read more about the impact that compassion has on mental health: https://www.nyyti.fi/en/mielenterveyspaiva/


3. AYY 8th Annual Ball on the 19th of May 2018

The 8th Annual Ball of the Aalto University Student Union takes place on the 19th of May 2018. We welcome all members to participate in the celebrations.

This year, the party will kick off with a cocktail party at Saha, Konemiehentie 1 at 15:00. The celebration dinner will be held at restaurant Koskenranta, located at Helsinki, starting at 18:00. The dinner will consist of a three-course meal and excellent program. The afterparty locations will be announced later.

The cost of the Annual Ball is 80€ for members of AYY and 100€ for others.

Read more: https://www.vuosijuhlat.fi/

Dress code at the party will be white tie with academic honours.

Herring brunch: https://www.facebook.com/events/1913266775412681/


4. Otaniemi junk bike collection

The Otaniemi junk bike collection is here and it’s bigger than ever. This year, we’ll be collecting abandoned bikes in the Otaniemi area not only from properties owned by AYY and Hoas, but also from ACRE’s buildings.

All bikes will be marked with a colorful bracelet between the 6th and 8th of April. All bikes that still have the bracelet intact will be collected during May. So remember to remove the bracelet from your bike as soon as possible! Please also tell your friends and roommates who aren’t in Otaniemi during the collection period to make sure the bracelet is removed from their bicycle. Is your friend on an exchange? Help them out!

All collected bikes that are in good condition will be sold in September. Then is your chance to buy yourself a working bicycle at an affordable price.

More information: /en/student-union/volunteering/sections/campus-section/collecting-of-abandoned-bicycles/

5. Apply for scholarships from AYY

AYY is distributing exchange, community and study scholarships this spring to support the internationalization of students and community activities and to encourage the successful combination of studies and the student life.

The spring application period for the scholarships ends on the 18th April at 23:59.

More information: /en/students/services/scholarships/

6. The Nice Roomie Contest

Roommate done something nice for you? Let us know!

Has your roomie nursed you with zinc and vitamin C when you’ve been struck down by the flu? Helped you move, baked you cookies for your b-day? Organized a movie night at the shared apartment, unclogged the sink, evicted a stray moth from your room? Something else? Let us know!

A nice roommate act can be anything at all, as long as it has brought joy to one’s roommates. If you were the one carrying out the act, you can also inform us of it yourself. Do it here: https://lomake.ayy.fi/kampusjaosto/kiva-kamppisteko-kilpailu/

The rewards for nice roommate acts will be handed out at the Declaration of the Wappu Rowdiness on the 30th of April. That means there is still ample time to carry out nice acts for your roommates.

The deadline for contest submissions closes on Wednesday, the 18th of April 2018. All AYY and Hoas Otaniemi apartments are involved in the contest, so whether your flat is a friend, family or shared flat, it is time to do something nice for your roommates!




7. Raflateam – have a different kind of night out at a restaurant

Working at a restaurant is much more than carrying plates and pouring beer. It’s about customer service, teamwork and an energetic and good atmosphere. The most delicious part is that working in the restaurant business gives you the opportunity to learn about the latest trends going on in the culinary world, as well as about the proper etiquette and the most fashionable drinks, while earning some extra income during your studies.

Now you can join our team even without any previous experience: Raflateam will train you for the job! We are organizing three three-day training sessions in April–May.

Read more about Raflateam: https://bit.ly/2J4mrzS

What makes a restaurant experience memorable? We are offering one lucky person a different kind of night at a restaurant for two, this time as a customer (value 80€).

Everyone who has liked and commented on the campaign posts on AYY’s Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/ylioppilaskunta/posts/10157555998331151) by the 30th of April will be included in the lottery.

The lottery is organized by Raflateam / Opteam Yhtiöt Oy. Facebook is not involved in the lottery.




8. Enthusiasm, Rapture and the Teekkarispeksi

AYY is celebrating the Year of Arts in 2018. To celebrate this, we will shine the light on creative individuals and groups working within the Aalto community.

First in line to give insight on their activities and art is the Teekkarispeksi, which is currently performing the Hurma (Rapture) speksi at the Alexander Theater.

Read the blog post from Teekkarispeksi here:


9. Miserere church concert on the 22nd of May – Music from the depths of the soul

Mountains of exams getting you down? Would like to think about something completely different for a moment?

Come take a breather and calm down before the end of the academic year at the Polytech Choir’s Miserere concert at the Lauttasaari Church on the 22nd of May at 19:00. Listen to musical contrasts from the Renaissance to the modernism of the 1980s and take in the ambience of traveling from the darkness of the soul towards the light.

Tickets for students 10€ at the Polytech Choir’s ticket shop or at lippu.fi. 15€ at the door.





10. Aalto Open Air 2018 on the 18th of April

Aalto Open Air is here on the 18th of April!

The epic outdoor festival fills the Alvari square and gives everyone a chance to enjoy brilliant music and the company of friends. You can also bring your own tent in order to party and sleep on the school yard all night long. It’s gonna be an amazing day, so prepare yourselves!

But wait, there’s more. The best tent setup owners get a heart-and-body-warming prize: a one-time free booking of one of AYY’s fabulous rentable saunas!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/167896853866470/

WHAT: Aalto Open Air
WHERE: Alvari square
WHEN: 18th of April
COST: Nothing!
WHY: It’s time to start Wappu

11. JÀynÀ Finals on the 20th of April

Come and check out the most exhilarating and invigorating jÀynÀs (pranks) in the lecture hall U2 (Otakaari 1) on Friday, the 20th of April at 16:00!

We will start raising the roof in front of the hall starting at 15:00. It’s traditionally been a full house, so arrive early to make sure you fit in.

The voting for the public’s favorite jĂ€ynĂ€ is open for everyone and starts immediately after the final at www.jĂ€ynĂ€.fi! The public’s favorite will be announced on the 30th of April as part of the Declaration of the Wappu Rowdiness.

For more information about the JÀynÀ Competition and the prizes, visit www.jÀynÀ.fi

WHAT: 31st annual Final of the JÀynÀ Competition
WHEN: Fri 20th of April, 16:00, the doors will open at 15:45
WHERE: Lecture hall U2 (former Mellin hall)

Please note that the event will be held in Finnish.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1779197992102373/


12. Ylonz afterparty on the 21st of April

Gott folk!

The afterparty for Ylonz (Teknologföreningen’s pub crawl) and the Sitsi Competition is held on Saturday, the 21st of April between 20:00 and 04:00 at TĂ€ffĂ€.

The main artist of the evening is the world’s famous Finnish-Swedish DJ quartet Bastupojkarna, performing now at TĂ€ffĂ€ for the first time. DJ Per will keep the audience dancing throughout the night. The program also includes a happy hour from 20:00 to 21:00, beer pong, sumo wrestling and new acquaintances.

Come to TĂ€ffĂ€ if you still want to party after the Sitsi Competition, or if you just want to experience TĂ€ffÀ’s biggest party of the year!

You can buy tickets every Monday, Wednesday & Friday at TĂ€ffa between 10:30 and 14:00. The tickets cost 6 euros in advance and 8 euros at the door.

Nu kör vi!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2020602291517272/


13. Brunch at the Otaniemi Chapel on April 22nd

Come and enjoy a tasty brunch and some good company at the Otaniemi Chapel on April 22nd from 12 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Price of the brunch is 3€/student, paid by cash upon arrival. There are seats for 30 people, so be quick to sign up.

If you are interested in cooking the brunch together, please tick the box when signing up. The brunch is free of charge for those who cook it.

The brunch is organised by the Aalto University Chaplains and the Tapiola Parish.

More info from Aalto University Chaplain Marjut Mulari, marjut.mulari@evl.fi / 050 365 2256
Sign up here:  https://goo.gl/forms/wKef2fHT26ollHzE2


14. Beer ‘n’ Bible at restaurant Fat Lizard on the 25th of April

“When I preach, I preach so that even a 7-year-old child can understand it. But when me and Master Melanchthon drink beer in the cellar and talk about theology, even God up in Heaven is astonished by our learning.”- Martin Luther (1483-1546)

Join the discussion, learn new things and get to know to new people! We are hosting an easily accessible Bible circle for students and young adults at the Fat Lizard restaurant in Otaniemi on Wednesday, the 25th of April at 17:30.

The restaurant is located a stone’s throw from the Aalto University metro station, and it is easy to find and serves food and drink.

The masterminds behind the Bible circle are lovers of beer and the Bible from Tapiola, Stina and Ilmar Metsalo. The Aalto chaplains and the Tapiola parish are also involved.

More information from Aalto chaplain Marjut Mulari: marjut.mulari@evl.fi / 050 3652 256


15. Taikausko on the 27th of April

As our community shyly gets ready for the joyful days of Wappu, the international trio of BEST Helsinki, ESN Aalto and AYY’s Mosaic are teaming up with the electronic music association Entropy.

Together, we will release a gigantic blast of sound from the underground, overwhelming the whole campus with a hypnotic wave of music emanating from Smökki.

The only thing left to do is to go down to Smökki on Friday, the 27th of April, get ready to let your dancing feet loose and enjoy the amazing vibrations!

Come get your tickets at 11:00-13:00 at the Otakaari 1 main lobby from 9th April onwards.

More info:



16. Beer Relay of the Guild of Materials and Metallurgy students on the 30th of April

Wappu is coming and so is the legendary Beer Relay of the Guild of Materials and Metallurgy students!

The time has come again to gather the thirstiest ones of you to run around the Department of Materials Science and Engineering on Monday morning, the 30th of April, at 9:00.

A team consists of three runners and one anchor, making four people in total. The cost for participating is 12 euros per team. The payment will be handled in cash before the race.

It is possible to participate in the ordinary or the women’s series. The first 34 teams to sign up will make it. The rest are in reserve in case a team cancels their participation.

The sign-up opens on the 18th of April 2017 at 12:00  at https://vk.ayy.fi/ilmomasiina/. If you have any questions, please send an email to otto.kankaanpaa@aalto.fi.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/768189246720654/

May the thirstiest team win!


17. Declaration of the Wappu Rowdiness on the 30th of April

The time has come to declare the Wappu Rowdiness with the ceremonial help of the Kilo police!

You are warmly welcome to launch the celebrations of the Wappu Eve in the traditional way in the front of Servin mökki at noon. The festivities kick off with the spectacular jazz band Polirytmi at 12:15 PM. The show is followed by an award ceremony where several winners of various Wappu competitions are declared, accompanied by RetuperĂ€ WBK’s dance rhythms.

Come experience the Wappu Rowdiness in the sunny Teekkari Village and bring your friends with you, too!

WHAT: Declaration of the Wappu Rowdiness
WHERE: The roof of Smökki (JÀmerÀntaival 4), Otaniemi
WHEN: Mon 30th of April at 12 PM
FOR WHOM: For all those who are rowdy with Wappu

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/869146986627370/


18. WBX: The return of the Wappu Bus on the 30th of April

To celebrate its ten-year journey, the Wappu Bus returns on the Wappu Eve of 2018!

The legendary party bus organized by Vapaateekkarit is the Wappu’s most mysterious and unusual party concept. This rocking, rolling and swinging ride drives around the Helsinki capital area, fooling around in the most unorthodox of places and offering the riders the wackiest and most bizarre activities imaginable.

There’s no need to worry about ticket inspectors in this bus, there’s plenty of standing room, and bus surfing is the rule rather than the exception.

The Wappu Bus terminal opens on Monday, the 30th of April at JĂ€merĂ€ntaival, right after the Declaration of the Wappu Rowdiness. The bus leaves at around 14:45 and returns to Otaniemi at about 21:00. Hop on board, get prepared for something completely different than what you’re expecting, and enjoy the Wappu in a spectacular way!

The registration for the WBX opens on Wednesday, the 18th of April at 12:00 sharp at https://vapaateekkarit.fi/wappubussi. Be quick, as the seats in the bus will surely be filled in mere seconds.

The price of the bus ticket is 35€. People who managed to get a ticket will be sent a confirmation on the day following the sign-up at the latest. Your registration will be confirmed only after you have paid for your ticket.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1675909229152280/
Wappu.fi: https://wappu.fi/event?id=98&lang=fi

P.S. You can also win free tickets to the bus through the Wappu Deed contest: https://www.facebook.com/events/1675909229152280/permalink/1677458578997345/ The contest runs until the 17th of April, 12:00 noon.


19. NESU-KY: Wappu Terrace on the 30th of April

What’s wappu without the Wappu Terrace? Well, it’s still Wappu, just worse!

NESU-KY is organizing the most spectacular way to start off the Wappu Eve with the Wappu Terrace! Come celebrate Wappu with your friends in front of the KY Building.

This event is free, but remember to bring money so you can buy some badges for your overalls!

The Wappu Parade will leave from the terrace at 16:00, so don’t miss out on that either.

WHAT: NESU-KY’s Wappu Terrace 2018
WHERE: In front of the KY Building
WHEN: 30th of April, starting at 12:00
DC: Overalls + Wappu

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1028425227311051/


20. Dipoli’s Wappu on the 30th of April

The Wappu hullabaloo culminates at the biggest party of the year, held at Dipoli on Wappu Eve, the 30th of April. There will be 2000 members of the Aalto community present, and the party will surely look and feel like it!

This Wappu, the magic word is #ÀmpÀriwappu (#bucketwappu). Come pick up your Wappu bucket from the ticket sale points for various events held during the Wappu season and enjoy a bucket-sized version of your favorite drink at the party.

Before midnight, the party people will be electrified on the main stage by Astral Bazaar, Sima and Töölön KetterÀ, while the DJ duo Oto X Monsu will rev the speed to over 9000 on the Rave-Cave side. At midnight, sweet mellow vibes are provided of course by the one and only RetuperÀ WBK.

Aalto Beer Pong, Otaniemi Karaoke Singers and the legendary Dipoli slide will also be in on the action at Dipoli.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1543981349033605/

Ps. If you’re interested in a Wappu Basket, VIP tickets or other staff benefits, there’s still time to sign up as a volunteer through this link: https://lomake.ayy.fi/jtmk/tyontekijaksi-dipolin-wappuun-2018/


21. Village cleanup on the 5th of May

Did you end up littering during Wappu? Join us for the Otaniemi village cleanup, organized on the 5th of May 2018, starting at 14:00.

The cleanup will focus on tidying the Otaniemi environs after the effects of Wappu. Trash is collected in teams from the campus and the yards of tenements, beautifying the village together.

At the end of the cleanup, the Rantasauna is warmed up to provide some relaxation for the exhilarated cleanup crew, starting at 18:00. In addition to the sauna, there are also refreshments served.

WHAT: Village cleanup
WHERE: Otaniemi, sauna afterwards at Rantsu
WHEN: Saturday, the 5th of May at 14:00, sauna at 18:00.
WHO: To all residents of Otaniemi

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/163293011045218/


22. Flower Day on the 13th of May

The AYY Campus Section warmly welcomes you to celebrate the traditional festivities of Flower Day (Flooran PÀivÀ), coinciding with the 66th birthday of the Teekkari village, on Sunday, May 13th.

This year, the event will take place in the heart of the village at Servin Mökki, starting at 18:00. You can enjoy delicious snacks and the spring-themed program. The highlight of the evening is the festive ceremony where the Flower Day message is handed over.

More information on the program and timetable to be announced later.

WHAT: Flower Day
WHERE: Smökki, Otaniemi
WHEN: Sunday, 13th of May at 18:00

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/768441560027114/




23. Aalto-Basket is looking for players

Aalto-Basket’s men’s 2nd and 3rd team play in the regional 5th division. We are looking for new players, so if you’re interested to find a new team and have played basketball previously, send an email to office@aaltobasket.fi and tell us about your background in basketball. After this, the contact persons for the teams will contact you.

Aalto-Basket also has a women’s team, which you can contact through the same email: office@aaltobasket.fi.




24. Creativity through sleep: Lecture and workshop on the connection between sleep and creativity on the 25th of April

Creativity is predicted to become one of the most important work life skills in the future. But how can you improve your creativity –  could it really be done as easily as by sleeping?

On Wednesday, the 25th of April, between 18:00 and 20:00, Luova Aalto will organize an event at restaurant Rupla where Anu-Katriina Pesonen, Professor of Developmental and Clinical Psychology, will tell about the connection between sleep and creativity. Come and listen how sleep affects your creativity, how to maximize the benefits of your sleep, and what kinds of changes you can make to improve the quality of your sleep.

The event consists of the lecture and interactive workshops.

More information and sign-up on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2049110711977921/




25. Answer the survey about the attractiveness of employers and win a travel gift card

Hello, experts in technology, science and commerce!

We welcome you to take the Employer Image 2018 survey. The survey looks into the expectations and attitudes regarding the transformation of working life among experts in the fields of technology, science and commerce. The survey investigates the attractiveness of employers particularly in Finland, as well as the expectations related to working life and to employers.

A travel gift card worth 500€ and 5 gift vouchers worth 50€ are raffled on the presentcard.fi website among all who take part in the survey. If you want, you can also be granted access to a summary of the study, which will help you to follow working life trends. With the research results, we can help employers and employees to meet and interact with each other even better.

Answering the survey takes about 15 minutes. The survey is anonymous, and all information is processed confidentially.

Please answer by the 30th of April.

Clicking the link will take you directly to the survey: https://norstatsurveys.com/wix/p1864033723.aspx

T-Media Oy

Questions related to the survey: tutkimus@t-media.fi


26. Apply for a gardening plot in Ossinlampi by the 27th of April and join the Board of the Urban Gardening association

The application period for the gardening plots in Ossinlampi is now open at https://tinyurl.com/garden18. Apply for a plot by yourself or with a group of friends or an association. The application period is open from the 11th to the 27th of April.

We are also looking for new members for the Board of the Otaniemi Urban Gardening association. As a member of the Board, you get to organize gardening and gardening-related events, and it gives you priority when applying for plots. Let us know if you are interested in joining the Board!

For more information on plot applications and the Board’s tasks, please contact Fredrika Hallenberg (fredrika.hallenberg@aalto.fi). Follow the association also on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/OtaniemiUrbanGarden


27. Master’s student: are you interested in mentoring?

Are you nearing graduation, but are still uncertain about your future or the transition to working life? Do you want to develop your working life skills and get new perspectives from a more experienced person in the field?

The Aalto University Mentoring Program offers you a unique opportunity for personal career coaching and self-development. Your mentor will be an alumnus from the University, with whom you can discuss the goals, dreams and uncertainties related to your future career, expertise and life management.

Apply for the autumn’s mentoring program: http://alumni.aalto.fi/mentorointi

The application period is open between the 3rd of April and the 3rd of May.


28. Tenured Professors’ Installation Talks on the 25th of April

The Aalto University celebrates its tenured professors with popular talks by the new tenure track professors of Associate or Full level.

Welcome to hear about Aalto University’s research on Wednesday, the 25th of April 2018 at 14:15 at Dipoli.

All talks will be held in English and are open for everyone: professors, students, faculty, staff, and the public.

The multidisciplinary lectures will be followed by a reception hosted by Ilkka NiemelÀ, the President of Aalto University.

For more information and the topics of the lectures, see http://www.aalto.fi/en/current/events/installation_talks_25042018/




This is the Aalto University Student Union weekly newsletter 16/2018. You can find news concerning AYY, its associations and sections in this newsletter, in addition to other useful information.

If you want your own piece to be a part of the weekly newsletter, send it in its finalized form to tiedotteet@ayy.fi by Thursday 10:00 if you want it out the following week. The recommended length of the text is 500 characters and the maximum length is 1 000 characters.

The association information can be found in the association newsletter. Read it at: /en/associations/association-newsletter

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