Weekly Newsletter 18/2018

An excellent Wappu to you! This week’s newsletter already looks into the future after Wappu and at all the upcoming events, but today is the time for rowdy Wappu merriment and partying. Have a spring-filled week!


Week 18

30.4. Declaration of the Wappu Rowdiness /blog/events/wappuriehan-julistus-2/
30.4. Wiinaton Wappu /blog/events/wiinaton-wappu-6/
30.4. Ristin kilta: Wappuvesper /blog/events/ristin-kilta-wappuvesper/
1.5. Willin Lännen Waputin /blog/events/willin-lannen-waputin/
2.5. Ristin kilta: Wappu Afterski /blog/events/ristin-kilta-wapun-afterski/
3.5. Spring bicycle maintenance /blog/events/fillarin-kevathuolto-2/
5.5. Village cleanup /blog/events/kylan-talkoot/

Week 19

8.5. Female choir KYN’s auditions /blog/events/female-choir-kyns-auditions/
9.5. Ristin kilta: Pekka Laukkarinen – Spring Concert /blog/events/ristin-kilta-pekka-laukkarinen-kevatkonsertointia/
9.5. Mountain biking for beginners /blog/events/maastopyorailya-aloittelijoille-2/
12.5. Aalto Gamers League of Legends Tournament /blog/events/aalto-gamers-league-of-legends-tournament/
13.5. Flower Day /blog/events/kukanpaiva/



  1. Opinion: The Aalto University is trilingual, and Swedish is one of the three
  2. Seal of Approval awards to Kvantti, Aalto Space and Eero Eloranta
  3. Introductory offer to the à la carte of Restaurant Metso
  4. A better campus, Lisbon style
  5. City Bikes are coming to Espoo on the 2nd of May
  6. Otaniemi junk bike collection – remember to remove the bracelet from your bicycle!
  7. AYY 8th Annual Ball on the 19th of May 2018 – sign up by May 3rd


  1. Meet&Mingle @ Tieto 9.5.


  1. M.Y. Fest 5.5.
  2. “Juhlaa & Jäähyväisiä” – Otaniemi Chapel Choir 40 year celebratory concert on the 10th of May
  3. Miserere church concert on the 22nd of May – Music from the depths of the soul


  1. Declaration of the Wappu Rowdiness on the 30th of April
  2. Village cleanup on the 5th of May
  3. Discussion event on the 7th of May: Portuguese drug legislation to Finland?
  4. Flower Day on the 13th of May
  5. Precentor Committee singing sauna: Mild songs on 14th of May
  6. Aalto Friday Night Live at A Grid on the 18th of May
  7. Weception Festival: Party and Co-Create Global Impact 18.–9.5.
  8. The International Spring Event 23.5.


  1. Surunauha ry event for people who have lost a loved one to suicide on the 5th of May


  1. Recruitment advertisement: Supervisors for the Aalto entrance exams




1. Opinion: The Aalto University is trilingual, and Swedish is one of the three

The Aalto University Student Union and Teknologföreningen are worried about the position of Swedish-speaking students in the Aalto University. Swedish is one of the three Aalto languages, but according to the feedback gathered, Swedish-speaking students encounter difficulties and challenges in both teaching and services.

Read the AYY and TF joint opinion: /en/blog/2018/04/25/opinion-swedish-is-one-of-aalto-universitys-three-languages/


2. Seal of Approval awards to Kvantti, Aalto Space and Eero Eloranta

The Aalto University Student Union awarded benefactors of the Aalto community at the Opintoasiainsitsit party (Learning Services sitsit) with Seals of Approval. The award was given to the Physics guild magazine Kvantti and the Aalto Space project. In addition, vice rector Eero Eloranta was awarded with a special seal.

A Seal of Approval can be awarded to practices at the Aalto University that the students deem good. The award has been handed out since 2015.

Read more: /en/blog/2018/04/26/ayy-seal-of-approval-awards-to-kvantti-magazine-the-aalto-space-project-and-eero-eloranta/


3. Introductory offer to the à la carte of Restaurant Metso

The Dipoli restaurant Metso has a new à la carte list. As an introductory offer, the restaurant offers AYY members (and one avec) a -20% discount on à la carte dishes every day between 15:00 and 22:00 during May.

The discount can be redeemed by presenting your student card. Table reservations: myyntipalvelu.dipoli@fazer.com



4. A better campus, Lisbon style

Secretary General Niko Ferm of the Aalto University Student Union went to Lisbon and was inspired by the local architecture. Could innovations used in Portuguese city planning be useful in Otaniemi?

Read Niko’s thoughts on campus development from the AYY blog: /blogi/2018/04/30/a-better-campus-lisbon-style/?lang=en


5. City Bikes are coming to Espoo on the 2nd of May

Espoo is bringing several city bike stations to Otaniemi and the surrounding areas on Wednesday, the 2nd of May.

Check out the HSL web pages for the map and the station locations: https://kaupunkipyorat.hsl.fi/fi/stations


6. Otaniemi junk bike collection – remember to remove the bracelet from your bicycle!

During the Otaniemi junk bike collection, we’ll be collecting abandoned bikes in the Otaniemi area from properties owned by AYY, Hoas and ACRE.

All bikes will be marked with a colorful bracelet between the 6th and 8th of April. All bikes that still have the bracelet intact will be collected during May. So remember to remove the bracelet from your bike as soon as possible! Please also tell your friends and roommates who aren’t in Otaniemi during the collection period to make sure the bracelet is removed from their bicycle. Is your friend on an exchange? Help them out!

All collected bikes that are in good condition will be sold in September. Then is your chance to buy yourself a working bicycle at an affordable price.

More information: /en/student-union/volunteering/sections/campus-section/collecting-of-abandoned-bicycles/


7. AYY 8th Annual Ball on the 19th of May 2018

The 8th Annual Ball of the Aalto University Student Union takes place on the 19th of May 2018. We welcome all members to participate in the celebrations.

This year, the party will kick off with a cocktail party at Saha, Konemiehentie 1 at 15:00. The celebration dinner will be held at restaurant Koskenranta, located at Helsinki, starting at 18:00. The dinner will consist of a three-course meal and excellent program. The afterparty locations will be announced later.

The cost of the Annual Ball is 80€ for members of AYY and 100€ for others.

Read more: https://www.vuosijuhlat.fi/

Dress code at the party will be white tie with academic honours.

Herring brunch: https://www.facebook.com/events/1913266775412681/




8. Meet&Mingle @ Tieto 9.5.

Welcome to network, eat, drink and hear how AI can be utilized in the healthcare industry.

Sign up to the Meet&Mingle @ Tieto via the following link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfff7JWXFduNITeIHHEtFC3o3MMbJ0LfiqI6s-gZfAjHyEJLw/viewform


Networking + Drinks & Food
Welcome to Tieto
How we utilize AI in the healthcare industry, Matti Ristimäki, Head of Datadriven Health
Activation workshop

WHEN: May 9th at 17:00
WHERE: Tieto Keilalahti Campus, Keilalahdentie 2, Espoo





9. M.Y. Fest 5.5.

M.Y. Fest is an experimental free event where the audience is given the opportunity to enjoy culture in a diverse way. M.Y Fest provides participants with a platform to participate, do, see and experience!

The evening party that is part of the event is produced by the Vantaa-based city culture association Kaupungin Kaiku ry. The grand office hall of the Colosseum will be transformed into a dance stage, disco and techno cave from 22:00 to 04:00.

The Tilapioneerit course, the producer of the event, brings together a group of about 30 students of the Helsinki and Aalto universities into a cross-disciplinary workgroup to innovate events for the future in Myyrmäki, Vantaa.

WHAT: M.Y Fest
WHERE: Rajatorpantie 8 (Colosseum), Myyrmäki, Vantaa
WHEN: 5th of May from 11:00 to 18:00, evening club from 20:00 to 04:00.

The venue is accessible.

More information and the program can be found at the Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/2022366014695046/

P.S. We are in need of volunteers with a security steward license for the event. We offer meals and a work certificate for the day. Other volunteers are also welcome to join the production. Contact Kaisa at: kaisa.elovaara@helsinki.fi or 050 303 6199


10. “Juhlaa & Jäähyväisiä” – Otaniemi Chapel Choir 40 year celebratory concert on the 10th of May

A mixed choir of students and young adults has gathered every Thursday for 40 years at the Otakappeli on the Otaniemi campus. The choir was established by Ristin Kilta in 1978.

We are celebrating this by hosting a concert with a festival choir. The choir includes chapel choir members from all decades, and the program will include both devout tunes and awesome grooves. There will also be a band; the CCCP (Chapel Choir Combo Project)! The audience can also participate in the singing.

In addition to the celebrations, the second theme of the concert is goodbyes, because the Otaniemi Chapel Choir is ending its activities with the current name and concept this spring.

Concert on the 10th of May at 14:00, Otaniemi Chapel, Jämeräntaival 8.

Free entry.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/328215031003697 and http://www.kappelikuoro.net or johtaja@kappelikuoro.net


11. Miserere church concert on the 22nd of May – Music from the depths of the soul

Mountains of exams getting you down? Would like to think about something completely different for a moment?

Come take a breather and calm down before the end of the academic year at the Polytech Choir’s Miserere concert at the Lauttasaari Church on the 22nd of May at 19:00. Listen to musical contrasts from the Renaissance to the modernism of the 1980s and take in the ambience of traveling from the darkness of the soul towards the light.

Tickets for students 10€ at the Polytech Choir’s ticket shop or at lippu.fi. 15€ at the door.





12. Declaration of the Wappu Rowdiness on the 30th of April

The time has come to declare the Wappu Rowdiness with the ceremonial help of the Kilo police!

You are warmly welcome to launch the celebrations of the Wappu Eve in the traditional way in the front of Servin mökki at noon. The festivities kick off with the spectacular jazz band Polirytmi at 12:15 PM. The show is followed by an award ceremony where several winners of various Wappu competitions are declared, accompanied by Retuperä WBK’s dance rhythms.

Come experience the Wappu Rowdiness in the sunny Teekkari Village and bring your friends with you, too!

WHAT: Declaration of the Wappu Rowdiness
WHERE: The roof of Smökki (Jämeräntaival 4), Otaniemi
WHEN: Mon 30th of April at 12 PM
FOR WHOM: For all those who are rowdy with Wappu

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/869146986627370/


13. Village cleanup on the 5th of May

Did you end up littering during Wappu? Join us for the Otaniemi village cleanup, organized on the 5th of May 2018, starting at 14:00.

The cleanup will focus on tidying the Otaniemi environs after the effects of Wappu. Trash is collected in teams from the campus and the yards of tenements, beautifying the village together.

At the end of the cleanup, the Rantasauna is warmed up to provide some relaxation for the exhilarated cleanup crew, starting at 18:00. In addition to the sauna, there are also refreshments served.

WHAT: Village cleanup
WHERE: Otaniemi, sauna afterwards at Rantsu
WHEN: Saturday, the 5th of May at 14:00, sauna at 18:00.
WHO: To all residents of Otaniemi

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/163293011045218/


14. Discussion event on the 7th of May: Portuguese drug legislation to Finland?

Is the current Finnish legislation on narcotic substances adequate? Is it useful for the society as well as for drug users? Can the legislation be improved?

Kokoomusteekkarit have prepared a proposition for the Kokoomus (National Coalition Party) party conference, which aims to find out whether the Portuguese legislation on drugs could be applied in Finland. THL research professor Pekka Hakkarainen will participate in and open the discussion event. Other participants to be revealed later.

The event is open for everyone.

Event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/213984479187496/

Place: Aalto Design Factory, Betonimiehenkuja 5
Time: Monday, the 7th of May from 18:00 to 20:00


15. Flower Day on the 13th of May

The AYY Campus Section warmly welcomes you to celebrate the traditional festivities of Flower Day (Flooran Päivä), coinciding with the 66th birthday of the Teekkari village, on Sunday, May 13th.

This year, the event will take place in the heart of the village at Servin Mökki, starting at 18:00. You can enjoy delicious snacks and the spring-themed program. The highlight of the evening is the festive ceremony where the Flower Day message is handed over.

More information on the program and timetable to be announced later.

WHAT: Flower Day
WHERE: Smökki, Otaniemi
WHEN: Sunday, 13th of May at 18:00

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/768441560027114/


16. Precentor Committee singing sauna: Mild songs on 14th of May

Feel like some sauna and singing on the 14th of May from 18:00 onwards? The Precentor Committee (Lukkaritoimikunta) invites students to sing and nourish their souls with sauna, the hot tub and hearty song after recuperating from Wappu.

The theme of the evening are songs devoted to lighter and mild drinks, and they will be used to delve into the essential questions: How many drinks have a song to their name? Is it more fun to sing in the sauna or the hot tub? What is Juha Mieto’s favorite mild (FIN: mieto) song?


17. Aalto Friday Night Live at A Grid on the 18th of May

The first ever Aalto Friday Night Live is research brought to life!

What is “sisu”? Get answers from a cyber security connoisseur, a sustainability expert, a decision optimizer, and a satellite professor. Add to this: a live band, a visual artist, a magnetic host, and snacks & drinks.

There will be no recordings. To see it, you have to be there.

Speakers: Jarno Limnéll, Idil Gaziulusoy, Eeva Vilkkumaa and Jaan Praks

18th May, 18:00–21:00 (showtime 19–20:30) at A Grid

The event is in English.



18. Weception Festival: Party and Co-Create Global Impact 18.–9.5.

Are you interested in solving global challenges? Do you want to join an entrepreneurial team or international project?  You may do all of those while partying and eating good food with us!

Weception Festival 2018 is the coolest co-creation event that combines global impact, entrepreneurship, self-development and PARTY! We will work around the topics of Nigeria, Finland and Eating this year. Come join to meet a group of like-minded people and start co-creating opportunities.

WHAT: Weception Festival
WHEN: 18th-19th May (Fri-Sat), 2018
WHERE: Open Innovation House (Maarintie 6, 02150 Espoo)
WHO:  Everyone (16+ and older)
COST: Free! Includes meals, drinks, parties and Aalto school credits or participation certificate*
(*coordinated with the Creative Sustainability programme, restrictions apply)

# Sign-up at: https://goo.gl/forms/Bg2HuoOiXAytE3A82 (Limited tickets, first come first served)
# Line-up and info:  https://weception.org
# WE NEED VOLUNTEERS. Join our team for a unique experience of co-creation. There is an opportunity to earn school credits.


19. The International Spring Event 23.5.

Come and meet new people, get inspired and enjoy delicious food at TEK’s (Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland) International Spring Event.

The theme of the event is well-being and work-life-balance. As the keynote speaker, we have the former U.S. ambassador to Finland, Bruce Oreck.

The event is targeted for international members of TEK and Suomen Ekonomit.

TEK member, sign up here: https://www.lyyti.fi/reg/International_Spring_Event_1908
More information: https://www.tek.fi/en/membership/international-spring-event




20. Surunauha ry event for people who have lost a loved one to suicide on the 5th of May

Support association Surunauha ry organizes a free-of-charge, English, supporting and information relaying event to people who have lost a loved one to suicide on the 5th of May starting at 13:00 at the Stoa clubroom in Itäkeskus.

The event is open to everyone who has lost a loved one to suicide or who is interested in the activities that Surunauha ry organizes. There will be experts on the topic present, and you can participate by sharing experiences or just by listening.

Sign up via SMS or email: +358 44 751 9916 tai toimisto@surunauha.net

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/surunauha/posts/1597384223707269
More Information: https://surunauha.net/en-sv/




21. Recruitment advertisement: Supervisors for the Aalto entrance exams

Business & Economics and DIA (Diploma Engineer and Architect) exams are in need of supervisors during the dates between 21st of May and 7th of June. The supervisors will be trained, and priority will be given to students who can participate in the training.

Signup is now open and ends on the 13th of May at 23:59: https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/2AAD464B8025C89A

Business & Economics exams:

Time and place: Otaniemi, Wednesday, 6th of June 2018, from 12:00 to 15:00.
Working hours: from about 10.30 to 16.30
Wage: 16 €/hour
Supervisor training: Thursday, 31st of May from 15:00 to 16:00 at the U4 lecture hall (Otakaari 1, U wing)

Priority given to students who are studying a degree at the Aalto School of Business and Economics.

DIA (Diploma Engineer and Architect) exams:

Time and place: Otaniemi, between 21st of May and 7th of June as follows:

A Mathematics: Mon 21st of May from 13:00 to 16:00
Social Sciences: Tue 29th of May from 9:00 to 12:00
Mathematics: Tue 29th of May from 14:00 to 17:00
Chemistry: Wed 30th of May from 9:00 to 12:00
Physics: Wed 30th of May from 14:00 to 18:00
Natural Sciences: Thu 7th of June from 13:00 to 16:00

Working hours: starts about 30 minutes before the exam, and ends about 30 minutes after the exam ends. Wage: 60 €/3 h exam, 75 €/4 h exam
Supervisor training: Wednesday, 16th of May from 10:00 to 11:30 at the D hall (Otakaari 1)

The individuals chosen will receive a confirmation email.

More information: hakijapalvelut@aalto.fi or 02944 29290



This is the Aalto University Student Union weekly newsletter 18/2018. You can find news concerning AYY, its associations and sections in this newsletter, in addition to other useful information.

If you want your own piece to be a part of the weekly newsletter, send it in its finalized form to tiedotteet@ayy.fi by Thursday 10:00 if you want it out the following week. The recommended length of the text is 500 characters and the maximum length is 1 000 characters.

The association information can be found in the association newsletter. Read it at: /en/associations/association-newsletter

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