Weekly Newsletter 38/2018

On Monday – today! – the two floors and courtyard of Otakaari 20 are transformed into the Recycling Block. Come for some amazing finds between 4 pm and 8 pm (https://www.facebook.com/events/1836560743087160/permalink/1873927452683822/). Or maybe you need a bike? The Campus Section is selling off the bikes from last spring’s Junk Bike collection today and tomorrow in the yard between JĂ€merĂ€ntaival 1 and 3 (https://www.facebook.com/events/293883641381690/).

Week 38

Week 39

Save the date



  1. Associations wish you welcome
  2. It is all about Europe
  3. Universal permission to wear the Teekkari cap on 1 Oct & reminder of the application form for permission to wear the cap
  4. Third application round of TTE Fund for 2018 is open!
  5. Blog: Students strongly involved with the development of AYY’s housing services


  1. Registration for Film club Montaasi’s Cine film course is open!
  2. Open rehearsals and auditions for Dissonanssi on Tue 18 Sept and Tue 25 Sept
  3. KYN & Johanna Juhola Reaktori: Keinuva tyttö (The Swinging Girl)


  1. Polyteekkari Museum’s guide recruitment evening on Monday 17 Sept at 5 pm
  2. World Dinner on 26 Sept 2018
  3. Tournament of Kasper on 29 Sept
  4. Students at LinnanmÀki on 5 Oct
  5. ARENA-On-Line starts already in mid-September!
  6. Junction on 23–25 Nov 2018 – applications are OPEN (DL 7 Oct)


  1. FC Kissat: Kick-off training session
  2. Try out riding – get excited and start a riding hobby!
  3. Introductory sailing trips on 8–17 Oct
  4. Cheerleading course for beginners on 7 Oct–9 Dec 2018


  1. Climate change and me – Are you anxious?


  1. BEST Winter courses’ application starts 16 Sept at 11.59 pm
  2. Kiuas Start – Go from zero to one in three weeks



1. Associations wish you welcome

Did you know there are more than 200 associations operating within AYY? In addition to guilds and subject organisations, there is lots to do on offer, from photography to role playing and from scouting to pole dance.

The associations showcased themselves to new Aalto people at the Aalto Party event on Wed 5 Sept. Click the link to return to the Aalto Party atmosphere and read examples of all the things that can be done in the Aalto community: /en/blog/2018/09/17/associations-wish-you-welcome/

2. It is all about Europe

How is the European Union doing right now, and why is it worth starting to talk about the European elections already more than half a year ahead of the election day?

AYY’s Specialist on International Affairs Rosa VĂ€isĂ€nen writes in the AYY blog about the coming election spring and about the kinds of things that Aalto people can influence by voting: /blogi/2018/09/17/it-is-all-about-europe/?lang=en

3. Universal permission to wear the Teekkari cap on 1 Oct & reminder of the application form for permission to wear the cap

In their meeting, the Teekkari Section has granted permission to all who are eligible to wear the Teekkari cap to wear it on Monday 1 Oct. This way, the caps can be taken off with the traditional ceremonies at the Lakinlaskijaiset party at Dipoli, which exceptionally takes place on Monday 1 Oct this year.

The Teekkari cap is a summer cap. The Teekkari Section wants to remind you that permission must be sought to wear the cap in wintertime (defined here as 1 Oct–30 Apr). You can apply for a permit by filling in the form at https://lomake.ayy.fi/teekkarijaosto/application-to-wear-teekkari-cap/. The Teekkari Section will process the applications in its meetings once a week. It’s good to apply for a permit early, as possible additional questions regarding the nature of the event may increase the processing time. Permits have been granted e.g. for excursions to companies, but also for weddings and trips to sports competitions for teams with a Teekkari background.

Questions regarding permission to wear the cap will be gladly answered by the Chair of the Teekkari Section, tuomas.rantataro@ayy.fi.

4. Third application round of TTE Fund for 2018 is open!

The third application round of TTE Fund for 2018 is open! The Fund can grant financial aid for all AYY members and the associations within it. TTE Fund supports activities that reach for the stars, get other people excited and can be seen and heard.

You can apply for grants from TTE Fund in two ways: through the application rounds arranged approximately three times a year, or via the continuous application process which is open during semesters. Via the continuous application process, the maximum amount of a grant is 2000€, whereas the amount of project funding in the actual application rounds is not limited.

Application time for the third round of 2018 ends on Sunday 30 Sept 2018 at 11.59 pm. Instructions for the application and its attachments can be found on the Fund’s website at https://tter.ayy.fi/hae-avustusta/briefly-in-english/. To apply for a grant, fill in the online form found at https://lomake.ayy.fi/tter/hakulomake/.

The times of the application rounds for autumn 2018 and other information is available on the TTE Fund website at https://tter.ayy.fi/hae-avustusta/briefly-in-english/. Also, check out the Facebook page at www.facebook.com/tterahasto (in Finnish).

5. Blog: Students strongly involved with the development of AYY’s housing services

How could student living be made even better and more communal?

Read AYY’s Service Manager Riitu Nuutinen’s blog text to find out how the members of the Student Union are involved in developing AYY’s services on student housing: /blogi/2018/09/05/students-strongly-involved-with-the-development-of-ayys-housing-services/?lang=en



6. Registration for Film club Montaasi’s Cine film course is open!

The course on the basics of film-making, organised over the weekend of 12–14 Oct, will cover the fundamentals of scriptwriting, visual narrative, lighting and filming, and participants will group up to shoot short films on 8-mm colour film. Hence, the course offers a unique chance to make a movie on cine film, which is becoming rarer and rarer each year.

The course is organised in Otaniemi, Espoo. There are 15 spots on the course, and it costs 25 Euros for Montaasi members. If you are not a member yet, you can join when you register for the course.

More information: http://montaasi.ayy.fi/event/kaitafilmikurssi-2018/ (in Finnish). Binding registrations by email: montaasi@list.ayy.fi.

7. Open rehearsals and auditions for Dissonanssi on Tue 18 Sept and Tue 25 Sept

Chamber Choir Dissonanssi is a mixed choir from Otaniemi that sings diverse music all the way from Renaissance to glam metal – without forgetting to have fun! In autumn 2018, we’re organising two open rehearsals + relaxed auditions to which everyone interested in singing is welcome, whether you have previous singing experience or not! Our rehearsals are conducted in Finnish; however, you are welcome to join even with no Finnish speaking skills, someone is always willing to translate!

Read more and sign up: http://liity.dissonanssi.fi. Welcome!

8. KYN & Johanna Juhola Reaktori: Keinuva tyttö (The Swinging Girl)

Tue 2 Oct 2018 at 7 pm at G Livelab

Accordion artist Johanna Juhola and KYN are known as expressive reformers of their own instruments and creators of new kinds of fusion music styles who move effortlessly across various genres. In this concert, the two are joining forces in a new way: the first set is Juhola’s debut as choir composer, as the series commissioned by KYN, Keinuva tyttö (The Swinging Girl), has its first performance.

In the second set, Johanna Juhola and her Reaktori quartet offer an eclectic mix of tango, electronic music, Northern roots and pop music with a twist. The night will culminate in the amalgamation of KYN and Reaktori into one group. You can expect at least twice the experience from a collective evening with these two open-minded ensembles!

KYN, directed by Kaija Viitasalo / Johanna Juhola, accordion; Tuomas Norvio, live electronics; Milla Viljamaa, piano; Sara Puljula, contrabass / Tickets 25/20€ glivelab.fi

More on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/events/269746176972412/



9. Polyteekkari Museum’s guide recruitment evening on Monday 17 Sept at 5 pm

Are you all upset because you’re not a Polyteekkari Museum guide yet? Not to worry, do what Henri did and become a guide to regain those twinkly eyes. Come to the museum on Monday 17 Sept at 5 pm with a couple of hours spare and get to know the life and soul of a guide. All are welcome, regardless of study field or stage – we’ll be expecting you!

You can ask for more information by email at intendentti(a)ayy.fi.

10. World Dinner on 26 Sept 2018

AYY’s International Section Mosaic brings, once again, the popular World Dinner to Otaniemi! This time around, World Dinner is fancier, bigger and includes bingo! In addition to all this, participants will get to vote for their favourite, with the best dish winning splendid prizes!

More information from our Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/2259859060904289/

Also, if you like our Facebook page, you’ll be the first to hear about our other events: https://www.facebook.com/AYYMosaic

  • WHAT? World Dinner
  • WHEN? Wednesday 26 September at 6 pm
  • WHERE? Smökki, JĂ€merĂ€ntaival 4, Espoo
  • WHY? You’ll get to enjoy food from around the world! And to play bingo!
  • Registration: https://lomake.ayy.fi/mosaic/world-dinner-2/

11. Tournament of Kasper on 29 Sept

In the Tournament of Kasper, teams will measure their strength in tasks related to mining and materials engineering that will put both wit and physical abilities to the test. This year’s tournament will be held in Otaniemi on 29 September. Come along to cheer on the teams and see what the mining and materials industry has to offer!

Follow us on Instagram and Facebook @kasperinkisat

FB event: https://www.facebook.com/events/216900012342959/

12. Students at LinnanmÀki on 5 Oct

Have you always wanted to visit a crowdless LinnanmĂ€ki with your best student mates? Now it’s possible. In honour of the AS20 year of celebration, AS and its partners are organising the private event Opiskelijat LintsillĂ€ (Students at LinnanmĂ€ki) that is open to all students. More information on the event and ticket sales at as20.fi/linnanmaki (in Finnish) and on Facebook: Opiskelijat LintsillĂ€ (https://www.facebook.com/events/1787536131267734/).

  • WHAT? LinnanmĂ€ki for students only!
  • WHERE? At LinnanmĂ€ki
  • WHEN? 5 Oct 2018 at 4–8 pm
  • WHERE’S THE INFO? as20.fi/linnanmaki (in Finnish)

The tickets will be exchanged for wristbands in the autumn before the event and, when exchanging the ticket, a student card from a higher education institution must be presented. Only ticketholders will have access to the LinnanmÀki area during the event. LinnanmÀki has an alcohol licence, so bringing your own bottles into the area is not permitted. The organiser reserves the right to make changes.

13. ARENA-On-Line starts already in mid-September!

The ARENA Career Fair will be organised in the School of Business Main Building in Töölö on 14 November, but the ARENA-On-Line on Facebook starts already in mid-September! Get into the ARENA mood now and follow the ARENA Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ARENACareerFair/. Participating organisations will post and host Facebook Lives on the ARENA Facebook page from 20 Sept onwards. A list of organisations can be found here: https://fairs.aalto.fi/arena/exhibitors/. #ARENACareerFair

14. Junction on 23–25 Nov 2018 – applications are OPEN (DL 7 Oct)

WHEN & WHERE: 23–25 Nov 2018 @Dipoli in Otaniemi

We are happy to invite you to Europe’s largest hackathon, Junction. The purpose of our event is to bring together enthusiastic developers, creators and designers combined with the most interesting companies with their resources and engineering support. The event is completely free to attend, and last year we had over 1 400 participants from 86 countries working in teams, creating new and exciting software and hardware projects.

At Junction:

  • Prize pool of 30 000€
  • 2 student credits for Aalto students
  • Free meals + drinks
  • Amazing atmosphere and variation of different side events

Check out the event and apply NOW at https://hackjunction.com/



15. FC Kissat: Kick-off training session

Meow, all you new and old students! Come along to the training sessions, matches and fun crowd of the Aalto University women’s football team. We are organising a Kick-off training session on Tuesday 18 Sept at 6–7.30 pm on the sand pitch in the Tali sports park. Everyone is welcome to the training session, and you need no previous experience of football. All you need is workout clothes and a water bottle.

16. Try out riding – get excited and start a riding hobby!

Teekkariratsastajat is organising an event to try out riding at the Tapiola Riding School on Sunday 23 Sept at 3 pm. It costs 10 Euros to try riding for about half an hour. You need to register in the Tera events calendar (https://tera.ayy.fi/ratsastuksen-kokeilu-23-9/, in Finnish) to try riding. Suitable equipment includes, for example, wellington boots or other wide and flat shoes, a pair of comfortable and elastic trousers, and gloves. A helmet can be borrowed from the stables.

From this event, it is good to continue onto the beginners courses starting in October. There are two courses, a male group in southern Espoo and a mixed group in Tapiola. More information and registration in the Tera events calendar (https://tera.ayy.fi/alkeiskurssi-lokakuussa/, in Finnish).

New members’ evening of Teekkariratsastajat in Ossinkulma on 25 Sept at 6 pm. Come around to hear about Tera’s activities and to enjoy food, drink and good company! A second screening of Tera’s 30th anniversary video is also on the cards. More information from the Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/332888130783935/.

17. Introductory sailing trips on 8–17 Oct

Would you like to try sailing? Sign up for an introductory sailing trip by Teekkaripurjehtijat in early October for free. Alternative dates, skippers and registration link at https://trip.ayy.fi/wordpress/?p=3158 (in Finnish)! The introductory trip lasts about three hours, sails off from Ruoholahti, starts at around 4–5 pm and has room for 4–5 persons / boat. The sailing trip is meant for people who are interested in Teekkaripurjehtijat or have recently become its members. Come aboard to get to know the local seas and the tricks of sailing in good company!

18. Cheerleading course for beginners on 7 Oct–9 Dec 2018

APC Foxes is organising a beginners course for everyone who is interested from Sunday 7 Oct onwards. The course costs 25€, and the practices take place every Sunday at 5.30–7 pm (10 sessions)! After the course, if you want, you can continue in the APC Foxes team, which trains and performs throughout the year. Ask for more information via the FB inbox! The course is organised by the Aalto University team APC Foxes and meant for university-aged amateurs.

On the course, all aspects of competitive cheerleading are practised: stunts, pyramids, acrobatics, jumps and cheers.



19. Climate change and me – Are you anxious?

A discussion group for Aalto students on thoughts and emotions related to climate change.

In a confidential atmosphere, we will discuss the future and the threat imagery and glimmers of hope it evokes, think about the relationship of our anxiety to action, and hear personal experiences from experts on climate and the environment. The group will take a maximum of 15 students. Please commit to attending each session as best as possible. The group is not linked to any belief system. You are welcome as you are, regardless of your world view and points of view!

More information and a more detailed schedule on Into https://into.aalto.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=328008 (in Finnish). The group is led by Aalto study psychologist Sanni and Aalto chaplain Anu. Registration by 26 Sept 2018 by email to psychologist Sanni: sanni.saarimaki@aalto.fi.



20. BEST Winter courses’ application starts 16 Sept at 11.59 pm

Application deadline: 14 October at 11.59 pm

This winter, BEST (Board of European Students of Technology) offers you many courses around Europe.

On these, you’ll get to attend lectures, given by the university’s teaching staff or experts from companies, on Technology, Career Related Skills, and Applied Engineering. After the lectures, you’ll also take part in evening activities, designed for you, to give you a taste of the LBG (Local BEST Group) that hosts you and the local culture.

For more information about the courses and FAQs, visit https://besthelsinki.fi/en/courses/application/.

  • WHAT? Winter courses’ application starts
  • WHEN? 16 Sept 2018
  • WHY? A week-long course with BEST people; costs up to 50€, including board and food.
  • WHERE? https://best.eu.org/courses

21. Kiuas Start – Go from zero to one in three weeks

Do you have an idea you would like to turn into a business?

Kiuas Start, a three-week-long pre-accelerator programme by Aaltoes, will take place between 27 October and 17 November at Startup Sauna. Students can earn 5 credits for completing the programme.

Read more and apply by 30 September at https://www.kiuas.com/start.



This is the Aalto University Student Union’s weekly newsletter for week 38/2018. The newsletter gives you the news on AYY and its associations and sections, as well as other useful information.

If you want your own piece to appear in the newsletter, send your finalised text to tiedotteet@ayy.fi by 10 am on Thursday for publication the following week. The recommended length of the text is 500 characters and the maximum length 1 000 characters.

You can also read the newsletter on AYY’s website at /en/students/weekly-newsletter/

News concerning associations can be found in the association newsletter. Read them at /en/associations/association-newsletter/

Want to unsubscribe from the weekly newsletter mailing list? Click on the link and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page: https://list.ayy.fi/mailman/listinfo/ayy-info-fi

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