Weekly Newsletter 51/2018

This is the last weekly newsletter for 2018. The first newsletter for 2019 comes out on Monday 14 Jan 2019, and the deadline for the news in it is, as usual, the previous week’s Thursday (10 Jan 2019 at 10 am).

AYY thanks everyone for the past year and wishes you a peaceful Christmas time and the best of New Years for 2019.

Week 51

Week 52/2018 – 2/2019


  1. Exceptions to end-of-year opening hours of AYY’s Services Office
  2. Futuretalks: Facing/Fading Frontiers on 17 Dec 2018
  3. Pioneers of the Aalto community awarded at the Hugo Gala
  4. Application to AYY’s committees is open until the end of December
  5. Housing Services’ Kirsi now Housing Specialist


  1. Come to Sweco for a summer job of dreams – summer job recruitment is open!


  1. Metal Club Mökä’s Christmas Party on 19 Dec
  2. PTSS Election Sauna Evening on Thu 20 Dec at 5.30 pm @Sokos Hotel Tapiola Garden


  1. Sign-up for Teekkaripurjehtijat’s navigation courses is open!
  2. Kupla’s basic course on scuba diving 2019


  1. Youth from rainbow families wanted for research
  2. Showcase Aalto in high schools! Training session on 16 Jan 2019
  3. Apply now to become part of Aalto-Helsinki iGEM 2019 team!



1. Exceptions to end-of-year opening hours of AYY’s Services Office

Over Christmas, the Services Office is closed from Sat 22 Dec 2018 until Tue 1 Jan 2019. From Wednesday 2 Jan 2019 onwards, the Office returns to its normal opening hours.

You can check the opening hours and exceptions to them at /en/contact-information/#Otaniemi

2. Futuretalks: Facing/Fading Frontiers on 17 Dec 2018

Free movement has removed obstacles from the free exchange of knowledge and research in Europe and promoted versatile study and employment opportunities. Why is it still worth going on exchange, and what else does free movement enable? In which direction is free movement heading – are there new digital and tangible barriers rising in Europe?

Welcome to the Futuretalks discussion event on Monday 17 Dec at 4–6 pm in Kipsari, Väre to discuss the burning themes of Europe together with e.g. journalist Riku Rantala, Member of the European Parliament Miapetra Kumpula-Natri and Sitra’s Senior Lead Laura Halenius!

The event is part of the Futuretalks series delving into topical phenomena in Europe from the point of view of influencing. The event series deepens perspectives and the contexts of decision-making on burning themes via opening discussions.

Further information on the event: /en/blog/events/futuretalks-facing-fading-frontiers/

3. Pioneers of the Aalto community awarded at the Hugo Gala

On the evening of Friday 7 Dec 2018, a diverse group of the Aalto community’s active operators gathered in Smökki to celebrate the first Hugo Gala in history. The Gala celebrated the Aalto community and its pioneers, but this time, we were not talking about individuals but bringing to the limelight the amazing accomplishments of the associations operating in the Aalto community.

At the Gala, seven parties were awarded based on suggestions from the community. One of the awardees was Radiodiodi, who received the award Community Builder 2018. The plan is to make the Gala an annual tradition. Find the list of all awards and their recipients at /blog/2018/12/13/hugo-gaala-palkitsi-aalto-yhteison-pioneereja/ (in Finnish).

4. Application to AYY’s committees is open until the end of December

Application to AYY’s committees is still open until the end of December! You can apply to become part of, for example, organising big parties with the Party Committee or the Afterparty Committee, Quidditch and Humans vs. Zombies with the Outdoor Sports Committee, the Student Union’s annual ball with the Annual Ball Committee or the manifold celebrations of the Teekkari Tradition Week with the Teekkari Tradition Committee. In the committees, you will get to work on all kinds of things in an interdisciplinary group while learning lots about project management, group dynamics and event marketing alike!

Apply at ayy.fi/stop/en/!

5. Housing Services’ Kirsi now Housing Specialist

Kirsi Veijola, familiar from the Housing Services customer service desk, has transferred into the position of Housing Specialist. From now on, her job includes, for example, duties related to living comfortability, residential democracy and the development of communal living. Her shoes in the front line of customer services are filled by Saila Rappumäki, familiar from Student Services.

Read more about the new jobs of Kirsi and Saila at /en/blog/2018/12/13/housing-services-kirsi-now-housing-specialist-saila-transferring-from-student-services-to-customer-service/.



6. Come to Sweco for a summer job of dreams – summer job recruitment is open!

Attention, technology students! Sweco is looking for students to work for them for the summer who want to develop themselves as experts of the construction and design field.

You are looking for a summer job matching your studies, and your dream is to find a work place where you could continue working in the future. Possible knowledge of design software or previous experience in the field, such as from positions in the construction site or design, is advantageous. More than previous experience, however, we value an attitude that is positive and motivated to learn new things. We are offering summer work in all our branches around Finland.

The application period for our summer jobs is 3 Dec 2018–17 Feb 2019, but the early bird catches the worm, so we advise you to act fast and ensure a work place for the summer as soon as possible. Our summer job recruitment is open on our website: https://www.sweco.fi/kesarekry2019 (in Finnish).



7. Metal Club Mökä’s Christmas Party on 19 Dec

The Christmas Party of the Metal Club Mökä is held in OK20 on Wednesday 19 Dec from 6 pm onwards. The last bash of the year promises sauna, drinks and food as well as a bit of evil Santa, so bring along a parcel worth around 6.66 €.

More information at /en/blog/events/mokan-pikkujoulut/ or on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/724665121226898/.

8. PTSS Election Sauna Evening on Thu 20 Dec at 5.30 pm @Sokos Hotel Tapiola Garden

Polyteknikkojen Saunaseura (the Polytech Sauna Club), or PTSS, is having a sauna evening on Thursday 20 Dec from 5.30 pm onwards in Sokos Hotel Tapiola Garden. The first round in the sauna is reserved for the association’s election meeting. The evening will also feature an appearance by the Chair of Sauna from Finland, Pekka Krook, who tells us about the quality certificate and how it was granted to the sauna experience offered by Tapiola Garden.

Bring along a towel and bathing suit and reserve some money for purchasing sauna beverages (shop-bought drinks are not allowed in the facility). Other than that, the evening is free of charge!

Notify us of your participation by 17 Dec at https://goo.gl/forms/v1mIYTQTyt7iEXR43 (in Finnish).

WHAT: Election meeting sauna of Polyteknikkojen Saunareura ry, Polyteknikernas Bastusällskap rf

WHEN: On Thursday 20 Dec 2018 at 5.30 pm

WHERE: Original Sokos Hotel Tapiola Garden, Tapionaukio 3, Espoo (sauna facility)

More information on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ptssry/ and https://www.facebook.com/events/2208320602789492/ (both in Finnish).



9. Sign-up for Teekkaripurjehtijat’s navigation courses is open!

Teekkaripurjehtijat is organising navigation courses in the spring semester. The courses are in Finnish only. Navigointi 1 is an introductory course to navigation theory and waterborne traffic regulations. You will learn to find your way through the correct markers, to navigate using a map and to recognise other vessels based on their lights. The teaching starts from the basics, so no previous knowledge is required.

The Navigointi 2 course continues on from Navigointi 1 and gives you further information on e.g. the tides, the weather and using a radar, but it also deepens previously learned navigation skills. A prerequisite for completing the Navigointi 2 certificate is a passed archipelago boating or Navigointi 1 certificate. On TRIP’s courses, it is possible to complete both certificates during the same spring.

To take part on the course, you must be a member of Teekkaripurjehtijat (joining https://trip.ayy.fi/wordpress/?page_id=178).

More information on the courses, prices and lecture dates are available at https://trip.ayy.fi/wordpress/?page_id=211 (in Finnish). It is also possible to only complete the certificate. Direct link to sign-up form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScaiRqkxvfZp35MG5ckX7ZMEiaJV9AOvDf_xfM2zugNBVbHOQ/viewform (in Finnish).

10. Kupla’s basic course on scuba diving 2019

Once again, Kupla is organising a basic course on scuba diving in the spring! The course, known as LSPK, is meant for everyone interested in scuba diving. Those who successfully complete the course are granted a CMAS P1 card and a diving classification enabling dives to a depth of 15–20 metres. The classification is equivalent to e.g. the PADI OWD classification. The CMAS P1 card is accepted world-wide as proof of your diving skills. The course teaches you the basic diving skills and gives a good foundation for safe diving both in Finland and abroad. For good measure, you will get the best company for diving from the club members, as well as company for après-diving!

The course begins with an info lecture and introductory dive on Thursday 31 Jan 2019. The info lecture is held in Otaniemi, and the intro dive in the Leppävaara swimming hall. The course price, including the intro dive, for AYY members is a student-friendly 350e. Participation on the course requires Finnish language skills. Sign up by 17 Jan!

Further information at https://kupla.org/kurssit/lspk/ (in Finnish).

Sign-up at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfCXffQ4eexQUWw3TNTg79JIcvqKLYaKefYBweddwQD–77Zw/viewform (in Finnish).



11. Youth from rainbow families wanted for research

As participants, young people are searched who are 15–29 years of age and who have at least one parent representing a sexual or gender minority. Answering the research questions is voluntary, confidential and takes place online anonymously (no name or personal details). The research aims to discover how the wellbeing of youth from rainbow families can be promoted and supported in pupil and student healthcare.

You can participate via this link: https://elomake3.uta.fi/lomakkeet/22195/lomake.html (in Finnish).

Data collection is open until 31 May 2019. The person in charge of the research is doctoral researcher Tiina Tuovila, University of Tampere, Faculty of Social Sciences, Nursing Science. tuovila.tiina.m@student.uta.fi.

12. Showcase Aalto in high schools! Training session on 16 Jan 2019

Each year, Aalto University students visit high schools, fairs and garrisons to talk about university studies to prospective freshmen, and a lot of enthusiastic spokespersons are needed for this.

Due to high demand, Aalto University Admission Services is organising an additional training session in January 2019 on Wednesday 16 Jan at 4.30–7.30 pm.

The training takes place in the Undergraduate Centre (Otakaari 1) and goes through the admission processes and application times at Aalto as well as the performance itself. Please note that only students who have been in the training can get compensation (100 €) for their info presentations.

Sign-up for the training can be found at https://tinyurl.com/Infoilijakoulutus2019 (in Finnish).

The training is organised if more than ten persons sign up, and the training facility is confirmed to participants in early January.

Further information: Aalto University Admission Services, hakijapalvelut@aalto.fi

13. Apply now to become part of Aalto-Helsinki iGEM 2019 team!

Are you still on the lookout for an interesting and impactful job for next summer? In that case, you just might be looking for the Aalto-Helsinki team that participates every year in the international synthetic biology competition iGEM (international Genetically Engineered Machine). During the year, together with an interdisciplinary team, you’ll get to think up, plan and execute from start to finish a synthetic biology project, spread awareness about the potential of synthetic biology and travel to other countries, culminating in the autumn in the iGEM Giant Jamboree competition in Boston.

Students from any Aalto School and study programme are eligible to apply. More information and the application form:  http://www.aaltohelsinki.com/2018/indexrekry.html



This is Aalto University Student Union’s weekly newsletter for week 51/2018. The newsletter gives you the news on AYY and its associations and sections, as well as other useful information.

If you want your own piece to appear in the newsletter, send your finalised text to tiedotteet@ayy.fi by 10 am on Thursday for publication the following week. The recommended length of the text is 500 characters and the maximum length 1 000 characters.

You can also read the newsletter on AYY’s website at /en/students/weekly-newsletter/

News concerning associations can be found in the association newsletter. Read them at /en/associations/association-newsletter/

Want to unsubscribe from the weekly newsletter mailing list? Click on the link and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page: https://list.ayy.fi/mailman/listinfo/ayy-info-fi

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