Weekly Newsletter 44/2018

The former of AYY’s Board as well as the Chair of the Representative Council for the year 2019 will be appointed in the Council meeting on Thursday. That same day, applications to the Sections and Committees for 2019 are opened. Read about the positions at /stop/en/ OR visit the lobby of the Undergraduate Centre on 1 Nov between 11 am and 3 pm: there will be AYY volunteers present to share their experiences of their AYY year!

Week 44

Week 45



  1. AYY appoints the former of the Board & applications open to sections and committees for 2019
  2. Apply for AYY’s exchange grant!
  3. Campus Section’s Coolest Wall Painting competition is here
  4. The Student Union’s new policies


  1. First month of home insurance for free!
  2. TalentIT 2018 recruitment fair on 1 Nov
  3. CV & LinkedIn clinic and Speed Mentoring at the ARENA Career Fair


  1. Apply to join Teekkarispeksi!


  1. Find free usable items at GTK’s bustle days on 29–31 Oct
  2. DOT Learning Sauna with Nvidia on 1 Nov
  3. Amateur radio course on 6–29 Nov in Otaniemi
  4. CEMS Stage on 13 Nov


  1. Teekkari basketball team Aalto-Basket looking for players


  1. Aalto Formula Team is looking for members! Join us!
  2. Apply for a grant from the funds governed by ELEC
  3. Women and Technology media work contest



1. AYY appoints the former of the Board & applications open to sections and committees for 2019

There’s excitement at AYY: in Thursday’s Representative Council meeting, the former of the Student Union’s Board for 2019 will be appointed! Application to Board member remains open until Wed 7 Nov. A year on the Student Union’s Board is an incredibly versatile and unforgettable experience that will make you grow as an influencer as well as a human being. So, what are you waiting for? Apply now! /stop/en/board/join-the-board/

In addition, applications to AYY’s sections and committees will open on Thursday 1 Nov. AYY has positions for event organisation, campus development, student advocacy and sports alike, as well as many things you have probably never noticed before. Read about the positions at /stop/en/ OR visit the lobby of the Undergraduate Centre on 1 Nov between 11 am and 3 pm: there will be AYY volunteers present to share their experiences of their AYY year!

Join us in the pursuit of the best student’s life in the world!

2. Apply for AYY’s exchange grant!

In the autumn, AYY is handing out exchange grants to support the internationalisation and active community operation of students. Any AYY member who is going on an exchange, is on an exchange at the moment or has returned from an exchange after April 2018 can apply for an exchange grant. The grant is meant for the degree students of Aalto University.

The grant can be applied for from 12 noon on 24 Oct until 11.59 pm on 14 Nov.

You can find the application form and further information about the grants here: /en/students/services/scholarships/

3. Campus Section’s Coolest Wall Painting competition is here

The Coolest Wall Painting competition is starting again! In honour of AYY’s Year of Arts, the Campus Section wants to encourage all AYY members living in shared apartments to work together for a cosier living environment by means of art. You can take part in the competition by signing up here:


4. The Student Union’s new policies

In its meeting (on 18 Oct), the Representative Council approved the new policy paper for the Student Union that guides all of AYY’s influencing work. The reform also featured an update on how AYY’s goals related to subsistence, student admission and international movement, for example, can best be realised in a changed world. As per its policy paper, AYY is also aiming for a campus area that supports student activity in all its forms. Altogether new sections include e.g. the themes related to information society, arts policy and equality.

The person in charge of the reform, the Board’s Vice Chair Tapio Hautamäki, talks more about the subject in his blog: /blogi/2018/10/26/new-policies-of-ayy/?lang=en The entire policy paper can be read at https://inside.ayy.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=7405619



5. First month of home insurance for free!

Home insurance is your best safeguard for unexpected situations. Few people regret a previously taken-out insurance policy once an accident happens. OP Nano home insurance is easy to buy online and also suitable for a student budget. (https://www.op-nano.fi/kampanja/kotivakuutus2018/?cmpid=.havaku..huom.ayy.textlink.tiedote.ha_opnano, in Finnish) We are now offering the first month free of charge! Have a safe autumn!

6. TalentIT 2018 recruitment fair on 1 Nov

Join us for networking on Thursday this week, 1 Nov 2018, at the TalentIT 2018 recruitment and career fair in Otahalli (Otaranta 6) at 11 am–5 pm. At the fair, there will be nearly 130 interesting employers (https://fairs.aalto.fi/talentit/en/exhibitors/) from innovative startups to big international players who might just need your know-how!

A new feature is the interdisciplinary TalentX area containing measurement of problem-solving skills and testing of work-related competence in interviews. These activity stands serve as a route to actual job interviews, for example.

There is also still time to book private meetings with interesting exhibitors in the Snap Meeting Corner through the Brella service. Book a Snap Meeting here!

Give us feedback! By filling in the fair’s feedback form, you can win a Viking Line cruise voucher to either Stockholm or Tallinn.

Entrance to the event is free – join us for networking!

7. CV & LinkedIn clinic and Speed Mentoring at the ARENA Career Fair

The ARENA fair is organised on the Aalto campus in Töölö (Runeberginkatu 14-16) on Wed 14 Nov at 9.30 am–4 pm. A CV & LinkedIn clinic and, for the first time ever, Speed Mentoring will be organised at the fair. You can find the introductions of participating companies and alumni on the ARENA website at https://fairs.aalto.fi/arena/programme/.

Registration for the clinic and speed mentoring starts on Wed 31 October at 12 noon, the link will be published in CareerWeb events. Be quick, as there is only a limited number of slots available!



8. Apply to join Teekkarispeksi!

Do you want to perform in front of thousands of people all around Finland or to see your own musical number brought to life on the Alexander Theatre stage? The several subsections of Teekkarispeksi and the vision of a professional director enable you to bring out your colours in a unique way!

The actors, dancers and band for the production are selected in November based on audition events, and application to choreographer, arranger and lyricist happens online. You can also sign up for several other subsections, such as make-up, set design or graphic design, without application. Interested? Check out the application instructions and sign up at https://teekkarispeksi.fi/blog/2018/10/04/mukaan-kevaan-2019-produktioon/ (in Finnish).


9. Find free usable items at GTK’s bustle days on 29–31 Oct

The Geology Survey of Finland GTK moves in Otaniemi at the end of the year. In connection with the move, GTK has collected items to donate to students: publications, books, maps, office supplies, etc. Students are welcome to the “bustle days” to rummage through the treasures. The event takes place from Monday to Wednesday on 29–31 Oct 2018 at 9 am–3 pm. The address is Betonimiehenkuja 4, Otaniemi, main entrance/lobby. Bring your own reusable bag! Welcome!

10. DOT Learning Sauna with Nvidia on 1 Nov

Join DOT on 1 Nov at 6 pm at the Otaniemi Rantasauna to participate in DOT’s legendary Learning Sauna. This time, Nvidia will talk about their new RTX graphics technology. There will also be some other presentations. In addition to a warm sauna, free snacks are provided as well. Registration form: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/dots-learning-sauna-w-nvidia-tickets-51617250586

11. Amateur radio course on 6–29 Nov in Otaniemi

Are you interested in wireless technology such as software-designed radio, satellites or public safety networks? Would you like to talk or wire to as far as the other side of the world without the internet? Are you a bit of a Gyro Gearloose by nature and want to learn about building electronics or using measuring devices? Did the national service get you into communications? Amateur radio activities include all of the above.

The amateur radio course by Polyteknikkojen Radiokerho (PRK) coaches you to complete an amateur radio certificate. By passing the exam organised at the end of the course, participants are granted the right to use amateur radio frequencies and equipment. Aspects taught on the course include e.g. the regulations of radio communications, radio technology and electrical safety. Previous knowledge is not necessary for the course. You can also take the course to brush up previously gained know-how or to find a new perspective for your studies.

The course is free to AYY and PRK members and costs 10€ for others. Course website: www.prk.ayy.fi/kurssi (in Finnish).

12. CEMS Stage on 13 Nov

CEMS Club Helsinki warmly welcomes all Aalto students to CEMS Stage, the great annual event that this year takes place in Saha on Tuesday 13 Nov. Join us for a night full of informative speeches, delicious food and drinks and some networking with a variety of people!

Check out the FB event for more info about the speakers and sign up for free via the link!

FB event: https://www.facebook.com/events/467732807071005
Registration: https://tinyurl.com/cemsstage



13. Teekkari basketball team Aalto-Basket looking for players

Have you played basketball in the past and would like to continue your hobby during your studies? Join the teams of Aalto-Basket. Aalto-Basket has three men’s teams. The first team plays in the regional 2nd division, Buckets in the 4th division and Alvars in the 5th division. Want to join us? Send us an email containing your basketball background to office@aaltobasket.fi, and the teams’ contact persons will get in touch with you. ALVARS, IN PARTICULAR, IS IN NEED OF NEW PLAYERS!

You can also find Aalto-Basket on Facebook: Aalto-Basket men’s 1st team https://fi-fi.facebook.com/AaltoBasket/ and the Aalto Buckets 2nd team https://www.facebook.com/AaltoBuckets-383329298809998/.
Aalto Alvars https://www.facebook.com/aaltoalvars/



14. Aalto Formula Team is looking for members! Join us!

The Aalto Formula Team is calling all students at Aalto schools to join us in executing an interdisciplinary project and to develop a hybrid of student culture and studying. The goal is to create an ongoing project at Aalto during which the students will participate in the Formula Student competition with the help of partner companies. Participation in the competition requires designing and building an electrical racing car and all related activities, so everyone is needed for us to get to race in season 2019. Further information on the Formula Student concept behind the link: https://www.formulastudent.de/about/concept/.

The association and project are particularly calling for people interested in marketing and media production, corporate cooperation and electricity, but all other experts are also badly needed.

Read more about the project and become a member of our association on our website: https://aaltoformulateam.fi/. The annual membership fee is 1€, which enables you to be involved in what might be the greatest project of your student days. Join us!

The association and the progress of the project can also be followed on social media channels:

15. Apply for a grant from the funds governed by ELEC

Yet again, there are scholarships and grants available for Aalto University students and teachers. The application period to the funds governed by ELEC has started and remains open until Sunday 11 Nov 2018. Check out the announcements for each fund on the Into grants page, https://into.aalto.fi/display/enopisk/Grants+and+awards.

16. Women and Technology media work contest

Aalto University is organising a contest that searches for a video, animation, game or other media work that draws attention to the participation, skills and role model of women in technology or science. The general attractiveness of technology as well as its cooperation with economy and arts are also appreciated in the contest. The contest is open to everyone. The winner gets a grant of 1000 euros, and two runners-up get grants of 500 euros. More information at https://into.aalto.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=12358111.



This is Aalto University Student Union’s weekly newsletter for week 44/2018. The newsletter gives you the news on AYY and its associations and sections, as well as other useful information.

If you want your own piece to appear in the newsletter, send your finalised text to tiedotteet@ayy.fi by 10 am on Thursday for publication the following week. The recommended length of the text is 500 characters and the maximum length 1 000 characters.

You can also read the newsletter on AYY’s website at /en/students/weekly-newsletter/

News concerning associations can be found in the association newsletter. Read them at /en/associations/association-newsletter/

Want to unsubscribe from the weekly newsletter mailing list? Click on the link and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page: https://list.ayy.fi/mailman/listinfo/ayy-info-fi

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