Congratulations, you’ve made it through orientation week! AYY’s Chair of the Board Noora VĂ€nttinen held a speech addressing communality in the Aalto community at the opening ceremony of the academic year on Wednesday 5 Sept 2018. The speech can also be found on the AYY website. /blog/2018/09/05/puheenjohtaja-noora-vanttisen-puhe-yliopiston-avajaisissa-5-9-2018/

Week 37

Week 38

Save the date



  1. Not Cool! – Everyone can interfere with inappropriate behaviour
  2. Last chance to retrieve your bike collected during the Junk Bike Collection


  1. Bubble footie tournament by Digia & AYY
  2. First month of home insurance for free


  1. Improv and dance courses by Teekkarispeksi on the way – registration 12 Sept
  2. Auditions for the Female Choir KYN on Mon 24 Sept 2018
  3. Auditions for the Polytech Choir on 13 Sept
  4. Entrance exams for the mixed choir Dominante on 11 Sept and 18 Sept
  5. Open rehearsals and auditions for Dissonanssi on Tue 18 Sept and Tue 25 Sept


  1. TechRace Helsinki – Junction 2018 pre-event on 12 Sept
  2. Workshop: From Academic Research and Ideas to Commercialization on 19 Sept
  3. Lakinlaskijaiset on 1 Oct
  4. Come work at Lakinlaskijaiset on 1 Oct
  5. Dipoli Appro 2018


  1. Introductory courses to gliding
  2. Start practising Aikido at Otaniemi!


  1. Nature, creativity and relaxation – Outdoor workshop
  2. Sunday brunches in the Otaniemi chapel!


  1. Sign up for the PdP course now
  2. OUBS Newcomers’ night on Wednesday 12 Sept anf the autumn’s training
  3. AIESEC Aalto is recruiting!



1. Not Cool! – Everyone can interfere with inappropriate behaviour

Have you experienced or encountered bullying, sexual harassment or racism? It’s everyone’s business to interfere with harassment. Interfering does not make you a spoilsport as the mood has already been spoiled by the person behaving inappropriately. Anyone noticing harassment among the student community can interfere. This can be done alone or together – the more members of the community decide to interfere and take the harassed person’s side, the more enjoyable the student community will become for us all. More information at

2. Last chance to retrieve your bike collected during the Junk Bike Collection

You still have time to fetch your bike that was collected in the Junk Bike Collection! The last bike retrieval date is Sun 16 September at 18-19. Please let us know of your arrival by filling out the attached form: Please bring your photo ID and possible bike keys with you. All collected bikes and the people collecting them will be documented.

If the aforementioned time does not suit you, please contact the Campus Section at kampusjaosto[at] to arrange an alternative time.

NB! The rest of the bikes will be sold in the Bike Sale on 17 and 18 September.


3. Bubble footie tournament by Digia & AYY

Digia and Aalto University Student Union are joining forces to organise a bubble footie event on the Otaniemi sports field on 19 Sept from 5 pm onwards. The evening will include a light-hearted battle over the bubble footie championship and, of course, the required aftermath session in Avain Sauna. There will be representatives from Digia present, with whom you can talk about your work, thesis or internship possibilities at Digia, for example. Sign up by 10 Sept! (in Finnish)

The event is Finnish-language.

4. First month of home insurance for free

Home insurance is hardly the most exciting item in this newsletter, but it’s still worth reading this. We are now offering the first month of OP Nano home insurance for free at (in Finnish). The fully digital insurance is easy to buy, and there’s no need to queue up in an office or on the phone. Home insurance is your best safeguard in cases of theft, water damage or fire or in another unexpected situation. The service is provided by OP Insurance Ltd.


5. Improv and dance courses by Teekkarispeksi on the way – registration 12 Sept

The improv courses are instructed by Teekkarispeksi director Antti Laine. There are three levels: basics, intermediate and advanced. The courses take place in weeks 42–49 and cost 50€ for Teekkarispeksi members and 58€ for anyone else.

To celebrate Teekkarispeksi’s 30th anniversary, we are offering our autumn dance course for free to the members of Teekkarispeksi! There is a versatile selection of disciplines on offer, from acrobatics to ballet and for all skill levels! In three periods, there are a total of 9 dance courses, each lasting 4 weeks with teaching once a week in weeks 38–49.

Registration for the courses of autumn 2018 happens on Wednesday 12 Sept at 5 pm in the lobby of Otakaari 1. Be there on time to ensure your place!

More information on the courses: (in Finnish)

FB event for the registration: (in Finnish)

6. Auditions for the Female Choir KYN on Mon 24 Sept 2018

Would you like to sing in one of the best female choirs in the world? Audition for KYN!

KYN is one of Finland’s and the world’s leading female choirs. The merits of KYN for 2017 include a Grand Prix win and a special award for outstanding stage performance in Berlin, being ranked the sixth best female choir in the world and being selected Choir of the Year.

KYN consists of women of different ages who are studying or working in different fields, brought together by a love of choir music. We have a professional attitude towards our hobby and see the choir as a way of life. If you feel the same, you might just be a future KYN lady!

  • Auditions are held on Mon 24 Sept 2018 at 5.30–9 pm at Aalto University’s School of Business
  • Read more and sign up by Wed 19 Sept 2018 at Finnish)
  • Queries to

Read more at (in Finnish)

You can also find us on Instagram, Spotify and YouTube

7. Auditions for the Polytech Choir on 13 Sept

Singing with attitude! The Polytech Choir is looking for new singers to join their ranks! Are you bursting with desire to charm audiences with your singing, from Servin mökki to the Helsinki Music Centre and across the universe? Welcome!

The PK auditions are held on Thursday 13 September (at 5–9 pm) in the choir’s practice facilities in the TUAS building’s second floor hall AS2 (Maarintie 8). At the event, you’ll get to perform one song of your choosing without accompaniment. In addition, your vocal range and pitch perception will be tested.

Stop dithering and make your interest in the auditions known by filling the form (in Finnish) or by emailing You can also ask us more questions on Facebook. See you at the auditions!

More information: (in Finnish)

8. Entrance exams for the mixed choir Dominante on 11 Sept and 18 Sept

Come join our choir in singing to the world! Aalto University’s mixed choir Dominante is looking for new singers. Our repertoire includes both a cappella and grand orchestral pieces. In addition, the active quartet activity includes old classics as well as new hits. The choir year culminates with the annual choir trip!

Open rehearsals are organised on Mon 10 Sept at 6 pm in the TUAS building (Maarintie 8) in hall TU2. Entrance exams are held on Tue 11 Sept in the T-building (Konemiehentie 2) in hall T2 and on Tue 18 Sept in the TUAS building in hall TU2. Book a spot for the entrance exams from the mother of all freshmen, Riina Nieminen: riina.nieminen (at), tel. 050 330 1284.

9. Open rehearsals and auditions for Dissonanssi on Tue 18 Sept and Tue 25 Sept

Chamber Choir Dissonanssi is a mixed choir from Otaniemi that sings diverse music all the way from Renaissance to glam metal – without forgetting to have fun! In autumn 2018, we’re organising two open rehearsals + relaxed auditions to which everyone interested in singing is welcome, whether you have previous singing experience or not! Our rehearsals are conducted in Finnish; however, you are welcome to join even with no Finnish speaking skills, someone is always willing to translate!

Read more and sign up: Welcome!


10. TechRace Helsinki – Junction 2018 pre-event on 12 Sept

TechRace tours through nine cities to find the top concentration of tech heads in Finland. The winning city, “the techiest of them all,” is chosen based on the total points all participants earn during the local TechRace event. So, gather your local tech community together and get ready to race against other cities!

TechRace is the Junction pre-event tour in Finland. Every TechRace participant will get a secret code and a huge advantage when applying to Junction 2018! Our Helsinki event is organized together with Junction, Startuplifers and Helsinki Think Company.

WHAT? TechRace Helsinki
WHERE? Tiedekulma, Yliopistonkatu 4, 2nd Floor, Helsinki
WHEN? Wednesday 12 Sept 2018 at 5 pm->


11. Workshop: From Academic Research and Ideas to Commercialization on 19 Sept

You are invited to an event organised by Think Africa in collaboration with the Aalto Community of African Students (ACAS), and FinCEAL, with the support of Helsinki Innovation Services Ltd and the University of Eastern Finland – African Student Association. The event, tagged “From Academic Research and Ideas to Commercialization,” will be held on Wednesday 19 September at 2–4.30 pm, at Yliopistonkatu 4, FI-00100 Helsinki.

In this event, you’ll get to learn and hear how you can commercialise your ideas and research results through services provided by the University Innovation and Incubation Services.

Kindly sign up for the event using either of the following links:



12. Lakinlaskijaiset on 1 Oct

The traditional Lakinlaskijaiset party is held on 1 Oct in DIPOLI.

Bearing this in mind, Teekkarijaosto has extended the teekkari cap wearing time by one day.

The artists will be revealed on a later date, but Finnish and international stars will be seen on stage throughout the night all the way until 3 am. The moment we have all been waiting for happens at midnight, when the caps will be taken off as RWBK plays. You can also attend different activities such as karaoke, slide and RODEODUCK. The JĂ€ynĂ€ contest and Äpy are also hosting their checkpoints at Dipoli, so make sure to check them out.

The day will be kickstarted with the Otatarha Race at Alvari Square and the Lakinlaskijaiset pre-party at Smökki! At Dipoli, the party will start at 9 pm and goes on all the way until 3 am!

The ticket sales start at on 11 Sept. Stay tuned!

13. Come work at Lakinlaskijaiset on 1 Oct

The Party Committee invites everyone interested in volunteering at AYY to participate in creating the party! The volunteer sign-up is open right now at You can choose your volunteer task from 9 different categories (ticket sales, security, logistics, etc.). Work benefits include the legendary volunteer afterparty, VIP tickets to Lakinlaskijaiset, an overall badge, a thank-you party and, of course, one of the two work points required for the exclusive pink ribbon.

14. Dipoli Appro 2018

The Dipoli Appro will continue the event complex organized by IE as it takes over Otaniemi on Tuesday 16 Oct. The pre-show will start at Dipoli at 5 pm, where the gala people will be entertained by the handing out of the appro maps and dreams of the upcoming awards. Participants will get to visit the ever more glowing showrooms, hosted by the most awarded and scandalous Hosts and Hostesses (IE) in Otaniemi who will be serving their favorite beverages and foods, before continuing to the thrilling after-gala.

The after-gala will be held in the biggest and most beautiful party-sanctuary in Otaniemi, Servin Mökki. Pelmu will be entertaining the crawl people with amazing live performers.

Who knows what else might happen on this night? But before that, it is important to remember the following things:
– Tickets are only sold together with Polin Appro tickets, and they cost 20€
– There is only a limited amount of tickets available
– The event on Facebook:


15. Introductory courses to gliding

Polyteknikkojen ilmailukerho (the Polytechnicians’ aviation club) PIK organises introductory courses to gliding starting on 13 Sept and 20 Sept. On the introductory course to gliding, you’ll get airborne in a glider with a flight instructor. The course includes a theory class that covers the basics of gliding and some practical issues in preparation for the flight day. After the theory, you’ll get straight into action: to fly in a two-seater in an awe-inspiring autumn landscape. If you want, you’ll also get to steer the plane under the instructor’s guidance.

More information and registration:

16. Start practising Aikido at Otaniemi!

Aalto Aikikai welcomes new beginners to join their activities from next week onwards. We are organising an Aikido performance and a taster session on Monday 17 Sept at 4.30–6 pm in the Association room at JĂ€merĂ€ntaival 1. Bring a t-shirt and jogging trousers.

Practice times in autumn 2018:

Mondays at 4.30–6 pm JĂ€merĂ€ntaival 1

Thursdays at 4.30–6 pm JĂ€merĂ€ntaival 1 After the taster session, you can join the practice sessions within the first week. More information at and aaltoaikikai-hallitus(at)


17. Nature, creativity and relaxation – Outdoor workshop

Nature has many benefits for our wellbeing: it helps us relax and boosts our creativity. However, you can’t get these benefits from a book, you have to experience them yourself! Here in Otaniemi, nature is near, and now we’re going to enjoy and gain from it together. Welcome to a workshop organised by the Aalto study psychologists. It consists of three sessions during the autumn of 2018.

Workshop methods: Practices and discussions with the group outdoors.


  • Tue 25 Sept at 2–4 pm
  • Tue 2 Oct at 2–4 pm
  • Tue 9 Oct at 4–7 pm

You’ll get more information after signing up. Go to: INTO – Student life – Study skills – Courses and workshops (

18. Sunday brunches in the Otaniemi chapel!

The first brunch of the autumn is organised on Sunday 16 Sept at 11 am–4 pm. The brunch will feature information and discussion on sustainable everyday life. Price 3€. Otaniemi chapel, JĂ€merĂ€ntaival 8.

Sign up for brunch preparations with Aalto chaplain


19. Sign up for the PdP course now

Are you passionate about design, business and technology? If so, PdP is the right fit for you.

But what is PdP?

According to a former PdP student, it is “the most rewarding, most inspiring and, at times, the most ridiculous experience.”

Sign up for the course on WebOodi. Course code: MEC-E3001

The introduction lecture will be on Wednesday 12 September at 4.15 pm at Aalto Design Factory (Betonimiehenkuja 5 C). For more information about the course:

20. OUBS Newcomers’ night on Wednesday 12 Sept anf the autumn’s training

OUBS is the association for anyone interested in video, in which you’ll get to film and stream the coolest student events! Read more at (in Finnish).

  1. OUBS Newcomers’ night on Wednesday 12 Sept 2018 at 6–8 pm @JMT1 Studio

The OUBS Newcomers’ night on Wednesday 12 Sept from 6 pm onwards in our studio downstairs at JĂ€merĂ€ntaival 1! The event on Facebook:

  1. OUBS Get to know the studio on 18 Sept 2018 at 6–8 pm

Come and get to know the activities of OUBS and especially our versatile studio facility at JÀmerÀntaival 1. The studio has ready-to-use, versatile lighting and sound technology, and the facility is also rentable to all AYY members. The studio is an excellent spot for a movie night, a party or a relaxed meeting!

In addition, Streaming training coming up on 25 Sept 2018 and Camera training on 9 Oct 2018.

21. AIESEC Aalto is recruiting!

AIESEC is a global platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential.

We are recruiting new and enthusiastic youth to join the Youth leadership movement in Finland! If you are interested, fill in the form and we will contact you and invite you to a short discussion where we will tell you more about AIESEC and what we do. You can sign up for membership here: The deadline for the application is 18 Sept 2018, so apply NOW!

There’s an info evening on 14 Sept 2018, and you’re most welcome to join us there! Check out the event here: . Don’t miss out on the chance!

For more information check or our Facebook page


This is the Aalto University Student Union’s weekly newsletter for week 37/2018. The newsletter gives you the news on AYY and its associations and sections, as well as other useful information.

If you want your own piece to appear in the newsletter, send your finalised text to by 10 am on Thursday for publication the following week. The recommended length of the text is 500 characters and the maximum length 1 000 characters.

You can also read this newsletter on AYY’s website at https://ayy-fi/en/weekly-newsletter

News concerning associations can be found in the association newsletter. Read them at /en/blog/category/associations/association/

Want to unsubscribe from the weekly newsletter mailing list? Click on the link and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page:

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