Weekly Newsletter 41/2018

Thank you to everyone who took part in Otaniemi Night of Arts last Saturday. You really made the event. Give us feedback at http://bitly.com/OtaniemenYoPalaute . A particularly big thank-you to all subevent organisers. There is just something to Aalto people! THANK YOU!

Week 41

Week 42



  1. AYY looking for a Real Estate Assistant
  2. Development retreat for online Halloped course on 19–20 Oct 2018
  3. Sign-up for Teekkari Tradition Party is open
  4. Aalto Amazing Race 2018


  1. IATA AIR Hackathon


  1. October’s theatre offer for universities – Ejaculation


  1. Radio sauna by Radiodiodi on 13 Oct
  2. Kuohu – Creative Hackathon by Luova Aalto – Application is open until 15 Oct
  3. ESN sections in Helsinki present Beer Olympics on 11 Oct
  4. Spooktacular Halloween Costume party by Mosaic on 1 Nov


  1. Aalto Wellbeing Week – digital wellbeing service HeiaHeia free for Aalto people


  1. ARENA Career Fair is looking for Student Contact Persons!
  2. BEST Winter courses’ application ongoing
  3. AIESEC is looking for international volunteers!



1. AYY looking for a Real Estate Assistant

The Student Union has a significant real estate portfolio, and an additional resource is required for its upkeep. As Real Estate Assistant, you assist the Real Estate team in charge of the construction and upkeep of apartments and real-estate-related customer service. Your duties include customer service (by email, phone and in person), inspections related to deposit payments, resident communications and otherwise supporting the Real Estate team. There are, on average,15 hours of work per week, which is why the work is well-suited for a student, for example.

The application period ends on 18 Oct 2018 at 12 noon. More specific details and instructions for applying for the post can be found at /ylioppilaskunta/avoimet-tyopaikat/kiinteistoassistentti/ (in Finnish).

2. Development retreat for online Halloped course on 19–20 Oct 2018

Let’s go to the Guild of Architecture’s cabin to spend the evening in good company with other student influencers. Let’s enjoy some excellent refreshments and go to the sauna. Why? Because, at the same time, we will be making the world a better place by answering questions about our School for AYY’s new online course for Hallopeds.

We depart for the Guild of Architecture’s cabin in Sipoo in the afternoon of Friday 19 Oct and arrive back in the city on Saturday 20 Oct.

We are searching for student participants who are familiar with their own School, whether they are persons in charge of studies, Student Representatives in Administration or in some other way seasoned student influencers. Enthusiasm is all you need, formal experience from Halloped work is not compulsory.

Sign up by Tue 16 Oct using this form: https://lomake.ayy.fi/koulutuspolitiikka/2018/10/02/halloped-verkkokurssin-retriitti/ (in Finnish)

More information: Juha Isotalo, juha.isotalo@ayy.fi or 050 531 8414 or https://www.facebook.com/events/482201578958274/ (in Finnish)

3. Sign-up for Teekkari Tradition Party is open

It’s the Teekkari concept’s 146th birthday, in honour of which you are invited to celebrate the Teekkariperinnejuhla (Teekkari Tradition Party) on Friday 9 Nov 2018 at Dipoli! Throughout the Teekkari Tradition Week, we will be venturing in the world of cinema, and for this reason, you will get to enjoy the characteristic atmosphere and glamour of Hollywood at the Teekkari Tradition Party.

The sign-up period for invitees runs from 12 noon on 26 Sept to 10 Oct and for others from 12 noon on 3 Oct to 26 Oct or until the sign-up list is full.

More information and sign-up: https://teekkarius146.ayy.fi (in Finnish)

Dress code for the Teekkari Tradition Party: White tie with academic honours

Price of dinner and party: Students 85€ / Graduates 110€ + Sillis 20€

4. Aalto Amazing Race 2018

Aalto Amazing Race is a wild, adventurous race aimed at first-year Aalto students, where the freshmen get to meet other Aalto students from across the different disciplines. During the adventure, teams race ahead by solving various puzzles and hidden clues while battling against time. A glorious after-race event awaits those who make it to the finish line. The event is free of charge.

The participants are divided into interdisciplinary teams by the organisers. If you want, you have the option to pick one friend to join your team. The race itself begins on Thursday 18 Oct, and the teams will be sent out from Otaniemi at short intervals starting at 3 pm. This is where the participants will discover their team and get the first clue.

Registration for the event will open on Tuesday 9 Oct at 12 noon. The link to the registration will be published later. There are only limited spots available to join the race.

WHAT: Aalto Amazing Race 2018
WHERE: Starts in Otaniemi
WHEN: 18 October from 3 pm onwards
TAKE WITH: Overalls, weather-appropriate clothing & HSL travel card
PRICE: 0€ (including food at the afterparty)
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/329273824514773/



5. IATA AIR Hackathon

Interested in enhancing airline retailing?

Finnair is sponsoring IATA AIR Hackathon taking place in Levi, Kittilä, on 30 Nov–2 Dec 2018. Finnair would like to challenge you to join in.

Background: IATA (International Air Transport Association) has organised 9 hackathons to date around the globe in order to showcase what NDC (New Distribution Capability) and other areas of transformation could bring to today’s world.

Who participates in IATA’s Hackathons? The event targets 100–120 developers. The profile of the participants can be technical or non-technical. The teams have a maximum of 6 representatives. Teams can nominate themselves as candidates as individuals (i.e. start-ups or students) or as corporations.

Registration: Interested teams should register through the registration link available on the event page (https://airtechzone.iata.org/hackathons/ktt18/). Registered teams are pre-screened for approval and will receive a prompt response from IATA about their approval.

There is no cost in joining other than costs related to accommodation and transportation.

Follow on social media #HackAIR



6. October’s theatre offer for universities – Ejaculation

Ejaculation (https://kansallisteatteri.fi/esitys/ejaculation-2/) is an international solo work that examines the collective conceptions and experiences of female sexuality in this age.

The performance is mainly English-language but also includes other languages. No Finnish subtitles. For university students, tickets for the performances on Wed 24 Oct and Thu 25 Oct at 7 pm on the Willensauna stage cost 12e each. Tickets only available via this link:



7. Radio sauna by Radiodiodi on 13 Oct

What happens backstage on the radio? Are you interested in making programmes? How can you get involved with jingles – and what is a jingle! These things, among others, will become clear when the Radio sauna gets steaming hot again on 13 Oct.

Grab along people you know and don’t know and come in to hear what Radiodiodi is planning for next year! Both older and first-year students are welcome. Bring a towel and come enjoy the refreshments and a nice evening accompanied by lights and music at Ossinsauna (Otakaari 18) on Saturday 13 Oct at 6 pm.

8. Kuohu – Creative Hackathon by Luova Aalto – Application is open until 15 Oct

Luova Aalto (https://www.facebook.com/luovaaalto/) and partnering companies Fazer, Unilever and Paulig invite you to join the Kuohu Creative Hackathon at MOW (https://www.facebook.com/MOWStargate/). During the two-day event, teams will dig knee-deep into burning challenges put forth by the participating companies. The challenges may focus on – but are not limited to – topics such as creative marketing and communications, concept creation, new product launches, entering new markets, and product development. The winning teams of Kuohu will receive a cash prize worth 1500€. The application is now open, so apply by 15 October: http://bit.ly/kuohu-18-apply-here  ⚡

Facebook event here: http://bit.ly/kuohu-18-event

Event webpage here: https://luovaaalto.fi/kuohu-2018/

9. ESN sections in Helsinki present Beer Olympics on 11 Oct

ESN Aalto, ESN Helga, ESN Metropolia, ESN Laurea, and ESN Uni Helsinki present the second edition of the Beer Olympics! Form a team of 4–5 people and head to Smökki to challenge the people all around ESN Helsinki and win the glory of Otaniemi. It is a perfect opportunity to showcase your exceptional talent, valour and team spirit in competitive sports greater than any.

WHAT: Beer Olympics
WHEN: 11 October at 6–10.30 pm
WHERE: Smökki, Jämeräntaival 4, Otaniemi
HOW MUCH: (per participant)
Beer Olympics: 2€ with and 3€ without an ESN card
Beer Olympics + Oktober fest: 4€ with and 5€ without an ESN card
Oktober fest: 2€ with, 3€ without an ESN card, or 4€ at the door
WHY: Olympics + beer + ESN
AFTERPARTY: Oktober fest @ Baarikärpänen

REGISTER: https://www.facebook.com/events/300202764130058/

10. Spooktacular Halloween Costume party by Mosaic on 1 Nov

Creep, float or crawl to OK20 for some haunting spirits and wicked brews if you dare! You’ll have a chance to go to the sauna. So, remember to take a towel. Dress up as something spooky, and you’ll have the chance to win a prize!

WHAT: Halloween Party
WHEN: Thursday 1 Nov at 8 pm–2 am
WHERE: Otakaari 20
DRESSCODE: Spooky! Remember the contest!



11. Aalto Wellbeing Week – digital wellbeing service HeiaHeia free for Aalto people

Aalto Wellbeing Week 2018 offers Aalto University staff and students free use of the digital wellbeing service HeiaHeia for six months!

HeiaHeia guides you to set meaningful wellbeing goals and helps you achieve them. Exercise, steps, sleep, nutrition: whatever your goals are, you can achieve them by doing small, repetitive things that accumulate into remarkable long-term benefits.

Starting from October, you will have the opportunity to make your own wellbeing a fun and collective project for six months with other Aalto people. Join us!

Register with the code aaltowellbeing2018 at https://www.heiaheia.com/signup and/or download the mobile app onto your device. Installing the HeiaHeia mobile app is easy. The app is available for iOS (iPhone, iPad), Android and Windows Phone.



12. ARENA Career Fair is looking for Student Contact Persons!

As an ARENA Career Fair Student Contact Person, you get to choose the organisation(s) you assist during the day of the Fair and, in addition, you get to help out the photographer, collect feedback, act as a guide and other general Fair tasks. In return, you will get a contact to the company representatives, a nice day at the Fair, a couple of free lunches and access to the afterARENA evening. Personal registration at the Career Services office on 11–12 October at 12–2 pm. More information on CareerWeb: ARENA2018 – sign up as a Student Contact Person!

13. BEST Winter courses’ application ongoing

Application deadline: 24 October at 11.59 pm

This winter, BEST (Board of European Students of Technology) offers you three courses around Europe.

On these, you’ll get to attend lectures, given by the university’s teaching staff or experts from companies, on Technology, Career Related Skills, and Applied Engineering. After the lectures, you’ll also take part in evening activities designed for you to give you a taste of the LBG (Local BEST Group) that hosts you and the local culture.

For more information about the courses and FAQs, visit https://besthelsinki.fi/en/courses/application/.

  • WHAT? Winter courses’ application begins
  • WHEN? Until 24 Oct 2018
  • WHY? A week-long course with BEST people; costs up to 50€, including board and food.
  • WHERE? https://best.eu.org/courses

14. AIESEC is looking for international volunteers!

Have you ever dreamed about changing the world? We do! And we are inviting like-minded people to join the world’s largest youth-led organization – AIESEC – for a volunteering experience.

AIESEC creates social impact projects for volunteers. As an Outgoing Global Volunteer, you could develop yourself as a leader by challenging yourself in an unfamiliar environment.

Our projects range from 6–8 weeks in places such as Romania, Costa Rica, Taiwan and more. You could reduce inequality by teaching English to children with the Helping Hands project, or provide quality education by speaking about entrepreneurship and communication to high school students with the Soft Skills for Youth project, both in Tirana, Albania. Depending on your personal goals and interests, we’ll help you find the project that best fits you.

If you’re interested in learning more about our projects, sign up at aiesec.org, and we’ll be in contact with you soon.



This is the Aalto University Student Union’s weekly newsletter for week 41/2018. The newsletter gives you the news on AYY and its associations and sections, as well as other useful information.

If you want your own piece to appear in the newsletter, send your finalised text to tiedotteet@ayy.fi by 10 am on Thursday for publication the following week. The recommended length of the text is 500 characters and the maximum length 1 000 characters.

You can also read the newsletter on AYY’s website at /en/students/weekly-newsletter/

News concerning associations can be found in the association newsletter. Read them at /en/associations/association-newsletter/

Want to unsubscribe from the weekly newsletter mailing list? Click on the link and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page: https://list.ayy.fi/mailman/listinfo/ayy-info-fi

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