Weekly Newsletter 20/2018


To celebrate the Year of Arts, AYY and the National Theater have launched a collaboration that allows AYY members to purchase theater tickets at a discounted price. Check out the first theater offer from item 5, and have a theatrical weekend!


Week 20

16.5. Ristin kilta: Bible Quiz /blog/events/ristin-kilta-raamattuvisa-2/
16.5. Mountain biking for beginners /blog/events/maastopyorailya-aloittelijoille/
17.5. Spring bicycle maintenance /blog/events/fillarin-kevathuolto-3/

Week 21

22.5. Miserere Church Concert /blog/events/miserere-kirkkokonsertti/
23.5. Ristin kilta: Game Night /blog/events/ristin-kilta-peli-ilta-11/
23.5. Mountain biking for beginners /blog/events/maastopyorailya-alottelijoille/



  1. AYY handed the Flower Day compliment to Museum Director Susanna Pettersson
  2. Apply for the position of AYY’s representative in SYL’s Advisory Board for Development Cooperation
  3. AYY is looking for a project worker
  4. Otaniemi junk bike collection – final reminder!


  1. Visit the National Theater for 10 euros
  2. The Year of Art blog series: Women’s choir KYN
  3. Väre wall art competition is open until the 15th of May
  4. TOKYO’s Spring Bazaar on the 19th of May
  5. Chamber Choir Dissonanssi’s spring concert on the 19th of May
  6. Miserere church concert on the 22nd of May – Music from the depths of the soul


  1. Aalto Festival 17–31 May
  2. Aalto Friday Night Live at A Grid on the 18th of May


  1. OtaKoppi’s traditional summer baseball sessions start on the 16th of May
  2. Aalto 10K/5K are coming in September, sign up now!


  1. Stationery and art supplies will remain available on campus




1. AYY handed the Flower Day compliment to Museum Director Susanna Pettersson

The Aalto University Student Union handed the Flower Day compliment to the Ateneum art museum Director Susanna Pettersson on the 12th of May 2018.

The recipient of the Flower Day compliment was chosen with the Year of Arts in mind. Susanna Pettersson has been involved in promoting the visibility of art in the Finnish society and is a member of the Aalto University Board.

Read more about the Flower Day compliment here: /en/blog/2018/05/13/ayy-handed-the-flower-day-compliment-to-museum-director-susanna-pettersson/


2. Apply for the position of AYY’s representative in SYL’s Advisory Board for Development Cooperation

Are you inspired by global influencing and promoting education on an international level? Are you a persistent communicator, good at building networks, or a fundraising pro? Do you want to share some of your expertise with the world?

We are looking for imaginative, committed and motivated people to join the National Union of University Students in Finland SYL’s Advisory Board for Development Cooperation (KENKKU).

If you recognized yourself from this description and are interested in international matters, send your application to international@ayy.fi by the 23rd of May.

Read more: /en/blog/2018/05/08/apply-for-syls-advisory-board-for-development-cooperation/


3. AYY is looking for a project worker


AYY is searching for a project worker to develop the future of AYY’s operations and association structures.

The tasks of the project worker include producing proposals on how AYY’s association structures and activities could be improved, based on interviews and research. The application deadline is on Sunday, the 20th of May 2018, at 23:59.

Did you recognize yourself or your friend from this description? Read more: /en/student-union/vacancies/project-worker/


4. Otaniemi junk bike collection – final reminder!

During the Otaniemi junk bike collection, we’ll be collecting abandoned bikes in the Otaniemi area from properties owned by AYY, Hoas and ACRE.

All bikes will be marked with a colorful bracelet between the 6th and 8th of April. All bikes that still have the bracelet intact will be collected during May. So remember to remove the bracelet from your bike as soon as possible! Please also tell your friends and roommates who aren’t in Otaniemi during the collection period to make sure the bracelet is removed from their bicycle. Is your friend on an exchange? Help them out!

All collected bikes that are in good condition will be sold in September. Then is your chance to buy yourself a working bicycle at an affordable price.

More information: /en/student-union/volunteering/sections/campus-section/collecting-of-abandoned-bicycles/




5. Visit the National Theater for 10 euros

The National Theater and AYY have launched a collaboration, offering benefits and discounts for Aalto University students.

The first offer in May is for the fantastic performance Ice (https://kansallisteatteri.fi/esitys/ice/), based on Vladimir Sorokin’s cult novel and performed on the Small Stage.

The price is as low as they get: performances on Friday, the 18th of May, at 19:00, and on Saturday, the 19th of May, at 13:00, are only 10€ if you use the code “yliopisto”.

Call now and book your tickets, tel. 010 7331 331. The amount of tickets is not limited – you can buy as many as you want, as long as there are tickets!

Tickets can be claimed only from the National Theater’s own ticket store, which is located in downtown Helsinki, at the Railway Square. The ticket store is open from Monday through Saturday from 9:00 to 19:00.



6. The Year of Art blog series: Women’s choir KYN

”The feeling created by 40 women breathing, feeling and dreaming together is hard to experience anywhere else.”

The Year of Art blog series in May features the women’s choir KYN. Read the AYY blog to find out what it is like to sing in the choir that was chosen as Choir of the Year: /blogi/2018/05/14/kyn-breathes-feels-and-dreams-together/?lang=en


7. Väre wall art competition is open until the 15th of May

Do you have an idea for a never-before-seen piece of art to decorate the campus area?

We are holding an open competition to find a piece of art for the 70-metre-long outer wall of Väre. The competition is open to all Aalto students, and it is open until Tuesday, the 15th of May.



8. TOKYO’s Spring Bazaar on the 19th of May

TOKYO’s traditional Spring Bazaar will be held at the Arabia campus (Hämeentie 135c) on Saturday, the 19th of May, between 12:00 and 18:00.

There are personal gifts and art, design and handicrafts made by ARTS students for sale at the Bazaar. TOKYO’s café is also there to tempt you with its delicacies.

The Bazaar is held on the same day with the Arabia street festival.



9. Chamber Choir Dissonanssi’s spring concert on the 19th of May

Welcome to Chamber Choir Dissonanssi’s spring concert, Daydream Lullaby, on Saturday, the 19th of May at 14:00. The concert will be held at the beautiful Otaniemi chapel in Espoo.

The concert will feature a diverse selection of mixed choir music. The concert includes works from the composers Fougstedt, Madetoja, Bennett and di Lasso, among others – without forgetting the more entertaining tunes. The concert is conducted by Choir Leader Joonas Tuominen.

Free admission (voluntary program fee). Warmly welcome!



10. Miserere church concert on the 22nd of May – Music from the depths of the soul

Mountains of exams getting you down? Would like to think about something completely different for a moment?

Come take a breather and calm down before the end of the academic year at the Polytech Choir’s Miserere concert at the Lauttasaari Church on the 22nd of May at 19:00. Listen to musical contrasts from the Renaissance to the modernism of the 1980s and take in the ambience of traveling from the darkness of the soul towards the light.

Tickets for students 10€ at the Polytech Choir’s ticket shop or at lippu.fi. 15€ at the door.





11. Aalto Festival 17–31 May

Each spring, the students, faculty and researchers of Aalto University put their hard work on display at Aalto Festival.

Welcome to take part in the opening party!

Time: 17 May 2018, at 18–21
Place: A Grid, Otakaari 5 A, Espoo

Performing at the opening party: Elias Gould and Windows95Man. The opening is brought to you by Bassoradio.

Other new events:

18 May: first ever “research brought to life” Friday Night Live event with a live VJ, a band and researchers exploring how the theme of “sisu” impacts their work.

19 May: What If… is a part of the newly launched Aalto University Junior initiative. The event will offer free arts and science programs for kids with 10 workshops around the theme of light and colors.

By the end of May, well over 60 total events will take place, including the winner of the 2018 Millennium Technology Prize giving a public talk at Aalto, Millennium Talk (23 May). Näytös18 fashion show is one of the most anticipated fashion events in Finland (25 May). The Hook ‘18 focuses on campus and city-planning (30 May).

Schedule and more information:



12. Aalto Friday Night Live at A Grid on the 18th of May

The first ever Aalto Friday Night Live is research brought to life!

What is “sisu”? Get answers from a cyber security connoisseur, a sustainability expert, a decision optimizer, and a satellite professor. Add to this: a live band, a visual artist, a magnetic host, and snacks & drinks.

There will be no recordings. To see it, you have to be there.

Speakers: Jarno Limnéll, Idil Gaziulusoy, Eeva Vilkkumaa and Jaan Praks

18th May, 18:00–21:00 (showtime 19–20:30) at A Grid

The event is in English.

Registration: https://link.webropolsurveys.com/Participation/Public/fa0647d1-68dc-4dbd-93c5-95360651eff9

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/905761286269863/




13. OtaKoppi’s traditional summer baseball sessions start on the 16th of May

The summer season of Finnish baseball (pesäpallo) starts on the 16th of May, which means weekly baseball games with nice people. This summer, the summer baseball sessions will be held in Tapiola, on the Tuuliniitty field (Tuulikuja, Espoo), every Wednesday between 18:00 and 20:00.

Summer baseball is a sports event for all students of Aalto University who love Finnish baseball, organized by Aalto University’s Finnish baseball club OtaKoppi. You don’t need to have any previous experience with baseball or pesäpallo, and you can also get the gear from OtaKoppi. Summer baseball is a laid-back sport, and it does not require regular weekly participation. Invite your friends, too!

You should also join as a member of OtaKoppi if you’re interested in our activities! Membership is free for all Aalto University students, and you can do it by clicking this link: https://otakoppi.fi/index.php/home/liity-jaeseneksi

If you’re interested in Finnish baseball also besides the summer sessions, contact OtaKoppi’s board: otakoppi-hallitus@list.ayy.fi


14. Aalto 10K/5K are coming in September, sign up now!

The traditional Aalto 10K and Aalto 5K sports day will be held on Sunday, the 16th of September 2018! You can run, jog, walk, or Nordic walk the distance of your choice.

The event is free of charge for Aalto people.

Aalto 10K/5k is part of the Espoon Rantamaraton marathon event. The marathon and half-marathon will be run on Saturday, the 15th of September 2018.

WHEN: Sun, 16th of September 2018 between 11:00 and 15:00
WHERE: Otahalli and its surroundings in Otaniemi, Espoo act as the center for the event. All distances start from Otaniemenranta in Otaniemi, on the shore of Laajalahti.

Registration: https://www.rantamaraton.fi/aaltokymppi/ The registration ends on Sunday, the 9th of September 2018, at 23:59.

We are also looking for volunteers for the Aalto 10K/5K event. Volunteers may also participate on the marathons held on Saturday, the 15th of September for free.

More information on the event at Into: https://into.aalto.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=4857131




15. Stationery and art supplies will remain available on campus

The Kynä ja Paperi store, which operated in the vicinity of Aalto ARTS for twenty years and moved to the Otaniemi campus from Arabia in the autumn of 2017, closed down in April. There will still be a stationery and art supply store on campus, however.

The new store, Aaltopahvi, continues in the footsteps of Kynä ja Paperi with the same product selection, same facilities and same shopkeeper as in Kynä ja Paperi. The boutique is open on weekdays from 11:00 to 16:00, and it is still open throughout May, located at the old Otaniemi shopping center, on the edge of the Alvari Square.

The store will close its doors after the final exams. In the summer, Aaltopahvi will move few hundred meters to the Harald Herlin learning center in Otaniemi (Otaniementie 9), next to Robert’s Coffee, and it will open its doors when the autumn semester starts.

Aaltopahvi focuses on stationery and art supplies. The vintage products and café familiar from Kynä ja Paperi will no longer be available when the summer holiday starts.



This is the Aalto University Student Union weekly newsletter 20/2018. You can find news concerning AYY, its associations and sections in this newsletter, in addition to other useful information.

If you want your own piece to be a part of the weekly newsletter, send it in its finalized form to tiedotteet@ayy.fi by Thursday 10:00 if you want it out the following week. The recommended length of the text is 500 characters and the maximum length is 1 000 characters.

The association information can be found in the association newsletter. Read it at: /en/associations/association-newsletter

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