Weekly Newsletter 46/2018

This week is Living-themed week, led by the Campus Section. Also note that the first application to the new Miestentie residential building and to the renovated JÀmerÀntaival 3 starts today.

P.S. The General Assembly of the National Union of University Students in Finland is organised in Otaniemi on Friday and Saturday. If you want your share of assembly atmosphere, follow the stream and get acquainted with the meeting documents at https://syl.fi/en/for-student-unions/general-assembly/.

Week 46, Living-themed week (https://www.facebook.com/events/1904361549679713/)

Week 47



  1. Nominate prize winners from the Aalto community
  2. Newbuild at Miestentie and renovated JĂ€merĂ€ntaival 3 C to be completed in February 2019 – application to apartments on 12 Nov–9 Dec!
  3. Apply for AYY’s exchange grant by 14 Nov!
  4. Are you interested in developing equality in the Aalto community? Come to the workshop on 21 Nov
  5. Apply to volunteer at AYY in 2019!


  1. Meet your future employer at the ARENA Career Fair on 14 November in Töölö!


  1. Winter Cycling: Light heroes goes Otaniemi on 14 Nov
  2. Ahtisaari Days 2018 at Dipoli on 15 Nov
  3. WhisKY presents: “WAIT A MINUTE, THIS ISN’T SCOTCH” on 16 Nov
  4. Tikelo’s Pre-Christmas Party on 20 Nov
  5. ARU’s Otaniemisauna on 21 Nov
  6. CSSA-Aalto Language Exchange Matching Event on 25 Nov


  1. New HSL travel card doesn®t work in Aalto student hubs or Secureprint yet – keep your old card
  2. Come up with a name for the new Aalto-wide contact fair and win a phone!
  3. Answer the University’s learning environment survey by 16 Nov – you can win cinema tickets



1. Nominate prize winners from the Aalto community

This year, Aalto University Student Union’s Community Section Aava rewards associations in a new way. Use the form to nominate associations and other groups that have succeeded this year. The categories are promotion of student wellbeing, welcoming of new students, integration of international students and interdisciplinary comings-together. In addition to this, you can nominate a prize winner from outside these categories! Give reasons for your nominations and send the form by 14 Nov.

Form: https://lomake.ayy.fi/aava/nominate/

2. Newbuild at Miestentie and renovated JĂ€merĂ€ntaival 3 C to be completed in February 2019 – application to apartments on 12 Nov–9 Dec!

Both the new apartments at Miestentie and the apartments at the renovated JÀmerÀntaival 3 C will be ready for moving in from 1 Feb 2019. Miestentie will have a total of 131 apartments, of which 107 are studios, while the rest are two-room apartments. At JÀmerÀntaival 3 C, of the 42 apartments, the majority are single rooms in shared apartments. The apartments are applied for via the Domo system, and applications received between 12 Nov and 9 Dec will be included in the draw. Apartments will be offered from 10 Dec onwards, and once all apartments have been offered, the order from the draw is dissolved and the applications are arranged in line based on their scoring and the time they were sent.

3. Apply for AYY’s exchange grant by 14 Nov!

In the autumn, AYY is handing out exchange grants to support the internationalisation and active community operation of students. Any AYY member who is going on an exchange, is on an exchange at the moment or has returned from an exchange after April 2018 can apply for an exchange grant. The grant is meant for the degree students of Aalto University.

The grant can be applied for from 12 noon on 24 Oct until 11.59 pm on 14 Nov.

You can find the application form and further information about the grants here: /en/students/services/scholarships/

4. Are you interested in developing equality in the Aalto community? Come to the workshop on 21 Nov

Equality has been a conversation point in the Student Union as well as the wider society. We at the Student Union now want to find out what would be the best way to chart the state of equality in the Aalto community. In early 2019, we will be collecting information about these experiences with a member survey, and now, we are in need of some help from interested parties for creating the survey!

We are organising a workshop on Wednesday 21 Nov in Avain Sauna (Otaranta 8E) at 4–6 pm. There will be some light bites on offer, so please sign up for the event by 19 Nov at the latest. Everyone is welcome to attend with their own language skills; we will be using Finnish and English at the event as working languages.

Sign up at:https://lomake.ayy.fi/sosiaalipolitiikka/planeringsworkshop-for-jamlikhetsenkaten-21-11/?lang=en

5. Apply to volunteer at AYY in 2019!

Applications to student representatives in Aalto University administration and to AYY’s sections are open until 3 Dec. You can apply to the committees for the whole of December.

There are all kinds of positions on offer: for example, you can apply to join the organising of the Wappu Party (Teekkari Section/Party Committee) or the Aalto Afterparty (Aava/Afterparty Committee), to execute various sporting events (Aava/Outdoor Sports Committee), to renovate rentable facilities (Campus Section) or to advocate student benefits as an Aalto Halloped.

Or maybe you would like to do something unique? Apply to be in charge of the AYY10 anniversary year, and you will get right into the heart of conceptualising and executing the anniversary year and the 10th annual ball itself.

Learn more about all of the volunteer posts at ayy.fi/stop/en/! You can also get further information by following the social media channels of the sections and AYY.



6. Meet your future employer at the ARENA Career Fair on 14 November in Töölö!

Interested in a job, trainee position, thesis assignment, information about employment possibilities in the future, a new picture for your CV, some advice on your CV or LinkedIn profile, career advice from alumni or a new badge? All of this can be found at the ARENA Career Fair in the School of Business’ Main Building on 14 Nov from 9.30 am to 4 pm. Don’t miss out!

All important information on Facebook @ARENACareerFair and the web at fairs.aalto.fi/arena.



7. Winter Cycling: Light heroes goes Otaniemi on 14 Nov

Winter is coming. Darkness is here and soon there will be slush and snow. But that is no reason to stop cycling!

Helsingin polkupyörĂ€ilijĂ€t ry (Cyclists of Helsinki association) and PyörĂ€liitto (Finnish Cycling Federation) invite you to see and hear a Light Heroes show in front of the Otaniemi metro station outdoors on the VĂ€re side on 14 November at 3–6 pm. They will also offer you free bike lights, hot drinks and some snacks. Come early, there are only 300 lights to give away.


8. Ahtisaari Days 2018 at Dipoli on 15 Nov

15 November | at 3.30–5 pm | Dipoli, Kaleva hall

Conflicts caused by people can be solved by people. But what does it take to ensure peace? How can we create open dialogue?

You are warmly welcome to join us at this year’s Ahtisaari Days on 15 November at Aalto University, to hear the celebrative interview of Nobel Peace Laureate and President Martti Ahtisaari and Artistic Director of the Helsinki Festival Marko Ahtisaari. A panel discussion in English will follow on the possibilities to design peace, featuring experts on water management, social computing and collaborative design – and by which means it could be done. In addition to experts from Aalto University, also Alexander Stubb – Chairman of the Board of CMI, the conflict resolution organisation founded by Ahtisaari – will participate in the panel discussion. Further information: https://www.aalto.fi/events/ahtisaari-days-2018.

9. WhisKY presents: “WAIT A MINUTE, THIS ISN’T SCOTCH” on 16 Nov

DID YOU KNOW: Sometimes, whisky doesn’t come from Scotland. We were equally shocked to find this out.

On 16 November, at 6 pm, join WhisKY at Saha for an evening of discoveries as we try whiskies from 5 different whisky-producing countries that aren’t Scotland. Yes, still shocking.

P.S. As “experts,” we tried to pick the best there are, but I mean, it’s not Scotland so no promises.

WHERE: Saha, Konemiehentie 1, 02150 Espoo
WHEN: Friday 16 Nov at 6 pm
TICKETS: https://holvi.com/shop/viskikerhowhisky/product/da9e524e4cfb40cc71cf93b005d485c3/

10. Tikelo’s Pre-Christmas Party on 20 Nov

Christmas is slowly coming around, and it’s time to have Tikelo’s Pre-Christmas party and the election of the new Board. The evening starts at 6 pm with the annual meeting. After the meeting and the election, it’s time for the Pre-Christmas party starting at 7 pm, in which we will watch L.A. Confidential. The movie tells the story of a group of LAPD officers in 1953, and the intersection of police corruption and Hollywood celebrity.

If you are interested in joining Tikelo’s Board but you can’t come to the annual meeting, you can contact Paavo Nissinen (facebook.com/paavo.nissinen) or sign the form that will be posted on Tikelo’s Facebook page after the annual meeting.

WHAT: Choosing Tikelo’s new Board + movie L.A. Confidential
WHEN: on 20 Nov at 6 pm
WHERE: Saha, Konemiehentie 1, 02150 Espoo
EVENT ON FB: facebook.com/events/1964249580542648/

11. ARU’s Otaniemisauna on 21 Nov

The Academic national defence association ARU ry organises an introductory evening for its members and anyone interested in its activities in Otaniemi, the cradle of technology! There will be related equipment for presentation there, and free food and drink on offer, as well as a sauna!

You can bring friends along to the event! ARU also has its own Telegram group, which you can join at https://aru.fi/tg.

12. CSSA-Aalto Language Exchange Matching Event on 25 Nov

WERE you ever curious about a language spoken by more than 1 BILLION people? HAVE you ever thought of learning about CHINESE culture from a native speaker? Are you hesitant about launching your CHINESE studies? Or are you simply eager to communicate with people from one of the world’s biggest and fastest-developing economies?

HERE is your CHANCE! CSSA-Aalto invites you to a Language Exchange Event on 25 Nov! Whatever nationalities, languages and ages, all of you will find your place here! You can make friends from China by sharing your native languages and cultures. REMEMBER to keep in touch afterwards, and you will certainly gain much more than language exchanges!

Activity: Language exchange club between Chinese and Finnish/English
Place: Design Factory
Time: 4–7 pm on Sunday 25 Nov
Content: Exchange your native languages and MAKE FRIENDS

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/453199335207642/
Sign-up here: https://goo.gl/forms/kcHnfRhUAbVP0qU23



13. New HSL travel card doesn®t work in Aalto student hubs or Secureprint yet – keep your old card

The new HSL travel card does not yet work for accessing the student hubs on Aalto University campuses or the Secureprint printers. It might take several weeks to ensure it is working properly. We will inform you when this is done.

If you get a new card, do not register it at https://idcard.aalto.fi. Keep your old green card! It still works as an access and printing card in Aalto, even though it no longer works in public transport.

If you don’t have an old HSL card, you can get one from VĂ€re and register it. Visiting address Otaniementie 14, main lobby info desk, open Mon–Thu 8 am–9 pm, Fri 8 am–8 pm, Sat 9 am–5 pm.

14. Come up with a name for the new Aalto-wide contact fair and win a phone!

Aalto University is organising a brand-new Aalto-wide contact fair in October 2019, and we need a name for the event. Do you have a great name in mind? Send your suggestion to us by 30 November 2018 and win an iPhone XS Max 512 or a Huawei Mate 20 Pro smart phone! The best suggestion wins, and if there are many suggestions of the winning name, the prize is raffled.

Send your suggestion to us via this link: https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/121565C7B364A8A2

For more information about the new fair and the rules of the name competition, visit: https://into.aalto.fi/display/ficareerweb/Name+Competition+for+a+new+fair.

15. Answer the University’s learning environment survey by 16 Nov – you can win cinema tickets

Give us your views on the University’s learning environment! What works, what should be improved?

We want to hear how well the University’s current environment supports your learning at Aalto University. We ask every student to participate and give us their honest opinion on the current facilities. By answering the survey, you can improve students’ wellbeing and comfortability on campus.

The survey takes approximately 10 minutes to complete and is completely anonymous.

Link to the survey: https://aaltouniversityfinlandstudent2018.leesmanindex.co.uk/lBDmT1i4uqSOkiK9

The survey will be open until 16 November. By answering, you can participate in a draw of Finnkino cinema tickets (4 x 4 tickets). The survey is carried out by Aalto University Campus & Real Estate, who is responsible for the properties of Aalto University.



This is Aalto University Student Union’s weekly newsletter for week 46/2018. The newsletter gives you the news on AYY and its associations and sections, as well as other useful information.

If you want your own piece to appear in the newsletter, send your finalised text to tiedotteet@ayy.fi by 10 am on Thursday for publication the following week. The recommended length of the text is 500 characters and the maximum length 1 000 characters.

You can also read the newsletter on AYY’s website at /en/students/weekly-newsletter/

News concerning associations can be found in the association newsletter. Read them at /en/associations/association-newsletter/

Want to unsubscribe from the weekly newsletter mailing list? Click on the link and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page: https://list.ayy.fi/mailman/listinfo/ayy-info-fi

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