Weekly Newsletter 35/2018

This week offers a great chance to avoid the orientation week rush at the service desk. So, pick up a new tag for your student card now and grab your calendar for the academic year at the same time. Remember to also update your travel card to student status. PLEASE NOTE there’s an additional temporary service desk handing out tags in the Learning Centre, open Mon–Fri at 12–6 pm, with a HSL stand next to it.


Week 35

30 Aug: Grand Opening of the shopping centre A Bloc

31 Aug: Registration for Otaniemi Night of Arts subevents ends http://otanieminightofarts.fi/

Week 36

4 Sept: Otasuunnistus

5 Sept: Aalto Day One: Opening ceremony and Aalto party https://beta.aalto.fi/node/14566

5 Sept: Aalto Afterparty https://www.facebook.com/events/2218500171767404/?ti=icl

6 Sept: Otasuunnistus

7 Sept: Kaukkarit https://www.facebook.com/events/311923319544786/

9 Sept: Orientation week’s SuperSillis https://www.facebook.com/events/655007371552262/



  1. Project Coordinator develops the Aalto Community
  2. Nominate a candidate for Aalto Athlete 2018
  3. Volunteer at the Aalto Afterparty and Aalto Party


  1. Bubble footie tournament by Digia & AYY


  1. Otaniemi Night of Arts on 6 Oct – register your event by 31 Aug


  1. What happens at the Afterparty stays at the Afterparty…
  2. Kaukkarit at Smökki on 7 Sept
  3. Orientation week’s SuperSillis


  1. Taekwon-Do beginners class in Tapiola
  2. Sailing courses and the autumn’s info evening by Teekkaripurjehtijat


  1. Silent retreat 12–14 Oct 2018


  1. New shopping centre A Bloc opens on Thursday 30 Aug at the Aalto University metro station!


1. Project Coordinator develops the Aalto Community

Project Coordinator for community and organisational structures Elina Nieminen has started work at the Aalto University Student Union. The Coordinator, whose post lasts until Christmas, will be working together with existing members to develop the structures of the Aalto community.

Get to know Elina and her project better by clicking the link! /en/blog/2018/08/23/new-project-coordinator-helps-the-aalto-community-develop/


2. Nominate a candidate for Aalto Athlete 2018

It’s now time to nominate a fellow student who you think deserves to be rewarded as the Aalto Athlete of 2018. The criteria for winning include sports achievements at national or international level, academic performance, and fair and honest participation in the community.

Click here to nominate: https://lomake.ayy.fi/liikunta/ehdota-vuoden-aalto-urheilijaa-2018-nominera-aalto-athlete-2018-nominate-for-aalto-athlete-2018/

Remember to give good reasoning for your nomination! The form will be closed on 5 Sept 2018 at 11.59 pm. The award will be presented at the Aalto 10km/5km event on 16 Sept 2018.

More information from lauri.seppalainen [at] ayy.fi


3. Volunteer at the Aalto Afterparty and Aalto Party

The traditional Aalto Party is held on 5 Sept and in order to organise the most amazing party of the orientation week, we need your help! Plenty of volunteers are needed to handle various tasks such as working as a security officer, decorating Dipoli, cooking food and attending the cloakroom.

As a thanks, the volunteers will get in for free through the VIP entrance, get the party badge and entrance to the volunteer afterparty!

In addition, as a recognition of the work done for the Aalto community, every volunteer will get a tie fitting the party theme. The tie can later be attached to your overalls, for example!

Register here: https://lomake.ayy.fi/aava/aalto-afterparty-aalto-party-2018-volunteers/

The most wanted tasks are given to those who register first, so sign up now!



4. Bubble footie tournament by Digia & AYY

Digia and Aalto University Student Union are joining forces to organise a bubble footie event on the Otaniemi sports field on 19 Sept from 5 pm onwards. The evening will include a light-hearted battle over the bubble footie championship and, of course, the required aftermath session in Avain Sauna. There will be representatives from Digia present, with whom you can talk about your work, thesis or internship possibilities at Digia, for example. Sign up by 10 Sept! https://lomake.ayy.fi/yrityssuhteet/ (in Finnish)

The event is Finnish-language.


5. Otaniemi Night of Arts on 6 Oct – register your event by 31 Aug

The Otaniemi Night of Arts is a free and interartistic campus festival, organised for the first time on Saturday 6 Oct as part of AYY’s Year of Arts. During the Night, all willing Aalto students and student organisations have a chance to organise an artistic and creative event of their own choosing. You can register as a subevent organiser until 31 Aug. More information at http://otanieminightofarts.fi/

The event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2220457434854832/



6. What happens at the Afterparty stays at the Afterparty…

This year, Aalto Party’s official afterparty offers at least as many possibilities as the legendary Las Vegas. Welcome to Dipoli to enjoy the glorious festive spirit and the magnificent artists! In orientation week’s most fabulous party, you will find activities for every gold digger, party animal, gambler, trendsetter, hen/bachelor partier and entertainer.

The party people will be entertained by performers including Basshunter (SWE), Aalto DJs TAKO x MONSU and aKYstic. Dipoli also features a karaoke room, a lounge and, of course, a chapel of love!


7. Kaukkarit at Smökki on 7 Sept

Orientation week will culminate with the legendary Kaukkarit at Smökki on Friday 7 Sept. SIK, IK and KIK will ensure that the drought of the summer ends with the coming of Kaukkarit. The evening starts with the Aalto Beer Pong tournament at 7 pm! Enrolment for the tournament begins at 6.45 pm at Smökki and the spots are filled in the order of arrival.

Advance tickets are sold in the hallway of the Undergraduate Centre throughout the orientation week. Tickets cost 6€ and the price includes an overall badge.

More information added weekly on FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/311923319544786/ Click on the Interested or Going button to ensure you won’t miss anything on the best Kaukkarit ever!

  • WHAT? Kaukkarit!
  • WHERE? Smökki
  • WHEN? Fri 7 Sept, BP tournament at 7 pm, first artist at 8 pm
  • HOW MUCH? 6€ incl. overall badge


8. Orientation week’s SuperSillis

The Community Section Aava, KY’s Cultural Committee and the Teekkari Section organise Orientation Week’s SuperSillis on 8 Sept to help everyone find their inner zen. During the day, you’ll get to enjoy Sillis food, beverages befitting your state of mind, the company of your friends and the relaxing sauna and outdoor hot tub. All this for only 12€, and if there are places left on the day, you can buy your way in at the door for 15€.

As orientation week is a collective experience, all Aalto students are welcome at Sillis!

The opening of the registration for Sillis will be announced later.

  • WHAT? Orientation Week’s SuperSillis
  • MEANING? A better version of brunch
  • WHEN? Sat 9 Sept at 12–6 pm
  • WHERE? Rantasauna, Vastaranta 1, Otaniemi
  • HOW MUCH? 12€
  • FOR WHOM? All the heroes of orientation week!
  • WHY: Because your body needs it
  • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/655007371552262/



9. Taekwon-Do beginners class in Tapiola

The Espoo TKD-seura ry is organising a Taekwon-Do beginners class in Tuulimäki, Tapiola, on Sundays at 3.30–4.45 pm from 26 Aug 2018. There’s still time to start a new and versatile hobby! The course continues through the autumn semester and costs 75€, but you can try it out for free. There’s also a junior beginners class meant for 8–12-year-old children on offer. For more information and registration, visit http://teamespoo.com/harjoitukset/alkeiskurssi.php (in Finnish, as the course  will be).

10. Sailing courses and the autumn’s info evening by Teekkaripurjehtijat

Would you like to learn how to sail? Teekkaripurjehtijat (“Teekkari Sailors”) organises three sailing courses this autumn, with the theory evenings taking place already on 28 and 29 Aug (at 5–9 pm). The practical teaching takes place in one of three small groups, either on 4, 6 and 8–9 Sept, on 6–9 Sept or on 13–16 Sept. The cost is 195€ for a student, 350€ for a graduate, plus club membership. Spots get taken up quickly, so it’s worth signing up straightaway.

More information and registration: https://trip.ayy.fi/wordpress/?page_id=231

Teekkaripurjehtijat’s info evening on Wed 12 Sept from 6 pm in the Otaranta Club Room (Otaranta 8B). The evening offers a compact detailing of the opportunities to learn sailing on the cheap and the other activities related to the sailor lifestyle as offered by our club. For more information, visit the FB event (https://www.facebook.com/events/581958955533550, in Finnish) or the club’s website (https://trip.ayy.fi/wordpress/?page_id=44).



11. Silent retreat 12–14 Oct 2018

A silent retreat is a good way to charge your batteries, relax and take time out for your own thoughts. The retreat will be organised at the Nuottakoto activity centre in Vihti on 12–14 Oct 2018. The participants will commit to a collective silence for the duration of the weekend.

The retreat is meant for students and educational staff. The instructors will be educational pastor Margit Peltovirta and musician Katja Kangas.

Price: 90€/staff or 45€/student (includes full board, single room and collective transport). Registrations by 12 Sept 2018 by email at yst.toimisto.espoo@evl.fi or by phone on 09 8050 2359.

When registering, please tell us your name, educational facility, whether you’re a student or staff, your contact details, dietary requirements and whether you’ve been to a retreat before. First-timers take precedence. You will be notified if you receive a spot after registration ends, and you will confirm your spot by paying the bill by its due date. More information from the instructors: firstname.lastname@evl.fi


12. New shopping centre A Bloc opens on Thursday 30 Aug at the Aalto University metro station!

With its restaurants and cafes, A Bloc is the natural meeting place of the Aalto University campus and the whole Otaniemi. At A Bloc, you’ll also find a Clas Ohlson store, an Alko liqueur store, a pharmacy and lots of other services for your daily needs. The Esport Aalto fitness centre offers various sports from the traditional gym exercise to hot yoga and bouldering.

Come along to the opening ceremonies on 30 August from 9 am onwards – eat, drink, hang out and explore!

A Bloc Grand Opening!




This is the Aalto University Student Union’s weekly newsletter for week 35/2018. The newsletter gives you the news on AYY and its associations and sections, as well as other useful information.

If you want your own piece to appear in the newsletter, send your finalised text to tiedotteet@ayy.fi by 10 am on Thursday for publication the following week. The recommended length of the text is 500 characters and the maximum length 1 000 characters.

You can also read this newsletter on AYY’s website at www.ayy.fi/en/weekly-newsletter

News concerning associations can be found in the association newsletter. Read them at /en/blog/category/associations/association/

Want to unsubscribe from the weekly newsletter mailing list? Click on the link and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page: https://list.ayy.fi/mailman/listinfo/ayy-info-fi

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