Weekly Newsletter 45/2018

The former of the AYY Board for the year 2019 is Tapio Hautamäki and the Representative Council Chair Werneri Huhtinen Congratulations! Application to the Board remains open until this Wednesday. Application to AYY’s Sections and Committees has also started. Take a look at all the amazing positions at ayy.fi/stop/en/, apply and get ready for one of the most unforgettable years of your life.

Week 46


  1. Apply to AYY’s Board, Sections or Committees for 2019!
  2. Follow AYY’s housing services on Instagram!
  3. Apply for AYY’s exchange grant!
  4. Apply to be in charge of the AYY10 anniversary year!
  5. Should the University change? Apply to Student representative in administration!


  1. AIESEC Talks: Sustainability and Circular Economy on 7 Nov
  2. Living-themed week on 12–16 Nov
  3. Startup Crawl on 16 Nov
  4. CSSA-Aalto Language Exchange Matching Event on 25 Nov
  5. Kiuas Bootcamp on 1–2 December


  1. Film Club Montaasi’s movie nights in November
  2. BEST Spring courses’ application has begun



1. Apply to AYY’s Board, Sections or Committees for 2019!

The new former of the Board was appointed in Thursday’s Representative Council meeting, congratulations Tapio Hautamäki! Application to AYY Board member for 2019 remains open until Wednesday: apply to work for the good of the Aalto community and to a position in which you will develop greatly both as an influencer and a human being!

Applications to the AYY Sections remain open until 3 Dec and to the Committees for the whole of December. There are all kinds of positions on offer: for example, you can apply to join the organising of the Wappu Party (Teekkari Section/Party Committee) or the Aalto Afterparty (Aava/Afterparty Committee), to execute various sporting events (Aava/Outdoor Sports Committee), to renovate rentable facilities (Campus Section) or to advocate student benefits as an Aalto Halloped. And these were just a few of the volunteer positions at AYY: learn more about all of them at ayy.fi/stop/en/!

2. Follow AYY’s housing services on Instagram!

AYY’s housing services can now also be found on Instagram as AYY Housing. The Housing Instagram celebrates student living and shares photos of students’ homes as well as the everyday of the office.

Take part in the photo competition on Instagram and win yourself a year’s sauna evenings or the rentable facility of your choice!

We want to learn what kinds of homes the AYY apartments make, so we are challenging the residents to show off their homes on Instagram. So, share a photo of your apartment on your Instagram account and add the hashtag #ayyhousing. We will share residents’ photos on our AYY Housing account and draw three winners from among all who share their photos in November. The winners will be drawn on 4 Dec 2018, and they can choose between free weekly sauna evenings in a residential building for a year and one free booking for the AYY rentable facility of their choosing. Detailed competition rules can be found on the AYY website.

3. Apply for AYY’s exchange grant!

In the autumn, AYY is handing out exchange grants to support the internationalisation and active community operation of students. Any AYY member who is going on an exchange, is on an exchange at the moment or has returned from an exchange after April 2018 can apply for an exchange grant. The grant is meant for the degree students of Aalto University.

The grant can be applied for from 12 noon on 24 Oct until 11.59 pm on 14 Nov.

You can find the application form and further information about the grants here: /en/students/services/scholarships/

4. Apply to be in charge of the AYY10 anniversary year!

Our beloved Student Union has been forging ahead for some years already, and we are soon celebrating our first full decade. Now is, at last, the time to start recruiting for the position many have been waiting for: the person in charge of the AYY10 anniversary year!

As the person in charge of the anniversary year, you will be right at the heart of conceptualising and executing the anniversary year and the 10th annual ball itself. Will the anniversary year feature separate anniversary year spectacles, or will the usual events be organised bigger than before and with an AYY10 twist? How can we make the entire community participate in the anniversary year? And in particular, of course: where and how to organise the culmination itself, the annual ball that ends the anniversary year? You will be coordinating the section you recruite and ensure that this party will remain a conversation point for the Aalto community for a long time to come!

Application opens on Monday 5 Nov and ends on Monday 3 Dec. Apply to make AYY history!

5. Should the University change? Apply to Student representative in administration!

Student representatives in administration, or Hallopeds, are regular students who participate in the decision-making and development of the University. Students are the best experts on their own studying and the everyday of teaching. There are more than 250 posts up for grabs. The Student Union appoints the Hallopeds for a one-calendar-year term, and all members of the Student Union are eligible to apply. The application is open on 21 Oct–3 Dec 2018.

There are student representatives in the degree programmes, departments, schools and the University’s central administration. The organs include the academic affairs committees, educational councils and various other committees. The Student Union, the persons in charge of Hallopeds and the organisations’ persons in charge of studies will support the advocacy work.

Official call for applications and a list of positions for 2019

Student Union’s Halloped regulations



6. AIESEC Talks: Sustainability and Circular Economy on 7 Nov

AIESEC Helsinki invites Evelyn Mora, founder of Helsinki Fashion Week, and Amanda Rejström, founder of Spark Sustainability, to speak about their work in sustainability. Come join us on Wednesday 7 November at 5.30–7 pm at Microsoft Flux!

** This event is FREE, but please register as seats are limited: bit.ly/rsvp-aiesec-talks-AYY.

AIESEC is an international non-profit organisation that provides the youth with leadership development through cross-cultural internships and volunteer exchanges across the globe.

To learn more the projects with AIESEC, sign up at bit.ly/aiesec-learn-more-18.

Follow us on TwitterLinkedIn and Facebook.

7. Living-themed week on 12–16 Nov

Your apartment during your studies might be temporary, but that doesn’t mean it couldn’t be a home. The Campus Section wants to encourage all residents to make their own home and its environment comfortable! In honour of this, November features a Living-themed week on 12–16 Nov. During this time, different living-related themes are brought up on different days that will together help shape your apartment into your very own home. The days’ themes are: Courtyard, Get to know your neighbour, Painting, Cleanliness and Castle Wardens.

8. Startup Crawl on 16 Nov

Startup Crawl is returning this autumn! On Friday 16 November. Crawl 4–9 pm, Afterparty from 9 pm–

  • Hear the stories and exclusive insights from the hottest startups in Helsinki
  • Connect with entrepreneurially-minded professionals and peers
  • Be the first to hear about internships and full-time opportunities

Pick a focus point, and we’ll match you with four inspiring startups to crawl through: MARKETING & SALES, FOUNDERS, TECH, DESIGN, VENTURE CAPITAL

Limited spots — get your ticket for 6€ (badge included) at https://bit.ly/2Ok0DBT

9. CSSA-Aalto Language Exchange Matching Event on 25 Nov

WERE you ever curious about a language spoken by more than 1 BILLION people? HAVE you ever thought of learning about CHINESE culture from a native speaker? Are you hesitant about launching your CHINESE studies? Or are you simply eager to communicate with people from one of the world’s biggest and fastest-developing economies?

HERE is your CHANCE! CSSA-Aalto invites you to a Language Exchange Event on 25 Nov! Whatever nationalities, languages and ages, all of you will find your place here! You can make friends from China by sharing your native languages and cultures. REMEMBER to keep in touch afterwards, and you will certainly gain much more than language exchanges!

Activity: Language exchange club between Chinese and Finnish/English
Place: Design Factory
Time: 4–7 pm on Sunday 25 Nov
Content: Exchange your native languages and MAKE FRIENDS

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/453199335207642/
Sign-up here: https://goo.gl/forms/kcHnfRhUAbVP0qU23

10. Kiuas Bootcamp on 1–2 December

An idea-validation weekend that takes your startup idea to the next level. That’s exactly what Kiuas Bootcamp is.

How to get that startup idea to fly like a butterfly?

  • Get one-on-one mentoring from our expert coaches
  • Deepen your knowledge during interactive workshops
  • Expand your network of contacts

Next step: Fill in the application before 18 November at https://aaltoes1.typeform.com/to/vTEVxo.

Get ready for a weekend of hustling at Startup Sauna on 1–2 December.



11. Film Club Montaasi’s movie nights in November

Welcome to the movie nights of the film club Montaasi! As a rule, movie nights are organised every Sunday, usually from 5.30 pm onwards, in the Kinopoli theatre in Otaniemi or in Montaasi’s club room next to Kinopoli, and they’re open to everyone regardless of club membership.

In November evenings, we’ll be watching Woody Allen’s romantic comedy Hannah and Her Sisters (1986), Rainer Werner Fassbinder’s societal satire opening his melodrama-phase The Merchant of Four Seasons (1971) and Jackie Chan’s international breakthrough-action Police Story (1985). Exceptionally, November’s 2nd week screening takes place on Sat 10 Nov, when an all-day movie marathon is organised https://montaasi.ayy.fi/event/montaasin-olutleffamaraton-lauantaina-10-11-2018/. Specifics on the screenings will be updated onto https://montaasi.ayy.fi/ajankohtaista/ (both sites in Finnish).

More information on Montaasi at https://montaasi.ayy.fi/ and https://www.facebook.com/montaasi/ (both in Finnish).

12. BEST Spring courses’ application has begun

Application deadline: 25 November 2018 at 11:59 pm. This spring, BEST (Board of European Students of Technology) offers you 18 courses around Europe. On these, you’ll get to attend lectures, given by the university’s teaching staff or experts from companies, on Technology, Career Related Skills, and Applied Engineering. After the lectures, you’ll also take part in evening activities designed for you to give you a taste of the LBG (Local BEST Group) that hosts you and the local culture.

For more information about the courses and FAQs, visit https://besthelsinki.fi/en/courses/application/.

WHAT: Spring courses’ application has begun

WHEN: 28 October 2018

WHY: A week-long course with BEST people; costs up to 50€, including board and food



This is Aalto University Student Union’s weekly newsletter for week 45/2018. The newsletter gives you the news on AYY and its associations and sections, as well as other useful information.

If you want your own piece to appear in the newsletter, send your finalised text to tiedotteet@ayy.fi by 10 am on Thursday for publication the following week. The recommended length of the text is 500 characters and the maximum length 1 000 characters.

You can also read the newsletter on AYY’s website at /en/students/weekly-newsletter/

News concerning associations can be found in the association newsletter. Read them at /en/associations/association-newsletter/

Want to unsubscribe from the weekly newsletter mailing list? Click on the link and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page: https://list.ayy.fi/mailman/listinfo/ayy-info-fi

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