Weekly Newsletter 21/2018

Do you feel inspired? Good. Because now is the time to submit your sub-event to the highlight of AYY’s Year of Arts, the Otaniemi Night of Arts city festival, held on the 6th of October. Read more about it in item 1. Have a summery week!


Week 21

22.5. Miserere Church Concert /blog/events/miserere-kirkkokonsertti/
23.5. Ristin kilta: Game Night /blog/events/ristin-kilta-peli-ilta-11/
23.5. Mountain biking for beginners /blog/events/maastopyorailya-alottelijoille/

Week 22

30.5. Ristin kilta: Tea Night /blog/events/ristin-kilta-teeilta-2/



  1. Sub-event application period for the Otaniemi Night of Arts on the 6th of October is now open
  2. Arabia’s service point is open for the last time on the 23rd of May
  3. Critical Mass Helsinki cycling event on the 25th of May
  4. AYY joins SOA – The Finnish Association of Student Housing Organisations
  5. Apply for the position of AYY’s representative in SYL’s Advisory Board for Development Cooperation


  1. Campus restaurants’ exceptional opening hours during summer 2018


  1. Graffathon 2018 8th–10th June
  2. Miserere church concert on the 22nd of May – Music from the depths of the soul


  1. Blockchain Afternoon with Konsensus Ry 26.5.
  2. Hook’18: Campus of the Future at Dipoli on the 30th of May
  3. Students at the Linnanmäki amusement park on the 5th of October


  1. Croquet Conclave’s summer league starts on the 25th of May
  2. Otakoppi’s summer baseball




1. Sub-event application period for the Otaniemi Night of Arts on the 6th of October is now open

The Otaniemi Night of Arts will be held for the first time on Saturday, the 6th of October. It is a cross-artistic, free campus festival, where all willing associations and students within AYY can take part in making the creative program.

The Otaniemi Night of Arts consists of several sub-events organized by students, and the application period for the sub-events is now open. Your event can be pretty much anything, as long as it is related to art in some way: an exhibition, a live music night, a dance workshop or even poetry karaoke. Only imagination and the laws of physics are the limit!

AYY provides the use of facilities for event organizers for free. You can also receive financial support for your event through AYY and the TTE Fund.

Read more about the Otaniemi Night of Arts and sign up as a sub-event organizer: /en/students/student-culture/annual-events/otaniemenyo/

More information: tero.uuttana@ayy.fi


2. Arabia’s service point is open for the last time on the 23rd of May

AYY’s service point in Arabia will be open for the last time on Wednesday, the 23rd of May 2018.

With the move of the School of Arts, Design and Architecture, AYY’s services will also be centered around the Otaniemi campus, where the Service Office at Otakaari 11 will serve all AYY members.

Check out the opening hours of the Otaniemi Service Office here: /en/contact-information/service-points/otaniemi/


3. Critical Mass Helsinki cycling event on the 25th of May

Helsinki Cyclists, Helsinki Bike Kitchen, the Student Union of the University of Helsinki (HYY), the Aalto University Student Union (AYY) and the Student Union of Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences (METKA) are organizing the largest cycling demonstration in the Capital Region, Critical Mass Helsinki.

The idea of the event is to make cycling the center of discussion using people power. We will be cycling as a group through a cross-town route from Otaniemi to Suvilahti via higher education campuses. Join us to demand attention for cycling in urban planning – or just to enjoy cycling in a large group in springtime Helsinki!

Event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/822699934595036/


4. AYY joins SOA – The Finnish Association of Student Housing Organisations

In May 2018, the Aalto University Student Union joined SOA – The Finnish Association of Student Housing Organisations.

SOA is an advocacy and cooperation association for student housing communities, which offers its members training and other opportunities to support the development of housing services.

Read more: /en/blog/2018/05/21/ayy-joins-soa-the-finnish-association-of-student-housing-organisations/


5. Apply for the position of AYY’s representative in SYL’s Advisory Board for Development Cooperation

Are you inspired by global influencing and promoting education on an international level? Are you a persistent communicator, good at building networks, or a fundraising pro? Do you want to share some of your expertise with the world?

We are looking for imaginative, committed and motivated people to join the National Union of University Students in Finland SYL’s Advisory Board for Development Cooperation (KENKKU).

If you recognized yourself from this description and are interested in international matters, send your application to international@ayy.fi by the 23rd of May.

Read more: /en/blog/2018/05/08/apply-for-syls-advisory-board-for-development-cooperation/




6. Campus restaurants’ exceptional opening hours during summer 2018

Campus restaurants have reduced opening hours during the summer holiday season. The exceptional opening hours of Arabia, Otaniemi and Töölö campus restaurants have been updated on the Campus Restaurants page in Inside.

Due to the move of the School of Arts, Design and Architecture to Otaniemi, the campus restaurants Meccala and Kipsari at the Arabia campus will be closed as from May 28.

Please notice that changes may occur to opening hours. Always check out the latest information from the website of the restaurants.

Into: https://into.aalto.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=7146951




7. Graffathon 2018 8th–10th June

Graffathon is a three-day computer graphics hackathon aimed for novices. Every participant will create a computer program that produces a non-interactive multimedia presentation, also known as a demo.

The event is targeted at real beginners who have no previous graphics coding and/or demoscene experience. However, there is an advanced “compo” aimed for those who have already made a demo at some point of their lives or for those who feel they are not beginners.

The demos can be made in small groups of two to four people. You can also make the demo by yourself or find a group at the event.

The program consists of helpful presentations and workshops, which guide you on how to create your first demo. In addition, we will teach you the basics of demoscene and democulture.

Free food and drinks will be served.
Students of Aalto university will get one study credit for attending the event.
The event is for people over 18.

Get your tickets for free: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/graffathon-2018-tickets-45937284655
Event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/419232265215477/

WHAT: Graffathon 2018
WHEN: from 8th June, 17:00 to 10th June, 21:00
WHERE: Urban Mill, Betonimiehenkuja 3 E, Espoo
WHY: Because computer graphics are cool



8. Miserere church concert on the 22nd of May – Music from the depths of the soul

Mountains of exams getting you down? Would like to think about something completely different for a moment?

Come take a breather and calm down before the end of the academic year at the Polytech Choir’s Miserere concert at the Lauttasaari Church on the 22nd of May at 19:00. Listen to musical contrasts from the Renaissance to the modernism of the 1980s and take in the ambience of traveling from the darkness of the soul towards the light.

Tickets for students 10€ at the Polytech Choir’s ticket shop or at lippu.fi. 15€ at the door.





9. Blockchain Afternoon with Konsensus Ry 26.5.

Have you ever wondered what the blockchain and cryptocurrency revolution is about? How to get started with cryptocurrencies? What is an ICO and how to approach it? What problems do cryptocurrencies solve? Taxation of cryptocurrencies? And more?

Join us to discuss and learn about the different aspects of the blockchain era, together with the newly established cryptocurrency association Konsensus Ry.

Suomen Kryptovaluuttayhdistys Konsensus Ry is a non-profit association, whose purpose is to promote the awareness, knowledge and skill in cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies in Finland.

WHAT: Blockchain afternoon with Konsensus Ry
WHERE: Design Factory
WHEN: 15:00 – 19:00, May 26th, 2018

Registration: http://facebook.com/events/188731858419509/


10. Hook’18: Campus of the Future at Dipoli on the 30th of May

Hook’18 brings international top speakers in the fields of architecture, urban development and sustainable design to Otaniemi to discuss the campus of the future.

The keynote speeches present the newest ideas in various fields, and they are discussed further in a multidisciplinary panel discussion where the audience can also get their voice heard. The discussion continues informally after the seminar, with refreshments being served.

The event is free of charge. Sign up now to secure your seat: https://link.webropolsurveys.com/EP/D60C4FC79525C2DB

Presenters: Michel Rojkind, Charles Landry, İdil Gaziulusoy, Antti Ahlava and Hilla Rudanko. The event is in English.

More information on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2097484393862384/
and on the Aalto Festival website https://aaltofestival.fi/2018/fi/hook18-campus-of-the-future/

WHAT: Hook’18: Campus of the Future
WHERE: Dipoli, Otakaari 24, Espoo
WHEN: 30th of May 2018 between 16:00 and 19:30


11. Students at the Linnanmäki amusement park on the 5th of October

Linnanmäki only for students? Check!

The Guild of Automation and Systems Technology celebrates its 20th anniversary with a bang: The Guild, together with its cooperation partners, offers students a unique chance to spend an evening at the Linnnanmäki amusement park. A private event with a limited number of tickets provides an unforgettable opportunity to enjoy Linnanmäki without waiting in line for hours.

Mark the 5th of October 2018 in your calendar, buy a ticket, take your best student buddies with you, and wait in eager anticipation for the most amusing day of the year, when the entire Linnanmäki amusement park is open just for students for one night.

The event is supported by the TTE Fund.

Advance tickets: https://bailataan.fi/events/b71e9e0b-84d1-45a0-95f8-bb985f720b2c

Advance tickets are also sold at events, which are announced on the event’s website later. Buy your ticket now, because the price will go up after the advance sales!

WHAT: Linnanmäki just for students!
WHERE: Linnanmäki amusement park
WHEN: 5th of October 2018 between 16:00 and 20:00
MORE INFO: https://20.as.fi/linnanmaki/

Tickets are exchanged for wristbands in the autumn prior to the event. You must present your student card when exchanging your ticket. Only people who have bought a ticket can enter Linnanmäki during the event. Alcohol is sold at the amusement park, so bringing your own drinks into the area is forbidden.

The organizer reserves the right to make changes.




12. Croquet Conclave’s summer league starts on the 25th of May

What better way to spend a warm summer evening than playing croquet? None! Take part in the Croquet Conclave’s summer games, organized approximately every other Friday!

All games are played at the Alvari Square, starting at 18:15. Anyone can participate in the season’s games without prior sign-up by paying a 3€ seasonal fee during the first game.

Game dates:

25th May: Summer Warm-up Game
8th June: BBQ Croquet
27th June: Vichy Croquet
13th July: Kimble Croquet
27th July: Sunny Croquet
17th August: Annual Ball Croquet
31st August: Season finale

Games on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1698822263489971/


13. Otakoppi’s summer baseball

The baseball summer is here, and so is OtaKoppi’s annual summer baseball!

The summer season of Finnish baseball (pesäpallo) started on the 16th of May, which means weekly baseball games with nice people. This summer, the summer baseball sessions will be held in Tapiola, on the Tuuliniitty field (Tuulikuja, Espoo), every Wednesday between 18:00 and 20:00.

Summer baseball is a sports event for all students of Aalto University who love Finnish baseball, organized by Aalto University’s Finnish baseball club OtaKoppi. You don’t need to have any previous experience with baseball or pesäpallo, and you can also get the gear from OtaKoppi. Summer baseball is a laid-back sport, and it does not require regular weekly participation. Invite your friends, too!

You should also join as a member of OtaKoppi if you’re interested in our activities! Membership is free for all Aalto University students, and you can do it by clicking this link: https://otakoppi.fi/index.php/home/liity-jaeseneksi

If you’re interested in Finnish baseball also besides the summer sessions, contact OtaKoppi’s board: otakoppi-hallitus@list.ayy.fi



This is the Aalto University Student Union weekly newsletter 21/2018. You can find news concerning AYY, its associations and sections in this newsletter, in addition to other useful information.

If you want your own piece to be a part of the weekly newsletter, send it in its finalized form to tiedotteet@ayy.fi by Thursday 10:00 if you want it out the following week. The recommended length of the text is 500 characters and the maximum length is 1 000 characters.

The association information can be found in the association newsletter. Read it at: /en/associations/association-newsletter

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