Weekly Newsletter 48/2018

The Christmas party season is approaching! As well as at Christmas parties and concerts, you can get into the festive spirit by taking part in AYY’s volunteer recruitment or organisations’ election meetings, for example. Just pop your elf hat on and get involved!

Week 48

Week 49


  1. Apply to volunteer at AYY in 2019!
  2. AYY Board appointed for 2019
  3. Apply for a flat share!
  4. Students’ Independence Day Procession on 6 December.


  1. ARTS looking for a part-time producer


  1. Tieto Customer Experience Management Unit’s Kyber event on 30 Nov
  2. TOKYO Christmas Sales in Kiasma on 1–2 Dec 2018
  3. General meeting of the Sustainable Business Club on 3 Dec
  4. Pollux elective meeting and Christmas party on 4 Dec
  5. Toivioretkellä – Dissonanssi Christmas concert on 8 Dec
  6. Village Christmas Party 14. Dec 2018
  7. Christmas Together! On 24 Dec


  1. Aalto Tennis Tournament on 1 Dec


  1. Participate in Aalto’s strategy work
  2. Kino Sheryl opened in Kallio
  3. Physicist Speksi looking for director and person in charge of corporate relations



1. Apply to volunteer at AYY in 2019!

The deadlines of AYY’s volunteer recruitment are approaching! Applications to student representatives in Aalto University administration and to AYY’s sections are open until 3 Dec. You can apply to the committees for the whole of December.

There are all kinds of positions on offer: for example, you can apply to join the organising of the Wappu Party (Teekkari Section/Party Committee) or the Aalto Afterparty (Aava/Afterparty Committee), to execute various sporting events (Aava/Outdoor Sports Committee), to renovate rentable facilities (Campus Section) or to advocate student benefits as an Aalto Halloped.

Or maybe you would like to do something unique? Apply to be in charge of the AYY10 anniversary year, and you will get right into the heart of conceptualising and executing the anniversary year and the 10th annual ball itself.

Learn more about all of the volunteer posts at ayy.fi/stop/en/! You can also get further information by following the social media channels of the sections and AYY.

2. AYY Board appointed for 2019

In its meeting 11/2018, the Representative Council appointed Tapio Hautamäki (SCI) as Chair of the Board and Iida Palosuo (ARTS), Ellen Heikkilä (ARTS), Leila Kettunen (CHEM), Lumi Ketola (ENG, CHEM), Taneli Myllykangas (ELEC), Anna Halsas (BIZ), Marianne Honkasaari (SCI), Antti Pentikäinen (BIZ) and Olli Kesseli (SCI) as members of the Board.

Read more in the press release: /en/blog/2018/11/22/ayy-has-appointed-its-board-for-2019-tapio-hautamaki-to-act-as-chair/

3. Apply for a flat share!

Flat shares available with separate rental agreements! AYY is piloting the friend application in two apartments on Pohjavedenkatu in Vuosaari. The apartments have three bedrooms, a living room and a kitchen as well as its own sauna and balcony. The apartments are rented out to one main tenant, who is free to take subtenants into the apartment. Read more on the AYY website and apply! /en/blog/2018/11/22/four-room-apartments-available-in-vuosaari-starting-from-1st-of-january/

4. Students’ Independence Day Procession on 6 December.

The student unions of the Capital Region are celebrating Independence Day together, just like last year. This year, students will join the procession for sustainable development and the Finnish nature. The event is organised by the student unions of the Capital Region: HYY, AYY, ArtSU, SHS, Kadettitoverikunta, Metka and Helga.

The festivities begin with the placing of wreaths at Sankariristi at the Hietaniemi cemetery at 4 pm.

The procession starts off from the Hietaniemi Chapel at the cemetery at around 5 pm. The President of the Republic greets the procession from the Palace balcony.

A public celebration is held at the Senate Square from around 5.55 pm to 6.15 pm.

Further information on the procession, schedule, dress code and organisations’ flags is available on the event’s own website at https://itsenaisyyspaiva.ayy.fi/?lang=en



5. ARTS looking for a part-time producer

The School of Arts and Design is looking for a part-time producer to take part in the organisation of the Ceremonial Conferment of Doctoral Degrees to take place in June. The position is temporary. The application period ends on 30 Nov 2018.

A broader description of the position and instructions for applying can be found here: https://www.aalto.fi/careers/producer-in-our-conferment-team


6. Tieto Customer Experience Management Unit’s Kyber event on 30 Nov

Kyber is a regular LAN party of our unit where we first have a few technology talks and then move on to casual networking, gaming (esports) and enjoying pizza, beer and other drinks provided by the company.

This time, in the talks you will get to hear about modern API technologies and more specifically, about GraphQL – how it is changing the way that data is handled on API layer and making a big difference to the developer experience. You will also be introduced to the fundamentals of Continuous Integration.

If you wish to participate in some casual gaming after the talks, please bring your own laptop. We will try to keep our games Win/OSX/Linux-friendly, since we use our work laptops and most of use OS X / Linux. If not, there are few extra machines and a PS4/Super Nintendo to enjoy!

Agenda in a nutshell:

Kicking off KyberTalks

Future of Web API: GraphQI, Sallar Kaboli, Solution Architect

CI is more than just Jenkins, Jaakko Kourula, Senior Consultant

Networking, pizza, drinks and gaming

Sign up here to confirm your place: https://goo.gl/forms/Y2L7aEV5x8mmTHVo1

When: 30 November, starting at 3 pm

Where: Tieto Keilalahti Campus, Keilalahdentie 2, Espoo

7. TOKYO Christmas Sales in Kiasma on 1–2 Dec 2018

TOKYO’s Christmas Sales are back! This year, the sales are organised in the Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma on 1–2 December. Two days! 100 tables! Fantastic art & design!

Come and give your support to young artistic talents and buy the most unique Christmas presents! Bring your Christmas spirit to Mannerheiminaukio 2 in central Helsinki and experience the magic of TOKYO’s Christmas sales! The Sales are open according to the opening hours of the museum, on Saturday 10 am–6 pm and on Sunday 10 am–5 pm.

A warm welcome! https://www.facebook.com/events/423539981512144/

8. General meeting of the Sustainable Business Club on 3 Dec

Are you interested in running SBC next year or in voting on it? SBC wishes you welcome to this autumn’s association meeting, in which the Board for 2019 is appointed!

Who can be an SBC Board member? Any member of SBC is eligible to stand in the election. There are at least 3 persons on the Board, but at most, six can be appointed. Possible positions include Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, person in charge of communications and two general Board members.

We recommend that interested parties come to the meeting and announce their standing. If you are interested but cannot make it to the meeting, you can send us a short application (text or video) to the position you are interested in by email.

WHEN: Monday 3 December at 12.15–2.15 pm
WHERE: TuoMela cabinet, KY premises in Espilä, Otaniemi


9. Pollux elective meeting and Christmas party on 4 Dec

The combined elective meeting and Christmas party of Pollux will be held on 4 Dec from 6 pm onwards at Kattosauna. The elective meeting starts at 7 pm. There will be traditional Finnish Christmas food and beverages on offer, along with a sauna.

All old, new and future members interested in our operations are welcome to come along!

WHAT: Pollux Christmas party and elective meeting

WHERE: Kattosauna, Jämeräntaival 3 A

WHEN: 4 Dec from 6 pm onwards

The event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/299396400672677/

10. Toivioretkellä – Dissonanssi Christmas concert on 8 Dec

Welcome to tuning into the Christmas spirit by attending the chamber choir Dissonanssi’s Christmas concert in Tuomaankirkkosali in the Meilahti Church (Pihlajatie 16, 00270 Helsinki) on Saturday 8 Dec 2018 at 3 pm. The concert is free of charge.

Read more: https://www.facebook.com/events/281086799204953/

11.Village Christmas Party 14. Dec 2018

Midsummer comes along every summer, but the Village Christmas Party is only once a year!

Campus Section and OtaHoas are organising the traditional Village Christmas Party on Friday 14 Dec at Rantasauna. The Village elves have magicked a tasty feast to be served with drinks and heated up the sauna for the guests. There will also be fun, Christmassy activities on location. We will also get to enjoy some beautiful live music from 8 pm onwards.

All Village residents and likeminded people are welcome at the Village Christmas Party. Remember to invite your friends and flatmates too!

WHAT? Village Christmas Party
WHERE? Rantasauna
WHEN? On 14 Dec at 6 pm
WHY? Good company, food and Christmas spirit


12. Christmas Together! On 24 Dec

Are you spending Christmas in Otaniemi? Join us at Rantasauna to celebrate Christmas together! The place will be full of magic and anticipation on the night between 24 and 25 Dec, so come and wait for Santa in the sauna or the hot tub. Come early if you want to help decorate the tree. If you want to take part in the Secret Santa gift exchange, bring along a small gift (5 €) wrapped in wrapping paper.

  • WHAT? Christmas together!
  • WHERE? Rantasauna, Otaniemi
  • PRICE? Free, Secret Santa gifts optional
  • WHEN? From Christmas Eve (24 Dec) at 4 pm until Christmas morning
  • WHY? Christmas is better together!
  • DRESS CODE? Ugly sweaters
  • https://www.facebook.com/events/378357739374867/



13. Aalto Tennis Tournament on 1 Dec

On Saturday 1 December, there will be a tennis tournament for all levels from beginners to competitive players at the Esport Centre, first matches starting at 1 pm. You will get to play a minimum of two matches, and the calculated time for each match is one hour. You will get to play against opponents that are suited to your level.

The participation fee is 24€, and the winners will get a prize. We will also have some snacks that you can grab between matches.



14. Participate in Aalto’s strategy work

The current strategic season of Aalto ends in 2020. In the coming year, the Aalto community will work on a new strategy together to determine the future focal points of the University’s development. Questions and ideas for the strategy work are already being collected. Leave your own via the following link by 14 Dec (requires an Aalto ID):


15. Kino Sheryl opened in Kallio

Kino Sheryl is the art house movie theatre owned by TOKYO. The theatre got started in 2015 in Arabia’s media centre Lume and was then the first new theatre in Helsinki for 15 years. Its operations have been inactive while the School of Arts and Design was moving house.

The long-awaited return of Kino Sheryl has now taken place in Kallio, Helsinki, with the pre-opening party celebrated last weekend. The new theatre is located in the Cultural Centre Caisa’s premises at Kaikukatu 4. Repairs are still being done in the theatre to make the new premises look like Sheryl, and for this reason, the theatre is offering cinema tickets at discounted prices for the duration of the repairs. The big opening party of the theatre will be celebrated once the last of the repairs are done.

More information: www.kinosheryl.fi (in Finnish)

16. Physicist Speksi looking for director and person in charge of corporate relations

The script of the Physicist Speksi 2019 has been worked on since the summer, and now is the time to start recruiting the Speksi director! We are looking for 1–3 persons to direct the actors as well as the artistic aspects of the Speksi. Send an application to tuottajat@fyysikkospeksi.fi. Application DL is 31 Dec. The director’s duties include organising a casting for the actors in early spring and, later on, running the actors’ rehearsals. We expect applicants to have experience from the theatre and/or Speksis.

Application is also now open to the Speksi’s person in charge of corporate relations, and the DL is 31 Dec. This person’s task is to run the corporate relations team obtaining both product and financial sponsorships for the Speksi. Send an application to tuottajat@fyysikkospeksi.fi.

Application to the other positions takes place next year, but you can inform us of your speculative interest by filling in this form: http://tinyurl.com/speksiin2019 (in Finnish). The Speksi will premier in October 2019.

More information: tuottajat@fyysikkospeksi.fi



This is Aalto University Student Union’s weekly newsletter for week 48/2018. The newsletter gives you the news on AYY and its associations and sections, as well as other useful information.

If you want your own piece to appear in the newsletter, send your finalised text to tiedotteet@ayy.fi by 10 am on Thursday for publication the following week. The recommended length of the text is 500 characters and the maximum length 1 000 characters.

You can also read the newsletter on AYY’s website at /en/students/weekly-newsletter/

News concerning associations can be found in the association newsletter. Read them at /en/associations/association-newsletter/

Want to unsubscribe from the weekly newsletter mailing list? Click on the link and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page: https://list.ayy.fi/mailman/listinfo/ayy-info-fi

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