Weekly Newsletter 39/2018

The art festival Otaniemi Night of Arts is organised for the first time and takes over the campus on next week’s Saturday 6 Oct. The programme of the festival has now been published and can be found at http://bitly.com/OtaniemenYoOhjelma. Programmes are also available from AYY’s Central Office and at event locations on the day of the festival.

P.S. Answer AYY’s service questionnaire and give the Student Union valuable information about your experiences and the necessity of services: https://my.surveypal.com/AYY-n-palvelukysely-2018-AYY


Week 39

Viikko 40



  1. AYY service questionnaire 2018
  2. Volunteer at Otaniemi Night of Arts on 6 Oct
  3. AYY: Advocacy now also on Telegram


  1. TalentIT 2018 recruitment fair
  2. Sweco trainee application period has begun


  1. Polyteekkari Museum: 60 years of world-class greatness


  1. Pollux, Tera, Teekkarispeksi, MökĂ€, Aalto Tennis – Find a new hobby at the associations’ info and sauna evenings
  2. Lakinlaskijaiset at Dipoli on 1 Oct – Tickets on sale in the Undergraduate Centre on 24–28 Sept
  3. OUBS Streaming training on 25 Sept
  4. Blood donation at Dipoli on Wed 26 Sept
  5. European Researchers’ Night at Startup Sauna on 28 Sept
  6. FallUp on 2 Oct
  7. TechRace Espoo on 4 Oct
  8. Joint sitsit by the Precentor Committee and the Polytech Choir at Smökki on 20 Oct
  9. Polin Appro on 7 Nov 2018 – Ticket sales will be back starting on 24 Sept


  1. Polijazz dance classes are starting
  2. Introductory sailing trips on 8–17 Oct
  3. Cheerleading course for beginners on 7 Oct–9 Dec 2018


  1. UniSport’s autumnal greetings


  1. Talk about Aalto in high schools!
  2. Neon Rave artist competition
  3. Spend summer 2019 working in Canada!
  4. 4UNI solution competition for higher education students – Apply to take part by 30 Sept



1. AYY service questionnaire 2018

Welcome to answering the AYY service questionnaire! The Student Union produces many different services for its members, such as community, housing and sports services. This questionnaire will help us find out our members’ opinions and experiences of their necessity and quality and the related communication. The questionnaire will produce useful information to support the operational development of both the Student Union and the University.


The research is conducted by the Research Foundation for Studies and Education Otus. For more information on the research, please contact Otus researcher Rasmus Reinikainen (rasmus.reinikainen@otus.fi).

Filling in the questionnaire will take about 20 minutes and can be done until Monday 1 October. Lots will be drawn from among all respondents for the lucky winners of ten cinema tickets and one free rental space use (excluding Servin mökki and Rantasauna). The winners will be notified personally. The contact details you leave for the raffle will not be connected to your answers.


2. Volunteer at Otaniemi Night of Arts on 6 Oct

We are looking for volunteers for Otaniemi Night of Arts on Saturday 6 Oct. The event is an interartistic festival featuring different kinds of events e.g. at VĂ€re, Dipoli and all around the campus. The volunteers’ shifts take place between 1 pm and 9 pm and last for 3–5 hours. Volunteers will be directing festival-goers to the right locations, handing out the programmes and answering the audience’s questions. Volunteers are also needed to photograph, to take care of the backstage area and for other assisting tasks. There will be a short volunteer info on Tues 2 Oct at 4.30 pm at the Central Office of Aalto University Student Union (Otakaari 11).

In return for their shift, the volunteers will get food, a cinema ticket for the screening of their choosing at the Elossa festival (29 Oct–3 Nov) and an invitation to the Otaniemi Night of Arts afterparty organised later.

Sign up by filling in the form at https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=0377CHYR0EKKo6ccnH8gelqUeg23k_tBmr4Tl7IOrOVUQUMzVklWWUZVOTZIQTNBU1RBODExQzkxSi4u.

Facebook event at https://www.facebook.com/events/2220457434854832/

Website at https://otaniemenyo.fi/

More information from volunteer coordinator Anni NiemelÀ, anni.niemela@ayy.fi.


3. AYY: Advocacy now also on Telegram

Does basic income evoke emotions in you, but you don’t know who to share them with? Would you like to bounce around thoughts on open data systems, but your roommate is sick of listening to you? That’s alright, the AYY: Advocacy discussion channel can now be found on the Telegram instant messaging service, too!

AYY: Advocacy is an unofficial and independent platform for advocacy-related discussion and activity at Aalto, in Finland and around the world. Joining the community does not bind you to anything, and you don’t need to be a Student Representative or even an Aalto student to join.

The channel can be found at t.me/AYYadvocacy

More information from Advocacy and Communications Manager Heikki Isotalo, heikki.isotalo(at)ayy.fi.



4. TalentIT 2018 recruitment fair

Looking for career opportunities? Need a boost in your job hunting? Come network at the TalentIT 2018 recruitment and career fair in Otahalli (Otaranta 6) on Thursday 1 Nov 2018 at 11 am–5 pm.

TalentIT is Finland’s largest ICT recruitment and career fair. At this years’ fair, there will be a wide range of interesting employers from innovative startups to big international players. A new feature is the interdisciplinary TalentX area containing measurement of problem-solving skills and testing of work-related competence in interviews. These activity stands serve as a route to actual job interviews, for example.


In addition, the TalentIT Career Forum (https://fairs.aalto.fi/talentit/en/vieraalle/career-forum/) provides Aalto students with multiple job search services from editing their CV and LinkedIn profile to interview coaching and tips for making a video CV. Students can also book private meetings with interesting exhibitors in the Snap Meeting Corner through the Brella service.


Entrance to the event is free – join us for networking!


More information: https://fairs.aalto.fi/talentit/en/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TalentITFair/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TalentITFair


5. Sweco trainee application period has begun

The Sweco Trainee 2019 programme provides young engineering experts new kinds of opportunities to develop their own know-how and prepare for the challenges of the future! We are seeking 14 future experts across Finland.

The Sweco Trainee programme lasts for a year and involves the young experts carrying out certain duties in an employment relationship of indefinite duration. The participants will gather on a regular basis to attend training days focusing on aspects such as developing the participants’ public speaking and interaction skills, project training, familiarisation with experiental technologies and coaching for future supervisory duties.

The Sweco Trainees that we seek are motivated fresh graduates or up-and-coming technology engineers or Masters of Science (Technology) who are willing and able to develop themselves in order to carry out project management and supervisory duties, among others. The employment relationship will begin at the beginning of January 2019.

The application period for the Sweco Trainee programme will run from 10 September to 7 October 2018. Read more about the positions available in the programme and submit your application: https://www.sweco.fi/trainee/



6. Polyteekkari Museum: 60 years of world-class greatness

This autumn, the Otaniemi Poyteekkari Museum celebrates its 60th anniversary with appropriate elation. The birthday celebrations take place in connection with Otaniemi Night of Arts on 6 Oct and feature greetings and refreshments.

But what on earth is the Polyteekkari Museum, how did it start, and how is it doing now? Read Museum Director Tiina Metsola’s blog to find out: /blogi/2018/09/24/polyteekkarimuseo-60-vuotta-maailmanluokan-mahtavuutta/ (in Finnish, translation following soon).



7. Pollux, Tera, Teekkarispeksi, MökĂ€, Aalto Tennis – Find a new hobby at the associations’ info and sauna evenings

25 Sept: Astronomy and model rocketry club Pollux’s introductory sauna evening

Place: Rooftop sauna (Kattosauna), JÀmerÀntaival 3A, top floor
Time: Tuesday 25 Sept 2018, 6.30–11 pm
More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/297331754202381

25 Sept: Teekkariratsastajat’s New members’ evening

Place: Ossinkulma (Otakaari 18 A)

Time: Tuesday 25 Sept at 6 pm

More information: https://tera.ayy.fi/2018-9-25-uusien-ilta-newbies-evening/ (in Finnish)

26 Sept: Teekkarispeksi introductory evening

Place: Ossinsauna (Otakaari 18)
Time: Wednesday 26 Sept at 6 pm
More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/265772664060008/ (in Finnish)

28 Sept: Metal Club MökÀ’s Freshman sauna

Place: Rantasauna (behind JÀmerÀntaival 5)
Time: Friday 28 Sept at 6 pm
More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/2243758449190855/

30 Sept: Aalto Tennis Season Kick-off Party

Place: Otaranta club room
Time: Sunday 30 Sept at 5 pm
More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/325299121565462/

8. Lakinlaskijaiset at Dipoli on 1 Oct – Tickets on sale in the Undergraduate Centre on 24–28 Sept

Bearing this in mind, the Teekkari Section has in all their wisdom decided to extend the Teekkari cap wearing period by one day.

The evening will be kicked off by the Finnish new-generation pop artist Aleksanteri Hakaniemi! The mood will escalate when the German group ItaloBrothers known for their summer stompers shakes the floorboards! The moment we have all been waiting for arrives at midnight, when the Teekkari caps will be taken off to the sweet sounds of RetuperĂ€ WBK. The night’s activities also include karaoke, a slide and a RODEODUCK! ???

The day will be kickstarted with the Otatarha Race at Alvari Square and the Lakinlaskijaiset pre-party at Smökki! At Dipoli, the party will start at 9 pm and goes on all the way until 3 am!


Tangible tickets will be sold on 24–28 Sept at 10 am–2 pm in the lobby of the Undergraduate Centre, and virtual ones at https://bailataan.fi/events/68c5097b-b119-4d99-a3e1-77f27c2c4a44.


9. OUBS Streaming training on 25 Sept

At the OUBS streaming training, you will gain the basic information on operating at our gigs: technique, filming, vision mixing, sound recording and lighting. The training will be adapted to match the participants’ skill levels and experience, but as references, we will use the most common gig types of OUBS, i.e. the multi-camera screening and streaming of events.

The training will be carried out as workshop-style practices in which you will get to know OUBS’ streaming equipment and to try in practice what can be done with it. The training is free of charge and open to all AYY and OUBS members. Please note: The event will be held in Finnish.

WHAT? OUBS Streaming training

WHERE? The studio at JÀmerÀntaival 1

WHEN? 25 Sept at 6 pm

https://www.facebook.com/events/566473413784445/ (in Finnish)


10. Blood donation at Dipoli on Wed 26 Sept

The mobile Blood Service unit of the Finnish Red Cross arrives in the Dipoli Palaver hall in Otaniemi on Wednesday 26 Sept at 11 am–4 pm. Come along to give us a helping hand. Check if you are eligible to donate at http://www.sovinkoluovuttajaksi.fi/#.

11. European Researchers’ Night at Startup Sauna on 28 Sept

VTT and Startup Sauna invite all Aalto students to celebrate European Researchers’ Night at Startup Sauna on 28 September, starting at 4 pm! Come and hear pitches and see demos from VTT’s researchers about their innovative science-based solutions to global challenges, e.g. from the Meriroskahaaste-awarded PlastBug team on how they are fighting plastic waste in the oceans: https://www.iltalehti.fi/kotimaa/201808282201164867_u0.shtml (in Finnish).

You thought research was boring? Think again! An exciting panel discussion will dig deep on how applied science is transformed into world-changing innovations and business! Some light snacks and refreshments will be provided. The event will also feature a raffle for PureWaste t-shirts and a lunch with a scientist! Afterwards, we will all head down to Fat Lizard for some (self-paid) beers! More information on our Facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/262078011087904/?active_tab=about


12. FallUp on 2 Oct

Europe’s biggest entrepreneurship event aimed at students is back again! FallUp brings together 2000 students and offers them tangible opportunities. Dozens of headhunters and successful businesses will be present, as well as countless startups introducing their latest innovations (you will have the chance to be one of the first to try them out!) and world-class speakers, such as Peter Vesterbacka and Riku Asikainen. The event is made unforgettable by the gaming forest (come along to find out what that is about) and an afterparty in amazing surroundings…


13. TechRace Espoo on 4 Oct

For anyone interested in learning, solving, developing and trying new stuff with tech!

TechRace tours through 9 cities to find the top concentration of tech heads in Finland. At every event, the local participants will receive a pool of challenges to solve, ranging from programming puzzles to design problems, from basic tasks to extremely problematic ones. The winning city, “the techiest of them all,” is chosen based on the total points all participants earn during the local TechRace event. So, gather your local tech community together and get ready to race against other cities!

TechRace participants will get a huge advantage when applying to Junction 2018! Our Espoo event is organised together with Junction, Startuplifers and Aaltoes.

P.S. Remember to bring your own laptop 😉


14. Joint sitsit by the Precentor Committee and the Polytech Choir at Smökki on 20 Oct

The Precentor Committee and the Polytech Choir are organising a joint sitsit party on Saturday 20 Oct at 6 pm at Servin mökki in Otaniemi. In addition to the sitsit, the evening includes the choir’s annual quartet contest. An event like this has not been organised since 1993, so you now have the greatest of chances to take part in resurrecting this great tradition. Don’t miss your chance to warm up your voice, whether you sing better or rather.

Registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc4AhXmEA6M-zbsG7RWc_qbFIurYXp3bhg15UEbRTThcq8yVA/viewform (in Finnish)

The event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2245046072393431/


15. Polin Appro on 7 Nov 2018 – Ticket sales will be back starting on 24 Sept

This year, on 7 November, Polin Appro will journey in a time machine and bedazzle, enchant and exhilarate the overall-wearing population more vigorously than ever! Based on the number of stamps collected during the evening, you will be awarded an overall badge at the afterparty. Take part in the fantastically hyperbolic Appro evening and dance to the top artists’ tune at the afterparty!

The teams depart gradually between 4 pm and 7 pm from DTM (Mannerheimintie 6b) and have until 11 pm to finish the crawl. The afterparty starts at Apollo Live Club (Mannerheimintie 16) at 9 pm.

This year, the theme of Polin appro is Back to the Future, so we recommend you dress up as the person you used to be.

Tickets can be bought from the ticket sale points or from bailataan.fi. The ticket sale times and places will be updated to the Facebook event later. The ticket costs 14€ and includes the afterparty cloakroom fee. (Bailataan.fi service fee 0,40€)




16. Polijazz dance classes are starting

The Polijazz dance classes are starting on Mon 1 Oct 2018. The classes are held in the Association room at JÀmerÀntaival 1 (on the ground floor in the courtyard). We offer, for example, breakdance, contemporary dance, reggaeton, Eastern dance and house. Registration at http://polijazz.ayy.fi (in Finnish). Welcome!


17. Introductory sailing trips on 8–17 Oct

Would you like to try sailing? Sign up for an introductory sailing trip by Teekkaripurjehtijat in early October for free. Alternative dates, skippers and registration link at https://trip.ayy.fi/wordpress/?p=3158 (in Finnish)! The introductory trip lasts about three hours, sails off from Ruoholahti, starts at around 4–5 pm and has room for 4–5 persons / boat. The sailing trip is meant for people who are interested in Teekkaripurjehtijat or have recently become its members. Come aboard to get to know the local seas and the tricks of sailing in good company!


18. Cheerleading course for beginners on 7 Oct–9 Dec 2018

APC Foxes is organising a beginners course for everyone who is interested from Sunday 7 Oct onwards. The course costs 25€, and the practices take place every Sunday at 5.30–7 pm (10 sessions)! After the course, if you want, you can continue in the APC Foxes team, which trains and performs throughout the year. Ask for more information via the FB inbox! The course is organised by the Aalto University team APC Foxes and meant for university-aged amateurs.

On the course, all aspects of competitive cheerleading are practised: stunts, pyramids, acrobatics, jumps and cheers.



19. UniSport’s autumnal greetings

The best friend of any student looking after their wellbeing is a season ticket. With the inexpensive season ticket, you can visit the gym as often as you like and take part in group training and the general ball sports sessions. The season ticket allows you to work out wherever you like – you have our six sports centres in Otaniemi, Kluuvi, Töölö, Meilahti, Kumpula and Viikki at your disposal! As an Aalto University student, your price for the 12-month season ticket can be as low as 101€ (8,40€ / month). Come and try our services – the first time is for free!

Read more: https://uusi.unisport.fi/en/become-client#?



20. Talk about Aalto in high schools!

Each year, Aalto University students visit different high schools, study fairs and garrisons to talk about university studies to prospective freshmen. For this, we need a lot of enthusiastic spokespersons.

The high school info trainings are organised on the following dates:

Tue 9 October 2–5 pm (in Finnish)
Wed 10 October 2–5 pm (in Swedish)
Thu 11 October 2–5 pm (in English)
Tue 30 October 2–5 pm (in Finnish)

The trainings are held in the Undergraduate Centre (Otakaari 1), the exact room will be announced later. In the training, we go through the admission processes of Aalto, the application times and a couple of special cases in the student selection process, and we also talk about how to go about the presentation. Please note that only students who have been in the training can get compensation for their presentations (reward 100€). You can register for the training here: https://tinyurl.com/Infoilijakoulutus2018.

Please register for the training ASAP, but not later than three days before the training day you choose so that we know how many participants there will be.

Further information: Aalto University Admission Services admissions@aalto.fi


21. Neon Rave artist competition

Do you dream about playing your kick-ass mixtapes to an audience rather than just your pot plants?

Neon Rave 2018 is organised on 26 Oct, and we hereby announce the first ever Neon Rave artist competition! Now each and everyone has a chance to pursue a spot behind the decks at the sickest rave party of the year! The people of Otaniemi will also have a say on which new face will get up on stage.

Participation is easy: Send your max. 10-minute teaser mixtape with the best electronic music that gets you going to kasper.nurmi@aalto.fi (preferably as a Mixcloud / Soundcloud / Google Drive link). Also include a short introduction of yourself. The deadline is Friday 28 Sept at 11.59 pm. During the weekend, our committee will choose the best of the bunch, and in the first week of October, the people of Otaniemi will vote for the grooviest mixtape. The winner will get a place in the Neon Rave 2018 lineup and gets to play for the vibrating Smökki packed with ravers!


22. Spend summer 2019 working in Canada!

Apply by 30 Sept to the unique exchange programme of Kaledonistit and spend the summer of 2019 working in Toronto! Our two-stage exchange programme gets going in speed with an orientation and road trip organised by Canadian students and with a 10-week summer job period, not forgetting travelling and getting to know the city.

The collective exchange programme of the University of Toronto, Aalto, the University of Helsinki and Hanken is the oldest consecutively going student exchange: the year 2021 will be the 70th anniversary of Kaledonistit!

For the application, you only need an English-language CV and a short application video. Read more and apply at http://www.kaledonistit.com/haku-2019 (in Finnish) (DL 30 Sept 2018).


23. 4UNI solution competition for higher education students – Apply to take part by 30 Sept

Application for world changers is open! 4UNI is a low-threshold and high-ambition solution competition for higher education students and recent graduates. You apply for a place as an individual, and society’s wretched challenges are solved in interdisciplinary teams by means of business operations. This year’s themes are circular economy and equal opportunities. Rise to the challenge and apply by the end of September: http://4uni.fi (in Finnish).



This is the Aalto University Student Union’s weekly newsletter for week 39/2018. The newsletter gives you the news on AYY and its associations and sections, as well as other useful information.

If you want your own piece to appear in the newsletter, send your finalised text to tiedotteet@ayy.fi by 10 am on Thursday for publication the following week. The recommended length of the text is 500 characters and the maximum length 1 000 characters.

You can also read the newsletter on AYY’s website at /en/students/weekly-newsletter/

News concerning associations can be found in the association newsletter. Read them at /en/associations/association-newsletter/

Want to unsubscribe from the weekly newsletter mailing list? Click on the link and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page: https://list.ayy.fi/mailman/listinfo/ayy-info-fi

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