Weekly Newsletter 40/2018

Start your week by filling in the AYY service questionnaire at https://my.surveypal.com/AYY-n-palvelukysely-2018-AYY. In the afternoon, you can then switch over to the carnival mood of the Otatarha Race at Alvari Square and, in the evening, Lakinlaskijaiset at Dipoli. The week will be crowned on Saturday by the debut of the amazing art festival Otaniemi Night of Arts, whose programme is guaranteed to offer something for everyone. Check out the festival’s full programme at www.otaniemenyo.fi .

Week 40

Week 41



  1. Follow AYY on social media!
  2. Reminder: AYY service questionnaire 2018 – Answer TODAY, 1 Oct!
  3. Volunteer at Otaniemi Night of Arts on 6 Oct


  1. Become an entrepreneur easily by using OP Self-employed service – 20% off service fee for AYY members
  2. Sweco Trainee – application period has begun


  1. Blog: Maskerad is turned into art by the party crowd


  1. OUBS Camera training on 9 Oct
  2. Movie club Tikelo’s info and movie night on 9 Oct
  3. The year’s most sparkling evening is here – WOMEN SITZ on 18 Oct!
  4. Junction 2018 applications close 7 Oct & TechRace Espoo on 4 Oct – apply NOW!


  1. Teekkari basketball team Aalto-Basket looking for players


  1. Nominate new honorary members for the Guild of the Round Tower
  2. 10 years of Aalto Design Factory (4–5 Oct)
  3. Visit virtual reality in the VR Hub!
  4. See Ice hockey match IFK-Jukurit 4.10. FOR FREE



1. Follow AYY on social media!

Do you want to be among the first to know what your Student Union is doing and what is going on in the Aalto Community? Follow AYY’s social media accounts to instantly find out what is going on:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ylioppilaskunta/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ayy_fi/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AYY_FI
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/aalto-university-student-union

Also keep in mind the Facebook groups AYY Events, Aalto International and AYY Study Events and AYY: Advocacy, as well as the Telegram groups AYY: Advocacy and Aalto International!

2. Reminder: AYY service questionnaire 2018 – Answer TODAY, 1 Oct!

There is still time to answer the AYY service questionnaire! https://my.surveypal.com/AYY-n-palvelukysely-2018-AYY  The Student Union produces many different services for its members, such as community, housing and sports services. This questionnaire will help us find out our members’ opinions and experiences of their necessity and quality and the related communication. The questionnaire will produce useful information to support the operational development of both the Student Union and the University.

The research is conducted by the Research Foundation for Studies and Education Otus. For more information on the research, please contact Otus researcher Rasmus Reinikainen (rasmus.reinikainen@otus.fi).

Filling in the questionnaire will take about 20 minutes, and today is the last day to do it. Lots will be drawn from among all respondents for the lucky winners of ten cinema tickets and one free rental space use (excluding Servin mökki and Rantasauna). The winners will be notified personally. The contact details you leave for the raffle will not be connected to your answers.

3. Volunteer at Otaniemi Night of Arts on 6 Oct

We are looking for volunteers for Otaniemi Night of Arts on Saturday 6 Oct. The event is an interartistic festival featuring different kinds of events e.g. at Väre, Dipoli and all around the campus. The volunteers’ shifts take place between 1 pm and 9 pm and last for 3–5 hours. Volunteers will be directing festival-goers to the right locations, handing out the programme booklets and answering the audience’s questions. Volunteers are also needed to photograph, to take care of the backstage area and for other assisting tasks. There will be a short volunteer info on Tues 2 Oct at 4.30 pm at the Central Office of Aalto University Student Union (Otakaari 11).

In return for their shift, the volunteers will get food, a cinema ticket for the screening of their choosing at the Elossa festival (29 Oct–3 Nov) and an invitation to the Otaniemi Night of Arts afterparty organised later.

Sign up by filling in the form at https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=0377CHYR0EKKo6ccnH8gelqUeg23k_tBmr4Tl7IOrOVUQUMzVklWWUZVOTZIQTNBU1RBODExQzkxSi4u.

Facebook event at https://www.facebook.com/events/2220457434854832/

Website at https://otaniemenyo.fi/

More information from volunteer coordinator: .



4. Become an entrepreneur easily by using OP Self-employed service – 20% off service fee for AYY members

Take a step towards entrepreneurship by joining OP Self-employed service for free! By registering into our service, you get your own Business ID free of charge and become a sole trader. Through OP Self-employed service, you can send out invoices and, for AYY members, the only cost is a 4% service fee of the paid sales invoice (normally 5%, no fixed costs). We will take care of the paperwork for you, such as the accounting, tax return and tax payments. The service is available to all banks’ customers.

Starting entrepreneurship has never been easier. Focus on your skillset and make your dreams come true!

Read Kira Kosonen’s tips for a beginning entrepreneur and watch the vlog on entrepreneurship by Äidin puheenvuoro: op-kevytyrittaja.fi/viikottaiset-vinkit/miksi-ryhdyin-yrittajaksi (in Finnish)

You can get the AYY members’ benefit (4% service fee) by sending your student number to asiakaspalvelu@op-kevytyrittaja.fi.

5. Sweco Trainee – application period has begun

The Sweco Trainee 2019 programme offers young engineering experts new kinds of opportunities to develop their own know-how and prepare for the challenges of the future! We are looking for 14 future experts for different parts of Finland for various duties.

The Sweco Trainee programme lasts for one year and involves the young experts carrying out specified duties in an employment relationship of an indefinite duration. The participants will gather on a regular basis to attend training days focusing on aspects such as developing the participants’ public speaking and interaction skills, project training, familiarisation with experimental technologies and coaching for future supervisory duties.

The Sweco Trainees we are looking for are motivated fresh graduates or up-and-coming technology engineers or Masters of Science (Technology) who are willing and able to develop themselves for project management and supervisory duties, among others. The employment relationship will begin at the beginning of January 2019.

The application period for the Sweco Trainee programme will run from 10 Sept to 7 Oct 2018. Read more about the positions available in the programme and submit your application: https://www.sweco.fi/en/career/sweco-trainee/



6. Blog: Maskerad is turned into art by the party crowd

It is soon time again for the most artistic annual ball at Aalto, Maskerad by TOKYO! What’s this? Read the latest in the AYY blog’s Year of Arts series to find out what on earth Maskerad is and what turns this annual masquerade into art: /blogi/2018/10/01/maskerad-is-turned-into-art-by-the-party-crowd/?lang=en P.S. This year’s tickets go on sale at the Maskerad history exhibition during Otaniemi Night of Arts on 6 Oct. All Aalto people are welcome to join the party!



7. OUBS Camera training on 9 Oct

Do you understand the difference between a video camera, a movie camera and a DSLR camera? Do you know how to change the white balance of OUBS’s new, yet-to-arrive Sony Z190? Should you get a dose of the fundamentals on cameras?

At the camera training, you will learn the basic concepts of camera technology and gain good basic skills in videography for both OUBS gigs and your personal life! You will also get to try out what you have learned in practice using different cameras, testing their settings and venturing through menus.

You need no previous camera experience as you will learn everything you need during the evening. The event is free of charge and open to all AYY members. Please note: the event will most likely be held in Finnish.

8. Movie club Tikelo’s info and movie night on 9 Oct

Tikelo is a movie club for all Aalto students, with a long tradition dating back to 1965. In the first event of the autumn, you will hear more about the movie club and the range of activities that we organise.

After the introduction, it’s time for the movie! We will be showing you The Big Short directed by Adam McKay. The film explains the financial crisis of 2008 in a surprisingly detailed and energetic way. In addition to the amazing writing, the film features several top actors including Steve Carell, Christian Bale, Ryan Gosling and Brad Pitt. This is one of those must-watch films for anyone interested in economics and finance.

We are also serving some punch, pizza and movie snacks. The event and the refreshments are free of charge. See you at Yläkertsi on 9 Oct at 6 pm!

WHAT? Info evening and the film The Big Short (2015)
WHERE? KY building, 3rd floor
WHEN? 9 Oct at 6 pm
WHY? To get to know Tikelo!

9. The year’s most sparkling evening is here – WOMEN SITZ on 18 Oct!

It is time to light up the darkening nights, so Women of Aalto are inviting everyone to the traditional sitsit: Women Sitz, previously known as Tyttösitsit (All-girl sitsit). We are brightening up the autumn evenings with a White Party theme, so dig out your shining white party outfit from among your autumn clothes and be ready to have some fun!

These radiant sitsit are organised at Saha on Thursday 18 Oct 2018.

On the cards, some amazing activities and surprise performers and, of course, as the most essential thing, some sitsing in a glowing atmosphere – you won’t want to miss this.

  • WHAT? Women of Aalto’s Women Sitz with the theme White Party
  • FOR WHOM? Everyone, we welcome all to our events (men are also welcome)
  • WHEN? 18 October, starting at 6 pm
  • PRICE? 18€ (includes menu and some drinks)
  • DRESSCODE? White Cocktail
  • SIGN UP & MORE: https://www.facebook.com/events/2210914959226355/

10. Junction 2018 applications close 7 Oct & TechRace Espoo on 4 Oct – apply NOW!

Junction 2018 on 23–25 Nov 2018 @Dipoli Otaniemi

We are happy to invite you to Europe’s largest hackathon, Junction. The purpose of our event is to bring together enthusiastic developers, creators and designers combined with the most interesting companies. The event is completely free to attend, and last year we had over 1400 participants from 86 countries working in teams.

At Junction:

  • Prize pool of 30 000€
  • 2 student credits for Aalto students
  • Free meals + drinks

Check out the event and apply ASAP at https://hackjunction.com/.

TechRace Espoo on 4 Oct @Startup Sauna

Remember to register for TechRace Espoo! The evening will include awesome challenges, free food & drinks, and participants will get a secret code for Junction 2018. Check out the event and apply: https://www.facebook.com/events/232009107508432/  & https://hackjunction.com/techrace



11. Teekkari basketball team Aalto-Basket looking for players

Have you played basketball in the past and would like to continue your hobby during your studies? Join the teams of Aalto-Basket. Aalto-Basket has three men’s teams. The first team plays in the regional 2nd division, the second team in the 4th division and the third team in the 5th division. Want to join us? Send us an email containing your basketball background to office@aaltobasket.fi, and the teams’ contact persons will get in touch with you. You can also find Aalto-Basket on Facebook: Aalto-Basket men’s 1st team https://fi-fi.facebook.com/AaltoBasket/ and the Aalto Buckets 2nd team https://www.facebook.com/AaltoBuckets-383329298809998/.



12. Nominate new honorary members for the Guild of the Round Tower

The Guild of the Round Tower is an honorary and senior organisation operating in the vicinity of Aalto University. Persons who are in the final stages of their studies or have recently graduated and have shown continuous interest in the culture of engineering students (teekkarit) or other student activity with a similar mindset at Aalto University and have promoted its development in the Student Union or its associations may be nominated for the position of an honorary member. Nominations can be made until 11.59 pm on 21 Oct 2018 at https://lomake.ayy.fi/ptk/ehdota-uusia-arwoisia/ (form in Finnish).

Nominations can be made by an individual person, guild or association or by several people, guilds or associations collectively.

More information on the Guild is available at http://ptk.ayy.fi/ (in Finnish).

13. 10 years of Aalto Design Factory (4–5 Oct)

Aalto Design Factory was opened in September 2008, and the opening ceremony was held on 3 October 2008. To celebrate this, we will have a 2-day celebration at Aalto Design Factory (Betonimiehenkuja 3 C). We have a bunch of open events lined up this week. Design thinking? 3D printing? Food entrepreneurship? Design + Strategy? Public speaking? Coding? We’ve got you covered (and offer free food)! See the full programme at https://adf.fi/10years/.

14. Visit virtual reality in the VR Hub!

Did you know there are two sets of VR devices available to you at the Learning Centre? If you want to dive deeper into virtuality, come to the VR Hub Sessions – your guide to creation and recreation in VR.

VR HUB Sessions’ themes, all starting at 3 pm on Wednesdays:


* VR Hub Sessions are free events for all, students and researchers alike

* Starting time is 3 pm and each session lasts one hour

* Come to all of them or pick the most suitable for you

* Location: room Vilho, 2nd floor of the Learning Centre, Otaniementie 9

* Learn more and reserve a VR Hub for yourself: https://learningcentre.aalto.fi/en/vr-hub/

15. See Ice hockey match IFK-Jukurit 4.10. FOR FREE

IFK and Aktia would like to offer 150 students tickets for the match IFK-Jukurit on 4th October – for free!

The match starts at 18:30 in Helsinki Ice Hall, and students are welcome to the pre-event starting at 17:30 at Pepe’s Bar & Grill, located on the 2nd floor. We have a variety of activities planned for you, such as a DJ, lottery, player visit from IFK, and food and drink provided by Aktia. By showing your VIP pass, you can also get discounts from products at Pepe’s.

Tickets can be picked up at the AYY Central Office service point (Otakaari 11, 2nd floor) during the Office’s opening hours.

Note: max 2 tickets per person.


This is the Aalto University Student Union’s weekly newsletter for week 40/2018. The newsletter gives you the news on AYY and its associations and sections, as well as other useful information.

If you want your own piece to appear in the newsletter, send your finalised text to tiedotteet@ayy.fi by 10 am on Thursday for publication the following week. The recommended length of the text is 500 characters and the maximum length 1 000 characters.

You can also read the newsletter on AYY’s website at /en/students/weekly-newsletter/

News concerning associations can be found in the association newsletter. Read them at /en/associations/association-newsletter/

Want to unsubscribe from the weekly newsletter mailing list? Click on the link and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page: https://list.ayy.fi/mailman/listinfo/ayy-info-fi

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