Weekly Newsletter 36/2018

Welcome to a new academic year everybody, especially all you new students! Just to remind you, AYY’s temporary student card tag desk serves until the end of this week in the Learning Centre (Otaniementie 9). More information: /en/blog/2018/08/30/pick-your-year-tag-from-ayys-temporary-service-point-at-harald-herlin-learning-centre/

Week 36

Week 37

Save the date



  1. Come work at Lakinlaskijaiset on 1 Oct


  1. Bubble footie tournament by Digia & AYY
  2. Business Intelligence assistant – Come quarry for information on the Espoo Innovation Garden’s innovation ecosystem


  1. September’s theatre offer from the Finnish National Theatre: Julia ja Romeo
  2. Auditions for the Female Choir KYN on Mon 24 Sept 2018


  1. Barventures on 5 Sept 2018
  2. Film club Montaasi’s movie nights in September
  3. The New beginnings event by the Marthas in Otaniemi on 12 Sept
  4. Recycling Block in Otaniemi on 17 Sept


  1. World Cup of Academic Quidditch in Espoo on 15 Sept
  2. Humans vs. Zombies in Otaniemi on 19–23 Sept


  1. Study psychologists’ Mindfulness workshops for students


  1. Answer and influence the landscape of Espoo


1. Working on an inclusive Aalto community

In honour of the beginning of the new semester, the Chair of AYY’s Board Noora VĂ€nttinen sat down with the President of Aalto University Ilkka NiemelĂ€ to discuss equality in the Aalto community.

Watch their conversation and find out what AYY and Aalto are doing this autumn to make Otaniemi a better, more inclusive place to be: /blogi/2018/08/31/equality-belongs-to-everybody/?lang=en

2. Come work at Lakinlaskijaiset on 1 Oct

The Party Committee invites everyone interested in volunteering at AYY to participate in creating the party! The volunteer sign-up is open right now at https://lomake.ayy.fi/jtmk/mene-toihin/. You can choose your volunteer task from 9 different categories (ticket sales, security, logistics, etc.). Work benefits include the legendary volunteer afterparty, VIP tickets to Lakinlaskijaiset, an overall badge, a thank-you party and, of course, one of the two work points required for the exclusive pink ribbon.


3. Bubble footie tournament by Digia & AYY

Digia and Aalto University Student Union are joining forces to organise a bubble footie event on the Otaniemi sports field on 19 Sept from 5 pm onwards. The evening will include a light-hearted battle over the bubble footie championship and, of course, the required aftermath session in Avain Sauna. There will be representatives from Digia present, with whom you can talk about your work, thesis or internship possibilities at Digia, for example. Sign up by 10 Sept! https://lomake.ayy.fi/yrityssuhteet/ (in Finnish)

The event is Finnish-language.

 4. Business Intelligence assistant – Come quarry for information on the Espoo Innovation Garden’s innovation ecosystem

The job of Espoo Marketing is to tempt businesses, investments and visitors to Espoo and to help people thrive in the Espoo Innovation Garden – the largest innovation conglomerate in Northern Europe – and in the tourism ecosystem of Visit Espoo. The role of Espoo Marketing is the orchestration of growth in these ecosystems, and their operations are based on customer service and cooperation.

Job description:

  • Collection, maintenance and various listings of information on the ecosystem’s businesses and key customers
  • Collection of success stories and other information from the ecosystem and compilation of key figures
  • Analysis of rankings and reports
  • Production of fact-based material for sales and marketing materials

The position is fixed-term, until 31 Dec 2018, and will be filled as soon as a suitable person is found. The job requires good Finnish and English skills. Send your application to glenn.gassen@espoo.fi. Include your salary request in your application. More information on the position from glenn.gassen@espoo.fi or 040 620 4254.


5. September’s theatre offer from the Finnish National Theatre: Julia & Romeo

An audience favourite – the startling, touching and beautiful Julia & Romeo is September’s lovely offer. The performance runs on the gorgeous Main Stage, duration 2 hours 35 minutes including intermission, performances begin at 7 pm. And what’s best, tickets are only 12 e each (normal price 47 e, students 22 e) for the following performances: Sat 8 Sept, Sat 15 Sept and Fri 28 Sept 2018 (performances in Finnish).

Snap up your ticket quickly! These university discount tickets at this price are only available via this link: https://www.lippu.fi/tickets.html?fun=erdetail&affiliate=fiv&doc=erdetaila&erid=2267021 (in Finnish)

(Please note that the amount of tickets is not limited, you can get tickets at the discount price until the show is sold out!) Tel. the Finnish National Theatre 010 7331 331

6. Auditions for the Female Choir KYN on Mon 24 Sept 2018

Would you like to sing in one of the best female choirs in the world? Audition for KYN!

KYN is one of Finland’s and the world’s leading female choirs. The merits of KYN for 2017 include a Grand Prix win and a special award for outstanding stage performance in Berlin, being ranked the sixth best female choir in the world and being selected Choir of the Year.

KYN consists of women of different ages who are studying or working in different fields, brought together by a love of choir music. We have a professional attitude towards our hobby and see the choir as a way of life. If you feel the same, you might just be a future KYN lady!

  • Auditions are held on Mon 24 Sept 2018 at 5.30–9 pm at Aalto University’s School of Business
  • Read more and sign up by Wed 19 Sept 2018 at https://www.bit.ly/KYNkoelaulutS2018 (in Finnish)
  • Queries to koelaulut@kyn.fi

Read more at https://www.facebook.com/events/204221720198210/ (in Finnish)

You can also find us on Instagram, Spotify and YouTube


7. Barventures on 5 Sept 2018

Aalto Cocktail, KyllĂ€ Oluelle and Wine Club Baccus are organising the fourth Barventures in history, bringing cocktails, wines and beers under the same roof! The time between the Aalto party and the Aalto afterparty has always been wasted (no pun intended), but do not worry – Barventures is here to fill in that feeling of emptiness between the events! The evening’s music will be sorted by KyllĂ€ Oluelle’s own boy, DJ Jon Flow!

Last year’s event was sold out in advance, so book your tickets early to make sure you won’t be the only one left in the cold!

8. Film club Montaasi’s movie nights in September

Welcome to the movie nights of the film club Montaasi! Movie nights are organised every Sunday, usually from 5.30 pm onwards, in the Kinopoli theatre in Otaniemi or in Montaasi’s club room next to Kinopoli, and they’re open to everyone regardless of club membership.

The September evenings will be spent watching Thom Andersen’s essay document on Los Angeles’ film presentations, Los Angeles Plays Itself (2004) (please note, starts already at 5 pm), John Carpenter’s modern masterpiece of atmospheric horror, The Thing (1982), Vincent Gallo’s nineties indie flick Buffalo ’66 (1998) and John Huston’s great heist classic, The Asphalt Jungle (1950). On 23 Sept, there will be a short break from movie nights because of the Love & Anarchy film festival. Specifics on the screenings can be found at https://montaasi.ayy.fi/ajankohtaista/ (in Finnish).

More information on Montaasi at https://montaasi.ayy.fi/ and https://www.facebook.com/montaasi/ (both in Finnish).

9. The New beginnings event by the Marthas in Otaniemi on 12 Sept

Wed 12 Sept at 10 am–4 pm, at the Undergraduate Centre on the Otaniemi campus (Otakaari 1, Espoo)

Beginning your studies and moving into your own home is exciting, wonderful and the best thing ever – but it’s also pretty expensive. For example, kitchen supplies or groceries can be a surprisingly big expense. But don’t worry, the Martha organisation is coming to help you!

The event focuses on sustainable living, and you can come to pick up some of the kitchen supplies you need, for example – and it’s all for free! Our free market has recycled, usable tableware, cooking equipment and other kitchen supplies. There is also a stand where you can get your hands on a nifty overall badge with the crafts Marthas’ help. In addition, the event offers you:

  • – advice and tips for sustainable living
  • – tasters and ideas for cooking
  • – hints and insights for laying the table

Read more on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2243483625888735/?active_tab=about (in Finnish)

10. Recycling Block in Otaniemi on 17 Sept

At the Recycling Block, you can make amazing flea market finds and sell off your spare gadgets!

Autumn is on its way, with new students arriving in Otaniemi and old ones leaving. How to optimise the flow of belongings in and out of student housing? By recycling, of course! At the Recycling Block, the two floors and courtyard of Otaniemi 20 will be transformed into a dream destination for even the most experienced flea market goer on Monday 17 September between 4 pm and 8 pm.


11. World Cup of Academic Quidditch in Espoo on 15 Sept

The World Cup of Academic Quidditch is back! Aava organises the quidditch tournament on Saturday 15 Sept at 1 pm at Silkkiniitty in Espoo.

The 16 fastest teams to sign up can take part in the tournament. Taking part is easy and doesn’t require earlier quidditch experience. Spectators are also very welcome to this thrilling event.

Come and witness the (almost) magical sporting atmosphere!

Info, registration and Those Rules at https://huispaus.otax.fi/in-english-and-swedish/in-english-2/

12. Humans vs. Zombies in Otaniemi on 19–23 Sept

Humans versus Zombies is a moderated game of tag, in which the zombie players attempt to spread the infection by tagging humans. Humans, in turn, can defend themselves by hiding, fleeing or fighting back by using socks or Nerf guns on the zombies. The game also features different tasks to make it more interesting. HvZ is a team game, so you’ll be sure to get to know new people while playing. The game was originally created for campuses like Otaniemi, so we’ll get to play this game in the best location in Finland!

It’s completely free to take part. You’ll get the game scarf and special gadgets from the organisers. All you need to do is sign up, turn up and play.

More information and registration: https://lomake.ayy.fi/aava/hvz/


13. Study psychologists’ Mindfulness workshops for students

Power of Imperfection Are you feeling critical and judgmental towards yourself? Compassion is more helpful than tough self-criticism, even though you might be used to thinking that you’ll achieve your best by being hard on yourself. The workshop contains mindfulness exercises that will help us develop an accepting and compassionate attitude towards ourselves. The workshop meets four times on Mondays at 2–4 pm, on 24 Sept– 15 Oct 2018. The workshop is Finnish-language. More information at https://into.aalto.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=328008 (in Finnish)

Mindful Tools for Stress Management Feeling stressed or anxious? Come and get new ideas on how to boost your wellbeing. Handling stress becomes easier when we confront our difficulties rather than avoid them, and learn to recognise when we start to feel stressed or worried. The workshop is on Mondays at 10 am–12 pm, on 24 Sept–15 Oct 2018. The workshop is English-language. More information at https://into.aalto.fi/display/enopisk/Courses+and+workshops+for+students


14. Answer and influence the landscape of Espoo

The Espoo City Museum features the Espoo of All Times survey until 9 Sept 2018. The survey is aimed at all former and current residents of Espoo, and it collects information on Espoo’s important buildings and cultural landscapes from the residents’ point of view, as well as memories connected to them. The answers to the survey will help create a cultural environment programme worthy of a city for Espoo. Answer at: https://app.maptionnaire.com/en/4167


This is the Aalto University Student Union’s weekly newsletter for week 36/2018. The newsletter gives you the news on AYY and its associations and sections, as well as other useful information.

If you want your own piece to appear in the newsletter, send your finalised text to tiedotteet@ayy.fi by 10 am on Thursday for publication the following week. The recommended length of the text is 500 characters and the maximum length 1 000 characters.

You can also read this newsletter on AYY’s website at /en/students/weekly-newsletter/

News concerning associations can be found in the association newsletter. Read them at /en/blog/category/associations/association/

Want to unsubscribe from the weekly newsletter mailing list? Click on the link and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page: https://list.ayy.fi/mailman/listinfo/ayy-info-fi

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