AYY Weekly Newsletter 47/2018

The SYL General Assembly took place in Otaniemi last weekend. To wrap up the weekend, AYY’s Suvi Vendelin was appointed to the Union’s Board for 2019. Congratulations, Suvi! There are more exciting appointments on the way on Thursday, when AYY’s Representative Council appoints the Board and the Council’s Vice Chairs for next year. The meeting can be followed live at ayy.fi/en/live.


Week 47

Week 48



  1. AYY starts recycling plastic waste next year
  2. Facebook group for Aalto students with family
  3. Teekkari cap working group established
  4. Students’ Independence Day procession
  5. Apply to volunteer at AYY in 2019!


  1. Administrative and HR Manager’s tips for job hunting on AYY’s blog
  2. My Career in Finland on 30 Nov


  1. Chalmersspexet Bob presenterar: Geronimo!
  2. TOKYO Christmas Sales in Kiasma on 1–2 Dec 2018


  1. Polyteknikkojen Saunaseura (PTSS) takes a sauna on 22 Nov @Kattosauna
  2. PSK Kupla presents: Scuba diving try-out on 29 Nov


  1. FC Kissat train in Otahalli on Fridays at 3–4 pm!


  1. University learning environment survey closing date has been extended – survey open until 23th of November
  2. BEST Spring courses’ application DL 25 Nov



1. AYY starts recycling plastic waste next year

AYY will start recycling plastic waste in all its residential properties during 2019. Starting the recycling requires new collection bins to be installed, and/or the reorganisation of waste disposal spaces.

The residents will be informed separately once the recycling starts. However, you can start thinking about recycling plastic by reading through, for example, HSY’s instructions at https://www.hsy.fi/en/residents/sorting/instructions/Pages/Plastic.aspx.

Do you have ideas or feedback related to recycling at AYY’s apartments? You can give us your ideas and feedback at https://lomake.ayy.fi/viestinta/recycling-in-ayy-housing/.

2. Facebook group for Aalto students with family

The Aalto students with families Facebook group is a group moderated by AYY for those students who have children. In the group, you can talk about the everyday matters of families with children or maybe set up a recycling date.

The group can be found at https://www.facebook.com/groups/1632326910390380/. The group is a closed one, meaning that you need to be a member in order to see the discussion. Additionally, an admin has to approve new membership requests.

3. Teekkari cap working group established

The Guild of Architecture and Teknologföreningen published an open letter addressed to the Student Union’s Board and the Teekkari Section regarding permission to wear the Teekkari cap.

The topic has induced a lot of conversation among the Aalto community. To tackle this discussion, the AYY Board and the Teekkari Section have established a four-person working group, whose members are Teekkari Section Chair Tuomas Rantataro, Freshman Major Noora Salminen, AYY Chair of the Board Noora VĂ€nttinen and Board member Julius Luukkanen.

The working group’s task is, above all, to look into past experiences and opinions related to the Teekkari cap as well as related thoughts and emotional charges. Based on this work, possible solutions will be formed for the future. The working group will be interviewing different parties regarding the topic in the near future.

More information: julius.luukkanen@ayy.fi

4. Students’ Independence Day procession

The Finnish Independence Day is celebrated on 6 Dec. The same day students’ have their own Independence Day Procession. All participating student organisations should sign up for the event: https://www.facebook.com/events/190259045237061/

AYY will lend blue-and-white sashes and carrying belts to organisations for the procession. These will be lent in the order of booking until they run out. Bookings/enquiries arkisto@ayy.fi.

5. Apply to volunteer at AYY in 2019!

Applications to student representatives in Aalto University administration and to AYY’s sections are open until 3 Dec. You can apply to the committees for the whole of December.

There are all kinds of positions on offer: for example, you can apply to join the organising of the Wappu Party (Teekkari Section/Party Committee) or the Aalto Afterparty (Aava/Afterparty Committee), to execute various sporting events (Aava/Outdoor Sports Committee), to renovate rentable facilities (Campus Section) or to advocate student benefits as an Aalto Halloped.

Or maybe you would like to do something unique? Apply to be in charge of the AYY10 anniversary year, and you will get right into the heart of conceptualising and executing the anniversary year and the 10th annual ball itself.

Learn more about all of the volunteer posts at ayy.fi/stop/en/! You can also get further information by following the social media channels of the sections and AYY.



6. Administrative and HR Manager’s tips for job hunting on AYY’s blog

AYY’s Administrative and HR Manager Johanna PietilĂ€inen, who has interviewed and recruited countless people, reveals on the AYY blog’s miniseries her tips for making your job application stand out and how to succeed at a job interview. The first part can be read now at /blogi/2018/11/19/job-hunting-1-0-1-vol-1-how-to-fix-your-application/?lang=en. The second part of the series comes out on Friday.

7. My Career in Finland on 30 Nov

How does the Finnish job market function? What is the role of the trade unions? What is essential for finding a job in Finland? What do you need to take into account when starting your own business in Finland? How have international Aalto alumni found their ways into Finnish working life, and what is the Finnish working culture like through their eyes?

Welcome to “My Career in Finland,” organised by Aalto University Student Union’s International Section Mosaic, Corporate Relations Sector, TEK, and the Finnish Business School Graduates. The event is held on 30 November at 12 noon–6 pm in Dipoli – after the main event, there’s an after party!

See the day’s initial programme and register for workshops on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/346231852815021/



8. Chalmersspexet Bob presenterar: Geronimo!

Chalmersspexet Bob firar sitt 70-Ärsjubileum i Är och kommer pÄ besök till oss med ett spex som ryktas om att vara det bÀsta hittills! Kom och följ med dÄ den urÄldriga Goyen kommer med dÄliga omen till apachehövdingen Geronimo, som lever ett lugnt och stillsamt pensionÀrsliv tillsammans med sin fru Azul. Goyen förutspÄr en strundande katastrof och plötsligt fylls Geronimos lugna bakgÄrd av frÄgvisa journalister, lycksökare frÄn vÀst och mystiska arbetare. Vad kommer att hÀnda? Vilka Àr de illavarslande syner som Goyen har fÄtt se? Men viktigaste frÄgan, kommer nÄn ihÄg var Geronimos stridsyxa för lÀnge sedan grÀvdes ner?

FörestÀllningen kommer att vara den 8.12 kl 18.00 i Dipoli, OtsvÀngen 24, och efterÄt har du chansen att sitza med göteborgarna pÄ TF.

Vad? Chalmersspexet Bob med spexet Geronimo + nachspex
NĂ€r? 8.12 kl 18.00
Var? Dipoli, OtsvÀngen 24 och nachspex pÄ TF, OtsvÀngen 22
Pris? Studerande/vuxen 18€/30€ + nachspex 17€/20€

Biljetter kan köpas frÄn chalmersspexet.fi

9. TOKYO Christmas Sales in Kiasma on 1–2 Dec 2018

TOKYO’s Christmas Sales are back! This year, the sales are organised in the Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma on 1–2 December. Two days! 100 tables! Fantastic art & design!
Come and give your support to young artistic talents and buy the most unique Christmas presents! Bring your Christmas spirit to Mannerheiminaukio 2 in central Helsinki and experience the magic of TOKYO’s Christmas sales! The Sales are open according to the opening hours of the museum, on Saturday 10 am–6 pm and on Sunday 10 am–5 pm.
A warm welcome!




10. Polyteknikkojen Saunaseura (PTSS) takes a sauna on 22 Nov @Kattosauna

Polyteknikkojen Saunaseura (the Polytechnicians’ Sauna Club) – PTSS to friends – is organising its first open sauna evening on Thursday 22 Nov from 6.30 pm onwards at Otaniemi’s Kattosauna at JĂ€merĂ€ntaival 3A.

On the cards, an introduction to the freshly-established Sauna Club and a speech from our supporter Saunastore. After the introductions, we will be putting the stove and benches of good old Kattosauna to the test before the facility is closed for renovations, so bring a towel! Also light bites and sauna drinks on offer!

Follow our FB event at https://www.facebook.com/events/692676514435459/ (in Finnish) and click ‘Going’ if you can make it!

11. PSK Kupla presents: Scuba diving try-out on 29 Nov

Kupla is organising the wished-for scuba diving trial for 2018 on Thursday 29 Nov at LeppĂ€vaara swimming hall. We begin with a lecture on equipment and safety at 6.30 pm in the club’s facilities in JMT1, after which we move on to the swimming hall. The try-out price includes all the necessary equipment as well as personal guidance by an experienced trainer. So, you don’t need any equipment of your own or previous experience. Welcome along, see you below the surface!

P.S. The basics course will be back in the spring! More information coming soon.

WHAT? Scuba diving try-out
WHERE? Meet at Kamio (JMT1)
WHEN? Thursday 29 Nov at 6.30 pm
HOW MUCH? Student price 20e

More information and sign-up: https://kupla.org/blog/2018/laitesukelluksen-kokeilukerta-2018/ (in Finnish)



12. FC Kissat train in Otahalli on Fridays at 3–4 pm!

The futsal season is at its hottest, and FC Kissat start their training in Otahalli on Friday 23 Nov at 3–4 pm. All new and old students, regardless of their field, are welcome to the practices and matches of Kissat. We train with a twinkle in our eye, and players of all levels can take part in our activities. If you’d like to be more involved with the activities of FC Kissat, come along to our legendary Christmas party and association meeting on 24 Nov! More information is available on the FC Kissat Facebook page at www.facebook.com/fckissat, and you can always send us an email to fckissat@gmail.com.

Meow, see you at the practice!



13. University learning environment survey closing date has been extended – survey open until 23th of November

In order to gain comprehensive results every single response counts. We have extended the closing date so please fill in the survey by Friday  23rd  of November, at the latest.

Thank you to everyone who has answered the survey already!

Give us feedback about the university learning environment. What works and what should we improve? We want to hear how well the current university learning environment supports your learning activities at Aalto University.

We ask every student to participate and give us their opinion on the current spaces. By answering the survey, you can improve student well-being on campus.

The survey takes approximately 10 minutes to complete and it is completely anonymous. Link to the survey: https://aaltouniversityfinlandstudent2018.leesmanindex.co.uk/lBDmT1i4uqSOkiK9

The survey will be open until the 23rd of November. By answering you can participate in the draw of Finnkino movie tickets (4 x 4 tickets).

The survey is carried out by Aalto University Campus & Real Estate, who is responsible for the properties in Aalto University.

14. BEST Spring courses’ application DL 25 Nov

This spring, BEST (Board of European Students of Technology) offers you 18 courses around Europe. On these, you’ll get to attend lectures, given by the university’s teaching staff or experts from companies, on Technology, Career Related Skills, and Applied Engineering. After the lectures, you’ll also take part in evening activities designed for you to give you a taste of the LBG (Local BEST Group) that hosts you and the local culture. For more information about the courses and FAQs, visit https://besthelsinki.fi/en/courses/application/

Application deadline: 25 November 2018 at 11:59 pm.




This is Aalto University Student Union’s weekly newsletter for week 47/2018. The newsletter gives you the news on AYY and its associations and sections, as well as other useful information.

If you want your own piece to appear in the newsletter, send your finalised text to tiedotteet@ayy.fi by 10 am on Thursday for publication the following week. The recommended length of the text is 500 characters and the maximum length 1 000 characters.

You can also read the newsletter on AYY’s website at /en/students/weekly-newsletter/

News concerning associations can be found in the association newsletter. Read them at /en/associations/association-newsletter/

Want to unsubscribe from the weekly newsletter mailing list? Click on the link and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page: https://list.ayy.fi/mailman/listinfo/ayy-info-fi

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