Weekly newsletter 42/2018

On Thursday this week, AYY’s Representative Council decides upon the Student Union’s policy paper, into which all previous policy papers have been combined. The meeting starts at 5 pm, and it can be followed live at /en/student-union/live/. Wishing you all a week jazzed up by autumn foliage!

Week 42

Week 43



  1. AYY looking for a Real Estate Assistant
  2. Development retreat for online Halloped course on 19–20 Oct 2018


  1. TalentIT 2018 recruitment fair


  1. Programme of the Elossa Film Festival has been released


  1. NEON RAVE 2018 on 26 October
  2. Finnish Student Championships for Hearthstone and League of Legends


  1. Skipoli’s powder-filled Alpine trip in January!


  1. Seasonal flu vaccinations from the FSHS without an appointment
  2. Electronic health survey sent to new students
  3. Study psychologists’ Mindfulness workshops in the 2nd period


  1. Tenured Professors’ Installation Talks
  2. Nominate new honorary members for the Guild of the Round Tower
  3. ESNcard benefits



1. AYY looking for a Real Estate Assistant

The Student Union has a significant real estate portfolio, and an additional resource is required for its upkeep. As Real Estate Assistant, you assist the Real Estate team in charge of the construction and upkeep of apartments and real-estate-related customer service. Your duties include customer service (by email, phone and in person), inspections related to deposit payments, resident communications and otherwise supporting the Real Estate team. There are, on average,15 hours of work per week, which is why the work is well-suited for a student, for example.

The application period ends on 18 Oct 2018 at 12 noon. More specific details and instructions for applying for the post can be found at /ylioppilaskunta/avoimet-tyopaikat/kiinteistoassistentti/ (in Finnish).

2. Development retreat for online Halloped course on 19–20 Oct 2018

Let’s go to the Guild of Architecture’s cabin to spend the evening in good company with other student influencers. Let’s enjoy some excellent refreshments and go to the sauna. Why? Because, at the same time, we will be making the world a better place by answering questions about our School for AYY’s new online course for Hallopeds.

We depart for the Guild of Architecture’s cabin in Sipoo in the afternoon of Friday 19 Oct and arrive back in the city on Saturday 20 Oct.

We are searching for student participants who are familiar with their own School, whether they are persons in charge of studies, Student Representatives in Administration or in some other way seasoned student influencers. Enthusiasm is all you need, formal experience from Halloped work is not compulsory.

Sign up by Tue 16 Oct using this form: https://lomake.ayy.fi/koulutuspolitiikka/2018/10/02/halloped-verkkokurssin-retriitti/ (in Finnish)

More information: Juha Isotalo, juha.isotalo@ayy.fi or 050 531 8414 or https://www.facebook.com/events/482201578958274/ (in Finnish)



3. TalentIT 2018 recruitment fair

Looking for career opportunities? Need a boost in your job hunting? Come network at the TalentIT 2018 recruitment and career fair in Otahalli (Otaranta 6) on Thursday 1 Nov 2018 at 11 am–5 pm.

TalentIT is Finland’s largest ICT recruitment and career fair. At this years’ fair, there will be a wide range of interesting employers from innovative startups to big international players. A new feature is the interdisciplinary TalentX area containing measurement of problem-solving skills and testing of work-related competence in interviews. These activity stands serve as a route to actual job interviews, for example.

In addition, the TalentIT Career Forum (https://fairs.aalto.fi/talentit/en/vieraalle/career-forum/) provides Aalto students with multiple job search services from editing their CV and LinkedIn profile to interview coaching and tips for making a video CV. Students can also book private meetings with interesting exhibitors in the Snap Meeting Corner through the Brella service.

Entrance to the event is free – join us for networking!

More information: https://fairs.aalto.fi/talentit/en/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TalentITFair/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TalentITFair



4. Programme of the Elossa Film Festival has been released

The Elossa Film Festival, ending AYY’s Year of the Arts, has released its programme. The programme features films selected by different student communities that are divided into various themes of opposites: human mind & technology, love & hate and power & anarchy. The selection of films ranges all the way from Mad Max to Moulin Rouge, and part of the films are seen as genuine film copies. In the beginning of each screening, short films will be shown that have been made by ELO students. The festival takes place in Kino Tapiola and Kino Sheryl on 29 Oct–3 Nov.

Full programme at: https://elossafestival.fi

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/558838954564413/



5. NEON RAVE 2018 on 26 October

Are your legs well rested and raving shoes broken in? The legendary Neon Rave is here again to take them through the ultimate test! This time, Smökki will be filled with colourful mosaic decorations as well as hundreds of fiery ravers. Get ready for the sickest and most epic party of the year!

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/2146399262354399/
Stay tuned for the line-up!

Tickets: Presale 6 € / 8 € from the door, if there are any left

Presales @ Otakaari 1:
Thu-Fri 18–19 Oct at 10 am–2 pm
Mon-Fri 22–26 Oct at 10 am–2 pm

WHAT: Neon Rave 2018
WHERE: Smökki, Jämeräntaival 4
WHEN: Friday 26 Oct at 9 pm–3 am
TICKETS: 6 € / 8 €

6. Finnish Student Championships for Hearthstone and League of Legends

Aalto Gamers is organising the Finnish Student Championships (FSC) for Hearthstone and League of Legends, and we are looking for players! The champions are decided in an offline tournament in Keilaniemi, Espoo on 10 November.

Whether you are a casual player or and hardcore gamer, the FSC is a great opportunity to experience esports as a student. Gather your friends, form a team, or just come watch the exciting finals!

The journey to the finals goes through Online Qualifiers, played on 20 (HS) and 27 (LoL) October. The sign-up links and further details can be found on our event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/528653824248179/.



7. Skipoli’s powder-filled Alpine trip in January!

This year, the destination of Skipoli’s Alpine trip is the small village of Kaprun, whose neighbouring glacier of Kitzsteinhorn ensures that the area has snow throughout the year. The area is full of skiing possibilities for experienced off-piste enthusiasts as well as for beginners, while the valley’s other resort Zell am See provides miles of cruising on the slopes with a unique lakeside view. Direct flights from Helsinki to Munich take off on 12 Jan, and we arrive back in Finland on 26 Jan. The overall cost of the trip is merely 799€ including flights, buses, accommodation and extras to be announced later! Only six places remain, so if you are interested, quickly contact skipoli.powder.guarantee@gmail.com!



8. Seasonal flu vaccinations from the FSHS without an appointment

Walk-in clinic for seasonal influenza vaccinations for people at high risk in FSHS Otaniemi:

29 Oct at 12 noon–2.45 pm

5 Nov at 12 noon–2.45 pm

Vaccinations without an appointment – sign in at the patient office and wait your turn for the nurse’s surgery.

Free vaccinations are available to persons for whom influenza presents a significant health threat, or for whose health the vaccination is significantly beneficial. More information at https://www.thl.fi/en/web/vaccination.

If you are not eligible for a free flu vaccination, call the FSHS to get a prescription.

9. Electronic health survey sent to new students

The FSHS is summoning all first-year students to a health check comprising of an electronic health survey (Sätky) and, when necessary, a personal meeting. The FSHS has sent the electronic health survey to all new students of Aalto University via the Self service (http://www.yths.fi/en/self). Please answer the survey and remember to check that your contact details are up to date on Self (http://www.yths.fi/en/news/789/take_full_advantage_of_finnish_student_health_service_s_self_service_start_by_entering_your_contact_details)!

10. Study psychologists’ Mindfulness workshops in the 2nd period

Are you looking for tools to reduce stress, anxiety or tension? In the workshop on Mindfulness in stress control, which meets six times, you can learn to accept and be compassionate towards yourself and discover methods to deal with difficulties. Regular mindfulness practice is known to reduce stress and anxiety. The practice is a means to increase self-awareness, improve focusing ability and learn to control your emotions. The workshop meets on Mondays at 10 am–12 noon on 29 Oct–3 Dec 2018 in Majakka (M140), Otakaari 1. The workshop is Finnish-language. More information and sign-up: https://into.aalto.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=328008 (in Finnish).

The Art of Mindful Interaction Have you ever wondered why it’s sometimes so difficult to understand people with different backgrounds? In mindful interaction, we really do listen to the others and try not to make unnecessary interpretations. Mindfulness is a state of non-judgmental awareness of the present moment – awareness of our body, emotions, thoughts and surroundings. This awareness helps us communicate more clearly. We have six sessions on Mondays at 2–4 pm from 29 Oct to 3 Dec 2018 in Majakka (M140), Otakaari 1. More information and sign-up: https://into.aalto.fi/display/enopisk/Courses+and+workshops+for+students.



11. Tenured Professors’ Installation Talks

Aalto University celebrates its tenured professors with popular talks by the new tenure track professors of Associate or Full level.

Welcome to hear about Aalto University’s research on Wednesday 24 October 2018 at 2.15 pm in Dipoli.

All talks will be held in English and are open to everyone: professors, students, faculty, staff and the public. The multidisciplinary talks will be followed by a reception.


12. Nominate new honorary members for the Guild of the Round Tower

The Guild of the Round Tower is an honorary and senior organisation operating in the vicinity of Aalto University. Persons who are in the final stages of their studies or have recently graduated and have shown continuous interest in the culture of engineering students (teekkarit) or other student activity with a similar mindset at Aalto University and have promoted its development in the Student Union or its associations may be nominated for the position of an honorary member. Nominations can be made until 11.59 pm on 21 Oct 2018 at https://lomake.ayy.fi/ptk/ehdota-uusia-arwoisia/ (form in Finnish).

Nominations can be made by an individual person, guild or association or by several people, guilds or associations collectively.

More information on the Guild is available at http://ptk.ayy.fi/ (in Finnish).

13. ESNcard benefits

The ESNcard is the membership card of the Erasmus Student Network (ESN). It gives you access to all the services offered by ESN and all our partners. The aim of the ESNcard – or ESN membership – is to support international students and trainees and give them access to affordable opportunities during their period abroad.

With the ESNcard, you will enjoy plenty of discounts – housing, flights, sports, food, bars, etc. – all over Europe. You will also have the opportunity to participate in hundreds of events with your ESN section and other sections around your destination country, and even beyond, for the period of your membership: 1 year per card.

For a list of our partners, check out https://esncard.org/discover/list.

  • What: ESNcard benefits
  • Why: Discounts discounts discounts!
  • Where: ESN Aalto helpdesks + events; get the ESNcard and register it at esncard.org
  • How much: 7€


This is the Aalto University Student Union’s weekly newsletter for week 42/2018. The newsletter gives you the news on AYY and its associations and sections, as well as other useful information.

If you want your own piece to appear in the newsletter, send your finalised text to tiedotteet@ayy.fi by 10 am on Thursday for publication the following week. The recommended length of the text is 500 characters and the maximum length 1 000 characters.

You can also read the newsletter on AYY’s website at /en/students/weekly-newsletter/

News concerning associations can be found in the association newsletter. Read them at /en/associations/association-newsletter/

Want to unsubscribe from the weekly newsletter mailing list? Click on the link and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page: https://list.ayy.fi/mailman/listinfo/ayy-info-fi

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