Weekly Newsletter 23/2018

There are still important news in the second-to-last newsletter of the spring (or rather the summer), regarding the Student Center and study credits for active students, among other things. Read on to find out what’s going on. Have a nice and summery week!


Week 23

6.6. Juurilla – Female Choir KYN & Juurakko (VocalEspoo Festival) /en/blog/events/juurilla-naiskuoro-kyn-juurakko-vocalespoo-festivaali/
7.6. Spring bicycle maintenance /blog/events/fillarin-kesahuolto/



  1. Plan the Student Center with us!
  2. Searching for campus inspiration in Korea
  3. Study credits for active students
  4. AYY is now GDPR compliant
  5. Weekly newsletter on holiday starting from June 11th


  1. BEST Helsinki: Developing decentralized networks 11.6.
  2. HAIC talks: The Advertisement Exchange with Moti Yung 19.6.
  3. Secure Systems Demo Day 2018 20.6.


  1. UniSport helps towards a more active lifestyle. Answer the survey!


  1. Apply to be a young ambassador for the City of Espoo for the European city conference




1. Plan the Student Center with us!

The opiskelijakeskus.fi web pages are now open! Check them out, browse the ideas and add your own.

The Student center is a joint venture by AYY, KY and Teknologföreningen. The plan is to build a building for all students to the Otaniemi campus, next to the metro station entrance and the Harald Herlin learning center.

A Student Center seminar was held in April 2018 to brainstorm what kinds of facilities, functions and services the center could have.

The ideas gathered onto the opiskelijakeskus.fi website are results of the seminar. Anyone can browse the ideas, like them and add their own ideas. The most popular ideas are looked at on Friday 15th of June, with continuation planning in mind.

So, visit the webpages and add your own top ideas. What would you want the Student center to have?

The people in charge of the Student Center in AYY’s board are Emma Savela (real estate) and Noora Tanska (community). Both are reached from their emails at firstname.surname@ayy.fi.



2. Searching for campus inspiration in Korea

The Aalto university Student Union board visited three Korean universities to search for inspiration for the campus development upcoming in Otaniemi and the Student center project.

Read the AYY blog on what kinds of ideas the Korea trip sparked up and what we could learn from Korean campus design here in Otaniemi: /blogi/2018/05/29/campus-inspiration-from-korea/?lang=en


3. Study credits for active students

Hello, active students!

Have you worked actively in the Aalto University Student Union (in a section, for example), in an association operating within AYY (as a board member or officer), or in the University as a student representative in administration in 2017? You can get study credits for it.

The course (3 credits) includes writing a reflection report regarding what you have learned in the task and participation in a peer learning seminar.

Click the link for more details: https://mycourses.aalto.fi/course/view.php?id=19730


4. AYY is now GDPR compliant

The EU general data protection regulation came into effect on Friday 25th of May 2018. AYY has prepared for the regulation in many ways to keep the data of our members safe.

The privacy statements on AYY’s registers with contact personnel can be found at https://rekisterit.ayy.fi/

AYY has trained its staff and the associations in its sphere of influence on the GDPR. You can check out the information, aimed towards associations, with examples, here: https://inside.ayy.fi/display/TIET/Tietosuoja

Notice that if you do not wish to receive the AYY weekly newsletter, you can remove your subscription by following the info behind the link: https://list.ayy.fi/mailman/listinfo/ayy-info-fi


5. Weekly newsletter on holiday starting from June 11th

The last weekly newsletter of the spring goes out on Monday 11th of June, meaning on week 24.

If you want your piece in it before the summer vacation starts, send it to tiedotteet@ayy.fi no later than by Thursday 7th of June at 10:00. Remember that the recommended length is 500 characters, with a maximum of 1000 characters (including spaces).

The weekly newsletter returns on the 20th of August, week 34. The deadline for the material for the first newsletter of the fall is exceptionally on Monday, 13th of August at 10:00. Dot down the dates if you know you have stuff to put in during August!




6. BEST Helsinki: Developing decentralized networks 11.6.

After successfully hosting “Blockchain Afternoon with Konsensus Ry”, we at BEST Helsinki are hosting another meetup, along with awesome people from Konsensus RY, Best Helsinki, Blockchain Forum, Helsinki Ethereum Meetup group.

Join us to find out more about international projects building with blockchain technology and mingle with practitioners. We will discuss the news, trends and challenges of the latest developments with early industry leaders.

WHAT: Developing decentralized networks
WHERE: Microsoft Flux http://www.microsoftflux.com/ (Korkeavuorenkatu 35, Helsinki)
WHEN: 17:00 – 20:00, Monday, June 11th, 2018

Registration: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/developing-decentralized-networks-tickets-46498578500
More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/216185592522485/


7. HAIC talks: The Advertisement Exchange with Moti Yung 19.6.

HAIC Talks is a series of public lectures on contemporary topics in information security. The talks are open to everyone and free of change. No background knowledge in information security is required.

After the lecture, light refreshments will be provided and there will be a chance to network with other attendees.

WHAT: HAIC Talks: The Advertisement Exchange: How to Develop Agile Cryptographic Support for an Evolving Ecosystem? https://haic.aalto.fi/talks/#HAIC-Talk-Moti-Yung
KEYWORDS: Information security, privacy, cryptography, ADX
WHERE: Dipoli, Otakaari 24, Espoo
WHEN: June 19, 2018 between 18:00 and 19:30
HOW MUCH: Free, but please register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/haic-talk-the-advertisement-exchange-moti-yung-tickets-44665796600

HAIC Talks are organized by Helsinki-Aalto Center for Information Security and made possible through the generous support of the Aalto University School of Science.


8. Secure Systems Demo Day 2018 20.6.

Every summer, Secure Systems Group organizes a “Demo Day” to showcase work done during the previous 12-month period.

The event is intended to bring local academia and industry together and give them an overview of information security research going on in Finland’s capital area. The event is an excellent opportunity for students and researchers to network and search for open positions within the local infosec industry and academia.

The event will open with HAIC Talk “Science of Security – Theory vs. Measuring the Observable World” given by Prof. Paul van Oorschot (Carleton Univeristy, Canada): https://haic.aalto.fi/talks/#20180620

After the HAIC Talk there will be other presentations and demonstrations of the research group’s recent results.

WHAT: Secure Systems Demo Day 2018 https://ssg.aalto.fi/events/demo-day-2018/
KEYWORDS: Information security, cybersecurity, cryptography, job opportunities, free coffee
WHERE: CS building, T1 and library, Konemiehentie 2, Espoo
WHEN: June 20, between 12:00 and 18:00.
HOW MUCH: Free, but please register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdRrY80jRdiAcKnJsAZypRxICM_-GDvHcvTAW-xt2ATQ21Dsw/viewform




9. UniSport helps towards a more active lifestyle. Answer the survey!

Unisport is developing a course called Towards an Active lifestyle, the aim of which is to spark interest in participants to start a more physically active lifestyle and keep it up.

Need help on your path to a more active life? UniSport hopes to hear from its target group to gain intel and valuable opinions on the course content. The survey, lasting only two minutes of your time, can be filled here: https://goo.gl/forms/yzLzijBrvwlvoSn12

Thanks for your help and have a wonderful summer!




10. Apply to be a young ambassador for the City of Espoo for the European city conference

The city of Espoo is searching for a young ambassador between the ages of 18 and 30 to represent Espoo in the annual conference hosted by city network Eurocities, held in Edinburgh in November 2018.

Eurocities is a cooperation network between European cities, with 140 big cities in its members’ roster. The conference is taking place between the 28th and the 30th of November 2018. Young ambassadors, administrative personnel and other representatives from European cities and EU institutions are participating.

The young ambassador engages actively in the conference program, shares their observations with other participants and Espoo residents, and gets to network with young Europeans interested in advocacy.

More information and applications: https://www.espoo.fi/en-US/City_of_Espoo/Information_about_Espoo/International_Espoo/Call_for_Espoo_Young_Ambassador(142396)

The form is filled out in English. The call for applications closes on the 14th of June 2018.
More information from Senior Planning Officer of International Affairs Annika Forstén: annika.forsten@espoo.fi or +358 46 877 3552



This is the Aalto University Student Union weekly newsletter 23/2018. You can find news concerning AYY, its associations and sections in this newsletter, in addition to other useful information.

If you want your own piece to be a part of the weekly newsletter, send it in its finalized form to tiedotteet@ayy.fi by Thursday 10:00 if you want it out the following week. The recommended length of the text is 500 characters and the maximum length is 1 000 characters.

The association information can be found in the association newsletter. Read it at: /en/associations/association-newsletter

Do you want to unsubscribe from the weekly newsletter mailing list? Click on the link and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page: https://list.ayy.fi/mailman/listinfo/ayy-info-fi

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